A fresh day, a new adventure, and a possibility to help another meet their goals. This is why you have set forth from your clan lands, looking for those chance opportunities that benefit yourself, while you help benefit another clan, of course. These win-win situations call to you, and you give funds, items, or even offer the services of your clanmates as needed. And if you should be gifted with a prize for your efforts, well, then better off for you.
Today’s search for a game of chance has lead you to the Tidal Pools of the Sea of a Thousand Storms. Here, dragon clans of the Water flight build into the sand, protected by the Tidelord himself. Sometimes these dragons dig up treasure and raffle them to the passersby for funds to expand their lair, food to keep clanmates fed, or other fair trades. Passing by some of the booths, you hear a loud clanking from further on. Curious, you head further down the shore to see what all the racket is about…
At the far end of the beach, a large group of dragons has gathered, seemingly constructing something. “Watch those lines!” Roars a great Guardian, overseeing one of the teams. To the north, four enormous contraptions seem to be completed, lined up next to each other and being painted with leaves and undergrowth more comparable to Nature than Water under a coatl’s careful gaze. Taking a second look, it seems half the dragons are Water flight, but the other half are Nature.
A fae flutters in front of you abruptly, crests waving in distress despite the monotone of her voice. “Are you here to help? Please say you are. They have our brothers, and and and…” With another flutter, she is off again, landing on a Wildclaw’s shoulder. This male seems to listen before turning to approach, careful not to get into the way of the working dragons.
“I am Spirit, second in command here. Hopefully it is as Kessla says, and you are here to help.” Giving a bow, the warrior turns, motioning to the dragons hard at work. “You see, for our yearly vacation, we came to visit an alliance clan in Water. Our warriors, Cor’Aman, and DarkEmber, stayed with our Water representative who was getting to know the area. However, while we were here, our warriors were overcome, and our lair taken over by a group of scoundrels. We have come up with a plan to liberate our lair, but we need help. There are over 80 dragons in our home now, with at least two teams of seasoned level 25 warriors and three teams of level 17 warriors, and enough healers for almost every team to have one. Our warriors are there, imprisoned, so we cannot take them head on.”
Motioning to the large contraptions still being painted, the male continues. “We have traps to catch them, and once these buckets are filled we can then get them out of our lair. But these five are not nearly enough. In order to complete more, we need funds, items, and fodd...er….testers to make sure the traps are working correctly.”
“Spirit!” interrupts another voice. Turning, you see a Nocturne quickly making her way over to your guide. “Surveillance has returned. We have determined there are four tiers of dragons, and the ones at the top are going to be tough to trick into the traps. There’s more information in the tent!” She points to the massive structure set up where the water meets the shore, seemingly being used as a hub for the shifts of workers trying to get things prepared. “And a missive has returned from @SnapTrap, the Master Trapmaker. The shop is open, and buying parts at her stall will gain extra parts for our cause.”
“Thank you, Arke,” rumbles the Wildclaw. “Why don’t you show our new helper here to the tent and let them look around at the information.”
“Of course!” She motions for you to follow, leading you to the main tent. Looks like it’s going to be an eventful day after all.