
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
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I now have 4 familiars from the event (1 I bought some time ago) so you can take me off the 1st category now ;)
I now have 4 familiars from the event (1 I bought some time ago) so you can take me off the 1st category now ;)

Got a scroll, too, so you can remove me from that giveaway as well, please. Woo! Best of luck to everyone else!

Got a scroll, too, so you can remove me from that giveaway as well, please. Woo! Best of luck to everyone else!
tumblr_inline_ojsvh3EcyM1r076v1_75sq.png Aliit. Buirkan. Tor.
@Anguish I'd like to enter for 2 and 3 please

since the event started, I've used all my gathering turns digging, gotten like 300? chests, but with nothing but trinkets and some food in them. All the mimics I've found have dropped nothing but powder and like 1 chest, which contained a trinket. My friend has gotten not even half the chests I have, but has gotten 3 or 4 eggs (she traded me one of the hatchlings for a lot of food; does that disqualify me?) and a breed change ; o ; so frustrating gah
@Anguish I'd like to enter for 2 and 3 please

since the event started, I've used all my gathering turns digging, gotten like 300? chests, but with nothing but trinkets and some food in them. All the mimics I've found have dropped nothing but powder and like 1 chest, which contained a trinket. My friend has gotten not even half the chests I have, but has gotten 3 or 4 eggs (she traded me one of the hatchlings for a lot of food; does that disqualify me?) and a breed change ; o ; so frustrating gah

I have found eggs, so it seems I'm going to have to request to be removed from that category.

I have found eggs, so it seems I'm going to have to request to be removed from that category.
"I just wanna enjoy myself. Seriously. Do some leisurely patrolling, put in a few appearances, say 'Aw shucks, no trouble today,' and get a good night's sleep! That's my ideal life! I wanna make this world one where heroes have time to kill."
-Hawks, My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia.
I'll like to enter the egg and scroll categories please!
I'll like to enter the egg and scroll categories please!
tumblr_oznjvaReJs1w8xkufo7_250.png+8 hours/GMT time 0Opr6hJ.png
@Anguish - Can I please enter categories 2 and 3? I already have two event familiars, so I want to give others, who have none, a better chance to win in that category by not entering myself. The two I am entering are because I REALLY love the nocturnes!
@Anguish - Can I please enter categories 2 and 3? I already have two event familiars, so I want to give others, who have none, a better chance to win in that category by not entering myself. The two I am entering are because I REALLY love the nocturnes!
DistortionSig.png trans.png

I'd like to be entered in all three catagories! Actualy, just the egg and scroll categories. I have three of the familiars already.

And pinging @Jolie here as she'd probably like to enter as well.

I'd like to be entered in all three catagories! Actualy, just the egg and scroll categories. I have three of the familiars already.

And pinging @Jolie here as she'd probably like to enter as well.
@Anguish Please enter me for an egg and scroll.
@Anguish Please enter me for an egg and scroll.
@Anguish Over 3k chests? WOW! I feel like I've been slacking in the coli now. Guess it's time for me to kill some more mimics. Good luck finding all the goodies!
@Anguish Over 3k chests? WOW! I feel like I've been slacking in the coli now. Guess it's time for me to kill some more mimics. Good luck finding all the goodies!
under construction...
@AllosaurCoffee here's another chance to win a scroll for you, and you qualify for all three categories if you want them
@AllosaurCoffee here's another chance to win a scroll for you, and you qualify for all three categories if you want them
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