
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Dusktalon Givaway - Winners drawn
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Hello! So I just hatched my first nest of midnight wildclaws, and I thought it would be fun to hold a givaway/raffle of one of the babies! [b]How to enter:[/b] [b]1)[/b] Post your username and number on this thread. In addition, please tell me your favorite animated cartoon/movie/anime :D (note, one free ticket per person) [b]2)[/b] Additional tickets may be purchased at 500t per ticket. Treasure may be sent to thewinged #37112 Winners will be chosen by a random number generator and chosen one week from now - the 22 of December. Note: Due to my own busy vacation schedule...well, lazy vacation schedule...this may get extended to the 23rd. edit: Due to holidays and travel and such things, I am willing to hold the prize for the winner until January 5th. If the prize is still unclaimed by then, then it would be given to the next winner. [url=]All tickets will be kept track of via this spreadsheet.[/url] Winners will receive: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Grand prize winner will get the above midnight/midnight irishim wildclaw baby! Note that the baby will come with a renaming scroll if the winner requests it xD Additional prizes will be added if a large amount of interest is generated - my midnight/midnight skydancers and spirals will be breeding soon. Feel free to ask any questions here or via message to thewinged #37112 [url=][link to tumblr version][/url]
Hello! So I just hatched my first nest of midnight wildclaws, and I thought it would be fun to hold a givaway/raffle of one of the babies!

How to enter:

1) Post your username and number on this thread. In addition, please tell me your favorite animated cartoon/movie/anime :D (note, one free ticket per person)

2) Additional tickets may be purchased at 500t per ticket. Treasure may be sent to thewinged #37112

Winners will be chosen by a random number generator and chosen one week from now - the 22 of December. Note: Due to my own busy vacation schedule...well, lazy vacation schedule...this may get extended to the 23rd.

edit: Due to holidays and travel and such things, I am willing to hold the prize for the winner until January 5th. If the prize is still unclaimed by then, then it would be given to the next winner.

All tickets will be kept track of via this spreadsheet.

Winners will receive:


Grand prize winner will get the above midnight/midnight irishim wildclaw baby!
Note that the baby will come with a renaming scroll if the winner requests it xD

Additional prizes will be added if a large amount of interest is generated - my midnight/midnight skydancers and spirals will be breeding soon.

Feel free to ask any questions here or via message to thewinged #37112

[link to tumblr version]
@thewinged: So, reblogging on Tumblr or posting here is an either/or thing, right? You don't get two tickets for doing both? Just wanted to be sure.

I have to say, this is the first raffle I've been seriously considering buying tickets for. Normally I don't like gambling with the odds like that but hhhhhhh what a beautiful bab. i don't even usually like doubles either, what is this sorcery???

Shanti, 8150. Uh, favorite animated thing... that's really tough, considering that I was majoring in Animation. xD Hmm, I'm going to say on purely style and technical skill, The Illusionist is pretty amazing.
@thewinged: So, reblogging on Tumblr or posting here is an either/or thing, right? You don't get two tickets for doing both? Just wanted to be sure.

I have to say, this is the first raffle I've been seriously considering buying tickets for. Normally I don't like gambling with the odds like that but hhhhhhh what a beautiful bab. i don't even usually like doubles either, what is this sorcery???

Shanti, 8150. Uh, favorite animated thing... that's really tough, considering that I was majoring in Animation. xD Hmm, I'm going to say on purely style and technical skill, The Illusionist is pretty amazing.
Signature image by the lovely Cactusbat
@Shanti - indeed ^^ one free ticket per person, basically. Thanks for the question - I'll clarify in the original posts. I have you in on the spreadsheet :D
@Shanti - indeed ^^ one free ticket per person, basically. Thanks for the question - I'll clarify in the original posts. I have you in on the spreadsheet :D

Miyuzaki, #32103

My favorite anime... that's really hard. Uh... some really good ones that I've seen recently are Shingeki no Kyojin, Suisei no Gargantia, Baccano!, K, etc. I don't really have a favorite since they're all so good. XD

Miyuzaki, #32103

My favorite anime... that's really hard. Uh... some really good ones that I've seen recently are Shingeki no Kyojin, Suisei no Gargantia, Baccano!, K, etc. I don't really have a favorite since they're all so good. XD
@Miyuzaki - alrighty, you are in! :D

Hehe, I asked a hard question, I know. I wouldn't be able to pick out a favorite if I tried XD
@Miyuzaki - alrighty, you are in! :D

Hehe, I asked a hard question, I know. I wouldn't be able to pick out a favorite if I tried XD

Ooh, favorite, huh? Gonna have to go with Paprika by Satoshi Kon. Not for kids, but oh it is awesome.

Ooh, favorite, huh? Gonna have to go with Paprika by Satoshi Kon. Not for kids, but oh it is awesome.

Favourite? Oooh that's a toughie xD
Lets seee... I think I'd have to go for Usagi Drop as one of my Favourite Anime. It's beautifully adapted from the manga and I was just glued to it ^^
But then there's Inuyasha (the fiancee had me marathon the ENTIRE thing O,o) and Vampire Knight... and... and... there's so many! xD

Favourite? Oooh that's a toughie xD
Lets seee... I think I'd have to go for Usagi Drop as one of my Favourite Anime. It's beautifully adapted from the manga and I was just glued to it ^^
But then there's Inuyasha (the fiancee had me marathon the ENTIRE thing O,o) and Vampire Knight... and... and... there's so many! xD

suzerain & 40139

gotta go with princess mononoke, but nausicaa is great too :')

suzerain & 40139

gotta go with princess mononoke, but nausicaa is great too :')
@Lunarflight @Fieora @suzerain - You are all in :D
@Lunarflight @Fieora @suzerain - You are all in :D

Favorite anime? Wow. Uh. Ouch. Owwwwww...
It's Shingeki No KYOJIN.. The most amazing... Painful.... I cried for an hour straight after mate the third episode.. Amazing beautiful flipping amazingly done anime.
I... I dunno if that made any grammatical sense... But... It was just... You need to watch it. Even if it's by far the most goriest of things... It's soooooooo worth it. It's gorgeous. The animation. The scenery.. The songs, OH MY HECK THE SONGS.
can I just say how amazing those songs are for writing scenes? It's just... Haaaaaahhhhhh.
I love that show so much it's just...
Blargh -feels.

Favorite anime? Wow. Uh. Ouch. Owwwwww...
It's Shingeki No KYOJIN.. The most amazing... Painful.... I cried for an hour straight after mate the third episode.. Amazing beautiful flipping amazingly done anime.
I... I dunno if that made any grammatical sense... But... It was just... You need to watch it. Even if it's by far the most goriest of things... It's soooooooo worth it. It's gorgeous. The animation. The scenery.. The songs, OH MY HECK THE SONGS.
can I just say how amazing those songs are for writing scenes? It's just... Haaaaaahhhhhh.
I love that show so much it's just...
Blargh -feels.
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