
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Making It Rain! WvI Event
Wooooo, play silly games, win silly prizes! This is exactly my speed this rough week. Thank you! [emoji=nocturne happy size=1][emoji=gust size=1] I seem to be on an Aberration kick this week. Probably a product of being pulled in so many directions myself lately! They could probably relate. Apparently my Windy self is in a Lightning-y mood today! Perks of a very mixed lair with a cooperative theme. ----------------------- Day 4 - (oh is it ever going to be) [b]Stormy[/b]. [b][[s]sent early, WIP[/s] done!][/b] Did someone forecast stormy weather? Well.... [i][b]"FORWARD, STORMSPINNERS!"[/b],[/i] bellow both maws of a small Lightning Aberration with a (hah) [i]shockingly[/i] powerful voice, one which cracks across the assembled band of dragons like..... well, like thunder, what else? Lightning dragons, Wind dragons - and one Light Wildclaw who does a superhero landing off a small rock outcropping to take position, just because - all sound off as one in response, adding a trailing rumble to their commander's call. [b]"ON MY MARK!"[/b] The Aberration shudders with barely-contained energy, quite literally; electricity arcs along the dragon's hide, from sparking eyes to writhing tails. The assemblage goes still, heads raised to the sky, except for the pair of Spirals who begin spinning so wildly that they become blurs of frantic, and in one case [i]"WHEEEE!"-[/i]ing, motion. [i][b]"BRING THE THUNDER!"[/b][/i] the Aberration's heads roar out in a voice fit to split the sky. ....Which, more or less, is what occurs as the Stormspinners are set into motion. The Lightning Spirals first, of course, pelting into the sky like confused comets, sparks trailing from their madly spinning, slender forms. The two Imperials, Lightning and Wind, rise together, emitting twin trumpeting battlecries as lightning sheets and snarls. The very air seems to explode in an expanding arc around them, made ethereal by Fogdance's thick trail of living mist flowing out across the sky. The Guardian rises next, a Pearlcatcher ascending in the wake of one huge wing, a Skydancer in the other, an Obelisk clad in gleaming metal and stormlight not far behind. The sky goes pale blue and blinding for a breathtaking instant, the thunder now a single endless knell of ear-battering sound. The Tundra and Auraboa, dragons of Wind, cut through that sound impossibly, their voices raised in a shared song which rides the thrum of plucked strings upward, softening the roar just behind the beating wings of their commander as the Aberration too, at last, takes flight to join those now weaving complex patterns on the wing. A second, paler Skydancer drifts effortlessy in the breakpoint between thunder's roar and song's supremacy, as much metal as hide glimmering in the building storm's glow. Delicate though this one appears, storm winds lash out all around their rise, tearing through the mists and seeming to roll even the lightning out ahead of their force, distorting it. The lone Light dragon dances madly to the music with more enthusiasm than technical skill, sending twisting, jagged feelers of red lightning questing across the landscape. Fogdance's clouds become illuminated from behind, quite artistically, with a lovely sunlit-golden sheen. [center]And a storm was born.[/center] [b] [b] [center] [i][b]The Stormspinners[/b][/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]
Wooooo, play silly games, win silly prizes! This is exactly my speed this rough week. Thank you!

I seem to be on an Aberration kick this week. Probably a product of being pulled in so many directions myself lately! They could probably relate.

Apparently my Windy self is in a Lightning-y mood today! Perks of a very mixed lair with a cooperative theme.

Day 4 - (oh is it ever going to be) Stormy. [sent early, WIP done!]

Did someone forecast stormy weather? Well....

"FORWARD, STORMSPINNERS!", bellow both maws of a small Lightning Aberration with a (hah) shockingly powerful voice, one which cracks across the assembled band of dragons like..... well, like thunder, what else?

Lightning dragons, Wind dragons - and one Light Wildclaw who does a superhero landing off a small rock outcropping to take position, just because - all sound off as one in response, adding a trailing rumble to their commander's call.

"ON MY MARK!" The Aberration shudders with barely-contained energy, quite literally; electricity arcs along the dragon's hide, from sparking eyes to writhing tails.

The assemblage goes still, heads raised to the sky, except for the pair of Spirals who begin spinning so wildly that they become blurs of frantic, and in one case "WHEEEE!"-ing, motion.

"BRING THE THUNDER!" the Aberration's heads roar out in a voice fit to split the sky.

....Which, more or less, is what occurs as the Stormspinners are set into motion.

The Lightning Spirals first, of course, pelting into the sky like confused comets, sparks trailing from their madly spinning, slender forms. The two Imperials, Lightning and Wind, rise together, emitting twin trumpeting battlecries as lightning sheets and snarls. The very air seems to explode in an expanding arc around them, made ethereal by Fogdance's thick trail of living mist flowing out across the sky.

The Guardian rises next, a Pearlcatcher ascending in the wake of one huge wing, a Skydancer in the other, an Obelisk clad in gleaming metal and stormlight not far behind. The sky goes pale blue and blinding for a breathtaking instant, the thunder now a single endless knell of ear-battering sound.

The Tundra and Auraboa, dragons of Wind, cut through that sound impossibly, their voices raised in a shared song which rides the thrum of plucked strings upward, softening the roar just behind the beating wings of their commander as the Aberration too, at last, takes flight to join those now weaving complex patterns on the wing.

A second, paler Skydancer drifts effortlessy in the breakpoint between thunder's roar and song's supremacy, as much metal as hide glimmering in the building storm's glow. Delicate though this one appears, storm winds lash out all around their rise, tearing through the mists and seeming to roll even the lightning out ahead of their force, distorting it.

The lone Light dragon dances madly to the music with more enthusiasm than technical skill, sending twisting, jagged feelers of red lightning questing across the landscape. Fogdance's clouds become illuminated from behind, quite artistically, with a lovely sunlit-golden sheen.
And a storm was born.

The Stormspinners
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[center][emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Day 4: Stormy![/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] "I can make lightning!" an eager Nocturne responds to your next question. You can see her pale blue eyes blazing through the fur of her improbably coloured headdress, and so technically, you're not sure her contribution will count: you're supposed to be researching how [i]Light[/i] dragons affect the weather. But so far, the Light dragons of this clan have been causing you nothing but trouble (even if it has been kind of fun!) so you decide to let her demonstrate. Besides, it's not as though anyone else is stepping forward. Quite a few of the clan's residents come out to watch the show, appearing almost as if from nowhere; some still clutching the books or scrolls they had been reading, or steaming mugs of tea. Clearly, this is not going to be just another prank. The Nocturne - you overhear some of the conversation from the gathering crowd, and learn that her name is Spitfire - launches herself into the air and streaks upwards, high into the few fluffy clouds which are doing nothing to impede the sun. She puts on an impressive display of aerial acrobatics, looping the loop, spinning in freefall: then finally she plunges in a downward dive with wings close to her body like a stooping hawk, opening them at the last moment to roar over everyone's heads, so that the taller dragons instinctively duck. It's a splendid show, but nothing to do with summoning a storm, you think. Your expression must give something away, because someone nudges you in the side with a claw, and you turn to see Terror, your swimming buddy from yesterday. He taps his own nose with the claw and grins. "Show's not over yet," he tells you, and looks up to the sky. Spitfire is wheeling in circles, tighter and tighter, faster and faster, until she is rotating in place like a hatchling's toy spinning top. Suddenly, she breaks out of the loop and shoots upwards like an arrow. She arcs through the closest cloud and the edges of her wings slice through it, parting the mist as cleanly as a blade. Faintly, a sound is borne down to the mesmerised crowd, a soft ripping crackle like tearing silk. And sparks fly from the edges of her wings, shooting out through the parting cloud in cyan arcs of light. The sparks dance and coil and bounce about like scattered balls, colliding with each other and within the cloud - which begins to pulse and glow! As Spitfire continues her upwards trajectory, the cloud falls away to either side of her passage, now scintillating with energy. The light coalesces and bursts forth again in a streaking web of electricity, jumping harmlessly from one ragged wisp of cloud to another, and finally there is a long, low rumble of thunder, as though the sky itself is applauding her performance. At your side, Terror nudges you again. "If we'd had a few more clouds, we might have gotten some real rain," he chuckles. You laugh along with the joke, and then Spitfire is descending back to earth, slowly this time in wide, languid circles on outstretched wings. Well, it might not quite have answered your survey, but that was definitely a show to remember! As you press forward through the crowd to congratulate the performer, you wonder if your colleague visiting the Lightning Flight will have anything as impressive to report.
Day 4: Stormy!


"I can make lightning!" an eager Nocturne responds to your next question. You can see her pale blue eyes blazing through the fur of her improbably coloured headdress, and so technically, you're not sure her contribution will count: you're supposed to be researching how Light dragons affect the weather.

But so far, the Light dragons of this clan have been causing you nothing but trouble (even if it has been kind of fun!) so you decide to let her demonstrate. Besides, it's not as though anyone else is stepping forward.

Quite a few of the clan's residents come out to watch the show, appearing almost as if from nowhere; some still clutching the books or scrolls they had been reading, or steaming mugs of tea. Clearly, this is not going to be just another prank.

The Nocturne - you overhear some of the conversation from the gathering crowd, and learn that her name is Spitfire - launches herself into the air and streaks upwards, high into the few fluffy clouds which are doing nothing to impede the sun. She puts on an impressive display of aerial acrobatics, looping the loop, spinning in freefall: then finally she plunges in a downward dive with wings close to her body like a stooping hawk, opening them at the last moment to roar over everyone's heads, so that the taller dragons instinctively duck.

It's a splendid show, but nothing to do with summoning a storm, you think. Your expression must give something away, because someone nudges you in the side with a claw, and you turn to see Terror, your swimming buddy from yesterday.

He taps his own nose with the claw and grins. "Show's not over yet," he tells you, and looks up to the sky. Spitfire is wheeling in circles, tighter and tighter, faster and faster, until she is rotating in place like a hatchling's toy spinning top. Suddenly, she breaks out of the loop and shoots upwards like an arrow. She arcs through the closest cloud and the edges of her wings slice through it, parting the mist as cleanly as a blade. Faintly, a sound is borne down to the mesmerised crowd, a soft ripping crackle like tearing silk.

And sparks fly from the edges of her wings, shooting out through the parting cloud in cyan arcs of light. The sparks dance and coil and bounce about like scattered balls, colliding with each other and within the cloud - which begins to pulse and glow! As Spitfire continues her upwards trajectory, the cloud falls away to either side of her passage, now scintillating with energy. The light coalesces and bursts forth again in a streaking web of electricity, jumping harmlessly from one ragged wisp of cloud to another, and finally there is a long, low rumble of thunder, as though the sky itself is applauding her performance.

At your side, Terror nudges you again. "If we'd had a few more clouds, we might have gotten some real rain," he chuckles. You laugh along with the joke, and then Spitfire is descending back to earth, slowly this time in wide, languid circles on outstretched wings.

Well, it might not quite have answered your survey, but that was definitely a show to remember! As you press forward through the crowd to congratulate the performer, you wonder if your colleague visiting the Lightning Flight will have anything as impressive to report.
Arcanart Link floating spellbook1000 levels Starry Nights twinkling mobile badgeShaDom exalting badge with a Veilspun in spaceGO SHADOW!!! Dom place runestonerocket science Friday badge of a UFO
Done, sorry about the proto-post before!
Done, sorry about the proto-post before!
[b]Wednesday: Stormy[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Amery closed her eyes and brainstormed, she wasn't sure how she could ever make it stormy. The easiest option would be to get a lightning dragon, but as far as Amery was aware, there were none that she could think of. She slowly brought her mind to how some of her clan mates created their weather scenarios. Well the only one who came remotely close to changing the weather was Darryn but that's a stretch. Then Amery jolted up and ran off, when she returned she brought a lightning sword in her claws. "I remember we got a few of these a few months ago, never used them though. Felt too dangerous, and it probably is, but there's always a first for everything!" Amery swung the sword at a spot on the floor and an arc of electricity surged from the sword to the ground. "... I feel slightly underwhelmed, but I'm not going to push this sword any further."
Wednesday: Stormy
Amery closed her eyes and brainstormed, she wasn't sure how she could ever make it stormy. The easiest option would be to get a lightning dragon, but as far as Amery was aware, there were none that she could think of. She slowly brought her mind to how some of her clan mates created their weather scenarios. Well the only one who came remotely close to changing the weather was Darryn but that's a stretch.

Then Amery jolted up and ran off, when she returned she brought a lightning sword in her claws.

"I remember we got a few of these a few months ago, never used them though. Felt too dangerous, and it probably is, but there's always a first for everything!"

Amery swung the sword at a spot on the floor and an arc of electricity surged from the sword to the ground.

"... I feel slightly underwhelmed, but I'm not going to push this sword any further."
Leaving this here since I have no idea what to have in my signature.
[size=7]Making A Storm[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] Pastelor sat at the top of the cliff, once more staring at the sky. He wanted to catch a storm— for completely innocent, not at all prank related reasons —but he was once again struck with bad luck. He’d talked this morning to any dragon who might know about them. Well, he talked to the two lightning dragons who’d moved in recently. Neither actually seemed to know where lightning came from. Sure, they knew what it was and how it behaved, but that only helps when there’s lightning falling from the sky. Which there wasn’t. Pastelor hunched a little more under his chosen quilt to escape the gentle rain. At least he had rain today! And clouds, he supposed. He really didn’t want to have to make an entire storm from scratch. He wasn’t sure there were enough unguarded candles left. He was quite ready to pout the afternoon away until the seamstress scooped him up like one of her nice mice. “You should probably head back inside” the seamstress chided, but Pastelor wasn’t listening. Not really. As soon as she’d touched him, there’d been a spark. Like the most tiny lightning! He was a pretty small dragon, so maybe if he found someone bigger, they could make a bigger zap. Pastelor nodded and hummed along as the seamstress carried him down the cliff and deposited him in the main room. He quickly scampered off and away to find his prize! The Gaolers were nice and big, but they didn’t fly. Tundras, however. [columns]Off to the side and staring at the clan leader was one Tundra in particular. Pastelor approached, but he really couldn’t get his attention. The guy was too busy— oh, what had he heard it called? —too busy “pining” for the other tundra to pay any attention. That worked just fine, though. [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img][/url][/columns] Sneaky as he could, Pastelor grabbed a quilt from the Hushed Tower and, with the enlisted assistance of some older hatchlings in the clan, he launch his surprise attack! Down came the quilt, covering his target completely! The assailants all rub-rub-rubbed the warm quilt all over the Tundra’s furry coat, and then they retreated up the cliff to the accompaniment of excited giggles. Truly, this was a great day for young dragons everywhere! Pastelor hid at the top of the cliff, ready for his moment. He’d only get one shot at this. Up came the hatchlings, and there came the Tundra. He roared in probably faked outrage, and it echoed like thunder off the cliff faces. And then, up in the air he circled, looking for his assailants. And that’s when it happened. The was a great big FLASH! Pastelor reached out and trapped the storm! And then he looked up. The Tundra had landed again, coat poofier than Pastelor had ever seen it, and expression angrier than a Wildclaw taking a bath. Pastelor decided it was time to go cuddle with his best friend. Somewhere small and hard to reach.
Making A Storm

Pastelor sat at the top of the cliff, once more staring at the sky. He wanted to catch a storm— for completely innocent, not at all prank related reasons —but he was once again struck with bad luck. He’d talked this morning to any dragon who might know about them. Well, he talked to the two lightning dragons who’d moved in recently.

Neither actually seemed to know where lightning came from. Sure, they knew what it was and how it behaved, but that only helps when there’s lightning falling from the sky. Which there wasn’t.

Pastelor hunched a little more under his chosen quilt to escape the gentle rain. At least he had rain today! And clouds, he supposed. He really didn’t want to have to make an entire storm from scratch. He wasn’t sure there were enough unguarded candles left. He was quite ready to pout the afternoon away until the seamstress scooped him up like one of her nice mice.

“You should probably head back inside” the seamstress chided, but Pastelor wasn’t listening. Not really. As soon as she’d touched him, there’d been a spark. Like the most tiny lightning! He was a pretty small dragon, so maybe if he found someone bigger, they could make a bigger zap.

Pastelor nodded and hummed along as the seamstress carried him down the cliff and deposited him in the main room. He quickly scampered off and away to find his prize! The Gaolers were nice and big, but they didn’t fly. Tundras, however.
Off to the side and staring at the clan leader was one Tundra in particular. Pastelor approached, but he really couldn’t get his attention. The guy was too busy— oh, what had he heard it called? —too busy “pining” for the other tundra to pay any attention. That worked just fine, though. 95518362p.png

Sneaky as he could, Pastelor grabbed a quilt from the Hushed Tower and, with the enlisted assistance of some older hatchlings in the clan, he launch his surprise attack!

Down came the quilt, covering his target completely! The assailants all rub-rub-rubbed the warm quilt all over the Tundra’s furry coat, and then they retreated up the cliff to the accompaniment of excited giggles. Truly, this was a great day for young dragons everywhere!

Pastelor hid at the top of the cliff, ready for his moment. He’d only get one shot at this. Up came the hatchlings, and there came the Tundra. He roared in probably faked outrage, and it echoed like thunder off the cliff faces. And then, up in the air he circled, looking for his assailants. And that’s when it happened.

The was a great big FLASH! Pastelor reached out and trapped the storm! And then he looked up. The Tundra had landed again, coat poofier than Pastelor had ever seen it, and expression angrier than a Wildclaw taking a bath. Pastelor decided it was time to go cuddle with his best friend. Somewhere small and hard to reach.
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[center][b]Wednesday - Stormy[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Thunderhead was awake! And so it was effortless for him to summon a storm--he [i]was [/i]the storm.[/center]
Wednesday - Stormy


Thunderhead was awake! And so it was effortless for him to summon a storm--he was the storm.
lalalalalalalalala blablablab a bouncing corgi-like bird perched atop a robot-like radio with blue and green music notes. lala
lalalalaPost-blizzard chill time!
[url=][img][/img][/url] Ampere sighed, laying her head down on the grass. The splendor of the shrieking wilds was nothing like at home. And neither was the weather. Where was the constant lightning? The thunder booming across the sky? Instead, all she got in the sky was a green canopy choking out the sun. She pulled at the rumbling lightning magic within her, and the rumble grew into rolling thunder in the sky above. A flash of light, barely visible between the trees. The rustle of wild animals within the dense leaves of the wild. She may be away from lightning, but lightning is never far from her.

Ampere sighed, laying her head down on the grass. The splendor of the shrieking wilds was nothing like at home. And neither was the weather. Where was the constant lightning? The thunder booming across the sky? Instead, all she got in the sky was a green canopy choking out the sun.

She pulled at the rumbling lightning magic within her, and the rumble grew into rolling thunder in the sky above. A flash of light, barely visible between the trees. The rustle of wild animals within the dense leaves of the wild.

She may be away from lightning, but lightning is never far from her.
xxxxxx NFwp9Jn.png
Katie- Any Pronouns - FR Time +0
Snekatie's Music Commissions
Free Dragons - Flight Rep Thread
[center]Day 4: Stormy [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] From the ground, you wouldn't be able to see the lone spiral in the air, hovering above the Tempest Spire, until the lightning flashed. He was hidden in the dormant clouds for now, eyes rapidly blinking away the condensation that formed all along his body. It seemed he was waiting for something. He waited. Then waited. Then, he became impatient. The spiral extended his body to its entire length, looking like one of the massive wires below given wings. The sky roiled in response. The smell of ozone filled the air. The raindrops picked up, falling now in sheets just as fast and powerful as lightning. Then, a flash. The clouds lit up, a blinding white, the spiral the one dark shape in its center. A bolt arced off of his snout, then his tail, as he funneled the current straight to the golden Spire and then the ground. If it was possible for any lightning dragon to get close enough, they would see sparks flying from every eye, an oil-like liquid crackling across the inside of his body like a plasma ball. They would believe with every breath that he was the ancient lightning god he was named for. Then, it stopped. And for a minute, the spiral remained frozen in the air, neon energy still dissipating from his scales. Just a heartbeat later, he knotted himself back up like a coil and disappeared further into the storm.
Day 4: Stormy

From the ground, you wouldn't be able to see the lone spiral in the air, hovering above the Tempest Spire, until the lightning flashed. He was hidden in the dormant clouds for now, eyes rapidly blinking away the condensation that formed all along his body. It seemed he was waiting for something.

He waited. Then waited. Then, he became impatient.

The spiral extended his body to its entire length, looking like one of the massive wires below given wings. The sky roiled in response. The smell of ozone filled the air. The raindrops picked up, falling now in sheets just as fast and powerful as lightning.

Then, a flash.

The clouds lit up, a blinding white, the spiral the one dark shape in its center. A bolt arced off of his snout, then his tail, as he funneled the current straight to the golden Spire and then the ground. If it was possible for any lightning dragon to get close enough, they would see sparks flying from every eye, an oil-like liquid crackling across the inside of his body like a plasma ball. They would believe with every breath that he was the ancient lightning god he was named for.

Then, it stopped. And for a minute, the spiral remained frozen in the air, neon energy still dissipating from his scales. Just a heartbeat later, he knotted himself back up like a coil and disappeared further into the storm.
[center][size=6]Wednesday - Stormy[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Storms were a fickle thing when one was unfamiliar with the patterns of the sky, but Shore was ever diligent when it came to the weather's habits. Many of his clanmates avoided the sea when the wind picked up, but instead of running, he sunk into its depths. Many thought him strange for that; what kind of Ridgeback liked water? No matter; the sky, now, was mostly clear. Very few clouds drifted across the vast expanse of blue, but the wind was enough for him to spur it into action. Channeling the power of the ocean's currents, he directed that energy to the sky. The scattered clouds started to gather, swirling, swirling, with him at the eye. They grew heavy with rain, their once snowy appearance darkened to an angry gray, and quick flashes of lightning forked through the air. Thunder roared through the sky, and with one final push of energy, Shore beckoned forth the sky's fall. Rain poured in a chaotic torrent, the wind lashing through it like a whip and sending it falling in every which direction. Lightning and thunder accompanied the sound of its relentless patter, a symphony made by nature itself. Shore relished in the storm as he floated on the surface of the water, letting the ocean carry him as he watched the beauty of the sky.
Wednesday - Stormy

Storms were a fickle thing when one was unfamiliar with the patterns of the sky, but Shore was ever diligent when it came to the weather's habits. Many of his clanmates avoided the sea when the wind picked up, but instead of running, he sunk into its depths. Many thought him strange for that; what kind of Ridgeback liked water? No matter; the sky, now, was mostly clear. Very few clouds drifted across the vast expanse of blue, but the wind was enough for him to spur it into action.

Channeling the power of the ocean's currents, he directed that energy to the sky. The scattered clouds started to gather, swirling, swirling, with him at the eye. They grew heavy with rain, their once snowy appearance darkened to an angry gray, and quick flashes of lightning forked through the air. Thunder roared through the sky, and with one final push of energy, Shore beckoned forth the sky's fall.

Rain poured in a chaotic torrent, the wind lashing through it like a whip and sending it falling in every which direction. Lightning and thunder accompanied the sound of its relentless patter, a symphony made by nature itself. Shore relished in the storm as he floated on the surface of the water, letting the ocean carry him as he watched the beauty of the sky.
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[center]Wednesday - Stormy [url=][img][/img][/url] “I, ah, may have spoken too soon.” Spaunna was now thoroughly soaked. As it turns out, summoning [i]both[/i] moisture carrying wind to mix with your clouds as well as actual literal storm clouds known for being highly dangerous is not conducive to having a light rain stay a light rain. Spaunna was now aware of the consequences of her actions. This trip would be even longer now, and she vowed not to mess with the weather for the remainder of this trip. Maybe. Hopefully?
Wednesday - Stormy


“I, ah, may have spoken too soon.” Spaunna was now thoroughly soaked.

As it turns out, summoning both moisture carrying wind to mix with your clouds as well as actual literal storm clouds known for being highly dangerous is not conducive to having a light rain stay a light rain.

Spaunna was now aware of the consequences of her actions. This trip would be even longer now, and she vowed not to mess with the weather for the remainder of this trip. Maybe.

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