[center][img alt="A header that says 'Starmap Bingo' in fancy blue and purple text. In the background, there's a rolled-up scrap of paper that depicts a scene of the Starfall Isles."]https://i.imgur.com/0irg6pC.png[/img][/center]
[center][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_3364584][color=#222e3d][b]Intro[/b][/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522215][color=#d02a95]How to Play[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522217][color=#d02a95]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522218][color=#d02a95]FAQ[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219][color=#d02a95]Constellations[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522221][color=#d02a95]Badges[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522230][color=#d02a95]Prizes[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522232][color=#d02a95]Links[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522233][color=#d02a95]Credits[/color][/url][/size]
[size=5] [/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/90546134][img alt="Tala, an eternally youthful Aether dragon with Pink Twinkle, Mulberry Constellation, and White Starfall genes. They have Arcane Swirl eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/SCZ9vMY.png[/img][/url][nextcol] [nextcol][center][size=5][b][i]WHUMP![/i][/b][/size][/center]
[size=4]You look down. The past few nights had been exceptionally dark — and tonight was no different — but it was impossible to miss the dazed-looking bright pink ball of fur at your feet...
[color=#d02a95]"I'm [b]Tala[/b], they/ae/she, Senior Assistant Astral Operations Commander... and [i]you[/i], my new friend, are in luck — because I've been meaning to expand my team. You're hired!"[/color][/size]
[center][size=6] [/size][size=4][b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/90546134#dragon-profile-bio][color=#403889]"H-hired?"[/color][/url][/b][/size][size=6] [/size][size=2]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/90546134#dragon-profile-bio](Click here to read the intro lore for this event!)[/url][/size][/center][/columns]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
[color=#222e3d]Welcome to [b]Starmap Bingo[/b], a [s]game[/s] time-sensitive emergency mission to which you, an eager and capable Junior Assistant Astral Operations Commander, have been recruited — to help restore the stars! Because they, uh, broke... and stuff. Don't ask questions, newbie! What matters is that we gotta fix 'em, and we gotta do it [i]fast![/i][/color]
[center][b][color=#222e3d]Mission Timeframe:[/color]
[size=4] [/size][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/2#post_57535280][color=#222e3d]2024-09-15 12:00:00[/color][/url][color=#222e3d] – [/color][color=#d02a95]2024-09-28 23:59:59[/color][size=4] [/size][/b]
[size=3] [/size][size=2][color=#222e3d](Flight Rising Time)[/color][/size][size=3] [/size][/center]
[color=#222e3d]Complete up to [b]250 unique tasks[/b] laid out on randomly-generated [b]starmaps[/b] (think 7-by-5 bingo boards, but with extra [i]magic[/i]) to find the stars that have fallen out of the sky and landed all over Sornieth. If you successfully carry out a task, you get to mark the square for that star on your starmap(s).[/color]
[center][color=#d02a95][b]But this isn't a regular old bingo game.[/b][/color][/center]
[color=#222e3d]Your mission, should you choose to accept it, [b]isn't[/b] to earn blackouts — we, uhh, already have one of those. A big one. In the sky. Which means we [s]desperately[/s] need you to locate the stars that form [b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219]twelve of Sornieth's constellations[/url][/b], so that we can yeet them back to where they belong![/color]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[size=5][color=#d02a95][b]Event Updates[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1] [/size][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][size=1] [/size][/center][columns][right][color=#9E988A][i][b]Sep 15, 2024[/b]
12:02:10 FRT[/i][/color][/right][nextcol] [nextcol][emoji=firework size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4][b]This event is [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/2#post_57537836]officially open[/url]![/b][/size][/columns][columns][right][color=#9E988A][i][b]Sep 22, 2024[/b]
02:20:17 FRT[/i][/color][/right][nextcol] [nextcol][emoji=aether star size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4][b]You've all been [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/22#post_57572971]promoted[/url]![/b] [color=#6e747a](Task passes are now available!)[/color][/size][/columns][columns][right][color=#9E988A][i][b]Sep 28, 2024[/b]
23:59:59 FRT[/i][/color][/right][nextcol] [nextcol][emoji=amber mosquito size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4][b]This event is now [color=red]closed[/color]![/b][/size] [size=2][color=#6e747a](wrap-up post coming tomorrow. i am very sleepy)[/color][/size][/columns]
[center][size=1] [/size][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][size=1] [/size]
[size=5] [/size][color=#222e3d]Join this pinglist to be notified when a new update is posted:[/color][size=5] [/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
You look down. The past few nights had been exceptionally dark — and tonight was no different — but it was impossible to miss the dazed-looking bright pink ball of fur at your feet...
"I'm Tala, they/ae/she, Senior Assistant Astral Operations Commander... and you, my new friend, are in luck — because I've been meaning to expand my team. You're hired!"
Welcome to Starmap Bingo, a game time-sensitive emergency mission to which you, an eager and capable Junior Assistant Astral Operations Commander, have been recruited — to help restore the stars! Because they, uh, broke... and stuff. Don't ask questions, newbie! What matters is that we gotta fix 'em, and we gotta do it fast!
Complete up to 250 unique tasks laid out on randomly-generated starmaps (think 7-by-5 bingo boards, but with extra magic) to find the stars that have fallen out of the sky and landed all over Sornieth. If you successfully carry out a task, you get to mark the square for that star on your starmap(s).
But this isn't a regular old bingo game.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, isn't to earn blackouts — we, uhh, already have one of those. A big one. In the sky. Which means we desperately need you to locate the stars that form twelve of Sornieth's constellations, so that we can yeet them back to where they belong!
Event Updates
Sep 22, 2024
02:20:17 FRT
You've all been promoted! (Task passes are now available!)
Sep 28, 2024
23:59:59 FRT
This event is now closed! (wrap-up post coming tomorrow. i am very sleepy)
Join this pinglist to be notified when a new update is posted:
[center][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_3364584][color=#d02a95]Intro[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522215][color=#222e3d][b]How to Play[/b][/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522217][color=#d02a95]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522218][color=#d02a95]FAQ[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219][color=#d02a95]Constellations[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522221][color=#d02a95]Badges[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522230][color=#d02a95]Prizes[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522232][color=#d02a95]Links[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522233][color=#d02a95]Credits[/color][/url][/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[img alt="A header that says 'How To Play' in fancy blue text on a cloudy, starry purple background."]https://i.imgur.com/8aNhh2d.png[/img]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[size=6][color=#d02a95][b]Getting Started[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1] [/size][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][size=1] [/size][/center]
[*] [b][url="https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=nuztalgia&subject=[Starmap+Bingo]+Entry+Fee"]Send a PM to me[/url][/b] with your entry fee of [b]15g[/b] or [b]15,000kt[/b].[size=2][color=#6e747a] (No CRs, please!)[/color][/size][size=5] [/size]
[*] [b]Make a copy[/b] of the blank bingo spreadsheet (linked below).
[center][b][size=6][color=#d02a95]» » [/color][/size][size=5][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i-04IHEaX8FWMBoqeztqI84ShmQddm5DLs83r6DOzj4/edit?usp=sharing]Blank Bingo Sheet[/url][/size][size=6][color=#d02a95] « «[/color][/size][size=2] [/size] [/b][/center]
[*] Click the [b]Share[/b] button and allow [b]Anyone with the link[/b] to view it.[size=5] [/size]
[*] If you see a yellow warning bar telling you that "Some formulas are trying to send and receive data from external parties", click the [b]Allow access[/b] button.
[columns][img alt="Transparent spacing."]https://i.imgur.com/IfP8ySA.png[/img][nextcol][size=2][br][color=#6e747a]This warning shows up because the spreadsheet is coded to pull a few images in from Imgur, which is considered "receiving data from an external party". The images are the only external data that's received, and your data isn't sent anywhere external. Nothing to worry about! :)[/color][/size][nextcol][img alt="Transparent spacing."]https://i.imgur.com/IfP8ySA.png[/img][/columns]
[*] Fill out your [b]Username[/b] and [b]User ID[/b] in the [b]Personal Info[/b] section on the left side of the spreadsheet.
[*] Fill out the event entry form (linked below) to unlock your first starmap!
[center][b][size=6][color=#d02a95]» » [/color][/size][size=5][url=https://forms.gle/cg9WEMpy4PaXBgBM6]Event Entry Form[/url][/size][size=6][color=#d02a95] « «[/color][/size][/b][/center]
At this point, you have a couple of options:[size=5] [/size]
[*] If you learn best by [b]reading[/b], you'll probably want to continue on to the rest of this post! I've written up a (probably overly-detailed) guide on how to familiarize yourself with the spreadsheet.
[*] If you're more of a [b]hands-on[/b] learner, feel free to just jump into the spreadsheet and start poking around. It's okay if you mess anything up — that's what the [b]Undo[/b] button is for, after all! [sub][emoji=aether tongue size=1][/sub]
[center][size=1] [/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[size=6][color=#d02a95][b]Completing Tasks[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1] [/size][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][size=1] [/size][/center]
[*] After submitting the entry form, head over to the [b]Map 1[/b] tab of your sheet.[size=5] [/size]
You'll notice three distinct sections in the sidebar on the left:[size=5] [/size]
[*][size=2]A [b]minimap[/b], which lets you quickly see which stars you've found on that starmap. It'll also indicate (with gradually increasing clarity) whether or not those stars belong to that map's constellation.[/size]
[*][size=2]A breakdown of the [b]points[/b] that you've earned from that map. A fully-completed starmap is worth either [b]1,275[/b] points (if its constellation is made up of 16 stars) or [b]1,350[/b] points (if its constellation is made up of 19 stars).[/size]
[*][size=2]An automatically-updated [b]to-do list[/b] of all the tasks you've been assigned on that map. Each task is labeled with its coordinates, so you can easily look up its position on the minimap.[/size]
The rest of the map sheet is taken up by the [b]game board[/b], which lays out the task prompts (and screenshots you've provided, if any) for that starmap.
[center][img alt="A miniature screenshot of a starmap tab on the Starmap Bingo spreadsheet."]https://i.imgur.com/h6NeXVf.png[/img]
If you've played other bingo games on Flight Rising, you might be tempted to paste screenshots directly into the game board — but remember, this isn't a regular old bingo game! You'll see what I mean soon.[/color][/size]
[size=1] [/size][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][size=1] [/size][/center]
[*] Next, let's check out the [b]Task Overview[/b] tab.[size=5] [/size]
You can think of this tab as a "master list" of [i]all[/i] of the tasks that appear across your unlocked starmaps. As you complete tasks via the [b]Screenshots[/b] tab (more on that in a sec), they'll be crossed off in your task overview.
This tab gives you the easiest way to figure out exactly which tasks you have left to do. There's no need to flip through all of your [b]Map[/b] tabs — unless you're hunting down a specific star, of course!
While you're here, pick out the task that you want to complete first, and take note of which [b]category[/b] it's listed under. We'll make use of that info shortly.
[center][img alt="A miniature screenshot of the Task Overview tab on the Starmap Bingo spreadsheet."]https://i.imgur.com/3SSUve2.png[/img]
You won't have this many tasks available at first — you'll have to buy more starmaps to catch 'em all![/color][/size]
[size=1] [/size][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][size=1] [/size][/center]
[*] Alright, it's time to talk about the magic! Head over to the [b]Screenshots[/b] tab.[size=5] [/size]
Instead of manually pasting your screenshots into the corresponding squares on each of your starmaps, you should just... [b]drop them all into this tab[/b].
It's fairly common for multiple tasks to be completed in a single screenshot, and tasks are virtually guaranteed to repeat themselves across multiple starmaps — so each map is set up to automagically pull screenshots from this tab. You'll find that this saves you a [i]lot[/i] of time over the course of the game! :)
Let's try it out. First, locate the section for the [b]category[/b] of the task you chose.
Once you've taken a screenshot to prove your completion of the task:[size=5] [/size]
[*][size=2]Insert it into a large cell in that section ([b]Insert[/b] > [b]Image[/b] > [b]Insert image in cell[/b]).[/size]
[*][size=2]Then, using the dropdown menu(s) below the image, [b]select the task(s)[/b] that you completed. Most sections allow you to select [b]up to 3 tasks[/b] per screenshot![/size]
[*][size=2]If a single screenshot fulfills tasks in different categories, feel free to add it to each of their respective sections.[/size]
[center][img alt="A miniature screenshot of the Screenshots tab on the Starmap Bingo spreadsheet."]https://i.imgur.com/f2JNkXC.png[/img]
[i]99 task screenshots in Screenshots tab, 99 screenshots in tab! Take one more and put it in tab, 100 task screenshots in Screenshots tab! 100 task screenshots in Screenshots tab...[/i][/color][/size]
[size=1] [/size][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][size=1] [/size][/center]
[*] Now, head back to [b]Map 1[/b]. You should see your first star on the minimap! [sup][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/sup]
The screenshot you just added should also be visible in the appropriate square, and the corresponding task should be crossed off in the map's to-do list (and in your [b]Task Overview[/b] tab).
All that's left for you to do now is... rinse and repeat! [sub][emoji=aether winking size=1][/sub]
[center][size=1] [/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[size=6][color=#d02a95][b]Unlocking More Starmaps[/b][/color][/size]
[size=3] [/size][sup][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/sup][size=3] [/size][/center]
As you may have noticed, there are [b]twelve[/b] missing constellations... and [b]twelve[/b] separate "Map" tabs in your spreadsheet. Coincidence? Absolutely not!
[center][size=5][b]Each additional starmap costs [color=#d02a95]15g/kt[/color] to unlock.[/b][/size][/center]
Unlike Map 1, which is automatically unlocked upon submission of the entry form, I do have to process subsequent starmap unlocks [b]manually[/b] (to verify payment amounts and such) — which means it could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for your purchase to take effect (i.e. for your maps to unlock). Your patience is greatly appreciated! [sub][emoji=familiar heart size=1][/sub]
[size=4][b]To initiate a starmap purchase, [url="https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=nuztalgia&subject=[Starmap+Bingo]+Starmap+Unlock"]PM me the following form[/url]:[/b][/size]
[b]# of starmaps [u]currently[/u] unlocked:[/b]
[b]# of starmaps you're [u]purchasing[/u]:[/b]
[b]Payment attached:[/b]
[b]Before you send the PM[/b], please double-check that these statements are all true:
[*] Your second and third answers add up to [b]12[/b] (the max # of starmaps) [b]or less[/b].
[*] Your last answer is equal to your third answer multiplied by [b]15g/kt[/b].
[*] Your payment is [i]actually attached[/i] to the message!
[size=2][color=#6e747a]Who'd be silly enough to forget to put the payment in the payment box? Me. That's who. xD[/color][/size][size=5] [/size]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/90546134][img alt="Tala's avatar."]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/905462/90546134p.png[/img][/url][nextcol] [nextcol][quote name="Senior Assistant Astral Operations Commander Tala"]Hang on, Astral Operations Commander — you're letting the Junior Assistants buy these rare delicacies for... a handful of inedible rocks and pieces of metal? [i]*sigh*[/i] This is why you need me. Hand 'em over! I'll put those maps to a much better use! … [i]*wipes away a strand of drool*[/i]... [/quote][/columns]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
- Send a PM to me with your entry fee of 15g or 15,000kt. (No CRs, please!)
- Make a copy of the blank bingo spreadsheet (linked below).
- Click the Share button and allow Anyone with the link to view it.
- If you see a yellow warning bar telling you that "Some formulas are trying to send and receive data from external parties", click the Allow access button.
This warning shows up because the spreadsheet is coded to pull a few images in from Imgur, which is considered "receiving data from an external party". The images are the only external data that's received, and your data isn't sent anywhere external. Nothing to worry about! :)
- Fill out your Username and User ID in the Personal Info section on the left side of the spreadsheet.
- Fill out the event entry form (linked below) to unlock your first starmap!
At this point, you have a couple of options:
- If you learn best by reading, you'll probably want to continue on to the rest of this post! I've written up a (probably overly-detailed) guide on how to familiarize yourself with the spreadsheet.
- If you're more of a hands-on learner, feel free to just jump into the spreadsheet and start poking around. It's okay if you mess anything up — that's what the Undo button is for, after all!

Completing Tasks
- After submitting the entry form, head over to the Map 1 tab of your sheet.
You'll notice three distinct sections in the sidebar on the left:
- A minimap, which lets you quickly see which stars you've found on that starmap. It'll also indicate (with gradually increasing clarity) whether or not those stars belong to that map's constellation.
- A breakdown of the points that you've earned from that map. A fully-completed starmap is worth either 1,275 points (if its constellation is made up of 16 stars) or 1,350 points (if its constellation is made up of 19 stars).
- An automatically-updated to-do list of all the tasks you've been assigned on that map. Each task is labeled with its coordinates, so you can easily look up its position on the minimap.
The rest of the map sheet is taken up by the game board, which lays out the task prompts (and screenshots you've provided, if any) for that starmap.
If you've played other bingo games on Flight Rising, you might be tempted to paste screenshots directly into the game board — but remember, this isn't a regular old bingo game! You'll see what I mean soon.
- Next, let's check out the Task Overview tab.
You can think of this tab as a "master list" of all of the tasks that appear across your unlocked starmaps. As you complete tasks via the Screenshots tab (more on that in a sec), they'll be crossed off in your task overview.
This tab gives you the easiest way to figure out exactly which tasks you have left to do. There's no need to flip through all of your Map tabs — unless you're hunting down a specific star, of course!
While you're here, pick out the task that you want to complete first, and take note of which category it's listed under. We'll make use of that info shortly.
You won't have this many tasks available at first — you'll have to buy more starmaps to catch 'em all!
- Alright, it's time to talk about the magic! Head over to the Screenshots tab.
Instead of manually pasting your screenshots into the corresponding squares on each of your starmaps, you should just... drop them all into this tab.
It's fairly common for multiple tasks to be completed in a single screenshot, and tasks are virtually guaranteed to repeat themselves across multiple starmaps — so each map is set up to automagically pull screenshots from this tab. You'll find that this saves you a lot of time over the course of the game! :)
Let's try it out. First, locate the section for the category of the task you chose.
Once you've taken a screenshot to prove your completion of the task:
- Insert it into a large cell in that section (Insert > Image > Insert image in cell).
- Then, using the dropdown menu(s) below the image, select the task(s) that you completed. Most sections allow you to select up to 3 tasks per screenshot!
- If a single screenshot fulfills tasks in different categories, feel free to add it to each of their respective sections.
99 task screenshots in Screenshots tab, 99 screenshots in tab! Take one more and put it in tab, 100 task screenshots in Screenshots tab! 100 task screenshots in Screenshots tab...
- Now, head back to Map 1. You should see your first star on the minimap!

The screenshot you just added should also be visible in the appropriate square, and the corresponding task should be crossed off in the map's to-do list (and in your Task Overview tab).
All that's left for you to do now is... rinse and repeat! 
Unlocking More Starmaps
As you may have noticed, there are
twelve missing constellations... and
twelve separate "Map" tabs in your spreadsheet. Coincidence? Absolutely not!
Each additional starmap costs 15g/kt to unlock.
Unlike Map 1, which is automatically unlocked upon submission of the entry form, I do have to process subsequent starmap unlocks
manually (to verify payment amounts and such) — which means it could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for your purchase to take effect (i.e. for your maps to unlock). Your patience is greatly appreciated!
To initiate a starmap purchase, PM me the following form:
[b]# of starmaps [u]currently[/u] unlocked:[/b]
[b]# of starmaps you're [u]purchasing[/u]:[/b]
[b]Payment attached:[/b]
Before you send the PM, please double-check that these statements are all true:
- Your second and third answers add up to 12 (the max # of starmaps) or less.
- Your last answer is equal to your third answer multiplied by 15g/kt.
- Your payment is actually attached to the message!
Who'd be silly enough to forget to put the payment in the payment box? Me. That's who. xD
Senior Assistant Astral Operations Commander Tala wrote:
Hang on, Astral Operations Commander — you're letting the Junior Assistants buy these rare delicacies for... a handful of inedible rocks and pieces of metal? *sigh* This is why you need me. Hand 'em over! I'll put those maps to a much better use! … *wipes away a strand of drool*...
[center][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_3364584][color=#d02a95]Intro[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522215][color=#d02a95]How to Play[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522217][color=#222e3d][b]Rules[/b][/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522218][color=#d02a95]FAQ[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219][color=#d02a95]Constellations[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522221][color=#d02a95]Badges[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522230][color=#d02a95]Prizes[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522232][color=#d02a95]Links[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522233][color=#d02a95]Credits[/color][/url][/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[img alt="A header that says 'Rules' in fancy blue text on a cloudy, starry purple background."]https://i.imgur.com/Vg0xL0t.png[/img]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
[*][color=#222e3d]Anyone from [/color][b][color=#d02a95]any flight[/color][/b][color=#222e3d] is welcome to play![/color] [size=1][color=#6e747a](Except for me. Womp womp.)[/color][/size]
[*][color=#222e3d]This event is open for [b]two weeks[/b]. It closes at [/color][b][color=#d02a95]23:59:59 FRT[/color][/b][color=#222e3d] on [/color][b][color=#d02a95]2024-09-28[/color][/b][color=#222e3d].
(That's right before rollover on the last night of Starfall Celebration!)[/color][size=5] [/size]
[*][color=#222e3d]The entry fee for this event is [/color][b][color=#d02a95]15g/kt[/color][/b][color=#222e3d]. This grants you:[/color]
[*][color=#222e3d]One (1) [b]starmap[/b], containing the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219][b]constellation[/b][/url] of your choice.[/color]
[*][color=#222e3d]One (1) purple [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522221][b]starmap badge[/b][/url] of your choice.[/color]
[*][color=#222e3d]The ability to earn [b]points[/b] (i.e. [b]raffle tickets[/b]) by completing [b]tasks[/b].[/color]
[*][color=#222e3d]You may buy [b]up to 11 [u]additional[/u] starmaps[/b]. Each costs [/color][b][color=#d02a95]15g/kt[/color][/b][color=#222e3d] and grants:[/color][sup][size=7] [/size][/sup]
[*][color=#222e3d]One (1) [b]starmap[/b], containing a [b]random[/b] (but unique) [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219][b]constellation[/b][/url].[/color]
[*][color=#222e3d]One (1) additional purple [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522221][b]starmap badge[/b][/url] of your choice.[/color]
[*][color=#222e3d]More [b]tasks[/b], which means more [b]points[/b], and a higher chance for [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522230][b]prizes[/b][/url]![/color]
[*][color=#222e3d]You are required to provide [/color][b][color=#d02a95]screenshots[/color][/b][color=#222e3d] to prove task completion.[/color][sup][size=7] [/size][/sup]
[*][color=#222e3d]When possible, try to include your [b]username[/b] and the current [b]date[/b] in the screenshot, to show that it was indeed [i]you[/i] who completed the task, and that you did so during the timeframe of this event — but this isn't a really strict requirement. Just use your best judgment, and [b]play fair[/b]![/color] [sub][emoji=aether happy size=1][/sub]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/90546134][img alt="Tala's avatar."]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/905462/90546134p.png[/img][/url][nextcol] [nextcol][quote name="Senior Assistant Astral Operations Commander Tala"]Yes, we [i]know[/i] it's possible to falsify screenshots. But did [i]you[/i] know that the screenshot falsification process invokes dangerous magic that could destabilize Sornieth and potentially even trigger an apocalyptic event? I know you're new here, Junior Assistant Astral Operations Commander, but trust me when I say we [i]really[/i] don't want another one of those on our hands![/quote][/columns]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
- Anyone from any flight is welcome to play! (Except for me. Womp womp.)
- This event is open for two weeks. It closes at 23:59:59 FRT on 2024-09-28.
(That's right before rollover on the last night of Starfall Celebration!)
- The entry fee for this event is 15g/kt. This grants you:
- One (1) starmap, containing the constellation of your choice.
- One (1) purple starmap badge of your choice.
- The ability to earn points (i.e. raffle tickets) by completing tasks.
- You may buy up to 11 additional starmaps. Each costs 15g/kt and grants:
- One (1) starmap, containing a random (but unique) constellation.
- One (1) additional purple starmap badge of your choice.
- More tasks, which means more points, and a higher chance for prizes!
- You are required to provide screenshots to prove task completion.
- When possible, try to include your username and the current date in the screenshot, to show that it was indeed you who completed the task, and that you did so during the timeframe of this event — but this isn't a really strict requirement. Just use your best judgment, and play fair!

Senior Assistant Astral Operations Commander Tala wrote:
Yes, we know it's possible to falsify screenshots. But did you know that the screenshot falsification process invokes dangerous magic that could destabilize Sornieth and potentially even trigger an apocalyptic event? I know you're new here, Junior Assistant Astral Operations Commander, but trust me when I say we really don't want another one of those on our hands!
[center][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_3364584][color=#d02a95]Intro[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522215][color=#d02a95]How to Play[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522217][color=#d02a95]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522218][color=#d02a95]FAQ[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219][color=#222e3d][b]Constellations[/b][/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522221][color=#d02a95]Badges[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522230][color=#d02a95]Prizes[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522232][color=#d02a95]Links[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522233][color=#d02a95]Credits[/color][/url][/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[img alt="A header that says 'Constellations' in fancy blue text on a cloudy, starry purple background."]https://i.imgur.com/pgKjgo2.png[/img]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
[color=#222e3d]Each of your starmaps will lead to a different constellation, and the order in which they appear is randomized for each player (with the exception of the one found in your [b]first starmap[/b], which you choose while filling out the [url=https://forms.gle/cg9WEMpy4PaXBgBM6]event entry form[/url]).
Every constellation you complete will grant you a large number of [b]bonus points[/b]![/color]
[columns][center][url=https://imgur.com/Vo9fqMh][img alt="The Arcane constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/Vo9fqMh.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=arcane rune size=1][size=4] [b]Arcane[/b] [/size][emoji=arcane rune size=1]
[size=2](16 stars)[/size][/center][nextcol] [nextcol][center][url=https://imgur.com/qAeGyjL][img alt="The Beastclans constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/qAeGyjL.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=beastclan rune size=1][size=4] [b]Beastclans[/b] [/size][emoji=beastclan rune size=1]
[size=2](19 stars)[/size][/center][nextcol] [nextcol][center][url=https://imgur.com/e4gl24q][img alt="The Earth constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/e4gl24q.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=earth rune size=1][size=4] [b]Earth[/b] [/size][emoji=earth rune size=1]
[size=2](16 stars)[/size][/center][/columns]
[columns][center][url=https://imgur.com/ZXRNQoD][img alt="The Fire constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/ZXRNQoD.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=fire rune size=1][size=4] [b]Fire[/b] [/size][emoji=fire rune size=1]
[size=2](19 stars)[/size][/center][nextcol] [nextcol][center][url=https://imgur.com/7GjrOHJ][img alt="The Ice constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/7GjrOHJ.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=ice rune size=1][size=4] [b]Ice[/b] [/size][emoji=ice rune size=1]
[size=2](16 stars)[/size][/center][nextcol] [nextcol][center][url=https://imgur.com/FcinYk1][img alt="The Light constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/FcinYk1.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=light rune size=1][size=4] [b]Light[/b] [/size][emoji=light rune size=1]
[size=2](16 stars)[/size][/center][/columns]
[columns][center][url=https://imgur.com/644Nuiv][img alt="The Lightning constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/644Nuiv.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=lightning rune size=1][size=4] [b]Lightning[/b] [/size][emoji=lightning rune size=1]
[size=2](16 stars)[/size][/center][nextcol] [nextcol][center][url=https://imgur.com/FIV3nGt][img alt="The Nature constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/FIV3nGt.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=nature rune size=1][size=4] [b]Nature[/b] [/size][emoji=nature rune size=1]
[size=2](19 stars)[/size][/center][nextcol] [nextcol][center][url=https://imgur.com/X71ti3P][img alt="The Plague constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/X71ti3P.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=plague rune size=1][size=4] [b]Plague[/b] [/size][emoji=plague rune size=1]
[size=2](19 stars)[/size][/center][/columns]
[columns][center][url=https://imgur.com/O3ue1q4][img alt="The Shadow constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/O3ue1q4.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=shadow rune size=1][size=4] [b]Shadow[/b] [/size][emoji=shadow rune size=1]
[size=2](19 stars)[/size][/center][nextcol] [nextcol][center][url=https://imgur.com/IMM3SHA][img alt="The Water constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/IMM3SHA.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=water rune size=1][size=4] [b]Water[/b] [/size][emoji=water rune size=1]
[size=2](19 stars)[/size][/center][nextcol] [nextcol][center][url=https://imgur.com/v5OX6vc][img alt="The Wind constellation in Starmap Bingo."]https://i.imgur.com/v5OX6vc.png[/img][/url][size=1][br][/size]
[emoji=wind rune size=1][size=4] [b]Wind[/b] [/size][emoji=wind rune size=1]
[size=2](16 stars)[/size][/center][/columns]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/90546134][img alt="Tala's avatar."]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/905462/90546134p.png[/img][/url][nextcol] [nextcol][quote name="Senior Assistant Astral Operations Commander Tala"]Heads up, Junior Assistant Astral Operations Commander! Are you struggling to see some of those constellations? I sure am, so here's a pro tip — you can click on any of the images above to view them on a dark background![/quote][/columns]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
Each of your starmaps will lead to a different constellation, and the order in which they appear is randomized for each player (with the exception of the one found in your first starmap, which you choose while filling out the event entry form).
Every constellation you complete will grant you a large number of bonus points!
Senior Assistant Astral Operations Commander Tala wrote:
Heads up, Junior Assistant Astral Operations Commander! Are you struggling to see some of those constellations? I sure am, so here's a pro tip — you can click on any of the images above to view them on a dark background!
[center][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_3364584][color=#d02a95]Intro[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522215][color=#d02a95]How to Play[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522217][color=#d02a95]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522218][color=#d02a95]FAQ[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219][color=#d02a95]Constellations[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522221][color=#222e3d][b]Badges[/b][/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522230][color=#d02a95]Prizes[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522232][color=#d02a95]Links[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522233][color=#d02a95]Credits[/color][/url][/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[img alt="A header that says 'Badges' in fancy blue text on a cloudy, starry purple background."]https://i.imgur.com/fz6kqKs.png[/img]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[size=6][color=#d02a95][b]Tiered Badges[/b][/color][/size]
[size=5] [/size][color=#222e3d]by[/color] [b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/595982][color=#d02a95]markicha[/color][/url][/b][size=5] [/size][/center]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=achievement size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]Earn these badges by finding multiple constellations![/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=gold crown size=1][br][size=5] [/size][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]You may claim the badge(s) for the [b]highest tier[/b] you reach [i]and[/i] any lower tiers.
[/size][color=#6e747a][b]Example:[/b] If you reach [/color][b][color=#d02a95]"B" Tier[/color][/b][color=#6e747a], you're eligible to claim the [/color][b][color=#d02a95]"C" Tier[/color][/b][color=#6e747a] badge as well.[/color][size=5] [/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=hourglass size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]These badges are exclusive to [b]SFC '24[/b] and will retire when this event ends![/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=money bag size=1][br][br][br][size=3] [/size][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]You may [b][url="https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=nuztalgia&subject=[Starmap+Bingo]+Badge+Purchase"]purchase[/url][/b] any badges you missed, [i]in order[/i], for [b]25g/kt[/b] each.
[/size][color=#6e747a][b]Ex 1:[/b] You earned up to the [/color][b][color=#d02a95]"A" Tier[/color][/b][color=#6e747a] badge. You want the [/color][b][color=#d02a95]"S" Tier[/color][/b][color=#6e747a] one. Pay [b]25g/kt[/b] for it.[/color][size=5] [/size]
[color=#6e747a][b]Ex 2:[/b] You earned 0 badges. You want the [/color][b][color=#d02a95]"S" Tier[/color][/b][color=#6e747a] one. Pay [b]100g/kt[/b]. You get all 4 badges.[/color][size=5] [/size][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="A couple of astronomical tools on top of a slightly filled-in starmap. Earned by finding at least 3 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/NFzvtW2.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[size=4][color=#d02a95][b]"C" Tier:[/b][/color] Find at least [b]3[/b] constellations.[/size][size=6] [/size][br][br]
[code][img alt="A couple of astronomical tools on top of a slightly filled-in starmap. Earned by finding at least 3 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/NFzvtW2.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center] [img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img] [/center]
[columns][img alt="A few astronomical tools on top of a moderately filled-in starmap. Earned by finding at least 6 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/v8UVNAY.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[size=4][color=#d02a95][b]"B" Tier:[/b][/color] Find at least [b]6[/b] constellations.[/size][size=6] [/size][br][br]
[code][img alt="A few astronomical tools on top of a moderately filled-in starmap. Earned by finding at least 6 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/v8UVNAY.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center] [img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img] [/center]
[columns][img alt="A bunch of astronomical tools on top of a highly filled-in starmap. Earned by finding at least 9 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/OHP44bG.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[size=4][color=#d02a95][b]"A" Tier:[/b][/color] Find at least [b]9[/b] constellations.[/size][size=6] [/size][br][br]
[code][img alt="A bunch of astronomical tools on top of a highly filled-in starmap. Earned by finding at least 9 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/OHP44bG.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center] [img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img] [/center]
[columns][img alt="A dragon using a telescope and a completed starmap to observe a variety of constellations in the night sky. Earned by finding all 12 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/i1L0gMt.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[size=4][color=#d02a95][b]"S" Tier:[/b][/color] Find all [b]12[/b] constellations![/size][size=6] [/size][br][br]
[code][img alt="A dragon using a telescope and a completed starmap to observe a variety of constellations in the night sky. Earned by finding all 12 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/i1L0gMt.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[size=6][color=#d02a95][b]Constellation Badges[/b][/color][/size]
[size=5] [/size][color=#222e3d]by[/color] [b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/158855][color=#d02a95]Hikumi[/color][/url][/b][size=5] [/size][/center]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=achievement size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]Earn these badges by finding their corresponding constellations![/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=crystal ball size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]These badges don't retire! They'll be earnable during future runs of this event.[/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=red money bag size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]However, they are [b]not purchasable[/b] — you gotta catch 'em all the hard way![/size][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img]
[img alt="All twelve of Starmap Bingo's still constellation badges."]https://i.imgur.com/lhuPabz.png[/img]
[b][size=6][color=#403889]» » [/color][/size][size=5][url=https://i.imgur.com/Vd85h4k]Click here [color=#222e3d]to see the[/color] [color=#d02a95]animated[/color] [color=#222e3d]badges![/color][/url][/size][size=6][color=#403889] « «[/color][/size][/b]
[size=5] [/size][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][size=5] [/size][/center]
[columns][img alt="A screenshot of the 'Constellation Badges' table from the Starmap Bingo personal spreadsheet. Some badges have been unlocked, and the BBCode for those badges is visible. In the top-right corner of the table, a yellow circle has been drawn around a dropdown menu whose value is currently set to 'S'."]https://i.imgur.com/skEoUpy.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol][img alt="Yellow lines indicating a connection between the images to the left and right of this one."]https://i.imgur.com/0XZe1Sq.png[/img][size=7] [/size][img alt="The dropdown menu from the top-right corner of the 'Constellation Badges' table, now expanded to show that there are two choices available for the badges: Animated ('A') and Still ('S')."]https://i.imgur.com/qDldZQH.png[/img]
[size=4]You may have noticed that the twelve badges above are all combined into a single large image — so how do you pick up your individual badges?
That's what the [b]Constellation Badges[/b] table in your spreadsheet is for!
Once you find a constellation, it'll reveal the code for the corresponding badge. You can switch between [b]animated[/b] and [b]still[/b] badges by using the dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the table (circled in yellow in the diagram above).
[size=2][color=#6e747a][b]Note:[/b] The badge previews in the table will always be of the still versions, because (as far as I know) Google Sheets doesn't support animated images. [sup][emoji=aether deadpan size=1][/sup] However, the provided BBCode [i]will[/i] change according to your dropdown choice — try it out and see! :)[/color][/size][size=4] [/size]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[size=6][color=#d02a95][b]Starmap Badges[/b][/color][/size]
[size=5] [/size][color=#222e3d]by[/color] [b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/333578][color=#d02a95]DiRoxy[/color][/url][/b][size=5] [/size][/center]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=achievement size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]You earn [b]one[/b] of these badges as soon as you pay the entry fee for this event![/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=achievement token size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]Each additional [b]starmap[/b] you purchase allows you to claim another badge.[/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=d20 size=1][br][size=5] [/size][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]You may claim these in [b]any order[/b], regardless of the contents of your starmaps.
[/size][color=#6e747a]([b]i.e.[/b] you don't need to have found a [i]constellation[/i] in order to claim its [i]starmap[/i] badge!)[/color][size=5] [/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=birthday cake size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]These badges don't retire — [i]but[/i] they'll only be earnable yearly, [b]during SFC[/b]![/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=money bag size=1][br][size=5] [/size][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]You may [b][url="https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=nuztalgia&subject=[Starmap+Bingo]+Badge+Purchase"]purchase[/url][/b] any unobtained badges from this set for [b]15g/kt[/b] each.
[/size][color=#6e747a][b]However[/b], badges purchased [i]outside of SFC[/i] don't come with free starmaps (or vice versa). ;)[/color][size=5] [/size][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Arcane constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/I5UXFGQ.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=arcane rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Arcane[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Arcane constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/I5UXFGQ.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Beastclans constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/KSX3pOc.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=beastclan rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Beastclans[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Beastclans constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/KSX3pOc.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Earth constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/rUfFV5x.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=earth rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Earth[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Earth constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/rUfFV5x.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Fire constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/HxWHfyJ.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=fire rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Fire[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Fire constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/HxWHfyJ.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Ice constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/7u9Czcy.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=ice rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Ice[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Ice constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/7u9Czcy.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Light constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/RBYIzc5.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=light rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Light[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Light constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/RBYIzc5.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Lightning constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/kW6HA7z.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=lightning rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Lightning[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Lightning constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/kW6HA7z.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Nature constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/wwc61R9.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=nature rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Nature[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Nature constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/wwc61R9.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Plague constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/z09NSSB.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=plague rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Plague[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Plague constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/z09NSSB.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Shadow constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/ZCt60Oc.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=shadow rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Shadow[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Shadow constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/ZCt60Oc.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Water constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/0X6qUwM.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=water rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Water[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Water constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/0X6qUwM.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A small Arcane pixel divider."]https://i.imgur.com/bMM3PBS.png[/img][/center]
[columns][img alt="Stars forming the Wind constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/c8W75C4.png[/img][nextcol] [nextcol]
[sup][emoji=wind rune size=1][/sup][size=4] [b]Wind[/b][/size][br]
[code][img alt="Stars forming the Wind constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/c8W75C4.png[/img][/code][/columns]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
Earn these badges by finding multiple constellations!

You may claim the badge(s) for the highest tier you reach and any lower tiers.
Example: If you reach "B" Tier, you're eligible to claim the "C" Tier badge as well.
These badges are exclusive to SFC '24 and will retire when this event ends!

You may purchase any badges you missed, in order, for 25g/kt each.
Ex 1: You earned up to the "A" Tier badge. You want the "S" Tier one. Pay 25g/kt for it.
Ex 2: You earned 0 badges. You want the "S" Tier one. Pay 100g/kt. You get all 4 badges.
"C" Tier: Find at least 3 constellations.
[img alt="A couple of astronomical tools on top of a slightly filled-in starmap. Earned by finding at least 3 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/NFzvtW2.png[/img]
"B" Tier: Find at least 6 constellations.
[img alt="A few astronomical tools on top of a moderately filled-in starmap. Earned by finding at least 6 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/v8UVNAY.png[/img]
"A" Tier: Find at least 9 constellations.
[img alt="A bunch of astronomical tools on top of a highly filled-in starmap. Earned by finding at least 9 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/OHP44bG.png[/img]
"S" Tier: Find all 12 constellations!
[img alt="A dragon using a telescope and a completed starmap to observe a variety of constellations in the night sky. Earned by finding all 12 constellations in Starmap Bingo during SFC 2024."]https://i.imgur.com/i1L0gMt.png[/img]
Constellation Badges
by Hikumi
Earn these badges by finding their corresponding constellations!
These badges don't retire! They'll be earnable during future runs of this event.
However, they are not purchasable — you gotta catch 'em all the hard way!

You may have noticed that the twelve badges above are all combined into a single large image — so how do you pick up your individual badges?
That's what the Constellation Badges table in your spreadsheet is for!
Once you find a constellation, it'll reveal the code for the corresponding badge. You can switch between animated and still badges by using the dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the table (circled in yellow in the diagram above).
Note: The badge previews in the table will always be of the still versions, because (as far as I know) Google Sheets doesn't support animated images.
However, the provided BBCode will change according to your dropdown choice — try it out and see! :)
You earn one of these badges as soon as you pay the entry fee for this event!
Each additional starmap you purchase allows you to claim another badge.

You may claim these in any order, regardless of the contents of your starmaps.
(i.e. you don't need to have found a constellation in order to claim its starmap badge!)
These badges don't retire — but they'll only be earnable yearly, during SFC!

You may purchase any unobtained badges from this set for 15g/kt each.
However, badges purchased outside of SFC don't come with free starmaps (or vice versa). ;)
[img alt="Stars forming the Arcane constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/I5UXFGQ.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Beastclans constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/KSX3pOc.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Earth constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/rUfFV5x.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Fire constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/HxWHfyJ.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Ice constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/7u9Czcy.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Light constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/RBYIzc5.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Lightning constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/kW6HA7z.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Nature constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/wwc61R9.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Plague constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/z09NSSB.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Shadow constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/ZCt60Oc.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Water constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/0X6qUwM.png[/img]
[img alt="Stars forming the Wind constellation on a dreamy purple sky. Earned by purchasing a starmap in Starmap Bingo during SFC."]https://i.imgur.com/c8W75C4.png[/img]
[center][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_3364584][color=#d02a95]Intro[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522215][color=#d02a95]How to Play[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522217][color=#d02a95]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522218][color=#d02a95]FAQ[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219][color=#d02a95]Constellations[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522221][color=#d02a95]Badges[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522230][color=#222e3d][b]Prizes[/b][/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522232][color=#d02a95]Links[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522233][color=#d02a95]Credits[/color][/url][/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[img alt="A header that says 'Prizes' in fancy blue text on a cloudy, starry purple background."]https://i.imgur.com/pYdSQt1.png[/img]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[size=2][color=#222e3d]Already-claimed packs have been temporarily removed from this post. They'll be restored (for future viewing and reference) after the raffle drawing is complete and all prizes have been sent out.
So, [b]winners[/b], if you see a pack below, that means you can include it in your preference lists! [emoji=aether happy size=1]
(Also, if a pack is claimable multiple times, you can list it that many times! ^^)[/color][/size][/center]
[quote="( Fancy Pantsy Astromancy )"][center]
[sub][item=Starseer's Crown][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Starlit Pants][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Accent: Astral Hunter][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Accent: Stardust Sightseer][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup]
[size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/13239][color=#222e3d][b]Starseer's Crown[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/52363][color=#222e3d][b]Starlit Pants[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/31762][color=#222e3d][b]Accent: Astral Hunter[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/52348][color=#222e3d][b]Accent: Stardust Sightseer[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color][/size]
[size=7] [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [/size]
[size=2][color=#403889][i]Donated by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/89669][color=#d02a95]Beatoriche[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/368970][color=#d02a95]Boatbud[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/385106][color=#d02a95]ScorpionAcordion[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/125046][color=#d02a95]ClockworkEclipse[/color][/url], and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/377043][color=#d02a95]Makomo[/color][/url].[/i][/color][/size][/center][/quote]
[quote="( A Sack Full of Skins #2 )"][center]
[sub][item=Accent: Awakened Entity][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Skin: Dream Of Universe][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Skin: Outer Being][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Accent: Novatorn][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup]
[size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/47107][color=#222e3d][b]Accent: Awakened Entity[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/52362][color=#222e3d][b]Skin: Dream Of Universe[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/36040][color=#222e3d][b]Skin: Outer Being[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/36043][color=#222e3d][b]Accent: Novatorn[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color][/size]
[size=7] [emoji=treasure chest size=1] [/size]
[color=#d02a95][b]» » [/b][/color][size=2][color=#403889]This prize pack may be claimed [b][u]2[/u][/b] times![/color][/size][color=#d02a95][b] « «[/b][/color]
[size=7] [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [/size]
[size=2][color=#403889][i]Donated by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/368970][color=#d02a95]Boatbud[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/642284][color=#d02a95]SpiritOfArcadia[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/125046][color=#d02a95]ClockworkEclipse[/color][/url], and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/496989][color=#d02a95]ghostStrawberry[/color][/url].[/i][/color][/size][/center][/quote]
[quote="( A Sack Full of Skins #3 )"][center]
[sub][item=Skin: Mystic Regalia][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Accent: Gilded Void][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Accent: Crystal Spinocturne][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Accent: Stardust Witch][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup]
[size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/31758][color=#222e3d][b]Skin: Mystic Regalia[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/47110][color=#222e3d][b]Accent: Gilded Void[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/36041][color=#222e3d][b]Accent: Crystal Spinocturne[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/19719][color=#222e3d][b]Accent: Stardust Witch[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color][/size]
[size=7] [emoji=treasure chest size=1] [/size]
[color=#d02a95][b]» » [/b][/color][size=2][color=#403889]This prize pack may be claimed [b][u]2[/u][/b] times![/color][/size][color=#d02a95][b] « «[/b][/color]
[size=7] [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [/size]
[size=2][color=#403889][i]Donated by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/368970][color=#d02a95]Boatbud[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/125046][color=#d02a95]ClockworkEclipse[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/37496][color=#d02a95]Labcoat[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/182403][color=#d02a95]SilverChilver[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/480780][color=#d02a95]NighsDreams[/color][/url], and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/546017][color=#d02a95]nightclouds[/color][/url].[/i][/color][/size][/center][/quote]
[quote="( A Sack Full of Skins #6 )"][center]
[sub][item=Skin: Arcane Alterations][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Accent: Bursting Galaxies][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Accent: A Little Universe][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup] [sub][item=Skin: Spectral Sneak][/sub][sup][size=4][color=#222e3d]x1[/color][/size][/sup]
[size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/36042][color=#222e3d][b]Skin: Arcane Alterations[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/47111][color=#222e3d][b]Accent: Bursting Galaxies[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/13242][color=#222e3d][b]Accent: A Little Universe[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/19721][color=#222e3d][b]Skin: Spectral Sneak[/b][/color][/url] [color=#6e747a]x1[/color][/size]
[size=7] [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [/size]
[size=2][color=#403889][i]Donated by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/368970][color=#d02a95]Boatbud[/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/37496][color=#d02a95]Labcoat[/color][/url], and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/169234][color=#d02a95]tigressRising[/color][/url].[/i][/color][/size][/center][/quote]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
Intro • How to Play • Rules • FAQ • Constellations • Badges • Prizes • Links • Credits
Already-claimed packs have been temporarily removed from this post. They'll be restored (for future viewing and reference) after the raffle drawing is complete and all prizes have been sent out.
So, winners, if you see a pack below, that means you can include it in your preference lists! 
(Also, if a pack is claimable multiple times, you can list it that many times! ^^)
( Fancy Pantsy Astromancy ) wrote:
( A Sack Full of Skins #2 ) wrote:
( A Sack Full of Skins #3 ) wrote:
( A Sack Full of Skins #6 ) wrote:
[center][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_3364584][color=#d02a95]Intro[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522215][color=#d02a95]How to Play[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522217][color=#d02a95]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522218][color=#d02a95]FAQ[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522219][color=#d02a95]Constellations[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522221][color=#d02a95]Badges[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522230][color=#d02a95]Prizes[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522232][color=#d02a95]Links[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3364584/1#post_57522233][color=#222e3d][b]Credits[/b][/color][/url][/size]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img]
[img alt="A header that says 'Credits' in fancy blue text on a cloudy, starry purple background."]https://i.imgur.com/heB94xB.png[/img]
[img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=familiar heart size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]Thank you to [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/333578][color=#d02a95][b]DiRoxy[/b][/color][/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/158855][color=#d02a95][b]Hikumi[/b][/color][/url], and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/595982][color=#d02a95][b]markicha[/b][/color][/url] for the gorgeous badges![/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=familiar heart size=1][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]Thank you to [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/84560][color=#d02a95][b]MasqD[/b][/color][/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/338664][color=#d02a95][b]MaryseSkippy[/b][/color][/url] for the lovely thread graphics![/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=familiar heart size=1][br][size=4] [/size][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]Thank you to Arcane's [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fd9/2643507#post_38004551][color=#d02a95][b]Dream Team[/b][/color][/url] for organizing Starfall Celebration and for allowing this event (my first one ever) to be a part of it![/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=familiar heart size=1][br][size=4] [/size][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]Thank you to the organizers of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3344348][color=#d02a95][b]Side Quest Bingo[/b][/color][/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3354370][color=#d02a95][b]SPARK Bingo[/b][/color][/url] for running their events, which were awesome and inspired me to create this one![/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=familiar heart size=1][br][size=4][br] [/size][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]Thank you to my sun and stars, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/707299][color=#d02a95][b]JadenErius[/b][/color][/url], for alpha-testing this event, helping me math out the prize packs and task passes, and supporting me both online and offline through everything. <3[/size][/columns]
[columns] [nextcol][emoji=familiar heart size=1][br][size=4][br] [/size][nextcol] [nextcol][size=4]Thank you to [b]everyone[/b] who participated in this event — especially those of you who gave constructive feedback, helped answer other players' questions, and/or showed kindness when my mental was cracking. ;-; <3[/size][/columns]
[center][img alt="A colorful starry divider."]https://i.imgur.com/O6BwzSy.png[/img][/center]

Thank you to Arcane's Dream Team for organizing Starfall Celebration and for allowing this event (my first one ever) to be a part of it!

Thank you to the organizers of Side Quest Bingo and SPARK Bingo for running their events, which were awesome and inspired me to create this one!

Thank you to my sun and stars, JadenErius, for alpha-testing this event, helping me math out the prize packs and task passes, and supporting me both online and offline through everything. <3

Thank you to everyone who participated in this event — especially those of you who gave constructive feedback, helped answer other players' questions, and/or showed kindness when my mental was cracking. ;-; <3
[center][emoji=pink star size=1][/center]