
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Deep Sea Travelling -- Pinkerlocke
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Rules from [url=]Coolkid[/url] [quote][b]Basic Rules:[/b] - Any death in the Coliseum means a death in actuality. The dragon must be exalted or retired from the Pinkerlocke entirely. - Loot that isn't a Pinkerton drop is not relevant to the Pinkerlocke. You may dress your dragons in anything you like. - Coliseum matches do not have to be consecutive. - Begin with two or three adult dragons. [b]Drop table:[/b] [indent][b]Food[/b]: The basics: enter the Coliseum! According to the table below, go through the amount of matches listed; it does not have to be all in a row! [indent]Plants: 10-20 matches Insects: 20-30 matches Seafood: 30-40 matches Meat: 40-50 matches[/indent][/indent] [indent][b]Materials:[/b] A day for writing. While you can write for any portion of this, what are your dragons doing in their downtime? What's their latest battles, any hardships they might've faced, any newcomers to the group? If there's nothing new, how about some character introspection? Do any of them not have a biography? [b]Trinkets[/b]: Draw some art, whatever medium you want to use; even a simple doodle is good! What do your dragons look like? Their home? A battle? Any trinkets they have? Alternatively, spend some time compiling something related to them. A playlist? Pinterest board? What kind of outfits would they wear, do they follow any sort of teachings? What's their backstory before any of this, outside the Pinkerlocke? [b]Familiars:[/b] Buy the cheapest dragon in the AH of a specific breed, gems or treasure. Use a random number generator to determine which breed to get. [indent]1. Fae 2. Guardian 3. Mirror 4. Pearlcatcher 5. Ridgeback 6. Tundra 7. Spiral 8. Imperial 9. Snapper 10. Wildclaw 11. Nocturne 12. Coatl 13. Skydancer 14. Bogsneak 15. Obelisk 16. Gaoler 17. Banescale 18. Veilspun 19. Aberration 20. Undertide 21. Aether 22. Sandsurge [/indent] [b]Apparel:[/b] Breed two of your dragons. If you can't, you may either queue this for when it's possible or roll 1-4 for one of the food options.[/indent] [indent][i]- Optional hardmode: Flip a coin for every hatchling. Every tails means a dead hatchling that must be exalted or removed from the Pinkerlocke.[/i][/indent] [indent] [b]Battle Items[/b]: Chance for a death streak. Flip a coin; if heads, a death streak happens, and if tails, nothing happens.[/indent] [indent][i]- Death streak: Three dragons must be chosen through a random generator and go through a Coliseum area corresponding to the highest level in the party. 10 rounds must be completed consecutively; if a dragon dies, the death streak is over and no more rounds are required.[/i][/indent][/quote] Added rules from me! [LIST] [*]dead dragons are going to the lore tab [/LIST]
Rules from Coolkid
Basic Rules:
- Any death in the Coliseum means a death in actuality. The dragon must be exalted or retired from the Pinkerlocke entirely.
- Loot that isn't a Pinkerton drop is not relevant to the Pinkerlocke. You may dress your dragons in anything you like.
- Coliseum matches do not have to be consecutive.
- Begin with two or three adult dragons.

Drop table:
Food: The basics: enter the Coliseum! According to the table below, go through the amount of matches listed; it does not have to be all in a row!
Plants: 10-20 matches
Insects: 20-30 matches
Seafood: 30-40 matches
Meat: 40-50 matches
Materials: A day for writing. While you can write for any portion of this, what are your dragons doing in their downtime? What's their latest battles, any hardships they might've faced, any newcomers to the group? If there's nothing new, how about some character introspection? Do any of them not have a biography?

Trinkets: Draw some art, whatever medium you want to use; even a simple doodle is good! What do your dragons look like? Their home? A battle? Any trinkets they have?

Alternatively, spend some time compiling something related to them. A playlist? Pinterest board? What kind of outfits would they wear, do they follow any sort of teachings? What's their backstory before any of this, outside the Pinkerlocke?

Familiars: Buy the cheapest dragon in the AH of a specific breed, gems or treasure. Use a random number generator to determine which breed to get.
1. Fae
2. Guardian
3. Mirror
4. Pearlcatcher
5. Ridgeback
6. Tundra
7. Spiral
8. Imperial
9. Snapper
10. Wildclaw
11. Nocturne
12. Coatl
13. Skydancer
14. Bogsneak
15. Obelisk
16. Gaoler
17. Banescale
18. Veilspun
19. Aberration
20. Undertide
21. Aether
22. Sandsurge
Apparel: Breed two of your dragons. If you can't, you may either queue this for when it's possible or roll 1-4 for one of the food options.
- Optional hardmode: Flip a coin for every hatchling. Every tails means a dead hatchling that must be exalted or removed from the Pinkerlocke.

Battle Items: Chance for a death streak. Flip a coin; if heads, a death streak happens, and if tails, nothing happens.
- Death streak: Three dragons must be chosen through a random generator and go through a Coliseum area corresponding to the highest level in the party. 10 rounds must be completed consecutively; if a dragon dies, the death streak is over and no more rounds are required.

Added rules from me!
  • dead dragons are going to the lore tab

any prns
[center][size=6][b]The Team[/b][/size][/center] Born from the unforgiving 128, this meager clan of three -- the only ones who could, or would escape together -- has one wish and one wish only. To see the fabled sea, in all of its greatness, and find a better world there. Maybe it's true that only Sparrow is properly suited to live in the water, but they will find a way to make it work, because the alternative, returning to the scientists and poking and prodding, is worse than drowning. Worse than death. [center][b]Sparrow[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Sparrow has somehow become the de-facto leader of the troop. The oldest, though not by much, he has taken on the responsibility of finding where, exactly, the sea even [i]is[/i]. Not an easy task, when all he has to go off of is a gut feeling, and stories of bast blue expanses. But he must, Fever and Radium are counting on him to get them there, and it was his promise to them, when he asked them to run. [center][b]Fever[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Fever won't tell either of his companions so, but he would have left the 128 anyway, with or without them. Raised on books of adventures, of music and magic, there was no way he would have stayed to live a life of being an experiment, up until the toxins and viruses got too much for him. He doesn't have more experience with the outside world than the others do, but he's willing to learn, picking up new skills along the way like a fish takes to water. [center][b]Uranium[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Uranium is here, because where else would he be? A quiet child, and the youngest of the three, he's never made a wave. He follows in Sparrows footsteps, as staying alone in the familiar 128 sounds more terrifying than going into the unknown with him. He's not the strongest, or the biggest, but he has recently learned that his claws and teeth are as good as any to tear enemies apart. [center][b]Eon[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
The Team

Born from the unforgiving 128, this meager clan of three -- the only ones who could, or would escape together -- has one wish and one wish only. To see the fabled sea, in all of its greatness, and find a better world there. Maybe it's true that only Sparrow is properly suited to live in the water, but they will find a way to make it work, because the alternative, returning to the scientists and poking and prodding, is worse than drowning. Worse than death.


Sparrow has somehow become the de-facto leader of the troop. The oldest, though not by much, he has taken on the responsibility of finding where, exactly, the sea even is. Not an easy task, when all he has to go off of is a gut feeling, and stories of bast blue expanses. But he must, Fever and Radium are counting on him to get them there, and it was his promise to them, when he asked them to run.


Fever won't tell either of his companions so, but he would have left the 128 anyway, with or without them. Raised on books of adventures, of music and magic, there was no way he would have stayed to live a life of being an experiment, up until the toxins and viruses got too much for him. He doesn't have more experience with the outside world than the others do, but he's willing to learn, picking up new skills along the way like a fish takes to water.


Uranium is here, because where else would he be? A quiet child, and the youngest of the three, he's never made a wave. He follows in Sparrows footsteps, as staying alone in the familiar 128 sounds more terrifying than going into the unknown with him. He's not the strongest, or the biggest, but he has recently learned that his claws and teeth are as good as any to tear enemies apart.

any prns
[center][b]Day One[/b] [item=Moon Jellyfish] [size=2]30-40 matches[/size] The group ventures out of their home for the very first time. They progress towards the depths of the woods, batting off bugs and birds too curious for their own good.[/center]
Day One

Moon Jellyfish
30-40 matches

The group ventures out of their home for the very first time. They progress towards the depths of the woods, batting off bugs and birds too curious for their own good.

any prns
[center][b]Day Two[/b] [item= Ire Tweet] [size=2]40-50 matches[/size][/center] As the journey progresses, they barely notice the bites and stings of insects, as caught up as they are in the moment. Living on the road in a stiff learning curve, when every sound they hear at night might be a dangerous beast or a natural disaster heading their way. But they survived the first night, and are getting ready for their second, after a day of walking towards what they hope will be the sea.
Day Two

Ire Tweet
40-50 matches

As the journey progresses, they barely notice the bites and stings of insects, as caught up as they are in the moment. Living on the road in a stiff learning curve, when every sound they hear at night might be a dangerous beast or a natural disaster heading their way. But they survived the first night, and are getting ready for their second, after a day of walking towards what they hope will be the sea.

any prns
[center][b]Day Three [/b] [item= Green and White Flair Scarf] [size=2] Breed two of your dragons [b]queued![/b][/size][/center]
Day Three

Green and White Flair Scarf
Breed two of your dragons


any prns
[center][b]Day Four[/b] [item=Brilliant Primary Feathers] [size=2]writing[/size][/center] [url=]An introduction.[/url]
Day Four

Brilliant Primary Feathers

An introduction.


any prns
[center][b]Day Five[/b] [item=Augite Fragments] [size=2]art[/size][/center] A peak into the future... [outfit=2488854]
Day Five

Augite Fragments

A peak into the future...

any prns
[center][b]Day Six[/b] [item=Wisp Bug] [size=2]10-20 matches[/size][/center] The group enters the forest. It's as different from the quiet plains they were travelling through as night is from day. They hide, whenever they can, and fight viciously whenever they cannot. It's not without injury that they make their way through the woods, and the things that inhabit them.
Day Six

Wisp Bug
10-20 matches

The group enters the forest. It's as different from the quiet plains they were travelling through as night is from day. They hide, whenever they can, and fight viciously whenever they cannot. It's not without injury that they make their way through the woods, and the things that inhabit them.

any prns
[center][b]Day Seven[/b] [item=Pretty Green Head Bow] [size=2]breed two dragons[/size] [b]queued[/b][/center]
Day Seven

Pretty Green Head Bow
breed two dragons


any prns
[center][b]Day Seven[/b] [item=Yellow Canary ] [size=2]40-50 matches [/size][/center] The next part of the forest, where the trees are sparse and everything smells of ashes is nothing like the clear path they've been walking so far. After a call that came way too close for both Ura and Fev, the three retreat, battered, bruised and bleeding, but most of all terrified. Sparrow doesn't let the two of them out of his sight as they settle to camp, the two smaller dragons tucked away under his wings where he knows they will be safe and sound.
Day Seven

Yellow Canary
40-50 matches

The next part of the forest, where the trees are sparse and everything smells of ashes is nothing like the clear path they've been walking so far. After a call that came way too close for both Ura and Fev, the three retreat, battered, bruised and bleeding, but most of all terrified. Sparrow doesn't let the two of them out of his sight as they settle to camp, the two smaller dragons tucked away under his wings where he knows they will be safe and sound.

any prns
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