
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [kingdomlocke 2.0] till breath it shreds
[columns][img][/img][nextcol] [size=7][color=#58525e][font=cambria]TILL [b]BREATH[/b] IT SHREDS[/size] [size=4]{kingdomlocke}[/size][/font][/color][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [font=cambria][size=4]More slush than ice, here; glacier's border brings the slashing winds of its high peaks to volley with a river of meltoff at the base. A set of outcasts, free from the chains that bind, claw the foundations of an empire in [sub]this [sub]valley [sub]of [sub]madness.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/size][/font] [img][/img][/center] [u]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/u] [right][color=#58525e][size=3][font=cambria]penned by Void[/font][/size][/color]
139d1dde28857ef439f0a027147ebeca2b4c2d6a.gif TILL BREATH


More slush than ice, here;
glacier's border brings the slashing winds of its high peaks to volley with a river of meltoff at the base. A set of outcasts, free from the chains that bind, claw the foundations of an empire in this valley of madness.


penned by Void
Look at my permababies. Look at them.
[center][size=7][font=cambria][color=#58525f]PAWNS AT PLAY[/color][/font][/size] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=6][font=cambria][color=#58525f][b]E M P E R O R[/b][/color][/font][/size][/center] [center][img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=cambria][size=4][color=#58525f]LVL 6 | [b]SINEW[/b] | 1 LIFE[/color][/size][/font] [img][/img] [center][i][size=4][color=grey]Skittish, paranoid... b a s t a r d.[/color][/size][/i][/center] [columns][indent][url=] [img][/img][/url][/indent][nextcol][center]________________________________[font=cambria][size=5]LVL 6 | [b]ZIRCON[/b] | 1 LIFE [b]Artist![/b] (Former: Nesting-Helper) Diminutive follower of her more powerful clanmates.[/size][/font][/center][/columns] [columns][indent][url=][img][/img][/url][/indent][nextcol][center]________________________________[font=cambria][size=5]LVL 3 | [b]Ptah[/b] | 1 LIFE [b]Jobless (for now)[/b] A perfect masquerade serves as advisor to the 'emperor' [/size][/font][/center][/columns] [columns][indent][url=][img][/img][/url][/indent][nextcol][center]________________________________[font=cambria][size=5]LVL 3 | [b]Illarion[/b] | 1 LIFE [b]Jobless (for now)[/b] A foundling [/size][/font][/center][/columns] [columns][indent][url=][img][/img][/url][/indent][nextcol][center]________________________________[font=cambria][size=5]LVL 2 | [b]Lahara[/b] | 1 LIFE [b]Jobless (for now)[/b] Wanderers found in the wild.[/size][/font][/center][/columns] [columns][indent][url=][img][/img][/url][/indent][nextcol][center]________________________________[font=cambria][size=5]LVL 2 | [b]Lafey[/b] | 1 LIFE [b]Jobless (for now)[/b] Wanderers found in the wild.[/size][/font][/center][/columns] [center][size=7][font=cambria]BONEYARD[/font][/size] [img][/img] [center][size=2]Click through for the instance of their deaths[/size][/center] [font=cambria][url=][img][/img][/url][/font][/center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5]Hatchling Memorial[/size] [url=]Dalmar[/url], [url=]Ambar[/url], [url=]Jolene[/url], [url=]Char[/url], [url=]Slade[/url]


Skittish, paranoid... b a s t a r d.
________________________________LVL 6 | ZIRCON | 1 LIFE
Artist! (Former: Nesting-Helper)
Diminutive follower of her more powerful clanmates.
________________________________LVL 3 | Ptah | 1 LIFE
Jobless (for now)
A perfect masquerade serves as advisor to the 'emperor'
________________________________LVL 3 | Illarion | 1 LIFE
Jobless (for now)
A foundling
________________________________LVL 2 | Lahara | 1 LIFE
Jobless (for now)
Wanderers found in the wild.
________________________________LVL 2 | Lafey | 1 LIFE
Jobless (for now)
Wanderers found in the wild.
Click through for the instance of their deaths



Hatchling Memorial

Dalmar, Ambar, Jolene, Char,
Look at my permababies. Look at them.
Look at my permababies. Look at them.
[center][size=7][font=cambria]EXTRAS[/font][/size] [img][/img] TBA[/center]
Look at my permababies. Look at them.
[center][size=7][font=cambria][color=lightsteelblue]day zero; prologue[/color][/size] [size=3][b]Applicable CW:[/b] Death, mentions of starvation, mention of cannibalism[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][i]"...from wretches you came, and to wretches all you shall be ..."[/i][/font][/center] [font=Optima][indent][i]Filthy.[/i][/indent] It's warmer here. Bits of gravel that had spent an eternity locked in a glaciers' tomb dislodge themselves as the temperature crests the freezing point. They tumble down, gathering more of their ilk in their wake, until the snow turns grey and picking grit out of claws goes from an occasional nuisance to a constant peeve. Aside from those muffled whines of pain, the three dragons making a go of the hostile landscape were silent. A Spiral kept near-perfect time with his Wildclaw companion at point; a Coatl padded softly behind. Too tired to fly, but with no option of return, they press on. The quiet allows plenty of time to reflect on the past six hours. A failed coup, the swift banishment that followed... [indent][i]Destroy beyond doubt all manner of their existence. Strike their names from every pike and obelisk until history forgets them. Let them know that spears will meet their heels if they ever stop running from this place.[/i] An explosively loud Imperial's voice nearly made the marble pillars crack at the edict. Of course, the heavy majority cowered to the brute... even the ones sworn the sword of the coup. Bowed heads, folded wings, submission. Fogged, bated breath raised the humidity by another three percent in the glacial chamber. Yanya's glasses would have fogged, if they didn't lay in pieces four hallways away. Even blurred, she could see the only two moving figures-- of course, the enormous figure towering above all of them, but also a single, writhing spiral in the arms of a heavy-bottomed Bogsneak. Sinew. Not a sound came from the struggle-- the gags were sufficiently taut on their snouts, yes. No matter how much force Sinew threw into his guard, he didn't budge, and the emperor paid him no mind. A voice finally broke the heavy air after five full minutes of silence. A scribe, so petite a Fae that he was nearly lost among the court. [i]Death is the only end for such a punishment. They'll starve, or freeze...[/i] came the meek challenge, [i]...and to your own blood... the empire is afeared.[/i] Death came so quickly for the boy that even the Icewarden couldn't catch his soul. Only a shriek from the back of the deathly quiet room heralded it, and the emperor was quick to wave the tiny corpse out of the room in the hands of the guards. [i][b]Then let them pick eachother's bone and hide.[/b][/i][/indent] Obviously, the answer wasn't for the scribe. Little more was said following, and Sinew's memory drifts to the stampede to get on with their exile-- a group of five was left three after a cavernous crack caused the ground to open beneath two. It swallowed them whole, but there wasn't a chance for a word of grief. Claws served as icepicks to slide down the gleaming walls, flying when possible... but that wasn't possible for long. They took to walking, making slow progress. So it carried until now, with only bones of their original movement left. The gleaming skyward empire was long out of sight, two weeks behind them. Sinew crushes a block of ice in his teeth to suck the water out, an attempt to fill his empty stomach with something. He spits the razor-sharp rocks back to the ground. He, too, regrets the decrease in altitude. The trio stops at the first breakthrough of vegetation through the foot of the glacier, staring at the wide expanse of marshy, cold flatland. "What are we going to do here?" Zircon's soft, trilling tone causes Yanya to look over her shoulder. "Here?" replies the wildclaw, "[i]Here[/i], we build the empire of our birthright."[/font] [center][img][/img][/center]
day zero; prologue

Applicable CW: Death, mentions of starvation, mention of cannibalism
"...from wretches you came, and to wretches all you shall be ..."


It's warmer here. Bits of gravel that had spent an eternity locked in a glaciers' tomb dislodge themselves as the temperature crests the freezing point. They tumble down, gathering more of their ilk in their wake, until the snow turns grey and picking grit out of claws goes from an occasional nuisance to a constant peeve. Aside from those muffled whines of pain, the three dragons making a go of the hostile landscape were silent. A Spiral kept near-perfect time with his Wildclaw companion at point; a Coatl padded softly behind. Too tired to fly, but with no option of return, they press on. The quiet allows plenty of time to reflect on the past six hours.

A failed coup, the swift banishment that followed...

Destroy beyond doubt all manner of their existence. Strike their names from every pike and obelisk until history forgets them. Let them know that spears will meet their heels if they ever stop running from this place.

An explosively loud Imperial's voice nearly made the marble pillars crack at the edict. Of course, the heavy majority cowered to the brute... even the ones sworn the sword of the coup. Bowed heads, folded wings, submission. Fogged, bated breath raised the humidity by another three percent in the glacial chamber. Yanya's glasses would have fogged, if they didn't lay in pieces four hallways away. Even blurred, she could see the only two moving figures-- of course, the enormous figure towering above all of them, but also a single, writhing spiral in the arms of a heavy-bottomed Bogsneak.


Not a sound came from the struggle-- the gags were sufficiently taut on their snouts, yes. No matter how much force Sinew threw into his guard, he didn't budge, and the emperor paid him no mind. A voice finally broke the heavy air after five full minutes of silence. A scribe, so petite a Fae that he was nearly lost among the court.

Death is the only end for such a punishment. They'll starve, or freeze... came the meek challenge, ...and to your own blood... the empire is afeared.

Death came so quickly for the boy that even the Icewarden couldn't catch his soul. Only a shriek from the back of the deathly quiet room heralded it, and the emperor was quick to wave the tiny corpse out of the room in the hands of the guards.

Then let them pick eachother's bone and hide.

Obviously, the answer wasn't for the scribe. Little more was said following, and Sinew's memory drifts to the stampede to get on with their exile-- a group of five was left three after a cavernous crack caused the ground to open beneath two. It swallowed them whole, but there wasn't a chance for a word of grief. Claws served as icepicks to slide down the gleaming walls, flying when possible... but that wasn't possible for long. They took to walking, making slow progress. So it carried until now, with only bones of their original movement left. The gleaming skyward empire was long out of sight, two weeks behind them.

Sinew crushes a block of ice in his teeth to suck the water out, an attempt to fill his empty stomach with something. He spits the razor-sharp rocks back to the ground. He, too, regrets the decrease in altitude. The trio stops at the first breakthrough of vegetation through the foot of the glacier, staring at the wide expanse of marshy, cold flatland.

"What are we going to do here?"

Zircon's soft, trilling tone causes Yanya to look over her shoulder.

"Here?" replies the wildclaw, "Here, we build the empire of our birthright."
Look at my permababies. Look at them.
[center][size=7][font=cambria][color=lightsteelblue]day one[/color][/size] [size=3][b]Applicable CW:[/b] Standard FR 'violence'[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][i]"hit the ground bleeding"[/i][/font][/center] [quote][columns][item=Broad-Footed Mole][nextcol][size=6][color=dimgrey][font=Cambria][b]40-50[/b] Coliseum Battles[/font][/color][/size][/columns][/quote] With the warmer temperatures comes plenty of life to be found, and the three hopefuls fight a long, treacherous day picking off the most volatile of the immediate area. [b]Zircon[/b] and [b]Yanya[/b] have sworn a vow to protect their royal, and pull back countless times to nurse his wounds. With only a pitiful magical heritage to her name, [b]Zircon[/b] struggles to pull her weight in force. Plenty of food dulls the resentment of being left behind her companions. All emerge at [b]level 4[/b], after all! [br] [quote][b]Notable Loot: [/b] [item=Green-Edged Claw][item=Broken Flower Pot][/quote][columns][color=transparent][/color][br][br][b]Yanya[/b] rips clean an armored hand to feast on its contents. Something falls, glinting brightly, and catches her eye in the snow. A ring? She wordlessly presses it into [b]Sinew's[/b] palm-- a gift? [b]Sinew [/b]dons the razor-sharp piece on a front claw. He tilts his head with a smirk, as though it reminds him of the palace finery denied him in the past.[nextcol][b]Zircon[/b] takes particular interest in the broken pottery, pocketing the trifle of coins inside with glee. One-two-three-[i]70 coins![/i] Her own little hoard, she thinks, to get off to a good start.[color=transparent]_______________[/color][/columns] [b]Yanya's[/b] brief courtship isn't lost on [b]Sinew[/b], and they take to a nest. By morning, [b]four eggs [/b]await. A makeshift nest in the ice will have to do-- the royal pulls them into his coils while [b]Zircon[/b] takes to watch for the night. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
day one

Applicable CW: Standard FR 'violence'
"hit the ground bleeding"
Broad-Footed Mole 40-50 Coliseum Battles

With the warmer temperatures comes plenty of life to be found, and the three hopefuls fight a long, treacherous day picking off the most volatile of the immediate area. Zircon and Yanya have sworn a vow to protect their royal, and pull back countless times to nurse his wounds. With only a pitiful magical heritage to her name, Zircon struggles to pull her weight in force.

Plenty of food dulls the resentment of being left behind her companions. All emerge at level 4, after all!

Notable Loot:
Green-Edged Claw Broken Flower Pot

Yanya rips clean an armored hand to feast on its contents. Something falls, glinting brightly, and catches her eye in the snow. A ring? She wordlessly presses it into Sinew's palm-- a gift? Sinew dons the razor-sharp piece on a front claw. He tilts his head with a smirk, as though it reminds him of the palace finery denied him in the past.
Zircon takes particular interest in the broken pottery, pocketing the trifle of coins inside with glee. One-two-three-70 coins! Her own little hoard, she thinks, to get off to a good start._______________

Yanya's brief courtship isn't lost on Sinew, and they take to a nest. By morning, four eggs await. A makeshift nest in the ice will have to do-- the royal pulls them into his coils while Zircon takes to watch for the night.
Look at my permababies. Look at them.
Ooh, the writing for this challenge is downright haunting! And I love the way you've formatted your posts :D Could I be added to the pinglist?
Ooh, the writing for this challenge is downright haunting! And I love the way you've formatted your posts :D Could I be added to the pinglist?
LhnYpua.png s3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-l11-book.pngs3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-m36-book.pngs3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-s16-book.pngB7_R.png
.. « Mew »
|| 2+ FR Time | She/Her | The Calm Within the Storm | fr__lightning_by_baelfin-d8uyn76.png fr__beastclans_by_baelfin-d92uyiw.png ||

• { Thunder Hollow } - Clan Lore [WIP]
{ Assets: x x x }
LhnYpua.png 89TBw7Q.gif
Same here, this is awesome!
Same here, this is awesome!
tumblr_542ab0f1a7f1d0810e8769fececf6c76_4ec57c30_250.png IMG_8661.png
[u][/u][center][size=7][font=cambria][color=lightsteelblue]day two[/color][/size] [size=3][b]Applicable CW:[/b] Standard FR 'violence'[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][i]"to whom do you take your woes?"[/i][/font][/center] [quote][columns][item=Discipline][nextcol][size=6][color=dimgrey][font=Cambria][b] Battle Item! [/b]Fate of the Coin. (1[b]d2[/b]) You rolled a [b][u]1[/u][/b][/size] [Br] [size=7][b]BEASTCLAN ATTACK[/b][/font][/color][/size][/columns][/quote] [size=4][font=cambria]Cacophonies of roars bellow from all sides. Avian, mammalian, and even reptilic grunts mix in an altogether discordant mess of noise surrounding the small camp built by our intrepid three. A massive, armored bird smashes through an askew salvage post meant to be a poor man's barrier fence. Her scream bellows through louder than the rest, mere meters from the dragons' faces. Though fear flashes in the large eyes of the ill-fated royal, [b]Sinew[/b] is the first to face the droves.[/font][/size] [Br] [quote](1[b]d12[/b]) You rolled a [b][u]7![/u][/b][/quote] [font=cambria][size=4]Wounded down the length of his twisting neck, but still alive, he takes a flank position as [b]Yanya[/b] roars back to the beasts. She pounces upon them with no fear in her eyes; only bloodlust.[/size][/font] [Br] [quote](1[b]d12[/b]) You rolled a [b][u]2![/u][/b][/quote] [font=cambria][size=4]By the time the dust clears on her assault, the corpses of twenty foes lay on the ground. The blood that oozes from them, however, mingles with that of [b]Yanya[/b] herself, who lays prone in the mud. Terribly wounded but still alive, it's up to [b]Zircon[/b] to fend the rest off.[/size][/font] [Br] [quote](1[b]d12[/b]) You rolled a [b][u]9![/u][/b][/quote] [font=cambria][size=4]In a surprising show of ferocity, [b]Zircon[/b] fares better than the rest; she overcomes the remaining beasts aggressive enough to continue the onslaught. The rest flee over the shining peaks of the lower hills on the glacier's edge. Wheezing, tired, but with only a few scrapes to show for the effort, she collapses by her teammates. Some canvas scraps to wrap wounds salvaged from a destroyed caravan leave [b]Sinew[/b] stable enough to return to his nest. [b]Yanya[/b] is more poorly off but in her stubbornness refuses to show the depth of her injuries. [i]Sleep[/i] will suffice as medicine, tonight.[/font][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] ______________________________________________________ [size=2]@Pikabolt @TheAwesoMew[/size]
day two

Applicable CW: Standard FR 'violence'
"to whom do you take your woes?"
Discipline Battle Item! Fate of the Coin.

(1d2) You rolled a 1


Cacophonies of roars bellow from all sides. Avian, mammalian, and even reptilic grunts mix in an altogether discordant mess of noise surrounding the small camp built by our intrepid three. A massive, armored bird smashes through an askew salvage post meant to be a poor man's barrier fence. Her scream bellows through louder than the rest, mere meters from the dragons' faces.

Though fear flashes in the large eyes of the ill-fated royal, Sinew is the first to face the droves.

(1d12) You rolled a 7!

Wounded down the length of his twisting neck, but still alive, he takes a flank position as Yanya roars back to the beasts. She pounces upon them with no fear in her eyes; only bloodlust.

(1d12) You rolled a 2!

By the time the dust clears on her assault, the corpses of twenty foes lay on the ground. The blood that oozes from them, however, mingles with that of Yanya herself, who lays prone in the mud. Terribly wounded but still alive, it's up to Zircon to fend the rest off.

(1d12) You rolled a 9!

In a surprising show of ferocity, Zircon fares better than the rest; she overcomes the remaining beasts aggressive enough to continue the onslaught. The rest flee over the shining peaks of the lower hills on the glacier's edge. Wheezing, tired, but with only a few scrapes to show for the effort, she collapses by her teammates. Some canvas scraps to wrap wounds salvaged from a destroyed caravan leave Sinew stable enough to return to his nest. Yanya is more poorly off but in her stubbornness refuses to show the depth of her injuries.

Sleep will suffice as medicine, tonight.


@Pikabolt @TheAwesoMew
Look at my permababies. Look at them.
Whew, what an intense scene! I love the idea of splitting the encounter up based on how each dragon rolls--a very clever way to tie in the Kingdomlocke mechanics. Hope these poor dragons will be more fortunate soon!
Whew, what an intense scene! I love the idea of splitting the encounter up based on how each dragon rolls--a very clever way to tie in the Kingdomlocke mechanics. Hope these poor dragons will be more fortunate soon!
LhnYpua.png s3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-l11-book.pngs3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-m36-book.pngs3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-s16-book.pngB7_R.png
.. « Mew »
|| 2+ FR Time | She/Her | The Calm Within the Storm | fr__lightning_by_baelfin-d8uyn76.png fr__beastclans_by_baelfin-d92uyiw.png ||

• { Thunder Hollow } - Clan Lore [WIP]
{ Assets: x x x }
LhnYpua.png 89TBw7Q.gif