
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | goblinlocke
@jaspernoir tysm! QwQ
@jaspernoir tysm! QwQ
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAY 33[/b] [item=Everburn Tangle] hhee fire tentacle mushroom [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Bembe, Lily and Dusk followed nervously as Bok led them deeper into the woods. the creeped on silently for what seemed like forever, as the colours of a sunrise began to fill the sky. "we're here." Bok whispered. Bembe didn't see what she was talking about first, but then he noticed a something like a roof or a window poking through the foliage. it was a abandonned house, long forgotten and slowly being reclaimed by the forest. "I can't find a way in but im too small to break the windows." Bok whispered. Bembe looked back at the house. it felt wrong to break in, even if no one lived there. Bembe sighed. "alright..." he smashed the window open as -um- 'gently' as he could, which wasn't really very gentle. there was a loud crash as shards of glass went flying around them. Bembe and the others quickly picked themselves up and peeked through the window. the house was empty, and dead silent. one by one, they all creeped inside. a thick layer of dust coated the floor. there was still a teapot on the stove, but a family of spider's seemed to be occupying it. "huh. i wonder who lived here." Dusk whispered, but his voiced seemed loud and to echo off the walls in this silent, long forgotten place. no one said a word. Lily motioned for them to follow her, and they treaded carefully down the hallway, at last entering what appeared to be a bedroom. the skeleton of a bogsneak lay on the bed, with a teacup lying on the floor nearby. there was a loud thud, making everyone jump. it came from the closet. They are exchanged a wary glance before Bembe went to open the closet door, and a life sized blue and yellow doll of a bogsneak tumbled out, folloewd by several other dragon shaped dolls. small yellow fireflies flocked the bogsneak doll which lay limply on the ground. something about this one felt different from the rest. "there are dolls hidden all over the house." Lily whispered. "i even saw some in the kitchen." "so?" Bembe whispered back. "whoever lived here had a hobby. not that weird." He didnt admit it, but he felt uneasy too. suddenly, the bogsneak doll began to move. [url=][img][/img][/url]
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
DAY 33
Everburn Tangle
hhee fire tentacle mushroom
Bembe, Lily and Dusk followed nervously as Bok led them deeper into the woods. the creeped on silently for what seemed like forever, as the colours of a sunrise began to fill the sky. "we're here." Bok whispered. Bembe didn't see what she was talking about first, but then he noticed a something like a roof or a window poking through the foliage. it was a abandonned house, long forgotten and slowly being reclaimed by the forest. "I can't find a way in but im too small to break the windows." Bok whispered. Bembe looked back at the house. it felt wrong to break in, even if no one lived there. Bembe sighed. "alright..." he smashed the window open as -um- 'gently' as he could, which wasn't really very gentle. there was a loud crash as shards of glass went flying around them. Bembe and the others quickly picked themselves up and peeked through the window. the house was empty, and dead silent. one by one, they all creeped inside. a thick layer of dust coated the floor. there was still a teapot on the stove, but a family of spider's seemed to be occupying it. "huh. i wonder who lived here." Dusk whispered, but his voiced seemed loud and to echo off the walls in this silent, long forgotten place. no one said a word. Lily motioned for them to follow her, and they treaded carefully down the hallway, at last entering what appeared to be a bedroom. the skeleton of a bogsneak lay on the bed, with a teacup lying on the floor nearby. there was a loud thud, making everyone jump. it came from the closet. They are exchanged a wary glance before Bembe went to open the closet door, and a life sized blue and yellow doll of a bogsneak tumbled out, folloewd by several other dragon shaped dolls. small yellow fireflies flocked the bogsneak doll which lay limply on the ground. something about this one felt different from the rest. "there are dolls hidden all over the house." Lily whispered. "i even saw some in the kitchen." "so?" Bembe whispered back. "whoever lived here had a hobby. not that weird." He didnt admit it, but he felt uneasy too. suddenly, the bogsneak doll began to move.
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAY 34[/b] [item= gardening rake] [url=][img][/img][/url] The was a flurry of pink glitter as the bogsneak doll awoke, taking in her surroundings with her beady button eyes. She heard several dragons screaming and running away. No matter. They weren’t any trouble. She turned to the bed where mother had slept, the dormant dolls of her siblings lay around her, a small empty teacup on the floor, but mother was not there. In her place was a skeleton, limp and lifeless, and coated in dust from being alone all those years. “Mother…?” She whispered. Her voice spoke but her mouth didn’t move. Mother had made them like that. She made them out of fabric and stuffing and buttons and she made them alive and her own, and she was gone. “Mother?” She whispered again, softer, knowing she won’t respond. The other dragons did this. It was their fault. And she will make them pay. [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] “So…” Jek said awkwardly, looking at the two eggs nestled between him and Lily. “How exactly are we gonna tell the others about this?” Lily shrugged. “I guess we’ll have to tell them eventually… I don’t know…” The conversation didn’t last long, as there was a loud commotion near the camp, Lily and Jek quickly hid their unborn children in a hollowed out log, and rushed to the camp, to see the same blue and yellow bog sneak plushie right in front of the treehouse, and it looked anrgy.
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
DAY 34
Gardening Rake
The was a flurry of pink glitter as the bogsneak doll awoke, taking in her surroundings with her beady button eyes. She heard several dragons screaming and running away. No matter. They weren’t any trouble. She turned to the bed where mother had slept, the dormant dolls of her siblings lay around her, a small empty teacup on the floor, but mother was not there. In her place was a skeleton, limp and lifeless, and coated in dust from being alone all those years. “Mother…?” She whispered. Her voice spoke but her mouth didn’t move. Mother had made them like that. She made them out of fabric and stuffing and buttons and she made them alive and her own, and she was gone. “Mother?” She whispered again, softer, knowing she won’t respond. The other dragons did this. It was their fault. And she will make them pay.
“So…” Jek said awkwardly, looking at the two eggs nestled between him and Lily. “How exactly are we gonna tell the others about this?” Lily shrugged. “I guess we’ll have to tell them eventually… I don’t know…” The conversation didn’t last long, as there was a loud commotion near the camp, Lily and Jek quickly hid their unborn children in a hollowed out log, and rushed to the camp, to see the same blue and yellow bog sneak plushie right in front of the treehouse, and it looked anrgy.
MORE SLIMY KIDS??????????????????

Also omg I love that Pincushion is actually a doll!
MORE SLIMY KIDS??????????????????

Also omg I love that Pincushion is actually a doll!
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@petall yesssss slimey childrenss!!!!! also yes i was so excited to introduce her alsflajfslfsjakfjakfjdlafa
@petall yesssss slimey childrenss!!!!! also yes i was so excited to introduce her alsflajfslfsjakfjakfjdlafa
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAY 35[/b] [item=Scarlet Yuccaweave] [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] "you killed mother." the bogsneak snarled, circling around Bok, Bembe and Dusk. "but where is the third?" it hissed suspiciously. it didn't have a mouth but they could hear her voice, haunting and icy. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] "we- we didn't kill anyone..." Bembe stammered, trying to sheild the others with his wings. "what do you want?" "revenge." she hissed. "please- we didn't do anything wrong-" Dusk whimpered, Bo hiding nervously behind them. "then how did it happen? can you tell me?" the doll snarled at them. [url=][img][/img][/url] "hey leave them alone! your 'mother' was dead when we found her." Lily snapped. "we had nothing to do with this!" The bogsneak turned its head to see her, with out moving the rest of her body. "then who?" she asked again. "we don't know.' Bok spoke up. "we only found the house and thought it would be fun to explore. we're sorry. we didn't know there was anyone living there." other dragons crowded around to see what was happening as the bogsneak glanced at the group, deciding wether to beleive them or not. she didn't get to finish deciding however- as there was a sudden cry of a hatchling from the woods. [url=][img][/img][/url] Jek gasped and turned in the direction> "no... it cant be..." "i think it is...?" Lily whispered. "the eggs...?" [rule] hehhe so i was unactive for a while sorry also here is a child who did not surive very goopy bean [url=][img][/img][/url] (man pinkerton loves ridgebacks huh?)
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
DAY 35
Scarlet Yuccaweave
"you killed mother." the bogsneak snarled, circling around Bok, Bembe and Dusk. "but where is the third?" it hissed suspiciously. it didn't have a mouth but they could hear her voice, haunting and icy.
"we- we didn't kill anyone..." Bembe stammered, trying to sheild the others with his wings. "what do you want?"
"revenge." she hissed. "please- we didn't do anything wrong-" Dusk whimpered, Bo hiding nervously behind them. "then how did it happen? can you tell me?" the doll snarled at them.
"hey leave them alone! your 'mother' was dead when we found her." Lily snapped. "we had nothing to do with this!" The bogsneak turned its head to see her, with out moving the rest of her body. "then who?" she asked again. "we don't know.' Bok spoke up. "we only found the house and thought it would be fun to explore. we're sorry. we didn't know there was anyone living there." other dragons crowded around to see what was happening as the bogsneak glanced at the group, deciding wether to beleive them or not. she didn't get to finish deciding however- as there was a sudden cry of a hatchling from the woods.
Jek gasped and turned in the direction> "no... it cant be..." "i think it is...?" Lily whispered. "the eggs...?"
hehhe so i was unactive for a while sorry also here is a child who did not surive very goopy bean
(man pinkerton loves ridgebacks huh?)

Aw man, I feel bad for Pincushion. I love them so much though!

Also can I take slime baby? Idk what I'll do with her yet, but Slime baby.

Aw man, I feel bad for Pincushion. I love them so much though!

Also can I take slime baby? Idk what I'll do with her yet, but Slime baby.
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png
@petall ofc!! ill send her over also yeah poor pincushion having a really bad day rn huh
@petall ofc!! ill send her over also yeah poor pincushion having a really bad day rn huh
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAY 36[/b] [item= maple leaf] Chaos (Also forgot to mention pincushion is gender fluid and uses any pronouns :3) [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] The bogsneak doll stared in silent shock as the shrimpy slime skydancer and what he assumed was her mate, the ridgeback in the ridiculous sweater ran into the woods. He had not expected his dramatic entrance and his revenge to be interrupted by [i]hatchlings.[/i] he had to admit he was slightly curious, as he shuffled awkwardly in place. The other dragons around him was making him feel nervous, and he was starting to believe this gang of weirdos hadn’t killed mother. That’s when he noticed the tree. The wide canopy was filled with tents and platforms of a large treehouse. When he was last awake it was hardly a sapling, and the veilspun dragons were still in hiding, but there was one right in front of him. [url=][img][/img][/url] “Well. This is interesting. You’re one of the doll maker’s children?” He asked, flicking his tail at the string that was trailing from her tail, it had snagged on a branch and was twisting this was and that through the woods. “I don’t know who that is.” The dolls voice trembled. “I don’t know my name anymore. How long has it been?” “We don’t know. The doll maker’s house has been abandoned for centuries now. I’m sorry. I wish I could help you more.” The veilspun replied sadly. “It’s ok.” It was a few seconds before any dragon realised what the trembling doll was doing, as no tears could flow from its button eyes. Bok was the first to try and cheer him up. “It’s okay. I know this is hard for you, but you can get through this, we’ll help you, if you would like that.” She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The moment was interrupted by Arnold the toad who started croaking loudly and frantically. [url=][img][/img][/url] “Arnold? Arnold what’s wrong?” Aurus asked, before suddenly clutching her head in pain and sinking to the floor. She suddenly looked at the sky and screamed in horror, before curling into a ball with fear, still clutching her head, as she swayed from side to side. “They’re coming theyre coming theyre coming…” she hissed. “So many of them. They lived… theyre angry…” she sobbed. Sands quickly rushed to her side. “Aurus it’s not real. Aurus…” amidst the chaos, Lily and Jek emerged from the forest, carrying a squirming ridgeback. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] “It’s fine everyone! The child is okay.” Sands immedietly looked up. “Oh my god I’m not responsible enough to be a grandparent” he started to cry too. There was a lot of yelling, some congratulations, some confusion, some were still yelling about the doll that had just stormed in and was a crying mess on the floor, while others were trying to ask Aurus what she had seen. Valinor sighed as he watched everyone lose their minds at everything that was happening. Looks like it was up to him to be the peacemaker. [rule] A lot of things are happening ok I tried my best also oh my god coatls are my second favourite breed now because of the pure amazingness of the two headed monstrosities I’m probably gonna introduce some soon once the prices get to usual dragon prices
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
DAY 36
Maple Leaf
(Also forgot to mention pincushion is gender fluid and uses any pronouns :3)
The bogsneak doll stared in silent shock as the shrimpy slime skydancer and what he assumed was her mate, the ridgeback in the ridiculous sweater ran into the woods. He had not expected his dramatic entrance and his revenge to be interrupted by hatchlings. he had to admit he was slightly curious, as he shuffled awkwardly in place. The other dragons around him was making him feel nervous, and he was starting to believe this gang of weirdos hadn’t killed mother. That’s when he noticed the tree. The wide canopy was filled with tents and platforms of a large treehouse. When he was last awake it was hardly a sapling, and the veilspun dragons were still in hiding, but there was one right in front of him.
“Well. This is interesting. You’re one of the doll maker’s children?” He asked, flicking his tail at the string that was trailing from her tail, it had snagged on a branch and was twisting this was and that through the woods. “I don’t know who that is.” The dolls voice trembled. “I don’t know my name anymore. How long has it been?” “We don’t know. The doll maker’s house has been abandoned for centuries now. I’m sorry. I wish I could help you more.” The veilspun replied sadly. “It’s ok.” It was a few seconds before any dragon realised what the trembling doll was doing, as no tears could flow from its button eyes. Bok was the first to try and cheer him up. “It’s okay. I know this is hard for you, but you can get through this, we’ll help you, if you would like that.” She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The moment was interrupted by Arnold the toad who started croaking loudly and frantically.
“Arnold? Arnold what’s wrong?” Aurus asked, before suddenly clutching her head in pain and sinking to the floor. She suddenly looked at the sky and screamed in horror, before curling into a ball with fear, still clutching her head, as she swayed from side to side. “They’re coming theyre coming theyre coming…” she hissed. “So many of them. They lived… theyre angry…” she sobbed. Sands quickly rushed to her side.
“Aurus it’s not real. Aurus…” amidst the chaos, Lily and Jek emerged from the forest, carrying a squirming ridgeback.
“It’s fine everyone! The child is okay.” Sands immedietly looked up. “Oh my god I’m not responsible enough to be a grandparent” he started to cry too. There was a lot of yelling, some congratulations, some confusion, some were still yelling about the doll that had just stormed in and was a crying mess on the floor, while others were trying to ask Aurus what she had seen. Valinor sighed as he watched everyone lose their minds at everything that was happening. Looks like it was up to him to be the peacemaker.
A lot of things are happening ok I tried my best also oh my god coatls are my second favourite breed now because of the pure amazingness of the two headed monstrosities I’m probably gonna introduce some soon once the prices get to usual dragon prices
[quote]“Oh my god I’m not responsible enough to be a grandparent”[/quote] This line cracked me up!!!
“Oh my god I’m not responsible enough to be a grandparent”

This line cracked me up!!!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png