
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | goblinlocke
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@bluedemon6g6 thnx! :DDDDD
@bluedemon6g6 thnx! :DDDDD
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAYYYYY UMMMM 28?? DAY 28[/b] [item= Butter caiman] *soft gasp* yes [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] Jek squints at the surface of the pond, the silver moonlight reflecting his own annoyed face back at him as he stared at the water. The statue of the spiral with small peridot gems studded along its side stared at him too. It was creepy how it’s eyes seemed to follow him. He looked back at the water. There were some small fish swimming about, but not enough for a meal. Perhaps he should have accepted the food that the travellers he had met earlier had offered him. Well, if he was going to catch any fish, he should probably do it before the owner of this tree house got back. It felt like the tiny birds that flocked around were watching his every move. Still, he did not like the idea of getting wet at all. Maybe he should go catch some bugs or something, and buy some fish later. Suddenly there was a rustling in the leaves as a skydancer walked in. Jek paused to look at her. Was she a skydancer? [url=][img][/img][/url] Her scales seemed to be a dark green but in the moonlight he could see dark smudged where her organs and bones were, moving around silently. Her wings which must have used to be white seemed to be missing large chunks of the membrane, leaving snapped parts of the wing bones in their place. Was that a mushroom colony growing on her? “What the hell are you?” Jek snapped. He didn’t mean to but it’s not everyday you run into what appears to be a feral forest gremlin. She turned to look at him. “Huh? Oh I’m Lily. Yeah I look pretty weird but that’s because my mothers a fairy that got turned into a slime monster before I was hatched. She lives up there” she gestured at the treehouse. “Sorry.” Jek mumbled. “No it’s fine. You’re probably wondering what happened to my wings and how I got a mushroom colony growing on me. It’s kind of a long story. Come on, I’ll tell you while me and my brother try to get you some food, you’re probably starving.” Jek hadnt noticed her brother who was lurking behind her like a shadow. [url=][img][/img][/url] He had dark black scales which were also transculent, but his wings were purple and blue and were a entirely different shape to what was expected of skydancers. “Erm… hello. I’m Dusk.” He mumbled awkwardly, before hurrying after Lily. Jek followed. He didn’t want to trust them but he was starving. As Lily and Dusk hurried around in the kitchen Lily chattered on about something to do with a snowstorm when she was a hatchling and how she ate a weird bug and something to do with a tunnel monster cult, none of which Jek understood in the slightest. Dusk had finally decided to just sit down next to him after his sister told him to stop getting in the way and knocking over the cooking pots. After several more strange and ridiculous stories later Lily finally brought out a large pot filled with some sludge with bits of fish poking through it. In other circumstances he would have just left and not touched it but he really did need food so Jek pretended he didn’t see the eyeballs in it moving around and ate as much as he could stomach. Lily started to clean up, Dusk going to help her, and soon enough he had again managed to knock over a intricate glass vase and send it shattering on the floor. Jek heard some voices from the nearby rooms. “What in sorneith was that? Dusk what did you do?” Something scrambled down the stairs. Dusk made some panicked noises before suddenly, to Jek’s amazement, he began to shrink. He got smaller and smaller and his arms started to dissapear, as feathers grew over his scales, as he changed shape, before suddenly he was a small black bird with purple-blue wings. Before Jek could ask Dusk fluttered under the table just as another skydancer walked in. [url=][img][/img][/url] He looked around the room before looking under the table. “Dusk I know it’s you. There aren’t any birds with those colours around here.” He snapped, as Dusk, back in his dragon form crawled out from underneath, knocking over the bowl and spilling its creepy contents over the floor. “Sorry.” He mumbled. “Nevermind.” The other skydancer sighed, before looking back to Jek. “So. I assume you’ve met Lily and Dusk?” Jek laughed half heatedly. [i]who the heck is this?[/i] his question was quickly answered. “I’m Sands. Those are my children.” He gestured at Lily and Dusk, who was now hiding behind his sister. Jek stared at him quizzically. “You married a slime creature?” “Oh no. Me and Slimy aren’t together. I kind of accidentally attacked her with my magic and yeah this explosion happened and you know what, it’s a long story, I’ll tell you while you - um, actually, we know nothing about you. Jek right? What are you doing here?” Sands seemed friendly enough but Jek didn’t tell him. “Oh well. Suit yourself. You can stay the night if you like.” And with that Sands went back upstairs, later Lily and Dusk had snuck off again on their shenanigans, and Jek was left alone with his thoughts. Which was good. He had a lot to think about. [rule] New guy! long nose anxiety man
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
Butter Caiman
*soft gasp* yes
Jek squints at the surface of the pond, the silver moonlight reflecting his own annoyed face back at him as he stared at the water. The statue of the spiral with small peridot gems studded along its side stared at him too. It was creepy how it’s eyes seemed to follow him. He looked back at the water. There were some small fish swimming about, but not enough for a meal. Perhaps he should have accepted the food that the travellers he had met earlier had offered him. Well, if he was going to catch any fish, he should probably do it before the owner of this tree house got back. It felt like the tiny birds that flocked around were watching his every move. Still, he did not like the idea of getting wet at all. Maybe he should go catch some bugs or something, and buy some fish later. Suddenly there was a rustling in the leaves as a skydancer walked in. Jek paused to look at her. Was she a skydancer?
Her scales seemed to be a dark green but in the moonlight he could see dark smudged where her organs and bones were, moving around silently. Her wings which must have used to be white seemed to be missing large chunks of the membrane, leaving snapped parts of the wing bones in their place. Was that a mushroom colony growing on her? “What the hell are you?” Jek snapped. He didn’t mean to but it’s not everyday you run into what appears to be a feral forest gremlin. She turned to look at him. “Huh? Oh I’m Lily. Yeah I look pretty weird but that’s because my mothers a fairy that got turned into a slime monster before I was hatched. She lives up there” she gestured at the treehouse. “Sorry.” Jek mumbled. “No it’s fine. You’re probably wondering what happened to my wings and how I got a mushroom colony growing on me. It’s kind of a long story. Come on, I’ll tell you while me and my brother try to get you some food, you’re probably starving.” Jek hadnt noticed her brother who was lurking behind her like a shadow.
He had dark black scales which were also transculent, but his wings were purple and blue and were a entirely different shape to what was expected of skydancers. “Erm… hello. I’m Dusk.” He mumbled awkwardly, before hurrying after Lily. Jek followed. He didn’t want to trust them but he was starving. As Lily and Dusk hurried around in the kitchen Lily chattered on about something to do with a snowstorm when she was a hatchling and how she ate a weird bug and something to do with a tunnel monster cult, none of which Jek understood in the slightest. Dusk had finally decided to just sit down next to him after his sister told him to stop getting in the way and knocking over the cooking pots. After several more strange and ridiculous stories later Lily finally brought out a large pot filled with some sludge with bits of fish poking through it. In other circumstances he would have just left and not touched it but he really did need food so Jek pretended he didn’t see the eyeballs in it moving around and ate as much as he could stomach. Lily started to clean up, Dusk going to help her, and soon enough he had again managed to knock over a intricate glass vase and send it shattering on the floor. Jek heard some voices from the nearby rooms.

“What in sorneith was that? Dusk what did you do?” Something scrambled down the stairs. Dusk made some panicked noises before suddenly, to Jek’s amazement, he began to shrink. He got smaller and smaller and his arms started to dissapear, as feathers grew over his scales, as he changed shape, before suddenly he was a small black bird with purple-blue wings. Before Jek could ask Dusk fluttered under the table just as another skydancer walked in.
He looked around the room before looking under the table. “Dusk I know it’s you. There aren’t any birds with those colours around here.” He snapped, as Dusk, back in his dragon form crawled out from underneath, knocking over the bowl and spilling its creepy contents over the floor. “Sorry.” He mumbled. “Nevermind.” The other skydancer sighed, before looking back to Jek. “So. I assume you’ve met Lily and Dusk?” Jek laughed half heatedly. who the heck is this? his question was quickly answered. “I’m Sands. Those are my children.” He gestured at Lily and Dusk, who was now hiding behind his sister. Jek stared at him quizzically. “You married a slime creature?” “Oh no. Me and Slimy aren’t together. I kind of accidentally attacked her with my magic and yeah this explosion happened and you know what, it’s a long story, I’ll tell you while you - um, actually, we know nothing about you. Jek right? What are you doing here?” Sands seemed friendly enough but Jek didn’t tell him. “Oh well. Suit yourself. You can stay the night if you like.” And with that Sands went back upstairs, later Lily and Dusk had snuck off again on their shenanigans, and Jek was left alone with his thoughts. Which was good. He had a lot to think about.
New guy! long nose anxiety man
look at that good good long nose boy in his wee sweater
look at that good good long nose boy in his wee sweater
@cnu just a lovely long nose lad with a lovely sweater
@cnu just a lovely long nose lad with a lovely sweater
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAY 29[/b] [item= Brown pelican] it IS day 29 right??? [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] “So, what brings you to these parts?” Aurus asked, as Tigerlily gracefully danced across the pond, the cyan glow of her flames reflecting off the dark surface of the water and she elegantly leaped from stone to stone, strange and beautiful in the moonlight. If almost seemed poetic if there wasn’t a very grumpy toad - what was his name? Arnold?- trying to copy her moves. [url=][img][/img][/url] “Huh? Oh um. Well. I um…” he struggled to find some words. “maybe I’ll tell you later.” Aurus shrugged. “Sure. Whatever.” Tigerlily jumped off the head of the statue, picking up the toad, and bounded up to them. “Hey! Whatcha talking about?” “Oh I was just asking Jek how he ended up starving in the middle of the woods.” Aurus said causally. “Oooooh were you running from those cult freaks because your secretly from the cult and you betrayed them?” Tigs joked. Jek blinked in surprise. “Wait is this a cult? Did I accidentally join a cult?” He looked rather horrified. [url=][img][/img][/url] “I don’t know of any other cult but I can assure you we aren’t one.” Valinor floated down from the treehouse to land among them. “Perhaps you mean those strange dragons that have been coming by? That would be likely.” None of the others had noticed Aulon standing nearby until he spoke. “You mean the weird scientist and that eyesore of a banescale that tried to attack me?” [url=][img][/img][/url] “Yeah. Izak said there was a cult around here, you reckon they were part of it?” Aulon, Jek, Valinor and Tigerlily all gave her confused stares. “Oh right. You don’t know him. Nevermind.” “OOOOOOH IZAK! SLIMY MENTIONED HIM ONCE!” Lily skipped over to join them. It was surprising to see that her brother didn’t come with her this time. [url=][img][/img][/url] “Oh yeah, Slimy’s teaching Dusk how to control his shapeshifting better.” She nodded, as if reading the question off their minds, she gestured to somewhere in the woods. “Apparently she used to be able to do that. Kinda unfair I didn’t get born with it.” She huffed, as she plopped herself down next to Valinor. “So, you guys were talking about a cult or something?”
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
DAY 29
Brown Pelican
it IS day 29 right???
“So, what brings you to these parts?” Aurus asked, as Tigerlily gracefully danced across the pond, the cyan glow of her flames reflecting off the dark surface of the water and she elegantly leaped from stone to stone, strange and beautiful in the moonlight. If almost seemed poetic if there wasn’t a very grumpy toad - what was his name? Arnold?- trying to copy her moves.
“Huh? Oh um. Well. I um…” he struggled to find some words. “maybe I’ll tell you later.” Aurus shrugged. “Sure. Whatever.” Tigerlily jumped off the head of the statue, picking up the toad, and bounded up to them. “Hey! Whatcha talking about?” “Oh I was just asking Jek how he ended up starving in the middle of the woods.” Aurus said causally. “Oooooh were you running from those cult freaks because your secretly from the cult and you betrayed them?” Tigs joked. Jek blinked in surprise. “Wait is this a cult? Did I accidentally join a cult?” He looked rather horrified.
“I don’t know of any other cult but I can assure you we aren’t one.” Valinor floated down from the treehouse to land among them. “Perhaps you mean those strange dragons that have been coming by? That would be likely.” None of the others had noticed Aulon standing nearby until he spoke. “You mean the weird scientist and that eyesore of a banescale that tried to attack me?”
“Yeah. Izak said there was a cult around here, you reckon they were part of it?” Aulon, Jek, Valinor and Tigerlily all gave her confused stares. “Oh right. You don’t know him. Nevermind.” “OOOOOOH IZAK! SLIMY MENTIONED HIM ONCE!” Lily skipped over to join them. It was surprising to see that her brother didn’t come with her this time.
“Oh yeah, Slimy’s teaching Dusk how to control his shapeshifting better.” She nodded, as if reading the question off their minds, she gestured to somewhere in the woods. “Apparently she used to be able to do that. Kinda unfair I didn’t get born with it.” She huffed, as she plopped herself down next to Valinor. “So, you guys were talking about a cult or something?”
Oh wow! Lily and Dusk are all grown up now!!! They look great!!!
Oh wow! Lily and Dusk are all grown up now!!! They look great!!!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.png
@petall thankyou! I have so much ideas for them :D
@petall thankyou! I have so much ideas for them :D
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAY 30[/b] [item= poisonous woodtreads] HELL YEAH ALPHABET LEGACY TIME [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] As they days wore on Sands had noticed Aurus and Aulon were sneaking off more and more often. The reason why became apparent once they came back one day and Aurus was holding a clutch of three perfect round eggs. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] “Are those…?” “Ours.” Aurus grinned. Aulon p, who was sitting on her head, seemed far more cheerful than his usual quiet self as he chattered on about his name ideas for them. “Boudicca, Belle, Berry, Barnacle- no we aren’t calling them barnacle- Boysenberry…” he chattered on as Aurus started telling Sands about her plans for them at the same time. This… this was a lot of information to get at once. [i]more hatchlings? Oh boy.[/i] before he could start listing all the possible outcomes in his brain Tigerlily ran over to see what was happening. “Oh my god! Oh my god guys!” She flew around in frantic circles. [url=][img][/img][/url] “Oh my god! Hatchlings!” Slimy slunk off a nearby tree branch and slithered over to join them. She no longer needed the help of the runestone as the weather got warmer again. “Are those yours?” She asked gently, to the beaming couple. “Yep!” Aulon chirped happily. Slimy nodded. “Im happy for you.” “Thankyou!” Aurus went to hug her before remembering that she was going to get slime on her. The rest of his friends immedietly came to join them and see what was happening, all congratulationing Aurus and Aulon on their future children. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Sands decided he probably shouldn’t be worrying. Nothing would go wrong. The hatchlings would grow up loved and happy, with plenty of people to look after them. There was nothing to worry about.
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
DAY 30
Poisonous Woodtreads
As they days wore on Sands had noticed Aurus and Aulon were sneaking off more and more often. The reason why became apparent once they came back one day and Aurus was holding a clutch of three perfect round eggs.
“Are those…?” “Ours.” Aurus grinned. Aulon p, who was sitting on her head, seemed far more cheerful than his usual quiet self as he chattered on about his name ideas for them. “Boudicca, Belle, Berry, Barnacle- no we aren’t calling them barnacle- Boysenberry…” he chattered on as Aurus started telling Sands about her plans for them at the same time. This… this was a lot of information to get at once. more hatchlings? Oh boy. before he could start listing all the possible outcomes in his brain Tigerlily ran over to see what was happening. “Oh my god! Oh my god guys!” She flew around in frantic circles.
“Oh my god! Hatchlings!” Slimy slunk off a nearby tree branch and slithered over to join them. She no longer needed the help of the runestone as the weather got warmer again. “Are those yours?” She asked gently, to the beaming couple. “Yep!” Aulon chirped happily. Slimy nodded. “Im happy for you.” “Thankyou!” Aurus went to hug her before remembering that she was going to get slime on her. The rest of his friends immedietly came to join them and see what was happening, all congratulationing Aurus and Aulon on their future children.
Sands decided he probably shouldn’t be worrying. Nothing would go wrong. The hatchlings would grow up loved and happy, with plenty of people to look after them. There was nothing to worry about.
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.png
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