Just want to bump this up once in case anyone is interested, otherwise will probably throw them up on the AH. :D
[quote name="lavarift" date="2024-02-21 21:32:21" ]
Hello! I have two unbred triples (they're actually a match!) that I will not be using as a STP project, so if anyone wants them I will give them away for free! I'm just trying to find pairs with similar gene rarity and these two are the exact opposite. |D
Silver x Crocodile
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/90386840][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/903869/90386840_350.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/90412296][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/904123/90412296_350.png[/img][/url]
Just want to bump this up once in case anyone is interested, otherwise will probably throw them up on the AH. :D
lavarift wrote on 2024-02-21 21:32:21:
Hello! I have two unbred triples (they're actually a match!) that I will not be using as a STP project, so if anyone wants them I will give them away for free! I'm just trying to find pairs with similar gene rarity and these two are the exact opposite. |D
Silver x Crocodile

[center][size=5][b]NORTHERNKEEPER‘S POND[/b][/size][/center]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
XXX Cream [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Cool Opposite
XXX Pear [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
XXX Teal [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Cool Opposite
XXX Cherry [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
XXX White [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Cool Opposite
XXX Radioactive [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
XXX Silver [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Cool Opposite
XXX Crocodile [/font][/size]
[center]I have a lot of pairs! Please check [u][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/598569/2125092]this tab[/url][/u] to see all pairs.[/center]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
[center][size=4][b]Any Links, Buttons, Interests or a Bit About Yourself [/b][/size]
Hi! I love challenges and breeding dragons for fodder, so it would be a big omission for me if I didn't participate in such a challenge[/center]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
[center][size=4][b]Any Specific Dream Dragons you /or friends are looking for (So we can help each other!) [/b][/size]
Nope, but I'm happy to take (almost) any XXX :p[/center]
XXX Cream
Cool Opposite
XXX Pear
XXX Teal
Cool Opposite
XXX Cherry
XXX White
Cool Opposite
XXX Radioactive
XXX Silver
Cool Opposite
XXX Crocodile
I have a lot of pairs! Please check
this tab to see all pairs.
Any Links, Buttons, Interests or a Bit About Yourself
Hi! I love challenges and breeding dragons for fodder, so it would be a big omission for me if I didn't participate in such a challenge
Any Specific Dream Dragons you /or friends are looking for (So we can help each other!)
Nope, but I'm happy to take (almost) any XXX :p
[center]New kids from the Marsh! Got a couple little Gaolers from my Pearl X Fern pair.
[b]Got this purple-y girl, Verbena[/b]
[b]And this teal little guy, Cremon[/b]
It seemed fitting that both were named after flowers ^^
As usual, Ping/PM to grab one with the ID/link/name of the one you want- Anglers for free, non-anglers for 10kt/g, AND if you're shy, these guys are already up on the AH for 10 gems default.
New kids from the Marsh! Got a couple little Gaolers from my Pearl X Fern pair.
Got this purple-y girl, Verbena
And this teal little guy, Cremon
It seemed fitting that both were named after flowers ^^
As usual, Ping/PM to grab one with the ID/link/name of the one you want- Anglers for free, non-anglers for 10kt/g, AND if you're shy, these guys are already up on the AH for 10 gems default.
@Singing Brook Stream
[center][font=century gothic][size=5][b]YASCHERRITSA‘S POND[/b][/size][/font][/center]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
[size=3][font=century gothic] [b]Primary
[size=3][font=century gothic] [b]Cool Opposite
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
[center][font=century gothic][size=4][b]Any Links, Buttons, Interests or a Bit About Yourself [/b][/size][/font][/center]
[font=century gothic]It was hard to find pair for some colors, especially with the fact that I don't really like yellow-orange colors in dragons! I wanted colors to go in greys and purples.
• I want to name hatchlings from this pair just with the first letters of their colors! It may look strange but it's fan for me.
• [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/470926/1707869?name=&type=undefined][u]Here's my Sales Tab[/u][/url]. All hatchlings will be here for 7 days after they born!
• [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/470926/1824562?name=&type=undefined][u]Here's my hibden Future Exalt Tab[/u][/url]. All hatchlings will be here after AH time expires. You can [b]PM me[/b] if you want to buy some dragon from my [b]STP pair[/b], just let me know that you come from STP thread! Usually I sell dragons from this tab for 15g/kt but STP dragons will cost 10g/kt![/font]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
Cool Opposite
Any Links, Buttons, Interests or a Bit About Yourself
It was hard to find pair for some colors, especially with the fact that I don't really like yellow-orange colors in dragons! I wanted colors to go in greys and purples.
• I want to name hatchlings from this pair just with the first letters of their colors! It may look strange but it's fan for me.
• Here's my Sales Tab. All hatchlings will be here for 7 days after they born!
• Here's my hibden Future Exalt Tab. All hatchlings will be here after AH time expires. You can PM me if you want to buy some dragon from my STP pair, just let me know that you come from STP thread! Usually I sell dragons from this tab for 15g/kt but STP dragons will cost 10g/kt!
[quote name="AspenCrow" date="2024-02-19 01:54:10" ]
My Flaxen pairs had their first nests hatch today!
From the Flaxen/Obsidian pair comes this lovely girl. I'm highly tempted to keep her
And from the Flazen/Black pair comes these guys
Beige/Latte/Cream. She's almost edible
Bronze/Taupe/Stone. A one off double in my first nest!
Hatchlings are listed at 8kt but are free to fellow anglers
The Copper/Blood/Metals and Bronze/Taupe/Stone hatchies are still avalible
AspenCrow wrote on 2024-02-19 01:54:10:
My Flaxen pairs had their first nests hatch today!
From the Flaxen/Obsidian pair comes this lovely girl. I'm highly tempted to keep her

And from the Flazen/Black pair comes these guys

Beige/Latte/Cream. She's almost edible


Bronze/Taupe/Stone. A one off double in my first nest!
Hatchlings are listed at 8kt but are free to fellow anglers
The Copper/Blood/Metals and Bronze/Taupe/Stone hatchies are still avalible
"Hi my name is Crow with a B and I’ve been afraid of insects my whole lif-" "Stop stop stop- where?" "What?" "Where’s the B? "TherE'S A BEE???"
Pixel Adopts ---
Wishlist/Gene tracker
New hatchlings from my two pairs!
Free to anglers, I'll throw them on the auction house when they're adults
Thicket/Spruce/Auburn (only non-exalted dragon with these colours)
New hatchlings from my two pairs!
Free to anglers, I'll throw them on the auction house when they're adults


Thicket/Spruce/Auburn (only non-exalted dragon with these colours)


[center]A pair of nice hatches from Kite and Chocolate (gloom x chocolate) today. Free for asking!
gloom sky mist F
midnight charcoal cornflower M
@pinglist-18803 [pinglist=18803]
A pair of nice hatches from Kite and Chocolate (gloom x chocolate) today. Free for asking!
gloom sky mist F
midnight charcoal cornflower M
@Hawkwolf's Pond
[indent][center][size=5][b]Third batch of hatchlings!![/b][/size][/center]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
Umber [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Cool Opposite
Lapis [/font][/size]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
[center]Always free to anglers! [/center]
Third batch of hatchlings!!
Cool Opposite
Always free to anglers!
another nest! 3 of them this time
they come pre-named but feel free to rename them as you like
they also come with a badge if you'd be interested in that
jade / peridot / fire
[center]"Sultana Dreaming"
pumpkin / radioactive / saffron[/center][/columns]
taupe / jade / hunter[/center][/columns]
another nest! 3 of them this time
they come pre-named but feel free to rename them as you like
they also come with a badge if you'd be interested in that
jade / peridot / fire
"Sultana Dreaming"
pumpkin / radioactive / saffron
taupe / jade / hunter
two brothers from my Radio and White aberrs! free to anyone with a ping :) and i still have the tides and imps left from my other pairs.
M Aberration
[emoji=arcane rune size=1] common
[color=#4B4946][b]Coal[/b][/color] Fade
[color=#00FFF0][b]Cyan[/b][/color] Freckle
[color=#4D4850][b]Shale[/b][/color] Kumo
[i]3 off XYX![/i]
[b]1/5 not exalted[/b]
1/18 total[/columns]
M Aberration
[emoji=arcane rune size=1] uncommon
[color=#72C4C4][b]Aqua[/b][/color] Fade
[color=#570FC0][b]Grape[/b][/color] Flair
[color=#2F4557][b]Denim[/b][/color] Kumo
[b]1/2 not exalted[/b]
1/14 total[/columns]
[quote="Still Available"][columns]
F Imperial
[emoji=arcane rune size=1] common
[color=#FA912B][b]Sunshine[/b][/color] Iridescent
[color=#FFB576][b]Peach[/b][/color] Shimmer
[color=#B13A3A][b]Carmine[/b][/color] Flecks
[b]1/4 not exalted[/b]
1/11 total[/columns]
F Imperial
[emoji=arcane rune size=1] unusual
[color=#850012][b]Crimson[/b][/color] Iridescent
[color=#E8AF49][b]Gold[/b][/color] Shimmer
[color=#D5602B][b]Orange[/b][/color] Capsule[/columns]
F Undertide
[emoji=arcane rune size=1] common
[color=#827A64][b]Stone[/b][/color] Fade
[color=#4B4946][b]Coal[/b][/color] Blend
[color=#A44B28][b]Copper[/b][/color] Sailfin
[b]third ever of this combo![/b][/columns]
F Undertide
[emoji=arcane rune size=1] common
[color=#977B6C][b]Latte[/b][/color] Fade
[color=#E8AF49][b]Gold[/b][/color] Blend
[color=#652127][b]Maroon[/b][/color] Soap
[b]only one active![/b]
1/8 total[/columns][/quote]
two brothers from my Radio and White aberrs! free to anyone with a ping :) and i still have the tides and imps left from my other pairs.
M Aberration
Coal Fade
Cyan Freckle
Shale Kumo
3 off XYX!
1/5 not exalted
1/18 total
M Aberration
Aqua Fade
Grape Flair
Denim Kumo
1/2 not exalted
1/14 total
Still Available wrote:
F Imperial
Sunshine Iridescent
Peach Shimmer
Carmine Flecks
1/4 not exalted
1/11 total
F Imperial
Crimson Iridescent
Gold Shimmer
Orange Capsule
F Undertide
Stone Fade
Coal Blend
Copper Sailfin
third ever of this combo!
F Undertide
Latte Fade
Gold Blend
Maroon Soap
only one active!
1/8 total