@shoydragon I have a Seafoam/Banana/Thicket boy that I bought for a breeding project, but the tert is a bit far from my ideal (I would prefer Storm, if I could get one). Would you like him?
shoydragon I have a Seafoam/Banana/Thicket boy that I bought for a breeding project, but the tert is a bit far from my ideal (I would prefer Storm, if I could get one). Would you like him?
Ironlily - Oo, I would love to buy him from you! If you'd like to send me a PA, I'll gladly snatch him up!
Ironlily - Oo, I would love to buy him from you! If you'd like to send me a PA, I'll gladly snatch him up!
__she/they ~ FR +0
_wishlist | hatchery | adoptables
@Amut Updated to here! Sorry updating's been a little wonky last two weeks. I try to do these on Fridays, but grad school's got me running.
We've got almost the whole list filled!
[center][size=5][b]Missing Colors![/b][/size][/center]
[*]8 Platinum
[*]10 Dust
[*]12 Smoke
[*]15 Shale
[*]18 Coal
[*]45 Indigo
[*]49 Ultramarine
[*]50 Blue
[*]73 Mint
[*]76 Spearmint
[*]81 Hunter
[*]83 Camo *
[*]86 Avocado
[*]96 Spring *
[*]99 Murk
[*]100 Moss
[*]103 Honey
[*]104 Lemon
[*]133 Taupe
[*]139 Sable
[*]144 Ginger
[*]145 Brown
[*]150 Tomato
[*]151 Vermillion
[*]164 Brick
* Colors I happen to have in my[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/10642/884126?name=&type=undefined] STP Starters tab[/url], free for claiming!
I make a point of checking the AH for any of these colors, just to grab them up so they'll be available for anyone here. But meanwhile, WOW!! I am super impressed at how well this has taken off and how many really gorgeous hatches we've had. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and some cool rando turkey nests too!
Amut Updated to here! Sorry updating's been a little wonky last two weeks. I try to do these on Fridays, but grad school's got me running.
We've got almost the whole list filled!
Missing Colors!
- 8 Platinum
- 10 Dust
- 12 Smoke
- 15 Shale
- 18 Coal
- 45 Indigo
- 49 Ultramarine
- 50 Blue
- 73 Mint
- 76 Spearmint
- 81 Hunter
- 83 Camo *
- 86 Avocado
- 96 Spring *
- 99 Murk
- 100 Moss
- 103 Honey
- 104 Lemon
- 133 Taupe
- 139 Sable
- 144 Ginger
- 145 Brown
- 150 Tomato
- 151 Vermillion
- 164 Brick
* Colors I happen to have in my
STP Starters tab, free for claiming!
I make a point of checking the AH for any of these colors, just to grab them up so they'll be available for anyone here. But meanwhile, WOW!! I am super impressed at how well this has taken off and how many really gorgeous hatches we've had. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and some cool rando turkey nests too!
@Galactina Hey! Can I buy this girl here?
Galactina Hey! Can I buy this girl here?
Added a new Mist/Cantaloupe pair to my pond! I got impatient with the breeding cooldowns on my other pair so figured it was time to roll up a proper random duo
... and promptly got a mist gal who's still waiting to be old enough whoops, but that's fine
Added a new Mist/Cantaloupe pair to my pond! I got impatient with the breeding cooldowns on my other pair so figured it was time to roll up a proper random duo
... and promptly got a mist gal who's still waiting to be old enough whoops, but that's fine
A wegg from [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3007022/11#post_47851754]Maven and Jayant[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/73807318][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/738074/73807318_350.png[/img][/url] [outfit=1774179]
And a 5 egg nest from [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3007022/11#post_47851754]Einri and Lithrealin[/url]!
All hatchies are free to anyone who wants them as always!
A wegg from
Maven and Jayant
Not Found
And a 5 egg nest from
Einri and Lithrealin!
Not Found
Not Found
Not Found
Not Found
Not Found
All hatchies are free to anyone who wants them as always!
[center][size=5][b]ROCKSS‘S POND[/b][/size][/center]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
Honey [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Warm Opposite
Lead [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
Oilslick [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Warm Opposite
Banana [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
Aqua [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Cool Opposite
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
Have had these for a while because a) I was too busy to write them up, and b) been debating whether or not to keep Danni. Still haven't decided, but I'm putting all of them up here anyway to see if anybody has any interest in any of them (I think they're all very pretty, but I'm biased. :3)
Couple days late, but the first nest for Twilight/Stone Imps has hatched!
I'll be putting them on the AH for 15000t, but if anyone in this thread wants them they're yours for free!
Couple days late, but the first nest for Twilight/Stone Imps has hatched!
I'll be putting them on the AH for 15000t, but if anyone in this thread wants them they're yours for free!