
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [P] • Sharkra's Quests & Wishlist
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[center][img][/img] [font=arial][size=6]Questing shenanigans with Sharkra[/size][/center] [right][font=arial][size=1]• Credit for the mountain range divider to [url=]FluffySnake[/url][/size][/right] ---------------- [font=arial]Welcome to my thread of miscellaneous things. I enjoy Coliseum challenges and making lists. [b]Fun things to do[/b]: [url=][emoji=scroll size=1][/url][font=arial] - [url=]Coliseum Long Drop challenge[/url] [url=][emoji=scroll size=1][/url][font=arial] - Louretta's [url=]Coliseum Scavenger hunt[/url] [url=][emoji=scroll size=1][/url][font=arial] - [url=]Time Will Tell[/url] challenge [emoji=scroll size=1][font=arial] - [url=]Endless Garden Bingo[/url] ----------------- [indent][columns][center][br] [br] [br][img][/img] [size=2][font=arial]2018 - 2020 [/center][nextcol][center][img][/img] [size=2][font=arial]Made by the lovely [url=]Forelle[/url] ♥ [/center][/columns][/indent] -------------------------------------------------------- [center][size=4][font=arial]Chronicles of the tiny anonymous shark[/size][/center] [font=arial]In 2023 I started receiving adorable tiny sharks in my inbox. From whom? [i]No idea[/i]. But it's adorable and the tiny shark needed a place to stay. Because it's adorable. [columns][center][size=2][font=arial][url=]Valightines '23[/url][/size] [img][/img][br] [size=2][font=arial]"legends tell of a shark who lived far up in the mountains. it is said to whisper '[i]raaa[/i]' to passerby's. so they ask, how could a shark live in the mountains? there is no answer..."[/center][nextcol][color=transparent]•••[/color][nextcol][br][center][size=2][font=arial][url=]NatDom Good Luck charms '23[/url][/size] [img][/img][br] [size=2][font=arial]"one day, the mountain shark had an idea. it wanted to see the world! visit the beaches! see the ocean! just how would it reach the seas?"[/center]
Questing shenanigans with Sharkra
• Credit for the mountain range divider to FluffySnake

Welcome to my thread of miscellaneous things. I enjoy Coliseum challenges and making lists.

Fun things to do:
- Coliseum Long Drop challenge
- Louretta's Coliseum Scavenger hunt
- Time Will Tell challenge
- Endless Garden Bingo

2018 - 2020
Made by the lovely Forelle

Chronicles of the tiny anonymous shark

In 2023 I started receiving adorable tiny sharks in my inbox. From whom? No idea. But it's adorable and the tiny shark needed a place to stay.

Because it's adorable.

Valightines '23

"legends tell of a shark who lived far up in the mountains.
it is said to whisper 'raaa' to passerby's.
so they ask, how could a shark live in the mountains?
there is no answer..."
NatDom Good Luck charms '23

"one day, the mountain shark had an idea.
it wanted to see the world!
visit the beaches! see the ocean!
just how would it reach the seas?"

WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [font=arial][size=6]Stuff and things[/size] --------------------[/center] [indent][indent][columns][size=4][font=arial]This is my shopping list. These are items I am actively looking to acquire. Feel free to contact me if you are selling, and let's work something out![nextcol][color=transparent]•••••••••••••[/columns][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][indent] [indent][columns][center][item=Scroll Case Sling] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url][/size][/center][/columns][/indent] [columns][center][skin=3618] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url][/size][/center][nextcol][center][skin=5867] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url][/size][/center][/columns][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] ------------------- [center][font=arial][size=5]Wishlist[/size] [indent][indent][columns][size=4][font=arial]This is my wishlist. It is here for gifting purposes (if you are so inclined), as well as a reference for items I would take as bribes for [url=]art[/url] or [url=]dragon sales[/url]. I am [u]not[/u] actively looking to buy any of the items here, so [i]please[/i], no more messages with unprompted sale/trade inquiries.[/size] [size=2]I didn't think I'd have clarify this, but after +3 unprompted sales requests, I feel like it's necessary.[/size][nextcol][color=transparent]•••••••••••••[/columns][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][columns][center][item=Luminous Halo] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url][/size][/center][nextcol][nextcol][center][item=tickled hyacinth] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url][/size][/center][nextcol][center][item=vista: butterflies] [font=arial][size=2][url=]Gem MP link[/url][/size][/center][nextcol][center][item=Tincture of Dissolution] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url] • [url=]MP link[/url][/center][/size][/columns][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent] [columns][center][item=Eliminate] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url][/size][/center][nextcol][center][item=Ambush] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url][/size][/center][nextcol][center][item=berserker] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url][/size][/center][nextcol][center][item=rally] [font=arial][size=2][url=]AH link[/url][/size][/center][/columns][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][columns][left][font=arial][b]Other things I'd love:[/b] • Any Unhatched Egg • Scrolls to gene [u][url=]this[/url][/u] lass; • Unbred Earth 6 digit • Unbred low 6 digits • Unbred 7 digit Imperials [font=arial]• Art of my silly dragons (first 9 tabs in my lair) ♥ I would [i]adore[/i] art of [url=]Leo[/url] and [url=]Fali[/url] most of all! [indent][font=arial]→ Humanoid art preferred; feel free to inquire[/indent][/center][/columns][/indent][/indent] ------------------------ [center][font=arial][size=5]Favorite things[/size] Various favorite items that I will [u]not[/u] take as bribes or partials but make me happy regardless [item=strawberry][item=coffee pot][item=gold ore] [indent][indent][indent][left][font=arial]• Any type of overcoat/waist Wrap apparel • Any type of garden apparel • Any Flight tomes (Baldwin) • Any Mantle apparel (Baldwin) • Any weapon apparel • Any mushroom basket apparel[/left][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][center][color=black][font=arial][b]Last update[/b]: V [/center][/center][/indent][/indent]
Stuff and things

This is my shopping list. These are items I am actively looking to acquire. Feel free to contact me if you are selling, and let's work something out! •••••••••••••

Scroll Case Sling
AH link

AH link

AH link

This is my wishlist. It is here for gifting purposes (if you are so inclined), as well as a reference for items I would take as bribes for art or dragon sales. I am not actively looking to buy any of the items here, so please, no more messages with unprompted sale/trade inquiries.

I didn't think I'd have clarify this, but after +3 unprompted sales requests, I feel like it's necessary.

Luminous Halo
AH link
Tickled Hyacinth
AH link
Vista: Butterflies
Gem MP link
Tincture of Dissolution
AH linkMP link
AH link
AH link
AH link
AH link
Other things I'd love:
• Any Unhatched Egg
• Scrolls to gene this lass;

• Unbred Earth 6 digit
• Unbred low 6 digits
• Unbred 7 digit Imperials
• Art of my silly dragons (first 9 tabs in my lair) ♥
I would adore art of Leo and Fali most of all!
→ Humanoid art preferred; feel free to inquire

Favorite things
Various favorite items that I will not take as bribes or partials but make me happy regardless

Strawberry Coffee Pot Gold Ore
• Any type of overcoat/waist Wrap apparel
• Any type of garden apparel
• Any Flight tomes (Baldwin)
• Any Mantle apparel (Baldwin)
• Any weapon apparel
• Any mushroom basket apparel

Last update: V
WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [font=arial][size=5][url=]Time will Tell[/url][/size] --------------------[/center] [center][indent][font=arial][b]Dragon[/b]: [url=]Maové[/url] Started on November 29th, 2021 [b]Boss fights (optional)[/b]: 128 [b]Notable Loot[/b]: [item=Frozen Knapsack] x75[/indent] -------------------------------- [center][font=arial][url=]Finished on June 20th, 2022[/url] [img][/img]
Dragon: Maové
Started on November 29th, 2021

Boss fights (optional): 128
Notable Loot:
Frozen Knapsack x75

WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [font=arial][size=5][url=]Long Drop Challenge[/url][/size] --------------------[/center] [font=arial]• [u]Interesting loot[/u] will only include Unhatched Eggs, Eliminate, Rally, Ambush and Berserker stones, Genes and Vials, Boss Familiars and Venue exclusive apparel. RNGesus be with me. [center]• [url=][font=arial]Progress tracker[/url] •[/center] [center][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img] [color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img] [img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]•[/color][img][/img] [/center] [size=2][font=arial]Badges found in the [url=]Long Drop Challenge thread[/url] • Updated / full badge album [url=]here[/url] -------------------
Interesting loot will only include Unhatched Eggs, Eliminate, Rally, Ambush and Berserker stones, Genes and Vials, Boss Familiars and Venue exclusive apparel. RNGesus be with me.

1.png2.png3.png4.png 5.png

Badges found in the Long Drop Challenge thread
• Updated / full badge album here

WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][center][img][/img] [font=arial][size=5][url=]Louretta's Scavenger Hunt[/url][/size] --------------------[/center] [indent][columns] [center] [font=arial]TF [item=bumble] [url=][s]Bumble familiar[/s][/url] may 29, 2023 [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]WP [item=leafy pack] [s]Thirty (30) Leafy Packs[/s] [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]SF [item=firebreather cape] [url=][s]Firebreather Cape[/s][/url] oct. 24, 2022 [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]SD [item=smoldering flamecaller puppet] Any type of Deity Doll [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]BG [item=pohip planter] [s]Twenty (20) Pohip Planters[/s] [/columns] [columns] [center] [font=arial]FC [item=eliminate] Eliminate [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]BF [item=cleaver] Cleaver [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]TS [item=Bubbly Bisque Locket] [url=][s]Bubbly Bisque Locket[/s][/url] jan. 10, 2023 [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]RC [item=secondary gene: morph] Morph [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]Waterway [item=river muck] [url=][s]River Muck familiar[/s][/url] april 14, 2024 [/columns] [columns] [center] [font=arial]Arena [item=featherback boar] [url=][s]Either of the boss familiars[/s][/url] march 7, 2022 [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]VV [item=primary gene: python] Python [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]RJ [item=vista: rainsong jungle] [url=][s]Rainsong vista[/s][/url] nov. 8, 2022 [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]BW [item=coarsefur yeti] [url=][s]Coarsefur Yeti familiar[/s][/url] jan. 29, 2022 [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]CP [item=unhatched plague egg] [url=][s]Any type of unhatched egg[/s][/url] oct. 31, 2022 [/columns] [columns] [center] [font=arial]HR [item=sunspot crate] A total of 3 crates [url=]1[/url] - [url=]2[/url] - 3 [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]GR [item=light runestone] Any type of runestone [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]Mire [item=swamp kelpie mane] [url=][s]Swamp Kelpie Mane[/s][/url] jan. 14, 2023 [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]Kelp Beds [item=pearly shell][item=lustrous shell] [s]A total of 10 treasure shells[/s] [/columns] [columns] [center] [font=arial]GW [item=gold ore] Gold Ore [nextcol] [center] [font=arial]FP [item=tertiary banescale gene: skeletal] [url=][s]Skeletal[/s][/url] 23 july, 2022 [/columns][/indent] [font=arial]Formatting courtesy of [url=]Louretta[/url]. Starting over for 2021, maybe I'll actually complete this challenge someday. --------------------------------- [indent][left][font=arial][u]Sandswept Delta[/u]: • Fuiran (Gladekeeper) • Fan Scorpion (Flamecaller) • Iridescent Scaleback (Tidelord) [u]Forgotten Cave[/u]: • Bell Goat • Crimson Reef Snail • Deepmine Aardvark • Venomblade Assassin [u]Bamboo Falls[/u]: • Mantled Foo [u]Golem Workshop[/u]: • Coppercoil Creeper[/left] [/indent]

may 29, 2023
Leafy Pack
Thirty (30)
Leafy Packs

Firebreather Cape

oct. 24, 2022
Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet
Any type of
Deity Doll
Pohip Planter
Twenty (20)
Pohip Planters



Bubbly Bisque Locket
Bubbly Bisque

jan. 10, 2023
Secondary Gene: Morph

River Muck
River Muck

april 14, 2024
Featherback Boar
Either of the
boss familiars

march 7, 2022
Primary Gene: Python

Vista: Rainsong Jungle

nov. 8, 2022
Coarsefur Yeti
Yeti familiar

jan. 29, 2022
Unhatched Plague Egg
Any type of
unhatched egg

oct. 31, 2022
Sunspot Crate
A total of 3
1 - 2 - 3
Light Runestone
Any type of
Swamp Kelpie Mane
Swamp Kelpie

jan. 14, 2023
Kelp Beds
Pearly Shell Lustrous Shell
A total of 10
treasure shells

Gold Ore

Gold Ore
Tertiary Banescale Gene: Skeletal
23 july, 2022

Formatting courtesy of Louretta.
Starting over for 2021, maybe I'll actually complete this challenge someday.

Sandswept Delta:
• Fuiran (Gladekeeper)
• Fan Scorpion (Flamecaller)
• Iridescent Scaleback (Tidelord)

Forgotten Cave:
• Bell Goat
• Crimson Reef Snail
• Deepmine Aardvark
• Venomblade Assassin

Bamboo Falls:
• Mantled Foo

Golem Workshop:
• Coppercoil Creeper
WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [font=arial][size=5]Various notes[/size] --------------------[/center] [columns][size=4][font=arial][b]Micro-holidays[/b] • March - Springswarm • June - Meat Heat • August - Warrior's Way • September - Drakeharvest • December - Fishmas [nextcol][color=transparent]••••••[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=arial][b]Flash sales[/b] • [url=]Tinctures[/url] (24kt) • [url=]Renaming Scroll[/url] (4.8kt) [color=transparent]• •[/color][nextcol][color=transparent]••••••[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=arial][b][url=]Baldwin[/url][/b] • Food = Goo • Materials = Ooze • Trinkets = Sludge [color=transparent]•[/color][/columns] [columns][size=4][font=arial]• Den slots [url=]item trades[/url] • Updated [url=]leveling guide[/url] • [url=]Best place[/url] to grind for [url=]Eliminate[/url] (Neutral monster drop): [indent][size=4][font=arial]- Crystal Pools - Harpy's Roost[/indent][nextcol][color=transparent]••••••[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=arial] • [url=]Festival[/url] guide • Coliseum [url=]drops[/url] [color=transparent] • • •[/color][nextcol][color=transparent]••••••[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=arial][url=]Modern Flecks[/url] - [size=2][font=arial]Wind, Earth, Ice / Harpy's Roost[/size] [url=]Featherbeard[/url] - [size=2][font=arial]Water, Plague / Redrock Cove[/size] [color=transparent]•[/color][/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Various notes

• March - Springswarm
• June - Meat Heat
• August - Warrior's Way
• September - Drakeharvest
• December - Fishmas
•••••• Flash sales
Tinctures (24kt)
Renaming Scroll (4.8kt)

•••••• Baldwin
• Food = Goo
• Materials = Ooze
• Trinkets = Sludge

• Den slots item trades
• Updated leveling guide
Best place to grind for Eliminate
(Neutral monster drop):
- Crystal Pools
- Harpy's Roost
•••••• Festival guide
• Coliseum drops

•••••• Modern Flecks
- Wind, Earth, Ice / Harpy's Roost
- Water, Plague / Redrock Cove

WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [font=arial][size=5]Scrambled Eggs[/size] --------------------[/center] [font=arial]Eggs. I like eggs. I like [i]hatching[/i] eggs-- I mean, who doesn't? Does that mean I should hatch them? Absolutely not. My hatching luck has long since expired so any eggs I find [i]should[/i] be taken away from me ASAP lest I hatch another terrible XYZ into the world. But then. I think I deserve a little RNG treat sometimes, and Rockpop loves all dragons exalted in his name. Using this post to keep track of Unhatched Eggs that were found while out and about in the Coliseum all year because that seems like a rewarding and fun thing to do. [columns][item=unhatched fire egg] [center][font=arial]Feb. 2 [url=]Blooming Grove[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched ice egg] [center][font=arial]Feb. 8 [url=]Mire[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched water egg] [center][font=arial]March 3 [url=]Mire[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched Shadow egg] [center][font=arial]April 6 [url=]Mire[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched lightning egg] [center][font=arial]April 14 [url=]Boreal Woods[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched fire egg] [center][font=arial]April 27 [url=]Mire[/url][/center][/columns] [columns][item=unhatched earth egg] [center][font=arial]June 1 [url=]Redrock Cove[/url][/color][/center][nextcol][item=strawberry] [center][font=arial][color=transparent]Date Venue[/color][/center][nextcol][item=strawberry] [center][font=arial][color=transparent]Date Venue[/color][/center][nextcol][item=strawberry] [center][font=arial][color=transparent]Date Venue[/color][/center][nextcol][item=strawberry] [center][font=arial][color=transparent]Date Venue[/color][/center][nextcol][item=strawberry] [center][font=arial][color=transparent]Date Venue[/color][/center][/columns] ------------------------------------------- [center][size=5][font=arial]Eggs found in 2023[/size][/center] [columns][item=unhatched water egg] [center][font=arial]Jan. 9 [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched ice egg] [center][font=arial]Jan. 10 [url=]Redrock Cove[/url][/center][nextcol][item=Unhatched nature egg] [center][font=arial]March 10 [url=]Volcanic Vents[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched light egg] [center][font=arial]March 28 [url=]Sandswept Delta[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched wind egg] [center][font=arial]March 28 [url=]Sandswept Delta[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched nature egg] [center][font=arial]April 28 [url=]Harpy's Roost[/url][/center][/columns] [columns][item=Unhatched Wind Egg] [center][font=arial]May 8 [url=]Kelp Beds[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched shadow egg] [center][font=arial]May 8 [url=]Kelp Beds[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched nature egg] [center][font=arial]May 31 [url=]Boreal Wood[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched water egg] [center][font=arial]June 9 [url=]Sandswept Delta[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched water egg] [center][font=arial]June 29 [url=]Arena[/url][/center][nextcol][item=unhatched plague egg] [center][font=arial]Sept 26 [url=]Crystal Pools[/url][/center][/columns] [columns][item=unhatched light egg] [center][font=arial]November 24 [url=]Harpy's Roost[/url][/center][nextcol][item=Unhatched Arcane Egg] [center][font=arial]December 18 [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url][/center][nextcol][font=arial]There seems to have been a very distinct lack of eggs found in the Mire, which is. Curious, considering the amount of time I spend there. Still. A very nice haul. Let's see if 2024 can do better :-) (and if I can maybe find some [i]other[/i] elements, too.)[/columns] [center][img][/img] [size=2][font=arial]Art by [url=]Forelle[/url] ♥
Scrambled Eggs

Eggs. I like eggs. I like hatching eggs-- I mean, who doesn't? Does that mean I should hatch them? Absolutely not. My hatching luck has long since expired so any eggs I find should be taken away from me ASAP lest I hatch another terrible XYZ into the world.

But then. I think I deserve a little RNG treat sometimes, and Rockpop loves all dragons exalted in his name.

Using this post to keep track of Unhatched Eggs that were found while out and about in the Coliseum all year because that seems like a rewarding and fun thing to do.

Unhatched Fire Egg Unhatched Ice Egg
Feb. 8
Unhatched Water Egg
March 3
Unhatched Shadow Egg
April 6
Unhatched Lightning Egg
April 14
Boreal Woods
Unhatched Fire Egg
April 27
Unhatched Earth Egg
June 1
Redrock Cove[/color]

Eggs found in 2023
Unhatched Water Egg
Jan. 9
Bamboo Falls
Unhatched Ice Egg
Jan. 10
Redrock Cove
Unhatched Nature Egg
March 10
Volcanic Vents
Unhatched Light Egg
March 28
Sandswept Delta
Unhatched Wind Egg
March 28
Sandswept Delta
Unhatched Nature Egg
April 28
Harpy's Roost
Unhatched Wind Egg
May 8
Kelp Beds
Unhatched Shadow Egg
May 8
Kelp Beds
Unhatched Nature Egg
May 31
Boreal Wood
Unhatched Water Egg Unhatched Water Egg
June 29
Unhatched Plague Egg
Sept 26
Crystal Pools
Unhatched Light Egg
November 24
Harpy's Roost
Unhatched Arcane Egg
December 18
Bamboo Falls
There seems to have been a very distinct lack of eggs found in the Mire, which is. Curious, considering the amount of time I spend there. Still. A very nice haul. Let's see if 2024 can do better :-) (and if I can maybe find some other elements, too.)
Art by Forelle
WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [font=arial][size=5]Doing Coli The Hard Way™ with Sharkra (that's me!)[/size] --------------------[/center] [font=arial]I enjoy training dragons. So much so, that I prefer having my entire lair at level 25. But why on the stars would anyone need SO MANY LEVEL 25s? ...Well, why [i]not[/i]? That said, I am [i]incredibly bad[/i] at training dragons in a single venue because my brain grows tired of seeing the same background for hours on end. I much prefer visiting every venue as I go, starting at the Training Fields and ending at any of the three level 25 venues. I find it fun to tour the coliseum and collect a bunch of random stuff. I mean. Who [i]wouldn't[/i] want to go sight-seeing with dragons? So. Let us, for a moment, imagine that you would like to Do Coli The Hard Way™ ([i]do it. It's fun![/i]) All you need to do is grab any three of your level 1 dragons (Flight alignment literally does [i]not[/i] matter[b]*[/b]) and pack some supplies. [center][columns][color=transparent]•••••••••••••••[/color][nextcol][center][font=arial][size=3][b]*[/b]You will have 1 mage and 2 brawlers at the end of this route, so your only concern re: alignment is choosing which one you want to be the mage. Foregoing the mage and building 3 brawlers is also completely feasible. It is, ultimately, up to you to decide what build you need![/size][nextcol][color=transparent]•••••••••••••••[/color][/columns][/center] [font=arial]Before we can head on out, make sure to find a suitcase. We're going to stat our dragons into 1 mage and 2 brawlers. To do so, we'll need the following stuff: [indent][columns][center][item=Tincture of Dissolution] [font=arial]x 3 [url=]Tincture[/url][/center][nextcol][center][item=Eliminate] [font=arial]x 2 [url=]Eliminate[/url] [/center][nextcol][center][item=Ambush] [font=arial]x 6 [url=]Ambush[/url][/center][nextcol][center][item=Berserker] [font=arial]x 6 [url=]Berserker[/url] [/center][nextcol][center][item=Scholar] [font=arial]x 3 [url=]Scholar[/url] [/center][/columns][/indent] [font=arial]These are also must-haves for your journey: [indent][font=arial]• x3 Acuity Fragment of the element of the dragon you want to be your mage; • x6 TOTAL Might Fragments, 3 each of the elements of the dragons you want to be your brawlers; • x1 Aid and/or Regeneration.[/indent] [font=arial]And, if you want later levels to be a little easier (though you can absolutely do without if you want to be a toughie) you should also bring these: [indent][font=arial]• 1-3x Rally; • 1-3x Haste.[/indent] [font=arial]Once you got your dragons and your suitcase, you're ready to go! Just slot them into a new team and get going. I always put the mage in the far-left slot, but you're free to do whatever feels good, I suppose. [u][b]DO NOT[/b][/u] use your tinctures from the get-go, these are to fix the stats once you hit level 25. Stat points get assigned to the table below. ------------------------ [center][font=arial]Good luck & have fun! May the egg-RNG ever be in your favor :-)[/center] -------------------------------- [indent][indent][indent][columns][font=arial][size=5][u]Your Level[/u] Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20 Level 21 Level 22 Level 23 Level 24 Level 25[/size][nextcol][font=arial][size=5]| [u]STR or INT[/u] | 10 16-21 20-21 27-30 (+1 Fragment) 29-32 37-40 (+1 Fragment) 43 47 (+1 Ambush) 50+ 56-57 60 60+ (+1 Fragment) 68-69 73-74 (+1 Ambush) 77 89-90 (+3 Berserkers) 94-95 99-100 104-105 109-110 114-115 119-120 124-125 126-129[/size][nextcol][font=arial][size=5] [u]QCK[/u] 10 10 14-15 15 20 20 21+ 21+ 25 25 25+ 35 35 35 37-40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50-58[/size][/columns] [size=2][font=arial]Formatting above courtesy of [url=]EeveeDream[/url]'s [url=]Updated Leveling Guide[/url][/size][/indent][/indent][indent][/indent][/indent] -------------------------------- [font=arial][b]Q[/b]: [u]Should I use [url=]Aid[/url] or [url=]Regeneration[/url]?[/u] [b]A[/b]: I personally [i]always[/i] use Aid. The only time I find Regeneration to be useful is in dedicated builds for the GW or FP. [b]Q[/b]: [u]Why not Tincture at the start?[/u] [b]A[/b]: Because if you follow the stat list above you'll end up with 129 STR/INT builds and I find 133 STR/INT builds to be [i]a lot[/i] more versatile. I'm not the boss of you, though, so you can just. Not use Tinctures at all if you don't want to! [b]Q[/b]: [u]How about the [url=]Shale[/url]/[url=]Obsidian[/url]/[url=]Glass[/url] Hybrid fragments?[/u] [b]A[/b]: You can use them if you want, just make sure to check what stats they give. The Shale Hybrid Fragment does not award INT or STR which makes it arguably worse than "normal" Might/Acuity fragments. They're only useful for a few levels, anyway. [b]Q[/b]: [u]Hey, what's up with the [url=]Rally[/url] and [url=]Haste[/url] stones?[/u] [b]A[/b]: I like outfitting all my coli-ready dragons to have one of each of these. However, you can choose to only put them on your mage to help buff your brawlers if you'd like to save some money.
Doing Coli The Hard Way™ with Sharkra (that's me!)

I enjoy training dragons. So much so, that I prefer having my entire lair at level 25. But why on the stars would anyone need SO MANY LEVEL 25s?

...Well, why not?

That said, I am incredibly bad at training dragons in a single venue because my brain grows tired of seeing the same background for hours on end. I much prefer visiting every venue as I go, starting at the Training Fields and ending at any of the three level 25 venues. I find it fun to tour the coliseum and collect a bunch of random stuff. I mean. Who wouldn't want to go sight-seeing with dragons?

So. Let us, for a moment, imagine that you would like to Do Coli The Hard Way™ (do it. It's fun!) All you need to do is grab any three of your level 1 dragons (Flight alignment literally does not matter*) and pack some supplies.

*You will have 1 mage and 2 brawlers at the end of this route, so your only concern re: alignment is choosing which one you want to be the mage.

Foregoing the mage and building 3 brawlers is also completely feasible.
It is, ultimately, up to you to decide what build you need!

Before we can head on out, make sure to find a suitcase. We're going to stat our dragons into 1 mage and 2 brawlers. To do so, we'll need the following stuff:
Tincture of Dissolution
x 3
x 2
x 6
x 6
x 3

These are also must-haves for your journey:
• x3 Acuity Fragment of the element of the dragon you want to be your mage;
• x6 TOTAL Might Fragments, 3 each of the elements of the dragons you want to be your brawlers;
• x1 Aid and/or Regeneration.

And, if you want later levels to be a little easier (though you can absolutely do without if you want to be a toughie) you should also bring these:
• 1-3x Rally;
• 1-3x Haste.

Once you got your dragons and your suitcase, you're ready to go! Just slot them into a new team and get going. I always put the mage in the far-left slot, but you're free to do whatever feels good, I suppose. DO NOT use your tinctures from the get-go, these are to fix the stats once you hit level 25.

Stat points get assigned to the table below.

Good luck & have fun!
May the egg-RNG ever be in your favor :-)

Your Level

Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16
Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20
Level 21
Level 22
Level 23
Level 24
Level 25
| STR or INT |

27-30 (+1 Fragment)
37-40 (+1 Fragment)
47 (+1 Ambush)
60+ (+1 Fragment)
73-74 (+1 Ambush)
89-90 (+3 Berserkers)


Formatting above courtesy of EeveeDream's Updated Leveling Guide

Q: Should I use Aid or Regeneration?
A: I personally always use Aid. The only time I find Regeneration to be useful is in dedicated builds for the GW or FP.

Q: Why not Tincture at the start?
A: Because if you follow the stat list above you'll end up with 129 STR/INT builds and I find 133 STR/INT builds to be a lot more versatile. I'm not the boss of you, though, so you can just. Not use Tinctures at all if you don't want to!

Q: How about the Shale/Obsidian/Glass Hybrid fragments?
A: You can use them if you want, just make sure to check what stats they give. The Shale Hybrid Fragment does not award INT or STR which makes it arguably worse than "normal" Might/Acuity fragments. They're only useful for a few levels, anyway.

Q: Hey, what's up with the Rally and Haste stones?
A: I like outfitting all my coli-ready dragons to have one of each of these. However, you can choose to only put them on your mage to help buff your brawlers if you'd like to save some money.
WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [center][font=arial][size=5]About me[/size][/center][right][size=2]#9607[/right][/center] ---------------- [columns][left][img][/img][/left] [nextcol][right][img][/img][/right] [/columns] [indent][font=arial][b]Q[/b]: [u]Who you[/u]? [b]A[/b]: I'm Sharkra. I'm an ??? y/o based in Europe. I'm tired. Not a native English speaker. I don't care what pronouns you use for me. I was an Earth Dominance lead from 2018 - 2020. I enjoy writing, various video games and practicing traditional and digital art. Among my favorite music is Rammstein, Bastille and Starset. I quite enjoy J.R.R. Tolkien's works (#teamDwarves), I love world building & lore crafting and I am notoriously bad at keeping up with series and movies. Don't ask me if I've seen This or That series on Anywhere because the answer is probably 'no' (nor will I plan on watching it, even if you assure me it's So Good, for I have absolutely no say in what does or doesn't get approved by the Neurodivergent Department™ in my brain.) [b]Q[/b]: [u]Can I send you a friend request[/u]? [b]A[/b]: No. Unless I already know you & we've spoken before, I'm going to decline your request. [b]Q[/b]: [u]How about a PM/profile comment[/u]? [b]A[/b]: Sure! I do periodically remove profile comments because I prefer to keep my profile clean. [b]DO NOT[/b] thank me for buying your dragon(s). Chances are it will be exalted. [b]Q[/b]: [u]Is this dragon for studding/sale[/u]? [b]A[/b]: No. My dragons will [u][b]never[/b][/u] be available for studding. If the dragon is not in a tab that is [u]specifically[/u] marked as a sales tab, [b]it is not for sale[/b]. [b]Q[/b]: [u]Can we trade dragons[/u]? [b]A[/b]: No. I am very reluctant to part with my dragons (even more so upon unprompted request), so unless they are in my [url=]sales tab[/url], the answer is, and will be, no. [b]Q[/b]: [u]Your lore makes absolutely [i]no[/i] sense[/u]. [b]A[/b]: That's because both the [url=]Timeworn Citadel[/url], [url=]Winter's Peak[/url] and all of its lore are based my own works. The places and characters mentioned all exist in a fantasy setting of my own creation. The dragons in my lair are based on said characters and mean a lot to me. [b]Q[/b]: [u]Can I read your stuff[/u]? [b]A[/b]: [i]Unless[/i] you're the 1 particular person (you know who you are) whom I share my writings with-- [img][/img][/indent] [right][font=arial][size=2]Last updated V[/right] -------------------------
About me

Q: Who you?
A: I'm Sharkra. I'm an ??? y/o based in Europe. I'm tired. Not a native English speaker. I don't care what pronouns you use for me. I was an Earth Dominance lead from 2018 - 2020. I enjoy writing, various video games and practicing traditional and digital art. Among my favorite music is Rammstein, Bastille and Starset. I quite enjoy J.R.R. Tolkien's works (#teamDwarves), I love world building & lore crafting and I am notoriously bad at keeping up with series and movies. Don't ask me if I've seen This or That series on Anywhere because the answer is probably 'no' (nor will I plan on watching it, even if you assure me it's So Good, for I have absolutely no say in what does or doesn't get approved by the Neurodivergent Department™ in my brain.)

Q: Can I send you a friend request?
A: No. Unless I already know you & we've spoken before, I'm going to decline your request.

Q: How about a PM/profile comment?
A: Sure! I do periodically remove profile comments because I prefer to keep my profile clean.
DO NOT thank me for buying your dragon(s). Chances are it will be exalted.

Q: Is this dragon for studding/sale?
A: No. My dragons will never be available for studding. If the dragon is not in a tab that is specifically marked as a sales tab, it is not for sale.

Q: Can we trade dragons?
A: No. I am very reluctant to part with my dragons (even more so upon unprompted request), so unless they are in my sales tab, the answer is, and will be, no.

Q: Your lore makes absolutely no sense.
A: That's because both the Timeworn Citadel, Winter's Peak and all of its lore are based my own works. The places and characters mentioned all exist in a fantasy setting of my own creation. The dragons in my lair are based on said characters and mean a lot to me.

Q: Can I read your stuff?
A: Unless you're the 1 particular person (you know who you are) whom I share my writings with--


Last updated V

WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [font=arial][size=5]UMA showcase[/size] --------------------[/center] [font=arial]Because I love buying UMAs and having UMAs but not having dragons to wear all of said UMAs because many active permas make me incredibly antsy so I suppose I could just. Put a little list of some favorites here... And hello, future person who might find this post through the forum search! This is a [u]showcase[/u]. Meaning the UMAs here [u]are not for sale[/u]. Please don't message me with sales inquiries. Thank you! ------------------------------------------- [center][emoji=earth rune size=1] [font=arial][size=4]Proud Pebble Moments[/size] [emoji=earth rune size=1] [columns][center][skin=39521] [size=2][font=arial]5 print exclusive EvW, won from IFR Aug. 2021[/center][nextcol][center][skin=41634] [size=2][font=arial]RBC push Won from IFR Nov. 2021[/center][nextcol][center][skin=44080] [size=2][font=arial]Custom recolor Melt-a-Thon raffle prize July 2022[/center][nextcol][center][skin=47469] [size=2][font=arial]Earth exclusive UMA Won from RBC IFR Nov. 2022[/center][nextcol][center][skin=52184] [size=2][font=arial]Earth exclusive UMA Won from RBC Boarding Dec. 2023[/center][/columns][/center] --------------------------------------------- [center][font=arial][size=4]Favorite Aesthetics[/size] [skin=23626][skin=25510][skin=26312][skin=27252][skin=30982][skin=31370][skin=32887][skin=33647][skin=34119][skin=34531][skin=34706][skin=36393][skin=39265][skin=42253][skin=42910][skin=43646][skin=43804][skin=49321] --------------------------------------------- [center][font=arial][size=4]Favorite Aesthetics (except it's green)[/size] [skin=22987][skin=25992][skin=30173][skin=31111] [skin=31709][skin=33760][skin=34401][skin=40036]
UMA showcase

Because I love buying UMAs and having UMAs but not having dragons to wear all of said UMAs because many active permas make me incredibly antsy so I suppose I could just. Put a little list of some favorites here...

And hello, future person who might find this post through the forum search! This is a showcase.
Meaning the UMAs here are not for sale. Please don't message me with sales inquiries. Thank you!

Proud Pebble Moments

5 print exclusive
EvW, won from IFR
Aug. 2021

RBC push
Won from IFR
Nov. 2021

Custom recolor
Melt-a-Thon raffle prize
July 2022

Earth exclusive UMA
Won from RBC IFR
Nov. 2022

Earth exclusive UMA
Won from RBC Boarding
Dec. 2023

Favorite Aesthetics

Favorite Aesthetics (except it's green)

WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop

That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
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