[quote name="@Dreadwing" date="2024-04-16 22:49:57" ]
I mean this doc over here, so forgive me if I've confused something! The template itself is what I'm trying to figure out, if I just fill out that second tab and it auto-adds to the first. I would hate to change the default info permanently by accident!
[i]blinks[/I]. That was the document I was thinking of but I honestly forgot that whole second tab existed. Wow. This sheet is the brainchild of @Delotha. Del, is this still something you'd be willing to maintain? There are several new societies with active lore threads that have been created since this sheet was published. If it's not something you'd like to spearhead anymore please let me know.
I mean this doc over here, so forgive me if I've confused something! The template itself is what I'm trying to figure out, if I just fill out that second tab and it auto-adds to the first. I would hate to change the default info permanently by accident!
blinks. That was the document I was thinking of but I honestly forgot that whole second tab existed. Wow. This sheet is the brainchild of @
Delotha. Del, is this still something you'd be willing to maintain? There are several new societies with active lore threads that have been created since this sheet was published. If it's not something you'd like to spearhead anymore please let me know.

[quote name="@NotMothman" date="2024-04-17 06:21:50" ]
Completely free, I feel like my coding skills aren't quite good enough to warrant payment lol! I can make a generic template later today, but if anyone wanted to get a template that was unique to their councilor I could also do that (again for free)
I can also get examples too as I'm working on a few for some other players :)
Aww, that's so kind of you, thank you! And I saw your templates over on the Wyrmwound awards thread! I'll make sure to include your offer it the Council update. For the sake of my scattered brain would you mind consolidating links to examples and your order form all in one post for me to share? <3
Completely free, I feel like my coding skills aren't quite good enough to warrant payment lol! I can make a generic template later today, but if anyone wanted to get a template that was unique to their councilor I could also do that (again for free)
I can also get examples too as I'm working on a few for some other players :)
Aww, that's so kind of you, thank you! And I saw your templates over on the Wyrmwound awards thread! I'll make sure to include your offer it the Council update. For the sake of my scattered brain would you mind consolidating links to examples and your order form all in one post for me to share? <3

[quote name="@3idolon" date="2024-04-21 13:22:04" ]
[quote name="@/NotMothman" date="2024-04-17 06:21:50" ]
Completely free, I feel like my coding skills aren't quite good enough to warrant payment lol! I can make a generic template later today, but if anyone wanted to get a template that was unique to their councilor I could also do that (again for free)
I can also get examples too as I'm working on a few for some other players :)
Aww, that's so kind of you, thank you! And I saw your templates over on the Wyrmwound awards thread! I'll make sure to include your offer it the Council update. For the sake of my scattered brain would you mind consolidating links to examples and your order form all in one post for me to share? <3
I can! Once I redo one of my Councilor posts I'll link that as an example of a forum post template, and I'll link my Councilor bio code template (example and link) In just a second (working on something fun)
3idolon wrote on 2024-04-21 13:22:04:
@/NotMothman wrote on 2024-04-17 06:21:50:
Completely free, I feel like my coding skills aren't quite good enough to warrant payment lol! I can make a generic template later today, but if anyone wanted to get a template that was unique to their councilor I could also do that (again for free)
I can also get examples too as I'm working on a few for some other players :)
Aww, that's so kind of you, thank you! And I saw your templates over on the Wyrmwound awards thread! I'll make sure to include your offer it the Council update. For the sake of my scattered brain would you mind consolidating links to examples and your order form all in one post for me to share? <3
I can! Once I redo one of my Councilor posts I'll link that as an example of a forum post template, and I'll link my Councilor bio code template (example and link) In just a second (working on something fun)
+3 FRT
Forums lurker
Collector of old dragons
Lore clan!
@Etterath Oh I love those! Iota's emblem has been updated and Clavicado's has been added (Mirror in hat[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/2750046#post_2750046]![/url] [emoji=mirror love size=1])
Just FYI, but generally Councilors in the entourages of other Councilors will adopt the head Councilor's emblem to show that they follow that Councilor and work toward their political benefit in Council. That's not to say Tideling couldn't adopt an emblem for his own personal reasons of course, but it wouldn't be shown alongside Clavicado's in the Member's hall.
Etterath Oh I love those! Iota's emblem has been updated and Clavicado's has been added (Mirror in hat
Just FYI, but generally Councilors in the entourages of other Councilors will adopt the head Councilor's emblem to show that they follow that Councilor and work toward their political benefit in Council. That's not to say Tideling couldn't adopt an emblem for his own personal reasons of course, but it wouldn't be shown alongside Clavicado's in the Member's hall.

3idolon Oohhhh!!! I see! Thank you for the heads up; I will change that!
(Also, the mirrors with hats is incredible!!!)
3idolon Oohhhh!!! I see! Thank you for the heads up; I will change that!
(Also, the mirrors with hats is incredible!!!)
[center][size=7][color=maroon]NotMothman’s Free Councilor Codes![/color][/size][/center]
[color=maroon]Hello hello! I’ve noticed a little pattern of people new to the Necromanic Council needing a template for their posts. I’ve been there before, and I know how confusing and weird it can be to build a forum post. So I’ve decided to help out by making some free forum codes for people to use! I’ve also decided to build personalized posts as well to both add some pizzazz to the forum posts and to hone my skills with BBC coding!
Along with this, I can also offer bio codes if you so chose! These take me a while as I want them to be perfect, and I’ll check in with you to see if you like what I’ve made (and you can criticize it and give me ideas for things to change, I want these to fit your dragons)
The one thing I ask is that you don’t get rid of the credits at the end of the codes, since I’m putting in the work to make the codes I’d like my UN to stay, and the UN of the other player who made the resources I use.
[center][size=5][color=maroon]Examples and basic codes![/color][/size]
[color=maroon]Basic Councillor bio code[/color]
[color=maroon]Filled out example on Ziva
[url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uTQ1vX6M7pJvXNhUvaUiI6u5u8IkbETyuOp10GC8wW8/edit?usp=sharing]Link to Bio Code document[/url]
[color=maroon]Basic Councillor forum post code[/color]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2903785/20#post_49157311]Basic Councilor Forum post Example [/url]
[url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/18_EIHVXok9f11ra7a59rU52L_fUYmUIScyRasBqpFTY/edit?usp=sharing]Link to Post document[/url]
[color=maroon]Personalized Codes[/color]
[color=maroon]As I make more codes this section will be updated![/center]
[center][size=5][color=maroon]Order form[/color][/size][/center]
[color=maroon]To order one of these posts or bio codes (or both) you can [b]DM me your order form[/b]
[quote=Order Form]Username:
Type of code: [i]Forum post, Bio code, both[/i]
Theme: [i]the vibes you want, you can say surprise me and I’ll make a theme that I think fits[/i]
Councilor: [i]Link to dragon here[/i]
Entourage: [i]Dragon IDs here[/i]
Councilor info: [i] Standing, Specialties, ranks, ect[/i]
Amount filled out?: [i]How much you want filled out, can be as little or as much as you want. But if you want me to add lore you will need to send me the lore you want added[/i]
Optional:[i]Anything extra you want/I should know[/i][/quote]
NotMothman’s Free Councilor Codes!
Hello hello! I’ve noticed a little pattern of people new to the Necromanic Council needing a template for their posts. I’ve been there before, and I know how confusing and weird it can be to build a forum post. So I’ve decided to help out by making some free forum codes for people to use! I’ve also decided to build personalized posts as well to both add some pizzazz to the forum posts and to hone my skills with BBC coding!
Along with this, I can also offer bio codes if you so chose! These take me a while as I want them to be perfect, and I’ll check in with you to see if you like what I’ve made (and you can criticize it and give me ideas for things to change, I want these to fit your dragons)
The one thing I ask is that you don’t get rid of the credits at the end of the codes, since I’m putting in the work to make the codes I’d like my UN to stay, and the UN of the other player who made the resources I use.
Order form
To order one of these posts or bio codes (or both) you can DM me your order form
Order Form wrote:
Type of code: Forum post, Bio code, both
Theme: the vibes you want, you can say surprise me and I’ll make a theme that I think fits
Councilor: Link to dragon here
Entourage: Dragon IDs here
Councilor info: Standing, Specialties, ranks, ect
Amount filled out?: How much you want filled out, can be as little or as much as you want. But if you want me to add lore you will need to send me the lore you want added
Optional:Anything extra you want/I should know
+3 FRT
Forums lurker
Collector of old dragons
Lore clan!
3idolon I somehow missed your question, and for that I apologize! I started out making the emblems with the Emblem Maker linked on the first page, and then I chucked them into Photoshop and messed around with layer styles until I found something I liked c:
I have a question regarding the Venators: theoretically, if I were to submit my Venator-affiliated Wraith Lucky as a candidate for leadership, would I have to include her on my council sheet like a normal councillor?
3idolon I somehow missed your question, and for that I apologize! I started out making the emblems with the Emblem Maker linked on the first page, and then I chucked them into Photoshop and messed around with layer styles until I found something I liked c:
I have a question regarding the Venators: theoretically, if I were to submit my Venator-affiliated Wraith Lucky as a candidate for leadership, would I have to include her on my council sheet like a normal councillor?
[font=cambria][size=7][b]Guiding Councillor [i]Pygmalion[/i][/b][/size]
[size=5][i]CEO of PYGCORP[/i][/size][/font]
Mutagist (Rank III)
[b]Necromantic Symbol:[/b]
[item=iron wrench]
[item=tribeam lurker]
[i]Executive Personal Assistant[/i]
Neutralized Ghoul
[i]Chief of Security & Bodyguard[/i][/center]
Neutralized Ghoul
[i]Senior Lab Technician[/i]
[i]Assistant to Elise[/i][/center]
Artifice Lich
[url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f7LgN3d-StfbYOu-m4mj92b9LHkFzTHJffz5OChqFk8/edit?usp=sharing]Council Point Calculator[/url]
Guiding Councillor Pygmalion
Executive Personal Assistant
Neutralized Ghoul
Chief of Security & Bodyguard
Neutralized Ghoul
Senior Lab Technician
Assistant to Elise
Artifice Lich
[quote name="3idolon" date="2024-04-21 13:19:11" ]
[quote name="@Dreadwing" date="2024-04-16 22:49:57" ]
I mean this doc over here, so forgive me if I've confused something! The template itself is what I'm trying to figure out, if I just fill out that second tab and it auto-adds to the first. I would hate to change the default info permanently by accident!
[i]blinks[/I]. That was the document I was thinking of but I honestly forgot that whole second tab existed. Wow. This sheet is the brainchild of @Delotha. Del, is this still something you'd be willing to maintain? There are several new societies with active lore threads that have been created since this sheet was published. If it's not something you'd like to spearhead anymore please let me know.
... Not going to lie, I completely forgot this existed. I'm happy to maintain it! I'll get to adding everything that needs adding, and updating as necessary.
3idolon wrote on 2024-04-21 13:19:11:
I mean this doc over here, so forgive me if I've confused something! The template itself is what I'm trying to figure out, if I just fill out that second tab and it auto-adds to the first. I would hate to change the default info permanently by accident!
blinks. That was the document I was thinking of but I honestly forgot that whole second tab existed. Wow. This sheet is the brainchild of @
Delotha. Del, is this still something you'd be willing to maintain? There are several new societies with active lore threads that have been created since this sheet was published. If it's not something you'd like to spearhead anymore please let me know.
... Not going to lie, I completely forgot this existed. I'm happy to maintain it! I'll get to adding everything that needs adding, and updating as necessary.
Ahahaha, fair! I don't NEED it necessarily, by any means, so if it's not being actively used honestly don't worry about it at all @
Delotha . I just assumed it was still active so figured I'd make use of it but I can always just create a pinglist :D
Ahahaha, fair! I don't NEED it necessarily, by any means, so if it's not being actively used honestly don't worry about it at all @
Delotha . I just assumed it was still active so figured I'd make use of it but I can always just create a pinglist :D