
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
@Sylvidoptera [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.[br][br]You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.[br][br][br][br][emoji=torch size=1] It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.[br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later!).[br][br] [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable. [br][br]You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.[br][br]------[br]You're exhausted and decide to rest for the day. No more daily interactions available.

It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.

You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.

It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later!).

This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable.

You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.

You're exhausted and decide to rest for the day. No more daily interactions available.
nXERsAh.gif x

vqpPMnZ.png x tumblr_inline_ny7iufldYa1qmzhvw_540.png
@dd2900 [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] It's impossible to explore the pile of brass sconces without making a racket, and the sound echoes down the hallways for an impossibly long time. There's some candles and a few matches here - those might come in handy.[br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later!).[br][br][br][br][emoji=torch size=1] This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable. [br][br]You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.[br][br] [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.[br][br]You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.[br][br]------[br]You're exhausted and decide to rest for the day. No more daily interactions available.

It's impossible to explore the pile of brass sconces without making a racket, and the sound echoes down the hallways for an impossibly long time. There's some candles and a few matches here - those might come in handy.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later!).

This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable.

You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.

The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.

You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.

You're exhausted and decide to rest for the day. No more daily interactions available.
nXERsAh.gif x

vqpPMnZ.png x tumblr_inline_ny7iufldYa1qmzhvw_540.png
[center][b]Day One[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Xayxayx [b]Flight:[/b] Nature [b]Adventurer(s):[/b][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]The Adventure Begins!:[/b] Circe dusted her scales as best she could, ensuring she hadn't broken anything vital when falling headlong through the giant sinkhole. Adventurous and undaunted by danger, however, she surveyed her surroundings. She had never investigated ruins before. Already her pulse quickened at the thought of what she might discover here. She peered into the tunnels, weighing her options before taking a look around the cavern she had fallen into. She glanced at the tunnels behind her, but decided not to risk getting lost. Even though she had a good sense of direction on the surface, down here, she could sense that it would be easy to lose her way. A small CHAMBER catches her eye, and Circe decides to investigate. There's also some RUBBLE that seems to be blocking another chamber. Eager to get her claws dirty, Circe begins clearing the rubble aside to investigate what lies beyond. Finally, before she makes a decision on where to go, Circe examines a curious PEDESTAL, looking for clues as to its purpose or perhaps its origins. Feeling satisfied that she has gleaned as much information as she can, Circe frowns in concentration, trying to make up her mind as to how to proceed. Something about that enticing [b]SWEETWATER SMELL[/b] and the wind which carries it implores Circe to follow. After all, she figures, even if it doesn't lead anywhere, she can always turn around and check out the mossy tunnel later.
Day One

Name: Xayxayx
Flight: Nature

The Adventure Begins!:

Circe dusted her scales as best she could, ensuring she hadn't broken anything vital when falling headlong through the giant sinkhole. Adventurous and undaunted by danger, however, she surveyed her surroundings. She had never investigated ruins before. Already her pulse quickened at the thought of what she might discover here. She peered into the tunnels, weighing her options before taking a look around the cavern she had fallen into. She glanced at the tunnels behind her, but decided not to risk getting lost. Even though she had a good sense of direction on the surface, down here, she could sense that it would be easy to lose her way.

A small CHAMBER catches her eye, and Circe decides to investigate. There's also some RUBBLE that seems to be blocking another chamber. Eager to get her claws dirty, Circe begins clearing the rubble aside to investigate what lies beyond. Finally, before she makes a decision on where to go, Circe examines a curious PEDESTAL, looking for clues as to its purpose or perhaps its origins.

Feeling satisfied that she has gleaned as much information as she can, Circe frowns in concentration, trying to make up her mind as to how to proceed. Something about that enticing SWEETWATER SMELL and the wind which carries it implores Circe to follow. After all, she figures, even if it doesn't lead anywhere, she can always turn around and check out the mossy tunnel later.
[b][u]------[/u][/b] [columns][nextcol][indent][center][indent][emoji=skull size=1][/center][/indent] [br][indent][b][i]Day One: p4[/i][/b][/indent][br] [indent][emoji=torch size=1][/indent][br][indent] . . . Well one thing is for certain, that food, or whatever the contents within the jars are called now, shan't be coming along with for the rest of this journey. A bit of fresh air would be good about now, as fascinating as the sweetwater tunnel sounds, or the mossy one. A change of scenery could be just the ticket. A good to look around at the UNREAL SCENE outside could perhaps prove illuminating, and it might be nice to just view the surroundings without having to investigate it too hard to see if there is anything lying about the area that could be useful . . . . [color=transparent] . . . . [nextcol][indent][quote name=hoard][columns][nextcol][item=featherfall pack][nextcol][br] >> supplies[/columns][columns][nextcol][item=map kit][nextcol][br] >> map[/columns][columns][nextcol][item=redwood kindling][nextcol][br] >> matches[/columns][columns][nextcol][br][size=2] + common loot x2[/columns][columns][nextcol][br][color=transparent]................................................[/quote][nextcol][/columns]

Day One: p4

. . . Well one thing is for certain, that food, or whatever the contents within the jars are called now, shan't be coming along with for the rest of this journey. A bit of fresh air would be good about now, as fascinating as the sweetwater tunnel sounds, or the mossy one.

A change of scenery could be just the ticket. A good to look around at the UNREAL SCENE outside could perhaps prove illuminating, and it might be nice to just view the surroundings without having to investigate it too hard to see if there is anything lying about the area that could be useful . . . .


hoard wrote:
Featherfall Pack
>> supplies
Map Kit
>> map
Redwood Kindling
>> matches

+ common loot x2

... solitude's fun, don't get me wrong. For heaven's sake after a hundred years.... -BEN
..[ x o a n o n ]
Name: Tynethyne Flight: Plague 88V Adventurer(s): Requiem [url=][img][/img][/url] The Adventure Begins!: Word traveled across Sornieth, rippling with murmurs about a new discovery that had previously lay unknown between the territories of the Plague and Wind Flights. A dragon that spent just as much time without the Clan as within, if not more, Requiem was always quick to catch news and this time proved no exception. Although slow to excitement and impulsiveness, Requiem could not deny his curiosity when it came to new knowledge. A Planeswalker, he was no stranger to strange occurrences and was best suited among the clan to investigate. An ideal ambassador, a Scion of both the Wind and Plague flights, you could say. His formed shimmered briefly as he fell towards the moss, shifting between the planes briefly only to wink back into view as he landed on the soft covering. Breathing softly he cast a keen eye at his surroundings. The [b]Pedestal[/b] immediately catches his eye and he pads towards it to investigate for ancient ruins. Having discerned his findings, he deftly paws aside the blockage of [b]rubble [/b], using his natural born Wind magic to move the larger boulders to reveal the hidden contents behind it. After glancing towards the unreal scene, he moves towards the [b]Chambers[/b], curious to see if there are artifacts or tomes with unlocked secrets within.
Name: Tynethyne
Flight: Plague 88V
Adventurer(s): Requiem


The Adventure Begins!:

Word traveled across Sornieth, rippling with murmurs about a new discovery that had previously lay unknown between the territories of the Plague and Wind Flights. A dragon that spent just as much time without the Clan as within, if not more, Requiem was always quick to catch news and this time proved no exception. Although slow to excitement and impulsiveness, Requiem could not deny his curiosity when it came to new knowledge. A Planeswalker, he was no stranger to strange occurrences and was best suited among the clan to investigate. An ideal ambassador, a Scion of both the Wind and Plague flights, you could say.

His formed shimmered briefly as he fell towards the moss, shifting between the planes briefly only to wink back into view as he landed on the soft covering. Breathing softly he cast a keen eye at his surroundings. The Pedestal immediately catches his eye and he pads towards it to investigate for ancient ruins. Having discerned his findings, he deftly paws aside the blockage of rubble , using his natural born Wind magic to move the larger boulders to reveal the hidden contents behind it. After glancing towards the unreal scene, he moves towards the Chambers, curious to see if there are artifacts or tomes with unlocked secrets within.

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Them FR 0:00
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Lore Notebook
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifDragon Trading (1:1)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Basic to Rare Chall
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifProgenitor Quest
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Clan Lore
@Xayxayx [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable. [br][br][br][br][emoji=torch size=1] It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.[br][br]You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.[br][br][br][br][emoji=torch size=1] The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.[br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later!).[br][br]------[br]You're exhausted and decide to rest for the day. No more daily interactions available.

This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable.

It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.

You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.

The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later!).

You're exhausted and decide to rest for the day. No more daily interactions available.
nXERsAh.gif x

vqpPMnZ.png x tumblr_inline_ny7iufldYa1qmzhvw_540.png
@Tynethyne [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.[br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later!).[br][br][br][br][emoji=torch size=1] It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.[br][br]You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.[br][br][br][br][emoji=torch size=1] This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable. [br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later!).[br][br]------[br]You can either go down the [b][color=green]S[/color]WEETWATER[/b] tunnel, into the [b][color=red]M[/color]OSS[/b]y tunnel, or you can check out the [b][color=grey]U[/color]NREAL SCENE[/b] outside. [b]What will you do?[/b] ((since you didnt bold UNREAL SCENE i did not want to assume that was the choice you were making!))

The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later!).

It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.

You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.

This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later!).

You can either go down the SWEETWATER tunnel, into the MOSSy tunnel, or you can check out the UNREAL SCENE outside.

What will you do?

((since you didnt bold UNREAL SCENE i did not want to assume that was the choice you were making!))
nXERsAh.gif x

vqpPMnZ.png x tumblr_inline_ny7iufldYa1qmzhvw_540.png
[b]Name:[/b] Sidegrinder [b]Flight:[/b] Arcane [b]Adventurer(s):[/b] Anemosa and Sylph [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [b]The Adventure Begins!:[/b] [i]Anemosa cannot help her unending grin at this new adventure before her, excitement not at all dampened by the layers of safety gear she suits up in. Sylph seems to be in a similar state, zipping around her drake and tugging at bits of mane with impatience. Anemosa gently shoos Sylph away from her head so that she can secure a respirator over her muzzle, followed by some reinforced goggles. Finished at last, she turns to her companion with tiny versions of her own gear in hand, a muffled laugh slipping out at the disgruntled look that's leveled at her. "Now it's your turn!"[/i]
Name: Sidegrinder
Flight: Arcane
Adventurer(s): Anemosa and Sylph
9833277_350.png 23282.png

The Adventure Begins!: Anemosa cannot help her unending grin at this new adventure before her, excitement not at all dampened by the layers of safety gear she suits up in. Sylph seems to be in a similar state, zipping around her drake and tugging at bits of mane with impatience. Anemosa gently shoos Sylph away from her head so that she can secure a respirator over her muzzle, followed by some reinforced goggles. Finished at last, she turns to her companion with tiny versions of her own gear in hand, a muffled laugh slipping out at the disgruntled look that's leveled at her.

"Now it's your turn!"
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Requiem blinked his eyes and withdrew, feeling a tell-tale ache affecting him. He chuckled lightly to himself; he should have known it would have come with attempting to read text slightly too small and faded to read. He could not help but wonder about the figurine that had stood on the pedestal and the dragons of the ancient past who worshiped it. Many historical revelations had been founded on such scenes; the most famous sculpture created by the first primitive societies was of Venus, the fertility goddess. The rubble tumbled to the side, disturbing a thick layer of dust and dirt, plumes of it wafting over his scales and fur. His nose wrinkled in a brief sneeze as he cleared the dust from his airways. The old weapons and armor looked too far gone to be of any lasting use; they looked much the same as others he had seen and soon he turned his attention to the chamber. Cautiously, to avoid dislodging it’s contents, he entered the small room. Gently moving across the floor, he brought his great head low to the floor to better inspect the jars and other artifacts, murmuring indecipherably to himself. Satisfied with his investigation, he left the room. He drew his attention to the [b]unreal scene[/b] that he had spied earlier, curious as to what insights it might hold.

Requiem blinked his eyes and withdrew, feeling a tell-tale ache affecting him. He chuckled lightly to himself; he should have known it would have come with attempting to read text slightly too small and faded to read. He could not help but wonder about the figurine that had stood on the pedestal and the dragons of the ancient past who worshiped it. Many historical revelations had been founded on such scenes; the most famous sculpture created by the first primitive societies was of Venus, the fertility goddess.

The rubble tumbled to the side, disturbing a thick layer of dust and dirt, plumes of it wafting over his scales and fur. His nose wrinkled in a brief sneeze as he cleared the dust from his airways. The old weapons and armor looked too far gone to be of any lasting use; they looked much the same as others he had seen and soon he turned his attention to the chamber.

Cautiously, to avoid dislodging it’s contents, he entered the small room. Gently moving across the floor, he brought his great head low to the floor to better inspect the jars and other artifacts, murmuring indecipherably to himself. Satisfied with his investigation, he left the room.

He drew his attention to the unreal scene that he had spied earlier, curious as to what insights it might hold.

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Them FR 0:00
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Lore Notebook
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifDragon Trading (1:1)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Basic to Rare Chall
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifProgenitor Quest
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Clan Lore
nXERsAh.gif x

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