
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | 2024 Starfall Celebration Coli Challenge
@Mediscoot starting now Blitz mode ^^
@Mediscoot starting now Blitz mode ^^
[center][b]Woodland Path[/b] Time Spent: 17 minutes Immaculate Tablets: 17 Pass Item: [item=phototactic chest] Notable Drops: [item=leafy pack] [item=minor health potion] [item=aquatic might fragment][item=moonglow nightjar] [/center]
Woodland Path
Time Spent: 17 minutes

Immaculate Tablets: 17

Pass Item:
Phototactic Chest

Notable Drops:
Leafy Pack Minor Health Potion

Aquatic Might Fragment Moonglow Nightjar

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[url=]Training Fields[/url] | [url=]Woodland Path[/url] | [url=]Scorched Forest[/url] | [url=]Sandswept Delta [/url]| [b]Blooming Grove[/b] | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal ----- [size=6][b]Blooming Grove[/b] [columns][quote=Team][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][nextcol][indent][nextcol][item=immaculate tablet][nextcol][b]Time spent:[/b] 00:36:46 [b]Currency Earned:[/b] 51x[/columns] __________________________________________ [b]Loot Drops:[/b] [item=white rot deer][item=gust slash][item=aspen gall dryad][item=emerald aviator gloves][item=flowering pohip][item=spotted faun][item=might fragment][item=alstroemeria fox][item=copper steampunk scarf][item=ruffletail tadhop] [b]Progression:[/b] Accent Chest - Unhatched Egg - Gene Scroll - [b]Currency Cap[/b] - Timer
Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal
Blooming Grove
Team wrote:
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Immaculate Tablet Time spent:

Currency Earned:

Loot Drops:
White Rot Deer Gust Slash Aspen Gall Dryad Emerald Aviator Gloves Flowering Pohip Spotted Faun Might Fragment Alstroemeria Fox Copper Steampunk Scarf Ruffletail Tadhop

Accent Chest - Unhatched Egg - Gene Scroll - Currency Cap - Timer
[b]Normal Mode[/b] [url=]Training Fields[/url] | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal [b]Woodland Path[/b] [indent] - Time spent: 22 minutes - Chest drop: None - Pass Reason: [item=Immaculate Tablet]x50 - Notable loot: [item=Natural acuity fragment] [item=leafy pack]x4 [item=minor health potion]x2 [item=friend hedgehog] [item=date plumed corsage] [item=scarlet-crested woodoon] [item=scene: woodland path] [item=velvet fawn] [item=trumpet porcupine] [item=aurelian porcupine] [/indent]
Normal Mode

Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal

Woodland Path
- Time spent: 22 minutes
- Chest drop: None
- Pass Reason:
Immaculate Tablet x50
- Notable loot:
Natural Acuity Fragment Leafy Pack x4 Minor Health Potion x2 Friend Hedgehog Date Plumed Corsage Scarlet-Crested Woodoon Scene: Woodland Path Velvet Fawn Trumpet Porcupine Aurelian Porcupine
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[b]Training Fields[/b] [indent]- Time spent: 33 minutes - Chest drop: [item=storyteller's lantern chest] - Notable loot: [item=immaculate tablet]x46[item=crimson rogue hood][item=ragepuff]x2[item=sweetpuff][item=ruby redwing][item=webwing alpha][item=yellow-throated sparrowmouse][item=green lace wristlet][item=][/indent]
Training Fields
- Time spent: 33 minutes
- Chest drop:
Storyteller's Lantern Chest
- Notable loot:
Immaculate Tablet x46 Crimson Rogue Hood Ragepuff x2 Sweetpuff Webwing Alpha Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse Green Lace Wristlet

Blitz mode for me!

Blitz mode for me!
[b]Bamboo Falls[/b] [indent]- Time spent: 32 minutes - Double Chest drop: [item=sunbathing chest] [item=phototactic chest] - Notable loot: [item=Immaculate Tablet]x37 [item=gale crate] [item=fungalhoof qiriq] [item=burlap sack]x3 [item=minor health potion] [item=tigerblood foo] [item=fishscale basket]x3 [item=baku]x3 [item=vile bolt] [item=scratch] [item=red-breasted hainu] [/indent]
Bamboo Falls
- Time spent: 32 minutes
- Double Chest drop:
Sunbathing Chest Phototactic Chest
- Notable loot:
Immaculate Tablet x37 Gale Crate Fungalhoof Qiriq Burlap Sack x3 Minor Health Potion Tigerblood Foo Fishscale Basket x3 Baku x3 Vile Bolt Scratch Red-Breasted Hainu
@Mediscoot I'll be doing normal mode
@Mediscoot I'll be doing normal mode
[center][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][/center] [center]Blitz mode[/center] [center][b]SCORCHED FOREST[/b] [emoji=treasure size=1] [i]Chest , x50 Currency, egg, 30 minutes (blitz) | OPT x1 gene scroll[/i] [emoji=silver coin size=1][/center] [b]Time spent:[/b] 30 mins [b]Pass items:[/b] 47x [item=immaculate tablet] [item=] [b]Notable drops:[/b] [item=might fragment][item=searing jackalope][item=flame bolt][item=zeeba][item=sear][item=shred][item=contuse][item=moss-covered golem] [center][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][/center] [center][url=][b]Link to all venues[/b][/url][/center]
Blitz mode
Chest , x50 Currency, egg, 30 minutes (blitz) | OPT x1 gene scroll

Time spent: 30 mins
Pass items:
47x Immaculate Tablet
Notable drops:
Might Fragment Searing Jackalope Flame Bolt Zeeba Sear Shred Contuse Moss-Covered Golem
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[b]Woodland Path[/b] [indent]- Time spent: 23 minutes - Chest drop: N/A - Notable loot: [item=immaculate tablet]x50[item=woodoon][item=sakura owl][item=winter glade lord][/indent]
Woodland Path
- Time spent: 23 minutes
- Chest drop: N/A
- Notable loot:
Immaculate Tablet x50 Woodoon Sakura Owl Winter Glade Lord