
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [Personal] wolfcub's challenges
Currently doing:

1. Long Drop

2. Scavenger Hunt

3. Half an Egg Challenge

4. Apparell drop challenge


1. Long Drop

2. 10 Drop Coliseum Challenge (10 notable drops)

3. Move on once you get a battle without loot (Bad Luck Blitz)

For Later:

1. Pinkerlocke / Fodderlocke

2. 'please kill me' coli challenge (1 Boss familiar)

3. all familiars in every venue

4. egg in every venue

5. Train Lvl1 to lvl25 /egg drop/ yeti drop in Boreal Wood

6. Kinda similar to long drop

6. Vow of poverty

7. 24h in a venue

Other Stuff:

Goal: All Permas at Level 25
+ do the size thing with my permas

Get all coli familiars

Get all coli vistas

All the familiars except KS (+Boolean)

Currently doing:

1. Long Drop

2. Scavenger Hunt

3. Half an Egg Challenge

4. Apparell drop challenge


1. Long Drop

2. 10 Drop Coliseum Challenge (10 notable drops)

3. Move on once you get a battle without loot (Bad Luck Blitz)

For Later:

1. Pinkerlocke / Fodderlocke

2. 'please kill me' coli challenge (1 Boss familiar)

3. all familiars in every venue

4. egg in every venue

5. Train Lvl1 to lvl25 /egg drop/ yeti drop in Boreal Wood

6. Kinda similar to long drop

6. Vow of poverty

7. 24h in a venue

Other Stuff:

Goal: All Permas at Level 25
+ do the size thing with my permas

Get all coli familiars

Get all coli vistas

All the familiars except KS (+Boolean)

Long Drop Coliseum Challenge

First Time: (2017)

Second Time: (2018)
Long Drop Coliseum Challenge

First Time: (2017)

Second Time: (2018)
Scavenger Hunt (by Lourettta)

Start: 25.05.2018

(Original Post)
Scavenger Hunt (by Lourettta)

Start: 25.05.2018

(Original Post)
Move on once you get a battle without loot (Bad Luck Blitz)

First Time (2018):
(21.06.2018 - Start & Finished)

Second Time (2020)
Move on once you get a battle without loot (Bad Luck Blitz)

First Time (2018):
(21.06.2018 - Start & Finished)

Second Time (2020)
10 Drop Challenge

First Time (2018/2019)
(05.10.2018 - 10.06.2019)

Second Time (2019/2020)
(10.06.2019 - 20.07.2020)
10 Drop Challenge

First Time (2018/2019)
(05.10.2018 - 10.06.2019)

Second Time (2019/2020)
(10.06.2019 - 20.07.2020)
Goal: Get all Permas to Lvl 25

Progress: 11/14

Goal: One Lvl 25 Dragon of every element

Progress: 10/11 (missing: Ice)
Goal: Get all Permas to Lvl 25

Progress: 11/14

Goal: One Lvl 25 Dragon of every element

Progress: 10/11 (missing: Ice)