I would like to pay 50 gems or so to shuffle the list of Hibernal Den Unlock Tasks available to me. This could allow for a currency sink as well as rebalance the item sink demand. This might help balance out the demand for Hibernal Den items as now any of the tasks could be on someone's list, instead of the most recent.
Edit: Clarifying what's frustrating me with the current list: The time-gated Seasonal Vista tasks, like Frigidfin Expedition, Sunparched Prowl, etc. I understand the work you should be putting into the rest of the tasks--but they introduced these Vista tasks after Frigidfin ended. We gotta wait MONTHS before the next event to get more Vistas into the economy.
I would like to pay 50 gems or so to shuffle the list of Hibernal Den Unlock Tasks available to me. This could allow for a currency sink as well as rebalance the item sink demand. This might help balance out the demand for Hibernal Den items as now any of the tasks could be on someone's list, instead of the most recent.
Edit: Clarifying what's frustrating me with the current list: The time-gated Seasonal Vista tasks, like Frigidfin Expedition, Sunparched Prowl, etc. I understand the work you should be putting into the rest of the tasks--but they introduced these Vista tasks after Frigidfin ended. We gotta wait MONTHS before the next event to get more Vistas into the economy.
No support, sorry. Hibernal Den tasks are presented in the same order to every user. They're staged such that there's several easy tasks, and then a few hard tasks to slow down the rate at which you can buy HD slots. This controls the ever-ballooning dragon population just a little bit longer, and thus the data burden on the servers. I get why it's frustrating, believe me—the last several HD slots I've bought are only because we've gotten new tasks that were slotted in prior to my current ones, which are gene scrolls and elemental eggs—but it also makes sense to me why the tasks are structured the way they are.
No support, sorry. Hibernal Den tasks are presented in the same order to every user. They're staged such that there's several easy tasks, and then a few hard tasks to slow down the rate at which you can buy HD slots. This controls the ever-ballooning dragon population just a little bit longer, and thus the data burden on the servers. I get why it's frustrating, believe me—the last several HD slots I've bought are only because we've gotten new tasks that were slotted in prior to my current ones, which are gene scrolls and elemental eggs—but it also makes sense to me why the tasks are structured the way they are.
I can't support anything that allows users to bypass the expensive tasks. There's plenty of people that would just skip all the pricey ones like eggs, genes, bosses and expensive apparel and never do them.
They're placed where they are so that you can only avoid them for so long before you ultimately have to fulfill some in order to unlock more of the easier tasks. The bigger ticket trades are basically gates that you have to unlock to continue and balance out the over all worth/cost of the den slots. If you were able to skip past all the pricey ones and just do the cheap ones, you'd basically get a ton of space for free. The expensive tasks aren't just paying for the one space, but all the really cheap ones before it too. The actual worth would be to total the item value for all tasks and divide it between them. The staff just decided to give us a more creative way to gain space. There's also no time limit, so if we need to save up for something then we can.
That said, I support being able to do things like runestones or eggs in any order, (like if you happen to have a light but not a wind that the moment). As well as being able to plug in any items we already have so that we don't have to worry about hanging on to them or accidentally getting rid of them.
I can't support anything that allows users to bypass the expensive tasks. There's plenty of people that would just skip all the pricey ones like eggs, genes, bosses and expensive apparel and never do them.
They're placed where they are so that you can only avoid them for so long before you ultimately have to fulfill some in order to unlock more of the easier tasks. The bigger ticket trades are basically gates that you have to unlock to continue and balance out the over all worth/cost of the den slots. If you were able to skip past all the pricey ones and just do the cheap ones, you'd basically get a ton of space for free. The expensive tasks aren't just paying for the one space, but all the really cheap ones before it too. The actual worth would be to total the item value for all tasks and divide it between them. The staff just decided to give us a more creative way to gain space. There's also no time limit, so if we need to save up for something then we can.
That said, I support being able to do things like runestones or eggs in any order, (like if you happen to have a light but not a wind that the moment). As well as being able to plug in any items we already have so that we don't have to worry about hanging on to them or accidentally getting rid of them.
That wouldn't really be fair to people who have paid for all expensive tasks to move on. There was a point where I had six egg tasks, and I had to pony up and pay.
[quote]That said, I support being able to do things like runestones or eggs in any order, (like if you happen to have a light but not a wind that the moment). As well as being able to plug in any items we already have so that we don't have to worry about hanging on to them or accidentally getting rid of them. [/quote]
I will however always support this for eggs, genes, runestones and breed changes. This makes sense to me.
That wouldn't really be fair to people who have paid for all expensive tasks to move on. There was a point where I had six egg tasks, and I had to pony up and pay.
That said, I support being able to do things like runestones or eggs in any order, (like if you happen to have a light but not a wind that the moment). As well as being able to plug in any items we already have so that we don't have to worry about hanging on to them or accidentally getting rid of them.
I will however always support this for eggs, genes, runestones and breed changes. This makes sense to me.
[quote name="vihuff" date="2025-01-05 22:50:36" ]
I can't support anything that allows users to bypass the expensive tasks. There's plenty of people that would just skip all the pricey ones like eggs, genes, bosses and expensive apparel and never do them.
Everyone always says this and I have to say: So what? The thing you are paying for is [i]a HibDen slot[/i]. If you shuffle the tasks and refuse to do the expensive ones, then [i]you don't get the corresponding slot[/i]. I don't think there's an issue with someone rinsing through and getting a "ton of space" when there's a cap on said space -- and a lot of the tasks still require either a lot of Coli grinding or purchasing from other players at inflated prices.
Some of them are particularly egregious anyway, like, this NotN was the first time I'd gotten an unhatched elemental egg in over three years. I either have to sit with those tasks cluttering up my list or go pay a player upwards of 200kt for an egg...for a single slot.
Or, the recent issue, which is Staff adding tasks into the list at intervals and now THOSE are clogging up the list. All of my gathering microholiday tasks and just sitting there taking up space bc, surprise, I didn't think to buy an extra VISTA since you can only use ONE. So now I either wait until Springswarm or I pay -checks- ....700kt. I am not paying almost a million treasure (or 700g) for a single Hibden slot, so those are just sitting there making it so that I can't have all the available tasks I would have had.
I think that all the coli tasks being in order of venue is great and personally I wouldn't shuffle them because I'm currently working through the venues one at a time. But I would absolutely support the ability to send a task to the back of list, for example, and that is mostly bc of the microholiday task addition.
vihuff wrote on 2025-01-05 22:50:36:
I can't support anything that allows users to bypass the expensive tasks. There's plenty of people that would just skip all the pricey ones like eggs, genes, bosses and expensive apparel and never do them.
Everyone always says this and I have to say: So what? The thing you are paying for is
a HibDen slot. If you shuffle the tasks and refuse to do the expensive ones, then
you don't get the corresponding slot. I don't think there's an issue with someone rinsing through and getting a "ton of space" when there's a cap on said space -- and a lot of the tasks still require either a lot of Coli grinding or purchasing from other players at inflated prices.
Some of them are particularly egregious anyway, like, this NotN was the first time I'd gotten an unhatched elemental egg in over three years. I either have to sit with those tasks cluttering up my list or go pay a player upwards of 200kt for an egg...for a single slot.
Or, the recent issue, which is Staff adding tasks into the list at intervals and now THOSE are clogging up the list. All of my gathering microholiday tasks and just sitting there taking up space bc, surprise, I didn't think to buy an extra VISTA since you can only use ONE. So now I either wait until Springswarm or I pay -checks- ....700kt. I am not paying almost a million treasure (or 700g) for a single Hibden slot, so those are just sitting there making it so that I can't have all the available tasks I would have had.
I think that all the coli tasks being in order of venue is great and personally I wouldn't shuffle them because I'm currently working through the venues one at a time. But I would absolutely support the ability to send a task to the back of list, for example, and that is mostly bc of the microholiday task addition.
I'm honestly with McAlli on this- the vista ones rn are nonsense if nothing else. They introduced the Frigidfin one right after the holiday which ticks me off.
Like if they were added after the Hydra mission task wise, I'd be fine with them being added. Because at least they aren't pushing back doable ones for me. Rn they are though, and all my tasks are genes, 1 Boneyard, and the boss familiar task.
The Noc and Smirch (I think there's a Smirch one-) also are fine because so many get generated in NoTN that there's no price nonsense going on.
At bare minimum let me move the seasonal stuff and what runestone/egg I'm doing. The Earth Runestone suffers from price inflation because of the order rn- if anything the Water one should cost more.
I'm honestly with McAlli on this- the vista ones rn are nonsense if nothing else. They introduced the Frigidfin one right after the holiday which ticks me off.
Like if they were added after the Hydra mission task wise, I'd be fine with them being added. Because at least they aren't pushing back doable ones for me. Rn they are though, and all my tasks are genes, 1 Boneyard, and the boss familiar task.
The Noc and Smirch (I think there's a Smirch one-) also are fine because so many get generated in NoTN that there's no price nonsense going on.
At bare minimum let me move the seasonal stuff and what runestone/egg I'm doing. The Earth Runestone suffers from price inflation because of the order rn- if anything the Water one should cost more.
When new hibden tasks are introduced, they reshuffle your tasks anyway - so I don't think this is needed: you can either work on your expensive or time-consuming tasks or you can wait for the reshuffle.
When new hibden tasks are introduced, they reshuffle your tasks anyway - so I don't think this is needed: you can either work on your expensive or time-consuming tasks or you can wait for the reshuffle.
[quote name="McAlli" date="2025-01-06 07:04:03" ]
[quote name="vihuff" date="2025-01-05 22:50:36" ]
I can't support anything that allows users to bypass the expensive tasks. There's plenty of people that would just skip all the pricey ones like eggs, genes, bosses and expensive apparel and never do them.
Everyone always says this and I have to say: So what? The thing you are paying for is [i]a HibDen slot[/i]. If you shuffle the tasks and refuse to do the expensive ones, then [i]you don't get the corresponding slot[/i]. I don't think there's an issue with someone rinsing through and getting a "ton of space" when there's a cap on said space -- and a lot of the tasks still require either a lot of Coli grinding or purchasing from other players at inflated prices.
Some of them are particularly egregious anyway, like, this NotN was the first time I'd gotten an unhatched elemental egg in over three years. I either have to sit with those tasks cluttering up my list or go pay a player upwards of 200kt for an egg...for a single slot.
Or, the recent issue, which is Staff adding tasks into the list at intervals and now THOSE are clogging up the list. All of my gathering microholiday tasks and just sitting there taking up space bc, surprise, I didn't think to buy an extra VISTA since you can only use ONE. So now I either wait until Springswarm or I pay -checks- ....700kt. I am not paying almost a million treasure (or 700g) for a single Hibden slot, so those are just sitting there making it so that I can't have all the available tasks I would have had.
I think that all the coli tasks being in order of venue is great and personally I wouldn't shuffle them because I'm currently working through the venues one at a time. But I would absolutely support the ability to send a task to the back of list, for example, and that is mostly bc of the microholiday task addition.
Maybe because den and lair slots are potential infinite treasure in that you can store dragons there. This has to be taken into account when allowing them to be unlocked, even though not everyone will use them this way.
Besides, so what if you can't unlock all item slots immediately? Save up and unlock it when you can. I don't see why waiting to get something for free is such a bad thing. We also have a list of all slots, so it's not like it's a surprise. You can go get the future items and get more than one slot after you handle the time-locked ones.
But I am for shuffling like-for-like. That makes sense. And definitely no reason not to. I care more about the gene ones than the other ones, because the genes are the only ones that destroy treasure. Everything else is free in terms of overall currency in the system.
McAlli wrote on 2025-01-06 07:04:03:
vihuff wrote on 2025-01-05 22:50:36:
I can't support anything that allows users to bypass the expensive tasks. There's plenty of people that would just skip all the pricey ones like eggs, genes, bosses and expensive apparel and never do them.
Everyone always says this and I have to say: So what? The thing you are paying for is
a HibDen slot. If you shuffle the tasks and refuse to do the expensive ones, then
you don't get the corresponding slot. I don't think there's an issue with someone rinsing through and getting a "ton of space" when there's a cap on said space -- and a lot of the tasks still require either a lot of Coli grinding or purchasing from other players at inflated prices.
Some of them are particularly egregious anyway, like, this NotN was the first time I'd gotten an unhatched elemental egg in over three years. I either have to sit with those tasks cluttering up my list or go pay a player upwards of 200kt for an egg...for a single slot.
Or, the recent issue, which is Staff adding tasks into the list at intervals and now THOSE are clogging up the list. All of my gathering microholiday tasks and just sitting there taking up space bc, surprise, I didn't think to buy an extra VISTA since you can only use ONE. So now I either wait until Springswarm or I pay -checks- ....700kt. I am not paying almost a million treasure (or 700g) for a single Hibden slot, so those are just sitting there making it so that I can't have all the available tasks I would have had.
I think that all the coli tasks being in order of venue is great and personally I wouldn't shuffle them because I'm currently working through the venues one at a time. But I would absolutely support the ability to send a task to the back of list, for example, and that is mostly bc of the microholiday task addition.
Maybe because den and lair slots are potential infinite treasure in that you can store dragons there. This has to be taken into account when allowing them to be unlocked, even though not everyone will use them this way.
Besides, so what if you can't unlock all item slots immediately? Save up and unlock it when you can. I don't see why waiting to get something for free is such a bad thing. We also have a list of all slots, so it's not like it's a surprise. You can go get the future items and get more than one slot after you handle the time-locked ones.
But I am for shuffling like-for-like. That makes sense. And definitely no reason not to. I care more about the gene ones than the other ones, because the genes are the only ones that destroy treasure. Everything else is free in terms of overall currency in the system.
[quote name="RedWillia" date="2025-01-06 08:08:12" ]
When new hibden tasks are introduced, they reshuffle your tasks anyway - so I don't think this is needed: you can either work on your expensive or time-consuming tasks or you can wait for the reshuffle.
They don't actually [i]reshuffle [/i]the tasks, though. They simply put the tasks into the list wherever they feel it's appropriate. When they added the Boneyard tasks to the list, the list wasn't shuffled, those tasks were just placed into the list directly after the Scorched Forest tasks -- if you had already completed those tasks, then they were added to the top of your list.
RedWillia wrote on 2025-01-06 08:08:12:
When new hibden tasks are introduced, they reshuffle your tasks anyway - so I don't think this is needed: you can either work on your expensive or time-consuming tasks or you can wait for the reshuffle.
They don't actually
reshuffle the tasks, though. They simply put the tasks into the list wherever they feel it's appropriate. When they added the Boneyard tasks to the list, the list wasn't shuffled, those tasks were just placed into the list directly after the Scorched Forest tasks -- if you had already completed those tasks, then they were added to the top of your list.
Copying and pasting my old response from a similar thread.
I've seen Hibdens described as "free money printers" before, and whoever said that was right: it's
very easy to utilize a large Hibden by picking up cheap fodder hatchlings, freezing them until they grow up, and then selling the ones with exalt bonuses to OOF collections currently pushing for Dom. Easy money right there that requires zero effort on your part.
Most Hibden tasks ask only for items that can be picked up through casual site play, or they can be bought for pennies on the Auction House. There has to be
some kind of barrier that holds you back from breezing through the whole list. You don't want to give up expensive items but still want the experience of a nearly-full Hibden? Tough luck, that's just how game progression works. I wouldn't complain about the mechanics of an RPG that locks me out of a Lvl 50 area with all the best loot when I'm barely Lvl 5. You get what you put in.
The only kind of shuffle feature I'd support is one that takes the value of Hibden items into account. If my topmost 3 HibDen tasks are asking for:
- An Unhatched Lightning Egg
- A Tundra Breed Change Scroll
- A Leafy Amaranth
I can support a shuffle feature that changes those items into:
- An Unhatched Wind Egg
- A Guardian breed Change Scroll
- An Emerald Webwing
I wouldn't support a shuffle feature that changes those items into random food and material items I can get for 3g at most from the Auction House. That's not a fair tradeoff, and it throws a wrench into natural game progression.
It sums it up well enough.
A player should not be able to reap the benefits of a nearly-maxxed Hibden by only giving up "cheap" materials. The expensive slots are there to pace you.
No support.
Copying and pasting my old response from a similar thread.
I've seen Hibdens described as "free money printers" before, and whoever said that was right: it's
very easy to utilize a large Hibden by picking up cheap fodder hatchlings, freezing them until they grow up, and then selling the ones with exalt bonuses to OOF collections currently pushing for Dom. Easy money right there that requires zero effort on your part.
Most Hibden tasks ask only for items that can be picked up through casual site play, or they can be bought for pennies on the Auction House. There has to be
some kind of barrier that holds you back from breezing through the whole list. You don't want to give up expensive items but still want the experience of a nearly-full Hibden? Tough luck, that's just how game progression works. I wouldn't complain about the mechanics of an RPG that locks me out of a Lvl 50 area with all the best loot when I'm barely Lvl 5. You get what you put in.
The only kind of shuffle feature I'd support is one that takes the value of Hibden items into account. If my topmost 3 HibDen tasks are asking for:
- An Unhatched Lightning Egg
- A Tundra Breed Change Scroll
- A Leafy Amaranth
I can support a shuffle feature that changes those items into:
- An Unhatched Wind Egg
- A Guardian breed Change Scroll
- An Emerald Webwing
I wouldn't support a shuffle feature that changes those items into random food and material items I can get for 3g at most from the Auction House. That's not a fair tradeoff, and it throws a wrench into natural game progression.
It sums it up well enough.
A player should not be able to reap the benefits of a nearly-maxxed Hibden by only giving up "cheap" materials. The expensive slots are there to pace you.
No support.