

Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
TOPIC | Hi there ????
I'm new to the game but I'm having so much fun!! I have hard time playing games that progress with time but this is really fun !! I love getting new dragons!! Anyway just wanted to say hi and make some new friends:]
I'm new to the game but I'm having so much fun!! I have hard time playing games that progress with time but this is really fun !! I love getting new dragons!! Anyway just wanted to say hi and make some new friends:]
@6Jelly6bean6 welcome to Flight Rising!!! happy to hear that you're having a fun time!! if you need help with anything or just want to hang out then my friend requests and messages are always open ^^
@6Jelly6bean6 welcome to Flight Rising!!! happy to hear that you're having a fun time!! if you need help with anything or just want to hang out then my friend requests and messages are always open ^^
perpetually a work in progress..... i'll fix this signature one day....

Hi Reggie, I’m BunnySox, I'm in Wind Flight, and a very breezy, warm welcome to FR!!

There’s a lot of fun and interesting things to do here, lots of choices and activities -- you can
  • dress-up, breed, buy, and sell dragons;
  • create dragon lineages and subspecies;
  • enjoy amassing collectibles of all kinds;
  • battle opponents in the Coliseum for training or profit

There's also a thriving arts community,dragon hatcheries, thrilling raffles, monthly festivals, role-play, storytelling,on and on

And an amazing FR community of players!!

After you've played a bit, you'll start to discover what you enjoy most!!

If you feel a bit shy about asking for free worries. FR's community is very generous and very helpful to everyone, and especially new players.

We want you to stay!!! :D

Here’s a few quick tips you might find useful…
  • you’ll find that you won’t need tons of money (aka ‘treasure’) right away -- there are free dragons (and free stuff) everywhere...check out the Raffles & Giveaways forums…I'll link you some personal faves below...
  • give each dragon a Familiar & bond with Familiars daily, for a bit of treasure and some treasure chest rewards as they level up
  • keep your dragons well-fed -- over 80% at all times -- to get your daily well-fed bonuses
  • Which Waystone (Library menu, left) suggests daily activities and tasks for you, helping you explore the vast world of Sornieth
  • under Library / Forums, 1st column, halfway down, are your private Light Flight-only forums. Introduce yourself to your fellow "Acolights" and see what goodies / assistance your Flight offers their new players
    -- if you Discord, this is where you request access to Light's private server
  • Guide to FR Abbreviations will help you understand “forum-speak”
  • to reply to someone on a Forum thread, just type @username and they'll get a notification
  • the geniuses at Tiny Little Questions save me all the time -- bookmark them, I'm serious!! xD
  • upper right corner next to your u/n, down arrow, you'll find your Account Settings -- this is where you set up a Forum Signature, Avatar, & Vista…and also where you can Log Out

I’m a long-time player, on daily, happy to answer questions or help in any way!!

I love helping new players with the Coliseum so shoot me a DM if you want help with that!!

Enjoy your dragons!!

BunnySox ^^

Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!
Exalt Row Rescue Hub (more free dragons)
Free Leveled Dragons for New Players
Free Leveled Coli Teams for Newbies
Critter Crypt: Free Familiars for (NOT ONLY) Newbies
the generous Rosecloud Sanctuary has a giveaway package for every newbie, plus beautiful dragons to adopt, plus raffles
Lore’s Grotto – Free Items & Dragons

Masterpost of Tools, Guides, Resources, etc.
Data-Based Money Making Guide
Juxta13's Random Raffle
Stupid Mistakes I Made when I first joined FR xD is a partially-funny thread but with some real insights for newbies!!
Colisai’s Free Food Cart

Hi Reggie, I’m BunnySox, I'm in Wind Flight, and a very breezy, warm welcome to FR!!

There’s a lot of fun and interesting things to do here, lots of choices and activities -- you can
  • dress-up, breed, buy, and sell dragons;
  • create dragon lineages and subspecies;
  • enjoy amassing collectibles of all kinds;
  • battle opponents in the Coliseum for training or profit

There's also a thriving arts community,dragon hatcheries, thrilling raffles, monthly festivals, role-play, storytelling,on and on

And an amazing FR community of players!!

After you've played a bit, you'll start to discover what you enjoy most!!

If you feel a bit shy about asking for free worries. FR's community is very generous and very helpful to everyone, and especially new players.

We want you to stay!!! :D

Here’s a few quick tips you might find useful…
  • you’ll find that you won’t need tons of money (aka ‘treasure’) right away -- there are free dragons (and free stuff) everywhere...check out the Raffles & Giveaways forums…I'll link you some personal faves below...
  • give each dragon a Familiar & bond with Familiars daily, for a bit of treasure and some treasure chest rewards as they level up
  • keep your dragons well-fed -- over 80% at all times -- to get your daily well-fed bonuses
  • Which Waystone (Library menu, left) suggests daily activities and tasks for you, helping you explore the vast world of Sornieth
  • under Library / Forums, 1st column, halfway down, are your private Light Flight-only forums. Introduce yourself to your fellow "Acolights" and see what goodies / assistance your Flight offers their new players
    -- if you Discord, this is where you request access to Light's private server
  • Guide to FR Abbreviations will help you understand “forum-speak”
  • to reply to someone on a Forum thread, just type @username and they'll get a notification
  • the geniuses at Tiny Little Questions save me all the time -- bookmark them, I'm serious!! xD
  • upper right corner next to your u/n, down arrow, you'll find your Account Settings -- this is where you set up a Forum Signature, Avatar, & Vista…and also where you can Log Out

I’m a long-time player, on daily, happy to answer questions or help in any way!!

I love helping new players with the Coliseum so shoot me a DM if you want help with that!!

Enjoy your dragons!!

BunnySox ^^

Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!
Exalt Row Rescue Hub (more free dragons)
Free Leveled Dragons for New Players
Free Leveled Coli Teams for Newbies
Critter Crypt: Free Familiars for (NOT ONLY) Newbies
the generous Rosecloud Sanctuary has a giveaway package for every newbie, plus beautiful dragons to adopt, plus raffles
Lore’s Grotto – Free Items & Dragons

Masterpost of Tools, Guides, Resources, etc.
Data-Based Money Making Guide
Juxta13's Random Raffle
Stupid Mistakes I Made when I first joined FR xD is a partially-funny thread but with some real insights for newbies!!
Colisai’s Free Food Cart
@6Jelly6bean6 - hi there! i sent a friend request, hope you have fun with this site :)
@6Jelly6bean6 - hi there! i sent a friend request, hope you have fun with this site :)
(username is spelled to-be-cabo-chan)