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TOPIC | Questions for lore lairs.
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Hey! So i've been wanting to make lore for my lair, but there's a few questions that i have that are making starting a bit difficult!

- What do you do with the knowledge of potentially losing your lore if the site goes down, or the possibility of it getting stolen? Do you back it up somewhere? I've been wanting to work on this for a few years now, but this worry has really been holding me back.

- How do you stay motivated?

- What do you do if there's a dragon your struggling to expand on? Do you set them aside and come back to them later?

- Just a for fun question, whats your favorite part about writing lore, or your favorite thing to write about?

If you have any resource recommendations, other tips, or anything else you think might be relevant, feel free to put that here!. :D

Edit: Just logged on to check in on this post, and thank you all so much!! This advice is super helpful, and it really helped eliminate/manage my concerns.
It gave me enough confidence to finally write my first thing in a dragons bio!!! :D Thank you all for your time <3 <3 <3
Hey! So i've been wanting to make lore for my lair, but there's a few questions that i have that are making starting a bit difficult!

- What do you do with the knowledge of potentially losing your lore if the site goes down, or the possibility of it getting stolen? Do you back it up somewhere? I've been wanting to work on this for a few years now, but this worry has really been holding me back.

- How do you stay motivated?

- What do you do if there's a dragon your struggling to expand on? Do you set them aside and come back to them later?

- Just a for fun question, whats your favorite part about writing lore, or your favorite thing to write about?

If you have any resource recommendations, other tips, or anything else you think might be relevant, feel free to put that here!. :D

Edit: Just logged on to check in on this post, and thank you all so much!! This advice is super helpful, and it really helped eliminate/manage my concerns.
It gave me enough confidence to finally write my first thing in a dragons bio!!! :D Thank you all for your time <3 <3 <3
I'm not finished with my lore, but I'm slowly working on it lol

I keep all my lore backed up on my OneNote/Word. I do this not just for the reasons you've listed but also just in case I accidently hit close/click out before saving the bio. Yes, I have done this before >.<

If there's dragons I'm having writer's block on, I'll put them aside and let some ideas simmer for a bit. Usually when I come back my head is cleared and I'm able to think up some more for them! Don't burn yourself out! :)

I like writing about my OCs mainly. I don't really follow FR's canon lore, so my dragons are a bit weird. For example, I know the canon size of veils but in my lair they are all huge because it just makes more sense for them! Also I love writing lore for my dergs because it really fleshes them out and helps give some personality. This makes me love them even more than I already do :D

Also, it's hard for me personally to stay motivated but I find that writing even a tiny bit everyday/when you can really goes a long way. I get burned out if I try to write too much at once. Even if it seems like progress is slow, progress is still progress :) Good luck!!
I'm not finished with my lore, but I'm slowly working on it lol

I keep all my lore backed up on my OneNote/Word. I do this not just for the reasons you've listed but also just in case I accidently hit close/click out before saving the bio. Yes, I have done this before >.<

If there's dragons I'm having writer's block on, I'll put them aside and let some ideas simmer for a bit. Usually when I come back my head is cleared and I'm able to think up some more for them! Don't burn yourself out! :)

I like writing about my OCs mainly. I don't really follow FR's canon lore, so my dragons are a bit weird. For example, I know the canon size of veils but in my lair they are all huge because it just makes more sense for them! Also I love writing lore for my dergs because it really fleshes them out and helps give some personality. This makes me love them even more than I already do :D

Also, it's hard for me personally to stay motivated but I find that writing even a tiny bit everyday/when you can really goes a long way. I get burned out if I try to write too much at once. Even if it seems like progress is slow, progress is still progress :) Good luck!!
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Hmmm... IN terms of having lore taken/lost I don't really think about it all that much! I don't do massive written pieces for my lore, and it's all so scattered that I don't really worry about those kinds of things. Plus, fear of having work stolen is one of the bigger hurdles to putting things you make out for others to see regardless of the platform. If it did go down, though, I'd probably reskin my characters for a different setting :) since most of their traits are firmly in my memory already. Motivation comes and goes, so I just let it ebb and flow since my writing on here is just for fun so I don't force anything for it. My lore is an eternal WIP! Sometimes I start new mini lore locations when my inspo for the first one wanes If I have a dragon I struggle with or fall out of love with, I set them in a pondering tab and see if I miss seeing them in the lore tab! If I do, I give them another chance! If not, I consider moving them to a non lore tab or simply letting them go. My favorite thing about making lore on FR is just getting to make little bios for each of my lore dragons! I treat my lore more like world building than a story, so I simply love fleshing out locations and giving each of my dragons a job or role in that location! It's the DM in me hahah. In terms of tips..... My only tip is not to get caught up in bio templates if they get in the way of writing! Anytime I've tried to make an intricate bio it simply gets in the way of the fun of writing, though I'm sure that's not true for everyone [emoji=aether laughing size=1]
Hmmm... IN terms of having lore taken/lost I don't really think about it all that much! I don't do massive written pieces for my lore, and it's all so scattered that I don't really worry about those kinds of things. Plus, fear of having work stolen is one of the bigger hurdles to putting things you make out for others to see regardless of the platform. If it did go down, though, I'd probably reskin my characters for a different setting :) since most of their traits are firmly in my memory already.

Motivation comes and goes, so I just let it ebb and flow since my writing on here is just for fun so I don't force anything for it. My lore is an eternal WIP! Sometimes I start new mini lore locations when my inspo for the first one wanes

If I have a dragon I struggle with or fall out of love with, I set them in a pondering tab and see if I miss seeing them in the lore tab! If I do, I give them another chance! If not, I consider moving them to a non lore tab or simply letting them go.

My favorite thing about making lore on FR is just getting to make little bios for each of my lore dragons! I treat my lore more like world building than a story, so I simply love fleshing out locations and giving each of my dragons a job or role in that location! It's the DM in me hahah.

In terms of tips..... My only tip is not to get caught up in bio templates if they get in the way of writing! Anytime I've tried to make an intricate bio it simply gets in the way of the fun of writing, though I'm sure that's not true for everyone
[quote]- What do you do with the knowledge of potentially losing your lore if the site goes down, or the possibility of it getting stolen? Do you back it up somewhere? I've been wanting to work on this for a few years now, but this worry has really been holding me back.[/quote] I back up most of it on tumblr. Anything that's long and I don't want to lose, I back up there. I have had my lore stolen before, but I reported it through Contact Us, and it was taken care of. [quote]- How do you stay motivated?[/quote] I keep making new OCs lol [quote]- What do you do if there's a dragon your struggling to expand on? Do you set them aside and come back to them later?[/quote] Yes! I have an entire folder of ones I'm still working on. If I don't feel motivated to write for them, I don't force it. I pick another that I'm fixated on and keep going. [quote]- Just a for fun question, whats your favorite part about writing lore, or your favorite thing to write about?[/quote] I love exploring themes that I want to read. The follies of capitalism. Socioeconomic impacts of new (alien) life. Merging sci-fi with fantasy and dystopian themes. It's fun, and I love creating all different sorts of people who live in such a world and see how they react to it. [quote]If you have any resource recommendations, other tips, or anything else you think might be relevant, feel free to put that here!. :D[/quote] Write for yourself. When you write for others, you'll start feeling disappointed by not getting the interaction you want. When you write for you, only your reaction matters. Never feel pressured to write a lot. Sometimes succinct is better for the story you're telling. Nothing is canon unless you decide it is. It's okay to write whatever emotion you feel you want to explore - happy or sad.
- What do you do with the knowledge of potentially losing your lore if the site goes down, or the possibility of it getting stolen? Do you back it up somewhere? I've been wanting to work on this for a few years now, but this worry has really been holding me back.
I back up most of it on tumblr. Anything that's long and I don't want to lose, I back up there. I have had my lore stolen before, but I reported it through Contact Us, and it was taken care of.

- How do you stay motivated?
I keep making new OCs lol

- What do you do if there's a dragon your struggling to expand on? Do you set them aside and come back to them later?
Yes! I have an entire folder of ones I'm still working on. If I don't feel motivated to write for them, I don't force it. I pick another that I'm fixated on and keep going.

- Just a for fun question, whats your favorite part about writing lore, or your favorite thing to write about?
I love exploring themes that I want to read. The follies of capitalism. Socioeconomic impacts of new (alien) life. Merging sci-fi with fantasy and dystopian themes. It's fun, and I love creating all different sorts of people who live in such a world and see how they react to it.

If you have any resource recommendations, other tips, or anything else you think might be relevant, feel free to put that here!. :D
Write for yourself. When you write for others, you'll start feeling disappointed by not getting the interaction you want. When you write for you, only your reaction matters. Never feel pressured to write a lot. Sometimes succinct is better for the story you're telling. Nothing is canon unless you decide it is. It's okay to write whatever emotion you feel you want to explore - happy or sad.
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fidelitas ad familiam. fidelitas ad Matriarch.
a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company located in the center of the light district.
I don't back up my lore. (Not the most helpful answer, I know.) It would be too much of a hassle to have to update a separate document every time I added or edited a sentence in anyone's bio. If the site ever does go down, I have faith in staff to give us advance notice so I can save everything.

I also don't make any effort to stay motivated. If an idea occurs to me, then I write it down; if not, then not. I don't view lore-writing as a job or task, I just do it spontaneously whenever I feel like it.

In terms of writer's block, my problem is usually that I can't think of anything to say about a particular dragon. In that case I set them aside (potentially for months or years lolol) until an idea hits right. In terms of expanding on lore I've written, it's a bit more complex - I have some dragons with 2-3 sentences (or sentence fragments) of lore that I would consider "complete" (although of course I might add more if inspiration strikes). But I also have some dragons with lore of the same length that I would consider it just a lore stub that needs to be expanded upon. It's probably not apparent to the outside eye which is which.

Weirdly, even though I enjoy grimdark and complex works, my own lore tends toward the cozy/chill. Well, as chill as it gets in a techno-capitalist metropolis that never sleeps.
I don't back up my lore. (Not the most helpful answer, I know.) It would be too much of a hassle to have to update a separate document every time I added or edited a sentence in anyone's bio. If the site ever does go down, I have faith in staff to give us advance notice so I can save everything.

I also don't make any effort to stay motivated. If an idea occurs to me, then I write it down; if not, then not. I don't view lore-writing as a job or task, I just do it spontaneously whenever I feel like it.

In terms of writer's block, my problem is usually that I can't think of anything to say about a particular dragon. In that case I set them aside (potentially for months or years lolol) until an idea hits right. In terms of expanding on lore I've written, it's a bit more complex - I have some dragons with 2-3 sentences (or sentence fragments) of lore that I would consider "complete" (although of course I might add more if inspiration strikes). But I also have some dragons with lore of the same length that I would consider it just a lore stub that needs to be expanded upon. It's probably not apparent to the outside eye which is which.

Weirdly, even though I enjoy grimdark and complex works, my own lore tends toward the cozy/chill. Well, as chill as it gets in a techno-capitalist metropolis that never sleeps.
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
(bold of me to respond to this when i haven't actually posted any of my lore lol)

I use Libre to write all of my lore, so I don't have to worry about losing it. Another way (if you're a mobile user) would be to use Google Docs instead. and yes, as a writer, PLEASE back your stuff up. in multiple places, if you can.

I stay motivated by taking it one dragon at a time and by taking frequent breaks. Creating a bunch of characters at once is very taxing, so it's smart to take your time and not rush it. You don't wanna burn yourself out.

If you're having trouble with a dragon, my advice would be don't keep hitting your head against a brick wall. it won't do you any favors and is how you kill motivation. instead, write down a few base ideas for the dragon, then leave it and come back later. you might find that brick wall suddenly has a door.

Favorite thing about writing lore is coming up with how the characters interact with each other. creating characters is fun, but it's even more fun to imagine how these different personalities will compliment or clash with each other.

As for recommendations, if you have a computer or a laptop, i would DEFINITELY suggest getting Libre. It's basically Word but without the price tag and you don't have to worry about having a bunch of tabs open with google docs. (also helps when you have to keep yourself away from the internet. using Libre instead of Docs really helps me avoid distractions.)
(bold of me to respond to this when i haven't actually posted any of my lore lol)

I use Libre to write all of my lore, so I don't have to worry about losing it. Another way (if you're a mobile user) would be to use Google Docs instead. and yes, as a writer, PLEASE back your stuff up. in multiple places, if you can.

I stay motivated by taking it one dragon at a time and by taking frequent breaks. Creating a bunch of characters at once is very taxing, so it's smart to take your time and not rush it. You don't wanna burn yourself out.

If you're having trouble with a dragon, my advice would be don't keep hitting your head against a brick wall. it won't do you any favors and is how you kill motivation. instead, write down a few base ideas for the dragon, then leave it and come back later. you might find that brick wall suddenly has a door.

Favorite thing about writing lore is coming up with how the characters interact with each other. creating characters is fun, but it's even more fun to imagine how these different personalities will compliment or clash with each other.

As for recommendations, if you have a computer or a laptop, i would DEFINITELY suggest getting Libre. It's basically Word but without the price tag and you don't have to worry about having a bunch of tabs open with google docs. (also helps when you have to keep yourself away from the internet. using Libre instead of Docs really helps me avoid distractions.)
-Well, I really dont mind at all. I do it for fun, not to be perfect, and I got inspired in my fav novel so I dont mind if others get inspired on me

-I just write when I feel like it. I dont make it a task, this is supposed to be fun

-I leave it as it is, inspiration may come later. BUT sometimes getting a new dragon and connect it to it can help. Happened many times for me

-I like my dragons interacting <3

-resources? Reading! muses! inspiration! always works <3
-Well, I really dont mind at all. I do it for fun, not to be perfect, and I got inspired in my fav novel so I dont mind if others get inspired on me

-I just write when I feel like it. I dont make it a task, this is supposed to be fun

-I leave it as it is, inspiration may come later. BUT sometimes getting a new dragon and connect it to it can help. Happened many times for me

-I like my dragons interacting <3

-resources? Reading! muses! inspiration! always works <3
- What do you do with the knowledge of potentially losing your lore if the site goes down, or the possibility of it getting stolen? Do you back it up somewhere?

I usually back it up onto a Word document. Or Google docs sometimes.

- How do you stay motivated?

it comes and goes for me. If I don’t feel motivated to work on lore, then I’ll do something else instead. I tried to force myself to stay motivated in the early stages - but that wasn’t a good idea. Now I just write as much (or as little) as I feel like when ideas hit.

- What do you do if there's a dragon your struggling to expand on? Do you set them aside and come back to them later?

I put them in the hibden. It might take some time, but I know that eventually they’ll get something in their bios. …Eventually.

If I’m really not vibing with someone in the main lair, then I’ll move onto someone else. Honestly my lore is a total WIP when it comes to my dragons right now - and it probably will be for a while.

- Just a for fun question, whats your favorite part about writing lore, or your favorite thing to write about?

I like giving my silly guys characters & jobs! Not so strong on character interactions - but working on that.

- What do you do with the knowledge of potentially losing your lore if the site goes down, or the possibility of it getting stolen? Do you back it up somewhere?

I usually back it up onto a Word document. Or Google docs sometimes.

- How do you stay motivated?

it comes and goes for me. If I don’t feel motivated to work on lore, then I’ll do something else instead. I tried to force myself to stay motivated in the early stages - but that wasn’t a good idea. Now I just write as much (or as little) as I feel like when ideas hit.

- What do you do if there's a dragon your struggling to expand on? Do you set them aside and come back to them later?

I put them in the hibden. It might take some time, but I know that eventually they’ll get something in their bios. …Eventually.

If I’m really not vibing with someone in the main lair, then I’ll move onto someone else. Honestly my lore is a total WIP when it comes to my dragons right now - and it probably will be for a while.

- Just a for fun question, whats your favorite part about writing lore, or your favorite thing to write about?

I like giving my silly guys characters & jobs! Not so strong on character interactions - but working on that.

i have a silly google doc but most of the lore is burnt into my brain anyway sooo

motivated cause i like write silly story for pretty dragon :]

i kinda just... forget about said dragon, then randomly remember they exist and write a buncha stuff for em in 3 minutes

for some reason i really like writing scenes in my dragons' bios. it's a bit of a rare thing ('tleast for now) as only about 4 or 3 dragons have little scenes rn
i have a silly google doc but most of the lore is burnt into my brain anyway sooo

motivated cause i like write silly story for pretty dragon :]

i kinda just... forget about said dragon, then randomly remember they exist and write a buncha stuff for em in 3 minutes

for some reason i really like writing scenes in my dragons' bios. it's a bit of a rare thing ('tleast for now) as only about 4 or 3 dragons have little scenes rn
- What do you do with the knowledge of potentially losing your lore if the site goes down, or the possibility of it getting stolen? Do you back it up somewhere? I've been wanting to work on this for a few years now, but this worry has really been holding me back.
I've never really thought about this before actually... unfortunately when it comes to theft, there's nothing you can really do except report it if you ever find it and block the people responsible. The internet makes it easy to do, but you'll make yourself miserable if you just refuse to do anything publically because there's a few awful, lazy people out there.
As for losing lore if the site goes down, I have enough relative faith in FR that I'm not worried about that happening without us gaining some kind of warning. And if we get a warning, I'll save my dragons pages somehow.

- How do you stay motivated?
Motivation comes in waves. I write whenever I have the spoons, because lore is something I create exclusively for my own enjoyment and if I forced it then I would no longer be having fun. Allowing myself to have a very wide variety of dragons certainly helps though, as I never feel cornered into doing only a specific thing.

- What do you do if there's a dragon your struggling to expand on? Do you set them aside and come back to them later?

More or less. Like I said, I write when I have the brains for it! If that means they sit around for a few weeks, that's completely fine. The only pace I have to go at is my own. This is about having fun, you're not doing this professionally so there's no schedules or deadlines.

- Just a for fun question, whats your favorite part about writing lore, or your favorite thing to write about?
Hard to say, there's a lot of different things I've really enjoyed writing about. But I suppose I like writing about the more mysterious, horror oriented parts of my lore. I write my lore as profiles on different dragons in my lair, you see. So while it's fun in its own way to just write about a guy, it's a very different kind of fun to write about something intentionally vague and spooky and mysterious. Something that I'm trying to make the reader feel uneasy about. I enjoy breaking away from my usual lore conventions the most then, I'd say. I like the more abstract guys.
- What do you do with the knowledge of potentially losing your lore if the site goes down, or the possibility of it getting stolen? Do you back it up somewhere? I've been wanting to work on this for a few years now, but this worry has really been holding me back.
I've never really thought about this before actually... unfortunately when it comes to theft, there's nothing you can really do except report it if you ever find it and block the people responsible. The internet makes it easy to do, but you'll make yourself miserable if you just refuse to do anything publically because there's a few awful, lazy people out there.
As for losing lore if the site goes down, I have enough relative faith in FR that I'm not worried about that happening without us gaining some kind of warning. And if we get a warning, I'll save my dragons pages somehow.

- How do you stay motivated?
Motivation comes in waves. I write whenever I have the spoons, because lore is something I create exclusively for my own enjoyment and if I forced it then I would no longer be having fun. Allowing myself to have a very wide variety of dragons certainly helps though, as I never feel cornered into doing only a specific thing.

- What do you do if there's a dragon your struggling to expand on? Do you set them aside and come back to them later?

More or less. Like I said, I write when I have the brains for it! If that means they sit around for a few weeks, that's completely fine. The only pace I have to go at is my own. This is about having fun, you're not doing this professionally so there's no schedules or deadlines.

- Just a for fun question, whats your favorite part about writing lore, or your favorite thing to write about?
Hard to say, there's a lot of different things I've really enjoyed writing about. But I suppose I like writing about the more mysterious, horror oriented parts of my lore. I write my lore as profiles on different dragons in my lair, you see. So while it's fun in its own way to just write about a guy, it's a very different kind of fun to write about something intentionally vague and spooky and mysterious. Something that I'm trying to make the reader feel uneasy about. I enjoy breaking away from my usual lore conventions the most then, I'd say. I like the more abstract guys.
Book of Eldritch Horror
-He/They, +8 FR Time
-Lore and Fandragon enthusiast, love to talk!
-Wishlist! / Skin Idea Generator
Lurching Tome
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