Hi! I spaced out for nearly the entirety of Rockbreaker's and forgot to, y'know, actually buy any of the festival items. Or skins for that matter. I am, however, swimming in deepearth geodes! So if anyone has some extras of the apparel/emblem/familiar and would be willing to trade them for their geode equivalent, or has bumblebee frieze or ancient painter and would be willing to sell them for a combination of gems, treasure, geodes, or even art, please let me know!

TOPIC | Trading geodes for items!
Hi! I spaced out for nearly the entirety of Rockbreaker's and forgot to, y'know, actually buy any of the festival items. Or skins for that matter. I am, however, swimming in deepearth geodes! So if anyone has some extras of the apparel/emblem/familiar and would be willing to trade them for their geode equivalent, or has bumblebee frieze or ancient painter and would be willing to sell them for a combination of gems, treasure, geodes, or even art, please let me know!
I got a couple of extra Fossil apparels so I could trade one for 65 geodes, just send a cr!
I got a couple of extra Fossil apparels so I could trade one for 65 geodes, just send a cr!
I got a couple of extra Fossil apparels so I could trade one for 65 geodes, just send a cr!
I got a couple of extra Fossil apparels so I could trade one for 65 geodes, just send a cr!

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