
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Trade
Hello, i was wondering if you ever wanted to share or possibly trade dragons. Now if your ok with that then maybe we can share or trade dragons. But i understand if your not intrested in doing that thats ok and ill see you later.
Hello, i was wondering if you ever wanted to share or possibly trade dragons. Now if your ok with that then maybe we can share or trade dragons. But i understand if your not intrested in doing that thats ok and ill see you later.
@dragoncapture if you wanna try your luck, i say check out the give a ___ get a ___ threads! you send a person above you a dragon, and someone after you will send you a dragon! there are lots of different kinds (such as the broad original "give a dragon get a dragon", more specific "give a breed get a breed", or even "give a triple gened gen1 get a triple gened gen1", or even "give an ugly get an ugly") and maybe you'll find someone you love :'D i got this girl from give a breed get a breed, and i adore her <3 i even gave her her metallic! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] so sometimes it's worth it!
@dragoncapture if you wanna try your luck, i say check out the give a ___ get a ___ threads! you send a person above you a dragon, and someone after you will send you a dragon! there are lots of different kinds (such as the broad original "give a dragon get a dragon", more specific "give a breed get a breed", or even "give a triple gened gen1 get a triple gened gen1", or even "give an ugly get an ugly") and maybe you'll find someone you love :'D i got this girl from give a breed get a breed, and i adore her <3 i even gave her her metallic!


so sometimes it's worth it!
Alpha :: FR+0
they/them or
he/him please!

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