

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Transmuting & other UI improvments
Hi all. May newbie here.

I've only been playing for a few days, but there are some aspects of the UI that are making me a bit cranky, so I thought I would toss out a few suggestions in the hopes that something nice will happen. :) I also hope that no one takes these suggestions as an attack on the game or anything. Just the viewpoint of a newbie who hadn't even heard of this game until a couple of days ago. (I realized that it might sound a bit harsh as a first post.)

(tl;dr version - I don't like some UI aspects, they make the game confusing or appear unpolished to me.)

The dropdown on the transmuting page needs to be removed. I checked in some other threads and there is speculation that it may do something in the future, but since it doesn't do anything right now it ought to be removed. As a newbie, it needlessly raised my hopes that I could transmute more than one item, only to have that hope dashed when I hit level 2 alchemy. ("What? I still have to transmute one item at a time? Argh! Let me do a search to find out when I can transmute more stuff. Never?! Ugh.") Seriously though. Transmuting has been in for a year and this page element has been doing nothing the whole time from what I've read. Take it out, please. (I'd rather be able to transmute more than one item, but I'll take what I can get.)

Any page where the only thing that changes is the data being displayed does not need a whole page refresh. You're already using JS. Toss in a little bit of JQuery and your data transitions will appear seamless and help the site look more polished. It will also make hitting the back button a LOT less irritating. Examples of pages that could be better: Crim's Collection Cart, Tomo's Trivia Tablet, Bestiary, and viewing the dragons in your lair. I realize there's a high likelihood that it was done this way to increase ad views and, because it's been like this probably for forever, you aren't likely going to change it, especially when it would cause a significant drop in revenues...but... The coliseum page already does exactly what I'm asking for, so I'm not sure why that hasn't been implemented on the rest of the site.

My dragons are super unorganized and my hoard is a mess. Could I get some organizational shelves to help them out please? How about an alpha sort button?

The bestiary indicates I can see enemies stats, but only information for familiars shows up. From the "click here to learn more about this page" button. "The Enemies index will show you all of the denizens you have encountered in the Coliseum. Once encountered, an enemy's image, stats, and possible loot will display. Keep fighting to uncover more and more baddies!" As with the transmuting dropdown...if it's not in use, take it out.

The bestiary is overwhelming and could maybe use some alpha buttons or something. I don't know if there's a technical term for them, but I'm talking about the row of links that are just "A", "B", "C", etc. and will take you to the start of those letters. Or how about a dropdown to display only familiars you have, only familiars you don't have, or all familiars.

In the scrying workshop, for both the "Assay Bloodlines" and "Foresee Progeny," it would be nice to have an easier way to input dragon IDs. I'm not sure what that easier way could be though. Maybe an input for player IDs that populates a dropdown with their dragons? And defaults to a list of your own dragons? Not sure at all.

Also on Foresee Progeny, the spacing of the page elements is a little weird. I'll admit, the first time I visited the page I wasn't completely paying attention, so the fault was partly my own, but even on subsequent visits, I keep trying to close the box in the middle of the page, because it looks like it's covering up the first input on Chrome. Try nudging the text inputs to below the results box.

I have learned that apparently I'm a UI snob. I'm so, SO sorry.
Hi all. May newbie here.

I've only been playing for a few days, but there are some aspects of the UI that are making me a bit cranky, so I thought I would toss out a few suggestions in the hopes that something nice will happen. :) I also hope that no one takes these suggestions as an attack on the game or anything. Just the viewpoint of a newbie who hadn't even heard of this game until a couple of days ago. (I realized that it might sound a bit harsh as a first post.)

(tl;dr version - I don't like some UI aspects, they make the game confusing or appear unpolished to me.)

The dropdown on the transmuting page needs to be removed. I checked in some other threads and there is speculation that it may do something in the future, but since it doesn't do anything right now it ought to be removed. As a newbie, it needlessly raised my hopes that I could transmute more than one item, only to have that hope dashed when I hit level 2 alchemy. ("What? I still have to transmute one item at a time? Argh! Let me do a search to find out when I can transmute more stuff. Never?! Ugh.") Seriously though. Transmuting has been in for a year and this page element has been doing nothing the whole time from what I've read. Take it out, please. (I'd rather be able to transmute more than one item, but I'll take what I can get.)

Any page where the only thing that changes is the data being displayed does not need a whole page refresh. You're already using JS. Toss in a little bit of JQuery and your data transitions will appear seamless and help the site look more polished. It will also make hitting the back button a LOT less irritating. Examples of pages that could be better: Crim's Collection Cart, Tomo's Trivia Tablet, Bestiary, and viewing the dragons in your lair. I realize there's a high likelihood that it was done this way to increase ad views and, because it's been like this probably for forever, you aren't likely going to change it, especially when it would cause a significant drop in revenues...but... The coliseum page already does exactly what I'm asking for, so I'm not sure why that hasn't been implemented on the rest of the site.

My dragons are super unorganized and my hoard is a mess. Could I get some organizational shelves to help them out please? How about an alpha sort button?

The bestiary indicates I can see enemies stats, but only information for familiars shows up. From the "click here to learn more about this page" button. "The Enemies index will show you all of the denizens you have encountered in the Coliseum. Once encountered, an enemy's image, stats, and possible loot will display. Keep fighting to uncover more and more baddies!" As with the transmuting dropdown...if it's not in use, take it out.

The bestiary is overwhelming and could maybe use some alpha buttons or something. I don't know if there's a technical term for them, but I'm talking about the row of links that are just "A", "B", "C", etc. and will take you to the start of those letters. Or how about a dropdown to display only familiars you have, only familiars you don't have, or all familiars.

In the scrying workshop, for both the "Assay Bloodlines" and "Foresee Progeny," it would be nice to have an easier way to input dragon IDs. I'm not sure what that easier way could be though. Maybe an input for player IDs that populates a dropdown with their dragons? And defaults to a list of your own dragons? Not sure at all.

Also on Foresee Progeny, the spacing of the page elements is a little weird. I'll admit, the first time I visited the page I wasn't completely paying attention, so the fault was partly my own, but even on subsequent visits, I keep trying to close the box in the middle of the page, because it looks like it's covering up the first input on Chrome. Try nudging the text inputs to below the results box.

I have learned that apparently I'm a UI snob. I'm so, SO sorry.
I agree with many of these. I would also like some sort of sort function for the hoard. If you have 20+ pages of materials finding a specific food or material can be annoying
I agree with many of these. I would also like some sort of sort function for the hoard. If you have 20+ pages of materials finding a specific food or material can be annoying
I don't disagree with any of these, so that's good. Especially the Baldwin and Bestiary stuff needs a look.

As for Assay Bloodlines and Foresee Progeny, I think I'm still in favour of the suggestion of mashing them together. Being that you automatically are taken to Foresee Progeny and that the site will tell you, in addition to showing the offspring, if this pair can breed or not.

I don't disagree with any of these, so that's good. Especially the Baldwin and Bestiary stuff needs a look.

As for Assay Bloodlines and Foresee Progeny, I think I'm still in favour of the suggestion of mashing them together. Being that you automatically are taken to Foresee Progeny and that the site will tell you, in addition to showing the offspring, if this pair can breed or not.


FR + 8/9
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxart shop
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxg1 sales
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxprofile dragon

Ageement with most, but some are a bit problematic. Bestiary: the desciption refers to either future content (rewrite) or an abandoned/unworkable feature. In the meantime, Sylvandyr has put it together [url=]here[/url]. [quote]In the scrying workshop, for both the "Assay Bloodlines" and "Foresee Progeny," it would be nice to have an easier way to input dragon IDs. I'm not sure what that easier way could be though. Maybe an input for player IDs that populates a dropdown with their dragons? And defaults to a list of your own dragons? Not sure at all.[/quote] This is good for small lairs but it gets overwhelming in large lairs. I have roughly 45 pairs who come up and scrolling in the Nesting Grounds is not fun.
Ageement with most, but some are a bit problematic.

Bestiary: the desciption refers to either future content (rewrite) or an abandoned/unworkable feature. In the meantime, Sylvandyr has put it together here.
In the scrying workshop, for both the "Assay Bloodlines" and "Foresee Progeny," it would be nice to have an easier way to input dragon IDs. I'm not sure what that easier way could be though. Maybe an input for player IDs that populates a dropdown with their dragons? And defaults to a list of your own dragons? Not sure at all.

This is good for small lairs but it gets overwhelming in large lairs. I have roughly 45 pairs who come up and scrolling in the Nesting Grounds is not fun.
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
Agreeing with most of these. It's impressive that you've been playing for so short a time and have nailed almost all the minor but important tweaks.
Agreeing with most of these. It's impressive that you've been playing for so short a time and have nailed almost all the minor but important tweaks.
Agree with the majority, but they really, really need to make multiple transmuting a thing in Baldwin.
Agree with the majority, but they really, really need to make multiple transmuting a thing in Baldwin.


everything happens so much

Fully agree the Bestiary description needs to be updated. I was so, SO confused as a newbie as well when it claimed I could add things to it just by fighting the enemies, and then...that didn't happen?

The other stuff are also all pretty good points, but I agree with Nightwind that populating a dropdown with all your dragons would actually be worse to navigate for someone with a larger lair.
Fully agree the Bestiary description needs to be updated. I was so, SO confused as a newbie as well when it claimed I could add things to it just by fighting the enemies, and then...that didn't happen?

The other stuff are also all pretty good points, but I agree with Nightwind that populating a dropdown with all your dragons would actually be worse to navigate for someone with a larger lair.