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TOPIC | Auction House Filter Suggestion
Hey Flightrisers, Ive been delving in the auctionhouse a lot recently looking through the 5000+ pages of dragons for auction and gradually adding the min-max price to reduce the searches to about 500 pages and maybe chuck in a colour etc to reduce it to 50 pages but like breeders we are only really interested in breedable dragons.

So wouldn't it be great and EXTREMELY helpful if we can have a toggle filter of Breedable? Yes/No?

Saves time and gets straight to the point :P

Edit: Breedable meaning no cooldown left and ready to get down to business.... If you know what I mean ;)
Hey Flightrisers, Ive been delving in the auctionhouse a lot recently looking through the 5000+ pages of dragons for auction and gradually adding the min-max price to reduce the searches to about 500 pages and maybe chuck in a colour etc to reduce it to 50 pages but like breeders we are only really interested in breedable dragons.

So wouldn't it be great and EXTREMELY helpful if we can have a toggle filter of Breedable? Yes/No?

Saves time and gets straight to the point :P

Edit: Breedable meaning no cooldown left and ready to get down to business.... If you know what I mean ;)
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RTB filter would be great - support
RTB filter would be great - support
Owner of Aurorae Hatchery
Bump- I thought a lot of people would enjoy this feature :P
Bump- I thought a lot of people would enjoy this feature :P
I always support the following AH search additions: age, RTB, level, color range, specie range, and gene range. But as an Advanced Search to prevent clutter.
I always support the following AH search additions: age, RTB, level, color range, specie range, and gene range. But as an Advanced Search to prevent clutter.
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If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
This would be incredibly helpful.

The addition of a gem vs coin search would be good too, in particular when organizing the dragons in price, smallest to largest.
This would be incredibly helpful.

The addition of a gem vs coin search would be good too, in particular when organizing the dragons in price, smallest to largest.
I'll throw my support in for more AH filters

Also @MyrtleDragonTale
If you just want to see treasure dragons you put 0 in the treasure min and some big number in the max and do a search. (it's a bit roundabout, but it works)
I'll throw my support in for more AH filters

Also @MyrtleDragonTale
If you just want to see treasure dragons you put 0 in the treasure min and some big number in the max and do a search. (it's a bit roundabout, but it works)
Thanks! I appreciate that. I'm fairly new here, so I don't know all the tricks yet. :P
Thanks! I appreciate that. I'm fairly new here, so I don't know all the tricks yet. :P