I really like Nebula here. It’s mostly here pretty colors that grabbed my attention. She’s very pleasant to look at.
I really like Nebula here. It’s mostly here pretty colors that grabbed my attention. She’s very pleasant to look at.
Estelle looks so gentle! I love her genes and coloring

Estelle looks so gentle! I love her genes and coloring
From what I can see, your lair is mostly fandragons. I don't think I know who this is, but that doesn't stop me from calling him a pretty lad.
From what I can see, your lair is mostly fandragons. I don't think I know who this is, but that doesn't stop me from calling him a pretty lad.
@THEplayer2 he’s sooo cute! I love his backstory <3
Most of my ancients can be found in my Locations Tab!
THEplayer2 he’s sooo cute! I love his backstory <3
Most of my ancients can be found in my Locations Tab!
The genes are so fun!
The genes are so fun!
Dreamsinger is so pretty!
Dreamsinger is so pretty!
Tachycardia (tak-ih-KAHR-dee-uh) Rapid heartbeat, usually defined as greater than 100 beats per minute.
Mmmmm loved vibing through your lair again!
She looks very nice. Colors and genes work well together!
( @honsool Thanks! I've actually got three of his pups for sale if you're interested)
Mmmmm loved vibing through your lair again!
She looks very nice. Colors and genes work well together!

( @
honsool Thanks! I've actually got three of his pups for sale if you're interested)
had to jump straight to the gaolers tab lol
love this guys colors! love the matching familiar too :]
next person: i have ancients scattered throughout my lair (it's pretty small dont worry lol) please just ignore my projects tab!
had to jump straight to the gaolers tab lol
love this guys colors! love the matching familiar too :]
next person: i have ancients scattered throughout my lair (it's pretty small dont worry lol) please just ignore my projects tab!
@honsool Oh wow what a beauty<3 I can't resist a such a lovely Aether!
honsool Oh wow what a beauty<3 I can't resist a such a lovely Aether!
Such an interesting combo of genes but works so well! Amyla looks amazing :D
Such an interesting combo of genes but works so well! Amyla looks amazing :D