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TOPIC | Interest Check - 100+G1s gened & ungened
[indent]hello hello!! after a long hiatus, I finally decided I might just clear up my lair once and for all. I'm no longer active on FR and I spend most of my online time on CS, so might as well give the dragons a new home and get some gems for offsite trading! the only question is if anyone is even really interested? pretty much my whole lair is UFT, the only exception are the dragons in the NFT tab! below are some highlights to get started, but feel free to take a look at the others as well! please please feel free to make price suggestions for all, regardless of wether they are tentatively for offer or not! I have no clue about pricing and appreciate the help ;o;[/indent] [center][b]Special[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] 7 digit ID, one off XYX Gen1 with matching eyes [url=][img][/img][/url] 7 digit ID, XXY Storm / Storm / Sky [b]Gen 1s[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Spruce / Olive / Olive [url=][img][/img][/url] Saffron / Carrot / Gold [url=][img][/img][/url] Metals / Orca / Amber [url=][img][/img][/url] Lead / Shale / Amethyst [url=][img][/img][/url] Oilslick / Sanddollar / Metals [url=][img][/img][/url] Sand / Sanddollar / Latte [url=][img][/img][/url] Caribbean / Overcast / Overcast[/center] [indent]and many more! if you are interested feel free to let me know! again, price suggestions are appreciated as well before I go ahead and sell these![/indent]
hello hello!! after a long hiatus, I finally decided I might just clear up my lair once and for all. I'm no longer active on FR and I spend most of my online time on CS, so might as well give the dragons a new home and get some gems for offsite trading! the only question is if anyone is even really interested? pretty much my whole lair is UFT, the only exception are the dragons in the NFT tab! below are some highlights to get started, but feel free to take a look at the others as well! please please feel free to make price suggestions for all, regardless of wether they are tentatively for offer or not! I have no clue about pricing and appreciate the help
7 digit ID, one off XYX Gen1 with matching eyes

7 digit ID, XXY Storm / Storm / Sky

Gen 1s
Spruce / Olive / Olive

Saffron / Carrot / Gold

Metals / Orca / Amber

Lead / Shale / Amethyst

Oilslick / Sanddollar / Metals

Sand / Sanddollar / Latte

Caribbean / Overcast / Overcast
and many more! if you are interested feel free to let me know! again, price suggestions are appreciated as well before I go ahead and sell these!
General pinglists: Interest check
Ping for: XYZ, XYY, XXY, Plague Normal Eyes, Nature Normal Eyes, Fire Primal, Earth Normal Eyes, Water Normal Eyes, Shadow Normal Eyes, Fire Normal Eyes, Lightning Primal, Modern, Wildclaw, Nocturne, Coatl, Guardian, Tundra, Near miss, Matching eyes
Exclude: Fire Primal, Lightning Primal

-Pings auto hidden-
@SilverQuark @Locked @Aeraki @Seonais @Cerion @Eseren @Caoineadh @EverAutumn @Tinytalkingtina @Tofubear @mercurialwings @Cyrya @Natron @Makomo @laffayette @Coward @JunS2 @Yukorusshi @5H4D0WDU57 @KiteM @00Riku00 @Twye @Lokey @Ryuuna @halforq @Caribou @DarkRemorse @InfectedWolf @Blessings5x @xarilin @Heart @eternatus @moosesushi @CryptidPossum @bitmap @Laegjarn @dayliqht @Serendipia @Zenzic @alixander @Hessonite @Whymsical @scylla @Home @Yonderly @Rynnikins @snapdragonfruit @thanksmeg @Qazzie9 @Ravka @pokelover150 @Chichi @RoyalTundra @Voidshadow @jr413 @Sarcosanct @bothriolepis @kievan @DobbyisFree @Kaneun @crogge @Zayev @Desecrated @Alanon @sucrose @meanling @Lemonquartz @Calibris @fernbrake @Gypae @menghuancat @AcretoSorien @l0ser @Ysdaar @Firra @Charias @FrostSkyder @mists @matejko @abyssalRuins @NorthernLiights @Plushie @Flamenco @Sotherin @Scamper @ClockworkEclipse @malarkeii @AbsoluteZeroK @Silksharp @Irrwahn @Mintso @Phay @London @Steel @Apothecaria @eternitysgate @Moonweaverr @Manifesting @Peisinoe @Suliko @SeaShanty @carlyle @Lych @Raestrao @Kyoya @Goldenstorm @Smalldoll @Toxiac @Suntouched @Lupen @HoneyedBee @Why @bvvvvvm @FallingStar275 @AquaEmperor @Cassaroz @Lackess @Helsing @distaste @LABS107 @Abril @Synthsational @LunaBun @shanshui @Susurrar @Xemriss @CharlotteHornets @Psi @Rathsin @MysticOfLight @Princesco @Barok @TheWildThings @1sun1spirit @Allaprima @Seas @ShiftingFoxx @Kasalin @AzaRein @xAstraea @bonivich @0hzarks @Helixstorm @Hiltain @EzRadiant @Zelie @ShadowFire1 @Vampier @Embroid @Scintillia @Runi @frogletfern @NavRea @Deliverance @chraze @LordRaikage @Maila @juga @RydeTheHype @Lomon @robsypi @Artifacts @Lino @Iminox @xenofaun @Isyrii @deadend @TigersMane @Azhdaha @Yelloweye @loulemon @fugo @DaDragon @Flatbooty @Voidsight @seniph @Incarnate @sinodyc @plutou @tthheeoo @Gaaming @umbralhorror @tight @Angler @cind @tibullus @Sozo @acherontian @systemhell @Liliyanna @ShadowLessHC98 @1864 @Ashee @SullivanMaurus @corsploot @finnamony @Ketrilla @Starfire0 @siridescence @CeriothOfCinders @InviPorcelain @Asterodea @Xef @SageSilentfire @rdesklamp @Mudguts @Avys @cierii @Clee @Libraria @Rohi @Marceline @warn @AngelOfFate @Aviv @Revius @CometStorm @xxxx @puppicino @crimsonpixie @BraveEguana @kageshi @Khromatic @GreenAtlas @crowful @Are @Equive @mayanaz @Plushstiel @AquaPaladin @evilwave @evidence @Garizard @Silverlately @virtue @SaintMotel @LynterriaHatake @Angelfire335 @Neoprene @Tunfischhai @elegia @Miuv @sensitivepigeon @scarecrane @Avarosa @stones @Fluttering @Glum @borb @Hemophobia @furo @Conviction @Innive @Kneph @Aberration @smalldoll @Kuzco @archimicarus @AnimalOddity @Zevos @sinistea @Usoris @Luluwi @Ototo @Ajax4life14 @kyruiz @cartel @NightmareGiraffe @zeniths @Syldaya @StarWolfQueen @mcpearlie @kinyobi @Bunnu @silks @plesioth @SnowLynx @Naralex @HOVERCRAFT @SunbakedBiscuit @EldritchGod @cowl @zebraffe @Xendra @SpicyTunaRoll @Ginkoi @zirk @Zarathusa @Aurelyon @punkwitch @RATTTTT @Dangerq @scared @Anky @Calathea @Airene @Kaboomafoo @Kapro @Inwe @Lunamora @Heathers @LaAstaria @notioscopus @Revue @Glories @parasites @Cirrostratus @Phlegethos @Alakatzam @Herbalist @elok @mosey @Lumi01

Color and Date specifics:
Dragon 1 #7728818 (Plague Common) (Ruby/Lavender/Cherry) 2014-11-13
Date pings:
Specific pings: @cokl @SharkBa1t @Yuu

Dragon 2 #73389750 (Nature Common) (Spruce/Olive/Olive) 2021-10-31
Date pings: @furo @Foxe @Putrefaction @Putrefaction @UserOfShadows @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @alyblaith @jr413 @mayanaz @crogge @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @Apothecaria @fernbrake @Phlegethos @GraveRabbit @rodent @assiduendo @LABS107 @Goatherder @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @Houndstooth @Cattleya @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @Valishtu @JackalopShepherd @hermitbirb @TheCicadas @cocobella @CreatorsDilemma @gnosiphobia @acherontian @Glacecakes @Tsukimayu @blueri @ConceptWitch @ghostpath @EbonyBriars @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria @fleshh @cypie
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @chants @cokl @LABS107 @heuksom @Osteoderm @SakraKaine @Feety @amarula @okcomputer @Variant @Quivira @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Santal @Shiver @extinction

Dragon 3 #72840410 (Fire Primal) (Saffron/Carrot/Gold) 2021-10-06
Date pings:
Specific pings: @furo @cokl @LABS107 @Demetre @Goldensong @EtnaFire @okcomputer @Quivira @lyova @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Dragon 4 #48440249 (Earth Glowing) (Metals/Orca/Amber) 2019-01-10
Date pings: @Dier @Namira @arosaceae
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Barok @HermitBirb @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @lyova @SnowFractal @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Dragon 5 #73385824 (Water Common) (Lead/Shale/Amethyst) 2021-10-31
Date pings: @furo @Foxe @Putrefaction @Putrefaction @UserOfShadows @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @alyblaith @jr413 @mayanaz @crogge @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @Phlegethos @GraveRabbit @rodent @assiduendo @LABS107 @Goatherder @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @Houndstooth @Cattleya @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @robsypi @mcpearlie @Valishtu @JackalopShepherd @hermitbirb @TheCicadas @cocobella @CreatorsDilemma @gnosiphobia @acherontian @Glacecakes @Tsukimayu @blueri @ConceptWitch @ghostpath @EbonyBriars @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria @fleshh @cypie
Specific pings: @Blessings5x @cokl @LABS107 @Luluwi @EzRadiant @shapelights @HermitBirb @Hermitbirb @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Okidogi

Dragon 6 #73388719 (Shadow Common) (Oilslick/Sanddollar/Metals) 2021-10-31
Date pings: @furo @Foxe @Putrefaction @Putrefaction @UserOfShadows @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @alyblaith @jr413 @mayanaz @crogge @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @Apothecaria @fernbrake @Raestrao @Phlegethos @GraveRabbit @rodent @assiduendo @LABS107 @Goatherder @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @Houndstooth @Cattleya @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @Valishtu @JackalopShepherd @hermitbirb @TheCicadas @cocobella @EbonyBriars @CreatorsDilemma @gnosiphobia @mawile94 @acherontian @Glacecakes @Tsukimayu @blueri @ConceptWitch @ghostpath @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria @fleshh @cypie
Specific pings: @firtarian @cokl @seclusion @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Deva @Demetre @HermitBirb @Denryu @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @okcomputer @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @lyova @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Santal

Dragon 7 #73388640 (Fire Common) (Sand/Sanddollar/Latte) 2021-10-31
Date pings: @furo @Foxe @Putrefaction @Putrefaction @UserOfShadows @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @alyblaith @jr413 @mayanaz @crogge @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @Phlegethos @GraveRabbit @rodent @assiduendo @LABS107 @Evirin @Goatherder @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @Houndstooth @Cattleya @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @sense @mcpearlie @Valishtu @JackalopShepherd @hermitbirb @TheCicadas @cocobella @CreatorsDilemma @gnosiphobia @acherontian @Glacecakes @Tsukimayu @blueri @ConceptWitch @ghostpath @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria @fleshh @cypie
Specific pings: @Nukleer @Neoprene @cokl @seclusion @Cassaroz @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @Deva @milkchai @Torrey @dynne @Goldensong @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @okcomputer @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @lyova @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Shiver @extinction

Dragon 8 #48440036 (Lightning Primal) (Caribbean/Overcast/Overcast) 2019-01-10
Date pings: @Dier @Namira @arosaceae
Specific pings: @Tserin @mercurialwings @QueenAlais @Blessings5x @MafiaVamp @cokl @vehicons @TheGrayGhost @seclusion @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @EzRadiant @dudodo @Feety @amarula @Quivira @SharkBa1t @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Okidogi @Shiver

Dragon 9 #6153483 (Fire Common) (Storm/Storm/Sky) 2014-09-05
Date pings: @NoirVogelchen
Specific pings: @Blessings5x @MafiaVamp @cokl @radiance @RunTooLong @SharkBa1t @Avurdios @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. (V4.1)
Click here for the full thread and here for the website

General pinglists: Interest check
Ping for: XYZ, XYY, XXY, Plague Normal Eyes, Nature Normal Eyes, Fire Primal, Earth Normal Eyes, Water Normal Eyes, Shadow Normal Eyes, Fire Normal Eyes, Lightning Primal, Modern, Wildclaw, Nocturne, Coatl, Guardian, Tundra, Near miss, Matching eyes
Exclude: Fire Primal, Lightning Primal

-Pings auto hidden-
@SilverQuark @Locked @Aeraki @Seonais @Cerion @Eseren @Caoineadh @EverAutumn @Tinytalkingtina @Tofubear @mercurialwings @Cyrya @Natron @Makomo @laffayette @Coward @JunS2 @Yukorusshi @5H4D0WDU57 @KiteM @00Riku00 @Twye @Lokey @Ryuuna @halforq @Caribou @DarkRemorse @InfectedWolf @Blessings5x @xarilin @Heart @eternatus @moosesushi @CryptidPossum @bitmap @Laegjarn @dayliqht @Serendipia @Zenzic @alixander @Hessonite @Whymsical @scylla @Home @Yonderly @Rynnikins @snapdragonfruit @thanksmeg @Qazzie9 @Ravka @pokelover150 @Chichi @RoyalTundra @Voidshadow @jr413 @Sarcosanct @bothriolepis @kievan @DobbyisFree @Kaneun @crogge @Zayev @Desecrated @Alanon @sucrose @meanling @Lemonquartz @Calibris @fernbrake @Gypae @menghuancat @AcretoSorien @l0ser @Ysdaar @Firra @Charias @FrostSkyder @mists @matejko @abyssalRuins @NorthernLiights @Plushie @Flamenco @Sotherin @Scamper @ClockworkEclipse @malarkeii @AbsoluteZeroK @Silksharp @Irrwahn @Mintso @Phay @London @Steel @Apothecaria @eternitysgate @Moonweaverr @Manifesting @Peisinoe @Suliko @SeaShanty @carlyle @Lych @Raestrao @Kyoya @Goldenstorm @Smalldoll @Toxiac @Suntouched @Lupen @HoneyedBee @Why @bvvvvvm @FallingStar275 @AquaEmperor @Cassaroz @Lackess @Helsing @distaste @LABS107 @Abril @Synthsational @LunaBun @shanshui @Susurrar @Xemriss @CharlotteHornets @Psi @Rathsin @MysticOfLight @Princesco @Barok @TheWildThings @1sun1spirit @Allaprima @Seas @ShiftingFoxx @Kasalin @AzaRein @xAstraea @bonivich @0hzarks @Helixstorm @Hiltain @EzRadiant @Zelie @ShadowFire1 @Vampier @Embroid @Scintillia @Runi @frogletfern @NavRea @Deliverance @chraze @LordRaikage @Maila @juga @RydeTheHype @Lomon @robsypi @Artifacts @Lino @Iminox @xenofaun @Isyrii @deadend @TigersMane @Azhdaha @Yelloweye @loulemon @fugo @DaDragon @Flatbooty @Voidsight @seniph @Incarnate @sinodyc @plutou @tthheeoo @Gaaming @umbralhorror @tight @Angler @cind @tibullus @Sozo @acherontian @systemhell @Liliyanna @ShadowLessHC98 @1864 @Ashee @SullivanMaurus @corsploot @finnamony @Ketrilla @Starfire0 @siridescence @CeriothOfCinders @InviPorcelain @Asterodea @Xef @SageSilentfire @rdesklamp @Mudguts @Avys @cierii @Clee @Libraria @Rohi @Marceline @warn @AngelOfFate @Aviv @Revius @CometStorm @xxxx @puppicino @crimsonpixie @BraveEguana @kageshi @Khromatic @GreenAtlas @crowful @Are @Equive @mayanaz @Plushstiel @AquaPaladin @evilwave @evidence @Garizard @Silverlately @virtue @SaintMotel @LynterriaHatake @Angelfire335 @Neoprene @Tunfischhai @elegia @Miuv @sensitivepigeon @scarecrane @Avarosa @stones @Fluttering @Glum @borb @Hemophobia @furo @Conviction @Innive @Kneph @Aberration @smalldoll @Kuzco @archimicarus @AnimalOddity @Zevos @sinistea @Usoris @Luluwi @Ototo @Ajax4life14 @kyruiz @cartel @NightmareGiraffe @zeniths @Syldaya @StarWolfQueen @mcpearlie @kinyobi @Bunnu @silks @plesioth @SnowLynx @Naralex @HOVERCRAFT @SunbakedBiscuit @EldritchGod @cowl @zebraffe @Xendra @SpicyTunaRoll @Ginkoi @zirk @Zarathusa @Aurelyon @punkwitch @RATTTTT @Dangerq @scared @Anky @Calathea @Airene @Kaboomafoo @Kapro @Inwe @Lunamora @Heathers @LaAstaria @notioscopus @Revue @Glories @parasites @Cirrostratus @Phlegethos @Alakatzam @Herbalist @elok @mosey @Lumi01

Color and Date specifics:
Dragon 1 #7728818 (Plague Common) (Ruby/Lavender/Cherry) 2014-11-13
Date pings:
Specific pings: @cokl @SharkBa1t @Yuu

Dragon 2 #73389750 (Nature Common) (Spruce/Olive/Olive) 2021-10-31
Date pings: @furo @Foxe @Putrefaction @Putrefaction @UserOfShadows @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @alyblaith @jr413 @mayanaz @crogge @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @Apothecaria @fernbrake @Phlegethos @GraveRabbit @rodent @assiduendo @LABS107 @Goatherder @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @Houndstooth @Cattleya @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @Valishtu @JackalopShepherd @hermitbirb @TheCicadas @cocobella @CreatorsDilemma @gnosiphobia @acherontian @Glacecakes @Tsukimayu @blueri @ConceptWitch @ghostpath @EbonyBriars @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria @fleshh @cypie
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @chants @cokl @LABS107 @heuksom @Osteoderm @SakraKaine @Feety @amarula @okcomputer @Variant @Quivira @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Santal @Shiver @extinction

Dragon 3 #72840410 (Fire Primal) (Saffron/Carrot/Gold) 2021-10-06
Date pings:
Specific pings: @furo @cokl @LABS107 @Demetre @Goldensong @EtnaFire @okcomputer @Quivira @lyova @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Dragon 4 #48440249 (Earth Glowing) (Metals/Orca/Amber) 2019-01-10
Date pings: @Dier @Namira @arosaceae
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Barok @HermitBirb @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @lyova @SnowFractal @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Dragon 5 #73385824 (Water Common) (Lead/Shale/Amethyst) 2021-10-31
Date pings: @furo @Foxe @Putrefaction @Putrefaction @UserOfShadows @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @alyblaith @jr413 @mayanaz @crogge @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @Phlegethos @GraveRabbit @rodent @assiduendo @LABS107 @Goatherder @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @Houndstooth @Cattleya @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @robsypi @mcpearlie @Valishtu @JackalopShepherd @hermitbirb @TheCicadas @cocobella @CreatorsDilemma @gnosiphobia @acherontian @Glacecakes @Tsukimayu @blueri @ConceptWitch @ghostpath @EbonyBriars @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria @fleshh @cypie
Specific pings: @Blessings5x @cokl @LABS107 @Luluwi @EzRadiant @shapelights @HermitBirb @Hermitbirb @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Okidogi

Dragon 6 #73388719 (Shadow Common) (Oilslick/Sanddollar/Metals) 2021-10-31
Date pings: @furo @Foxe @Putrefaction @Putrefaction @UserOfShadows @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @alyblaith @jr413 @mayanaz @crogge @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @Apothecaria @fernbrake @Raestrao @Phlegethos @GraveRabbit @rodent @assiduendo @LABS107 @Goatherder @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @Houndstooth @Cattleya @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @Valishtu @JackalopShepherd @hermitbirb @TheCicadas @cocobella @EbonyBriars @CreatorsDilemma @gnosiphobia @mawile94 @acherontian @Glacecakes @Tsukimayu @blueri @ConceptWitch @ghostpath @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria @fleshh @cypie
Specific pings: @firtarian @cokl @seclusion @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Deva @Demetre @HermitBirb @Denryu @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @okcomputer @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @lyova @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Santal

Dragon 7 #73388640 (Fire Common) (Sand/Sanddollar/Latte) 2021-10-31
Date pings: @furo @Foxe @Putrefaction @Putrefaction @UserOfShadows @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @alyblaith @jr413 @mayanaz @crogge @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @Phlegethos @GraveRabbit @rodent @assiduendo @LABS107 @Evirin @Goatherder @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @Houndstooth @Cattleya @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @sense @mcpearlie @Valishtu @JackalopShepherd @hermitbirb @TheCicadas @cocobella @CreatorsDilemma @gnosiphobia @acherontian @Glacecakes @Tsukimayu @blueri @ConceptWitch @ghostpath @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria @fleshh @cypie
Specific pings: @Nukleer @Neoprene @cokl @seclusion @Cassaroz @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @Deva @milkchai @Torrey @dynne @Goldensong @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @okcomputer @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @lyova @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Shiver @extinction

Dragon 8 #48440036 (Lightning Primal) (Caribbean/Overcast/Overcast) 2019-01-10
Date pings: @Dier @Namira @arosaceae
Specific pings: @Tserin @mercurialwings @QueenAlais @Blessings5x @MafiaVamp @cokl @vehicons @TheGrayGhost @seclusion @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @EzRadiant @dudodo @Feety @amarula @Quivira @SharkBa1t @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Okidogi @Shiver

Dragon 9 #6153483 (Fire Common) (Storm/Storm/Sky) 2014-09-05
Date pings: @NoirVogelchen
Specific pings: @Blessings5x @MafiaVamp @cokl @radiance @RunTooLong @SharkBa1t @Avurdios @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. (V4.1)
Click here for the full thread and here for the website

i'm interested in the wildclaw :0
How much were you thinking for her?
i'm interested in the wildclaw :0
How much were you thinking for her?
the mask quest
AbyssalRuins' Fancy Rocks and Shiny Things
Have a bred G1 you want to get rid of? Post here and I might buy.
@Rubyscale price check on the oilslick girl please!
@Rubyscale price check on the oilslick girl please!
[url=]Paine #57816401[/url] immediately catches my eye,,,, absolutely gorgeous woag.,,, im not offering Yet but i will let this outfit scry marinate in my brain until i decide ,,,, [columns][img],30812,273,35192,28783,28786,32044,34151,34146&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2781215][/columns]
Paine #57816401 immediately catches my eye,,,, absolutely gorgeous woag.,,, im not offering Yet but i will let this outfit scry marinate in my brain until i decide ,,,,
Mr. Capgras stamp SELF-iSH stamp The Normal Album stamp Tomcat Disposables Stamp Slouching Tour stamp
Name: Monty He/it/veil Will Wood Fandragons Skin Shop
[quote name="AbyssalRuins" date="2025-02-03 08:31:51" ] @Rubyscale i'm interested in the wildclaw :0 How much were you thinking for her? [/quote] Hello hello!! I am absolutely clueless for her to be honest. I saw that 7 digit Gen 1s are quite valuable in the AH, and she's a one off XYX with potentially matching secondary as well. She is bred tho and I know people don't like to see that. I'd probably take offers for her when I start actively selling them all? But feel free to give a rough estimate of what you think she's worth if you'd like! :0 [quote name="Skyhold" date="2025-02-03 09:05:21" ] @Rubyscale price check on the oilslick girl please! [/quote] Again, I'm super sorry for the inconvenience but I have 0 clue about prices for pretty dragons. Feel free to give me a rough estimate if you'd like! She is on the more tentative side so I may decide not to let her go (still thinking about it since I do want most of my dragons gone). Sorry again >w< [quote name="SillyFilly" date="2025-02-03 10:47:54" ] [url=]Paine #57816401[/url] immediately catches my eye,,,, absolutely gorgeous woag.,,, im not offering Yet but i will let this outfit scry marinate in my brain until i decide ,,,, [columns][img],30812,273,35192,28783,28786,32044,34151,34146&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2781215][/columns] [/quote] That is such a beautiful outfit for her!! I remember when I caught her in the AH and immediately wanted to gene her up haha Thank you for the interest and the eye candy! :D
AbyssalRuins wrote on 2025-02-03 08:31:51:
i'm interested in the wildclaw :0
How much were you thinking for her?
Hello hello!! I am absolutely clueless for her to be honest. I saw that 7 digit Gen 1s are quite valuable in the AH, and she's a one off XYX with potentially matching secondary as well. She is bred tho and I know people don't like to see that. I'd probably take offers for her when I start actively selling them all? But feel free to give a rough estimate of what you think she's worth if you'd like! :0

Skyhold wrote on 2025-02-03 09:05:21:
@Rubyscale price check on the oilslick girl please!
Again, I'm super sorry for the inconvenience but I have 0 clue about prices for pretty dragons. Feel free to give me a rough estimate if you'd like! She is on the more tentative side so I may decide not to let her go (still thinking about it since I do want most of my dragons gone). Sorry again >w<

SillyFilly wrote on 2025-02-03 10:47:54:
Paine #57816401 immediately catches my eye,,,, absolutely gorgeous woag.,,, im not offering Yet but i will let this outfit scry marinate in my brain until i decide ,,,,
That is such a beautiful outfit for her!! I remember when I caught her in the AH and immediately wanted to gene her up haha
Thank you for the interest and the eye candy! :D