My lil chonker! Might actually make this one - too cute!!
My lil chonker! Might actually make this one - too cute!!
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This dragon is a little chunky thing with a silly face and tiny wings: Chunky, tiny wings and silly face screams either snapper or everlux to me, and I don't like snappers so I'm going everlux
It has a body the color of the sea: That'll be blue-ish, or maybe brown depending on the day, but I'm going for Caribbean seeing as that's an actual sea (but ripple to be a little different)
The wings look like a sunset with little specks in them: Trying lacquer again, and as a tert isn't really mentioned I'm just gonna go with the 'little specks' part as polkadot
This dragon is a little chunky thing with a silly face and tiny wings: Chunky, tiny wings and silly face screams either snapper or everlux to me, and I don't like snappers so I'm going everlux
It has a body the color of the sea: That'll be blue-ish, or maybe brown depending on the day, but I'm going for Caribbean seeing as that's an actual sea (but ripple to be a little different)
The wings look like a sunset with little specks in them: Trying lacquer again, and as a tert isn't really mentioned I'm just gonna go with the 'little specks' part as polkadot
I know of no sillier face than a male snapper's... especially when grown up, but it said 'little' so he's baby for now. They are also chonky with smol wings and can't fly. I thought of going for Caribbean but the sea is this colour where I live, though dirtier looking, this is on a good day! Also aqua=water. He has four basic elements: Earth (snappers came from Poprocks), Water (colour+tert), Fire (secondary) and Wind (swirly pattern* + eyes).
*Boulder/Myrid are from the Harpy dig and remind me of the swirls in Training Fields rocks which are in Wind Flight.
I know of no sillier face than a male snapper's... especially when grown up, but it said 'little' so he's baby for now. They are also chonky with smol wings and can't fly. I thought of going for Caribbean but the sea is this colour where I live, though dirtier looking, this is on a good day! Also aqua=water. He has four basic elements: Earth (snappers came from Poprocks), Water (colour+tert), Fire (secondary) and Wind (swirly pattern* + eyes).
*Boulder/Myrid are from the Harpy dig and remind me of the swirls in Training Fields rocks which are in Wind Flight.
Leaving this here since I have no idea what to have in my signature.
Baby Everlux have the silliest little faces xD
Also Eclipse is such a good gene, dang[/columns]
Baby Everlux have the silliest little faces xD
Also Eclipse is such a good gene, dang
I never appreciated how chonky and silly Everlux hatchlings are until now. Also dang Eclipse is a really good gene.

Broken Mirror Friday
I never appreciated how chonky and silly Everlux hatchlings are until now. Also dang Eclipse is a really good gene.