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TOPIC | Beginner's Mafia 2.0.2 Discussion [END]
This is just an off the dome free thought, but maybe the rules of suspicious play don't actually apply. Because market to me was suspicious for previously poorly communicated reasons, and hope was suspicious to once and I for stated reasons.. but like we've been saying out loud this whole time what we are seeing is sus behavior and that's giving the mafia the opportunity to correct it in real time.

Just as a brain worm, since I gotta deal with em. XD
This is just an off the dome free thought, but maybe the rules of suspicious play don't actually apply. Because market to me was suspicious for previously poorly communicated reasons, and hope was suspicious to once and I for stated reasons.. but like we've been saying out loud this whole time what we are seeing is sus behavior and that's giving the mafia the opportunity to correct it in real time.

Just as a brain worm, since I gotta deal with em. XD
[quote name="Angel04" date="2024-12-16 04:13:34" ] @/romlily - " It should be pointed out that they are pushing the idea that Ivy and Once were on differing sides. They are also advocating for voting Ivy or I based on "vibes", which isn't something we can vote on this late in the game, as it's game over if we get this wrong. " I was stating that you two were the most sussed individuals within the game from others PoV - due to this, I am fine with voting one of you two, even if it isn't my personal opinion. JSYK, [b]I agree with the susses on Nani and Masq[/b] and have been. I am sussing Panda, but less so than I am Nani - and therefore, yes, it means it results in a versus. [b]Masq is in a spot where I believe Masq is town but I remain suspicious of powerwolfing.[/b] Truthfully, the only solid townread I have is Worm. [/quote] @Angel04 Could you clarify for me the phrases I bolded? They read as contradictory to each other.
Angel04 wrote on 2024-12-16 04:13:34:
@/romlily - " It should be pointed out that they are pushing the idea that Ivy and Once were on differing sides. They are also advocating for voting Ivy or I based on
"vibes", which isn't something we can vote on this late in the game, as it's game over if we get this wrong. "

I was stating that you two were the most sussed individuals within the game from others PoV - due to this, I am fine with voting one of you two, even if it isn't my personal opinion. JSYK, I agree with the susses on Nani and Masq and have been. I am sussing Panda, but less so than I am Nani - and therefore, yes, it means it results in a versus.
Masq is in a spot where I believe Masq is town but I remain suspicious of powerwolfing.

Truthfully, the only solid townread I have is Worm.


Could you clarify for me the phrases I bolded? They read as contradictory to each other.
I completely lost track of time and need to head out to work now. I should be back in 4-5 hours.
I completely lost track of time and need to head out to work now. I should be back in 4-5 hours.
I'm going to bed at a reasonable time today so I can wake up refreshed for EOD tomorrow. An ideal elim for me would be either Angel or Nai, but I'll save that discussion for tomorrow morning as I don't think there will be much more conversation to be had within the next few hours. I wish you all a good night, and I hope that you all don't give up because I really think we can find maf tomorrow!
I'm going to bed at a reasonable time today so I can wake up refreshed for EOD tomorrow. An ideal elim for me would be either Angel or Nai, but I'll save that discussion for tomorrow morning as I don't think there will be much more conversation to be had within the next few hours. I wish you all a good night, and I hope that you all don't give up because I really think we can find maf tomorrow!
[quote name="@Angel04" date="2024-12-15 06:24:37" ] Once's reads: - Pandakitty1 - Scumleaning (Agreed with Autumn) Autumn's post: Once's reply regarding the Market vote: Further Once susses: (Panda) (Nani) (Rom / Nani) - note that Baha was confirmed town. (Worm / My slot) (Worm) [/quote] Autumn already pinged you about not me not sussing them in the first 3 posts, but I will add that Once didn't sus me in that first post or Worm in that last post. Unless you mean sussing as in just reading (?) because was Once defending me in that post.

Autumn already pinged you about not me not sussing them in the first 3 posts, but I will add that Once didn't sus me in that first post or Worm in that last post. Unless you mean sussing as in just reading (?) because was Once defending me in that post.
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/Them
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I apologize that some of this may have been influenced by preconcieved notions about Nai's guilt. I tried to iron it out where I could and give them the benefit of the doubt, but I couldn't help but squint at some of their towny posts.

@nanimonai's ISO

1. NAI - the amogus reference could be a cute and towny cover, but that seems a bit of a stretch
2. Slight town - But their views could easily be faked
3. Slight scum - Their townreads seem a bit forced though I understand that it was the first day
4. Slight scum - Could go into more info on their ISO
5. NAI
6. NAI
7. NAI - Just curiosity
8. Slight town - But could be faked
9. Could go either way tbh - Kinda info over analysis
10. NAI
11. Neutral - I can see they put a lot of analysis into this, but I don’t exactly agree with their read of time and effort = town because wolves also want to help, so that they can drive town in the opposite direction; they seem to be comfortable with their (now flipped) townreads, either due to being informed or putting in the effort to solve the game
12. NAI
13. NAI - just commenting on things
14. NAI - Same as above
15. Slight scum - Seems slightly contradictory by saying that Ash will either get subbed or modkilled but voting Ash anyway; the visual is kinda helpful, but I’d rather not assume substance = town
16. Slight scum - Seems rather curt and forced, possibly coming from an informed perspective
17. Slight scum - Disagrees with Rom being a radar flyer but not much else to prove their town reading; somewhat reasonable in their response to Autumn
17. NAI
18. Slight scum - Their sus of Ash seemed to be “to me, they were sus”; I kinda understand what they were getting at with radar flyer, but at this point, it didn’t seem very in-depth or well explained, kinda slapping a label on someone and calling it a day; this could also just be a case of classic town tunnel vision, though I’d appreciate town to explain their susses more in-depth, especially since this is someone Nai has been going after over and over again
20. NAI
21. Town - They were very adamant here about townleaning someone (who flipped town), something that a mafia likely wouldn’t do; this response appears genuine and their pokes are towny
22. NAI - At least they got a read list out
23. NAI
24. Town (in isolation) - Seems to be a reaction about Hope’s playstyle and seems pretty reasonable in isolation; Was a significant part in kickstarting the Hope bandwagon that ultimately drew attention away from the Rom, them, and me votes
25. NAI
26. Slight Scum - (Specifically referring to the response about the Ash vote) That would only be effective if someone is in fact scum (might just be town tunnel vision tho); (referring to the Once sus compilation) That compilation is a bit sus, considering the first and the last post compiled aren’t susses (I don’t know about the giant wallpost tho bc I didn’t reread that)
27. Slight town - Reasonable prodding imo


D1: Sleep

Initially pushing a d1 vote, and according to them, it was to get people talking more. They retracted their vote and voted sleep when they realized that everyone was too paranoid. I’ve said that I didn’t agree with this before, but admittedly, town can be pretty deceptive as well as mafia.

D2: Ash (before the sub)

Gives their views pretty curtly. It could be town tunnel vision, but they didn’t seem to care that Ash could be town. Once pointed out that refusing to jump on the Marketplace bandwagon could have been to earn town cred.

D3: Ash / Hope

Stays consistent with their views and susses Hope for their odd behavior. Fundamental in pushing the Hope bandwagon.

In conclusion, I think Nai is scum, and at this point, I don’t think scum is trying to stick together i.e. I think scum will be openly confrontational with one another and put one another in their poe and possibly even vote for one another.
I apologize that some of this may have been influenced by preconcieved notions about Nai's guilt. I tried to iron it out where I could and give them the benefit of the doubt, but I couldn't help but squint at some of their towny posts.

@nanimonai's ISO

1. NAI - the amogus reference could be a cute and towny cover, but that seems a bit of a stretch
2. Slight town - But their views could easily be faked
3. Slight scum - Their townreads seem a bit forced though I understand that it was the first day
4. Slight scum - Could go into more info on their ISO
5. NAI
6. NAI
7. NAI - Just curiosity
8. Slight town - But could be faked
9. Could go either way tbh - Kinda info over analysis
10. NAI
11. Neutral - I can see they put a lot of analysis into this, but I don’t exactly agree with their read of time and effort = town because wolves also want to help, so that they can drive town in the opposite direction; they seem to be comfortable with their (now flipped) townreads, either due to being informed or putting in the effort to solve the game
12. NAI
13. NAI - just commenting on things
14. NAI - Same as above
15. Slight scum - Seems slightly contradictory by saying that Ash will either get subbed or modkilled but voting Ash anyway; the visual is kinda helpful, but I’d rather not assume substance = town
16. Slight scum - Seems rather curt and forced, possibly coming from an informed perspective
17. Slight scum - Disagrees with Rom being a radar flyer but not much else to prove their town reading; somewhat reasonable in their response to Autumn
17. NAI
18. Slight scum - Their sus of Ash seemed to be “to me, they were sus”; I kinda understand what they were getting at with radar flyer, but at this point, it didn’t seem very in-depth or well explained, kinda slapping a label on someone and calling it a day; this could also just be a case of classic town tunnel vision, though I’d appreciate town to explain their susses more in-depth, especially since this is someone Nai has been going after over and over again
20. NAI
21. Town - They were very adamant here about townleaning someone (who flipped town), something that a mafia likely wouldn’t do; this response appears genuine and their pokes are towny
22. NAI - At least they got a read list out
23. NAI
24. Town (in isolation) - Seems to be a reaction about Hope’s playstyle and seems pretty reasonable in isolation; Was a significant part in kickstarting the Hope bandwagon that ultimately drew attention away from the Rom, them, and me votes
25. NAI
26. Slight Scum - (Specifically referring to the response about the Ash vote) That would only be effective if someone is in fact scum (might just be town tunnel vision tho); (referring to the Once sus compilation) That compilation is a bit sus, considering the first and the last post compiled aren’t susses (I don’t know about the giant wallpost tho bc I didn’t reread that)
27. Slight town - Reasonable prodding imo


D1: Sleep

Initially pushing a d1 vote, and according to them, it was to get people talking more. They retracted their vote and voted sleep when they realized that everyone was too paranoid. I’ve said that I didn’t agree with this before, but admittedly, town can be pretty deceptive as well as mafia.

D2: Ash (before the sub)

Gives their views pretty curtly. It could be town tunnel vision, but they didn’t seem to care that Ash could be town. Once pointed out that refusing to jump on the Marketplace bandwagon could have been to earn town cred.

D3: Ash / Hope

Stays consistent with their views and susses Hope for their odd behavior. Fundamental in pushing the Hope bandwagon.

In conclusion, I think Nai is scum, and at this point, I don’t think scum is trying to stick together i.e. I think scum will be openly confrontational with one another and put one another in their poe and possibly even vote for one another.
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/Them
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
I'm placing my vote on Nai for my above ISO. I'm still a little sus of Rom, but I haven't done an ISO on her and checked out her recent posts. Also, I want to vote for someone who has already been voted for, so I don't end up causing a tie.
I'm placing my vote on Nai for my above ISO. I'm still a little sus of Rom, but I haven't done an ISO on her and checked out her recent posts. Also, I want to vote for someone who has already been voted for, so I don't end up causing a tie.
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/Them
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
I'm going to try to wake up a little before eod to contribute because rn there's not much going on.

I'm going to try to wake up a little before eod to contribute because rn there's not much going on.

LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/Them
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
Angel… @Angel04

Back when Wrath was still in the slot, I still kind of believed they were town or neutral, even though they parroted opinions and hopped on wagons (Market and Hope) pretty late to try and fly under the radar.

But Angel’s posts made me feel worse. first, the meta defense saying that he acts sus no matter as town or maf? This is something both town and maf can say. And saying that “I originally stopped reading Once as town because Once did not outwardly sus me”, that town SHOULD sus them because of their playstyle? Feels like a big “trust me bro” or an excuse...

Moreover, Angel has no opinions of their own and they are aware of that. They are fully aware their ideas is sheeping, and their multiple past posts of organizing Once’s reads and people’s past susses correspond to their current suspicions (Rom/Ivy were consistently sussed by what is now confirmed town, me being “the most sussed player in game” and parroting Rom’s opinions).

Angel also said some contradictory things. you said you sussed everyone, but before you said worm is your only SOLID townread, but BACK THEN you said Worm is possibly on Mafteam. So what is your true opinion on Worm? Do you think Worm is town or not? Who is your mafteam speculation? You said Rom / Ivy and Worm, but then you placed a vote on me. How has your speculation changed? Mafteam guessing isn’t just placing whoever’s the sussest in a group; there are more dynamics involved.

The same applies to your opinions on Masq (as Rom pointed out, this post seemed contradictory, and you made Masq angry).

Also you said that Ivy was anti-Autumn but then Autumn said none of this was anti-them at all? Are you trying to frame Ivy? If you’re trying to frame players, how many do you want to frame at a time?

Your answer to my question seems deliberately confusing, almost as if using “scummy behavior as town” as an excuse instead of arguing for your reads with evidence. Could you give me examples of how I could’ve accidentally “soft-push”ed players? The only player that I did push, according to Ivy, was Hope.

@MasqD @wormbeing @AutumnFall123
I’m a miselim. I’m pretty sure Angel is mafia. Vote with me.
Angel… @Angel04

Back when Wrath was still in the slot, I still kind of believed they were town or neutral, even though they parroted opinions and hopped on wagons (Market and Hope) pretty late to try and fly under the radar.

But Angel’s posts made me feel worse. first, the meta defense saying that he acts sus no matter as town or maf? This is something both town and maf can say. And saying that “I originally stopped reading Once as town because Once did not outwardly sus me”, that town SHOULD sus them because of their playstyle? Feels like a big “trust me bro” or an excuse...

Moreover, Angel has no opinions of their own and they are aware of that. They are fully aware their ideas is sheeping, and their multiple past posts of organizing Once’s reads and people’s past susses correspond to their current suspicions (Rom/Ivy were consistently sussed by what is now confirmed town, me being “the most sussed player in game” and parroting Rom’s opinions).

Angel also said some contradictory things. you said you sussed everyone, but before you said worm is your only SOLID townread, but BACK THEN you said Worm is possibly on Mafteam. So what is your true opinion on Worm? Do you think Worm is town or not? Who is your mafteam speculation? You said Rom / Ivy and Worm, but then you placed a vote on me. How has your speculation changed? Mafteam guessing isn’t just placing whoever’s the sussest in a group; there are more dynamics involved.

The same applies to your opinions on Masq (as Rom pointed out, this post seemed contradictory, and you made Masq angry).

Also you said that Ivy was anti-Autumn but then Autumn said none of this was anti-them at all? Are you trying to frame Ivy? If you’re trying to frame players, how many do you want to frame at a time?

Your answer to my question seems deliberately confusing, almost as if using “scummy behavior as town” as an excuse instead of arguing for your reads with evidence. Could you give me examples of how I could’ve accidentally “soft-push”ed players? The only player that I did push, according to Ivy, was Hope.

@MasqD @wormbeing @AutumnFall123
I’m a miselim. I’m pretty sure Angel is mafia. Vote with me.
I've had suspicion of wrath throughout the game, I even called them the wrong name in my early suspicion.

The vote is almost tied up, if worm doesn't show I'm not sure what to do. I'd almost consider it safer to let vote go to rng,, but that's also dangerous
I've had suspicion of wrath throughout the game, I even called them the wrong name in my early suspicion.

The vote is almost tied up, if worm doesn't show I'm not sure what to do. I'd almost consider it safer to let vote go to rng,, but that's also dangerous