Theme Week: Monster Hunters!

wormbeing's Clan
i am mutating in the wyrmwound as we speak
Clan Info

worm | they/them | aro/ace | FR +3

‣ If it was fodder price it's probably fodder (with occasional exceptions). ‣ I am typically online between 6-19 FRT, I just have my account set to invisible. ‣ I don't accept random friend requests. PMs or comments on my profile are fine. Likes on dragons are absolutely welcome. ‣ I sometimes deliberately seek out bred G1s to use as fodder breeders. ‣ I chronically hoard old dragons (please help). ‣ My wishlist. Projects I'm involved in: ‣ Those Who Thrive (plague forums) ‣ Hellwell's Heralds ‣ worm bio and lore shop coming soon?? maybe?? |

This is where lore for the clan's gonna go whenever I get around to writing that (just pretend there's something Really Cool here in the meantime).

graphics by PoisonedPaper, code by me.
my kingdom for a qol update that makes this look nice on mobile,,,,

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