Pudgykookaburra Awesome :3 I'll get started after you set up a PM or CR ^^
Pudgykookaburra Awesome :3 I'll get started after you set up a PM or CR ^^
ybkitten would you be willing to do
Petrified, Spinner and Gecko? I know there's a lot of tiny details involved in so many overlapping markings, is all. Just wanted to check before ordering!
ybkitten would you be willing to do
Petrified, Spinner and Gecko? I know there's a lot of tiny details involved in so many overlapping markings, is all. Just wanted to check before ordering!
BlackStatic I'm up for it! It'll just take me a little longer, but if you're okay with that then it's no problem :3
BlackStatic I'm up for it! It'll just take me a little longer, but if you're okay with that then it's no problem :3
@Razatharia Did my best! Hope you like it.
Razatharia Did my best! Hope you like it.
It's absolutely perfect!!! I love it, thank you so much [emoji=everlux love size=1]
It's absolutely perfect!!! I love it, thank you so much
[b]Dragon Widget / Scry:[/b] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/99002358][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/990024/99002358_350.png[/img][/url]
[b]IF SCRY, Colors & Genes: [/b] Pear Petrify, Banana Spinner, Emerald Gecko, Light Bright
[b]Payment Type:[/b] USD
[b]Other:[/b] N/A
Dragon Widget / Scry:
IF SCRY, Colors & Genes: Pear Petrify, Banana Spinner, Emerald Gecko, Light Bright
Payment Type: USD
Other: N/A
BlackStatic okay! That'll be just a lil $9 - I'll need you to DM me an eMail so I can send you an invoice. ^w^
As a heads-up, I probably won't get around to sending it today - it's pretty late here, and I have work tomorrow that I'll have to do first too.
BlackStatic okay! That'll be just a lil $9 - I'll need you to DM me an eMail so I can send you an invoice. ^w^
As a heads-up, I probably won't get around to sending it today - it's pretty late here, and I have work tomorrow that I'll have to do first too.
Would like a slot for this boy!
[b]Dragon Widget / Scry:[/b] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/57552608][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/575527/57552608_350.png[/img][/url]
[b]Payment Type:[/b] mix t&g
[b]Other:[/b] Could you please give him earth bright eyes?
I think it's 800kt/g in total? Will send once you confirmed :>
Would like a slot for this boy!
Dragon Widget / Scry:
Payment Type: mix t&g
Other: Could you please give him earth bright eyes?
I think it's 800kt/g in total? Will send once you confirmed :>