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TOPIC | new words youve learned
I have an app for this! Here are a few I liked.

Schadenfreude - satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune
Looby - an awkward person, especially one who is lazy or stupid
Laconicum - a room in an ancient Roman baths used for hot-air or steam baths
Vomitorium - Each of a series of entrance or exit passages in an ancient Roman amphitheater or theatre
Beeves - plural of beef
Sérac - a pinnacle or ridge of ice on the surface of a glacier
I have an app for this! Here are a few I liked.

Schadenfreude - satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune
Looby - an awkward person, especially one who is lazy or stupid
Laconicum - a room in an ancient Roman baths used for hot-air or steam baths
Vomitorium - Each of a series of entrance or exit passages in an ancient Roman amphitheater or theatre
Beeves - plural of beef
Sérac - a pinnacle or ridge of ice on the surface of a glacier
Transcendentalism was the last one I learned I think.
Transcendentalism was the last one I learned I think.
"tarnstellung" is a German word specifically for when an owl adopts a concealing posture and pulls their feathers really close to their body. [img][/img] I love owls so this was a fun fact for me to learn.
"tarnstellung" is a German word specifically for when an owl adopts a concealing posture and pulls their feathers really close to their body.


I love owls so this was a fun fact for me to learn.
I only remember one recently learned word: [b]Suffuse-[/b] gradually spread through or over [quote name="Whysperkit" date="2024-11-10 19:13:54" ] Schadenfreude - satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune [/quote] Ngl reading this made me laugh because it reminded me, of all things, it was The Amazing World of Gumball that introduced me to that word.
I only remember one recently learned word:

Suffuse- gradually spread through or over

Whysperkit wrote on 2024-11-10 19:13:54:
Schadenfreude - satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune

Ngl reading this made me laugh because it reminded me, of all things, it was The Amazing World of Gumball that introduced me to that word.
Eco1dmi.png Egg Art Shop

Skin shop

Art Shop
I was just recently reminded of the word pareidolia. I remember first learning about it in middle school and being really fascinated with the phenomena that the word describes, since I had experienced it so much but never had a word to describe it. The word describes an optical illusion of seeing human faces or bodies where there are none, such as seeing a tree and thinking it has the silhouette of a woman, or a piece of bread appearing to have a human face. Here's some examples of it: [img][/img][img][/img]
I was just recently reminded of the word pareidolia. I remember first learning about it in middle school and being really fascinated with the phenomena that the word describes, since I had experienced it so much but never had a word to describe it. The word describes an optical illusion of seeing human faces or bodies where there are none, such as seeing a tree and thinking it has the silhouette of a woman, or a piece of bread appearing to have a human face.
Here's some examples of it:
Gruntled - the opposite of disgruntled. Means pleased, satisfied and contented
Gruntled - the opposite of disgruntled. Means pleased, satisfied and contented
Togepi97 / She - Her/ UK player.

"Eclosion", the act of emerging from an egg or cocoon.

...yep, it's one of the new Everlux genes that introduced me to this word.
"Eclosion", the act of emerging from an egg or cocoon.

...yep, it's one of the new Everlux genes that introduced me to this word.
Tobias | He/Him | Fiesta de Muertos and The Flying Trapeze (100 hatchling challenges)
Regarding forum games, please only select dragons who have familiars - those are the permanent residents of my lair. Feel free to look through the hibernal den, too
I was watching a stream recently and learned from one of the chatters the word “Amygdala”… which is the name of a gland in your brain that makes you feel emotion, apparently.

There’s another, more recent one, but I forgot what it was.
I was watching a stream recently and learned from one of the chatters the word “Amygdala”… which is the name of a gland in your brain that makes you feel emotion, apparently.

There’s another, more recent one, but I forgot what it was.

wip sig pls bear with i'm new to this stuff
i learned about cognitive dissonance recently!
i learned about cognitive dissonance recently!
Defenestration - The act of throwing someone out a window.
Defenestration - The act of throwing someone out a window.
A small flight banner, halve being fire and halve being wind.

A small dark blue square with a red border that has an image of the character Silver from the Pokemon Adventures manga in it with a red tint.
^ Fandragon ^