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TOPIC | Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?
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@Loniface I completely understand that :D I like joining because I tend to forget about writing amongst my other hobbies, so it kinda forces me to focus on it for at least a month :D

@Ziggs didn't know there are some alternative sites & communities, will have to look it up! :D good luck with your writing challenge!

@Pheonyx Old RPs are always so fun to read! (well, at least some, I know I have some that I would die of cringe if I read them now hahah) Have fun rewriting it!
And good luck with your novel! What is it about, i you don't mind me asking?
@Loniface I completely understand that :D I like joining because I tend to forget about writing amongst my other hobbies, so it kinda forces me to focus on it for at least a month :D

@Ziggs didn't know there are some alternative sites & communities, will have to look it up! :D good luck with your writing challenge!

@Pheonyx Old RPs are always so fun to read! (well, at least some, I know I have some that I would die of cringe if I read them now hahah) Have fun rewriting it!
And good luck with your novel! What is it about, i you don't mind me asking?
♥ My webcomics : carrdart ig
Not officially, but I'm using the habit of nano to work on a fic for a big bang I signed up for.
Not officially, but I'm using the habit of nano to work on a fic for a big bang I signed up for.
noli timere tempestatem. tempestas est res pulchra. ama tempestatem et gaude in pulchritudine.
nunc, ad tuas labores reveni!
@Igneriss Thanks! It's about modern day vampires, kind of like Vampire: The Masquerade if you're familiar with it. More street gang drama, less high school romance, since that's something I still have to specify haha.
@Igneriss Thanks! It's about modern day vampires, kind of like Vampire: The Masquerade if you're familiar with it. More street gang drama, less high school romance, since that's something I still have to specify haha.
I always give it a go every year, but have only finished it once. This year I am working on a project I've been starting (and restarting) since 2019 or so. This year I feel I am in a good position though, and I am optimistic I won't end the month feeling like I've wasted my time haha I love this plot of mine dearly, just needed the right final touch and now I've got it!
I always give it a go every year, but have only finished it once. This year I am working on a project I've been starting (and restarting) since 2019 or so. This year I feel I am in a good position though, and I am optimistic I won't end the month feeling like I've wasted my time haha I love this plot of mine dearly, just needed the right final touch and now I've got it!
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FR +3
I think I'm finally going to sit down and write down the world of warcraft story I've had in my head for years. It's going to be about my shaman character going on an adventure to end the elemental war and explore his relationship with the world and the elementals.
I think I'm finally going to sit down and write down the world of warcraft story I've had in my head for years. It's going to be about my shaman character going on an adventure to end the elemental war and explore his relationship with the world and the elementals.
Come visit my lore lair! It's a fun time here.

Something strange is happening on Sornieth. All across the world, dragons have begun to be born with multiple elements. How? Why? As dragons all across Sornieth takes notice, the wheel of fate begins to turn, as one fae's search for her mysterious origins leads her down a path that could change Sornieth forever.
*sigh* I was going to work on the sequel to my 2021 NaNo winner, but I've fallen into a low-mood swing and don't know if I can build the inspiration to touch it (on one hand, it's a solo project so I can work on it when I please and as I please. On the other, my co-owned project with my bf is way more interesting and fun to me but unfortunately requires his assistance and he's way less driven to work on story stuff than I am)

I might just start it late and see what happens. I really should take the excuse to work on it since I've had some personal friends and family read the revisions to my first NaNo winner and really like it, and I feel like I've made them sit on a cliffhanger for a long time now LOL
*sigh* I was going to work on the sequel to my 2021 NaNo winner, but I've fallen into a low-mood swing and don't know if I can build the inspiration to touch it (on one hand, it's a solo project so I can work on it when I please and as I please. On the other, my co-owned project with my bf is way more interesting and fun to me but unfortunately requires his assistance and he's way less driven to work on story stuff than I am)

I might just start it late and see what happens. I really should take the excuse to work on it since I've had some personal friends and family read the revisions to my first NaNo winner and really like it, and I feel like I've made them sit on a cliffhanger for a long time now LOL
I've been a part of NaNo since 2005 (I was an ML from 2006 - 2018 when I forgot to renew because I was in the process of moving and forgot about it.) After what went down and the response to it I figured I'd still write for Camp NaNo and Nano (and any time in between, for that matter) because I had done it for so long. So far I have changed fandoms I'm writing for and have more desire to write than I have in a while (changed for July's Camp NaNo and it's taken off in ways I never imagined.)

So yeah, doing it but not signing up even though I am still counting words.
I've been a part of NaNo since 2005 (I was an ML from 2006 - 2018 when I forgot to renew because I was in the process of moving and forgot about it.) After what went down and the response to it I figured I'd still write for Camp NaNo and Nano (and any time in between, for that matter) because I had done it for so long. So far I have changed fandoms I'm writing for and have more desire to write than I have in a while (changed for July's Camp NaNo and it's taken off in ways I never imagined.)

So yeah, doing it but not signing up even though I am still counting words.
Was going to but uni got the better of me and it's now November 3rd and I still don't have a specific direction I want to go in with any of the stories that are researched enough to be writeable (I do historical fiction exclusively).

I might do an unofficial thing another month just to prove to myself that I can pull something like NaNo off but it'd have to be when uni is not a huge concern and I don't have a load of assignments due.

Realistically, I actually could still catch up but my biggest issue is my brain somehow associated writing prose with uni assignments even though my assignments are technical writing and I haven't been able to reclaim writing for fun.
Was going to but uni got the better of me and it's now November 3rd and I still don't have a specific direction I want to go in with any of the stories that are researched enough to be writeable (I do historical fiction exclusively).

I might do an unofficial thing another month just to prove to myself that I can pull something like NaNo off but it'd have to be when uni is not a huge concern and I don't have a load of assignments due.

Realistically, I actually could still catch up but my biggest issue is my brain somehow associated writing prose with uni assignments even though my assignments are technical writing and I haven't been able to reclaim writing for fun.
tumblr_pquf5x7lT91soemy4_250.png 31 / ISTJ / NB / FR+8

I draw things!
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I know something happened with them so now in one of my fandom servers it's "write 50k words for no reason at all" which is what I'm doing

5 days later and I'm weeping at this Haikaveh mess I'm making... god, who said 50k has to be strictly fiction / non-fiction? I'm doing fanfiction ad I'm STARVED for content!
I know something happened with them so now in one of my fandom servers it's "write 50k words for no reason at all" which is what I'm doing

5 days later and I'm weeping at this Haikaveh mess I'm making... god, who said 50k has to be strictly fiction / non-fiction? I'm doing fanfiction ad I'm STARVED for content!
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