
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | ♦ Dazzling Dreams Hatchery ♦
[center][b][emoji=ivy leaf size=1]Affiliate Bump![emoji=ivy leaf size=1][/b][/center]
Affiliate Bump!

Absolutely ADORE the new pair and the entire theme around them, they look so sandy and shiny, I love it ;U;

And my disco Abby is one of my fave dragons I own, I feel like polkadot is so underrated and I’m glad others seem to agree

Absolutely ADORE the new pair and the entire theme around them, they look so sandy and shiny, I love it ;U;

And my disco Abby is one of my fave dragons I own, I feel like polkadot is so underrated and I’m glad others seem to agree
New Terra's bump button
New Terra's bump button
xxxxxxx GIkf7bR.png Wishlist
[center][b][emoji=ivy leaf size=1]Affiliate Bump![emoji=ivy leaf size=1][/b][/center]
Affiliate Bump!
@pinglist-1316 @pinglist-34006 sorry for the pings [emoji=special eyes size=1][emoji=special eyes size=1] i sold some skins finally and am now able to afford lode on both dragons for my newest pair, Mermaid Tears. the hatchlings would look like this: [img][/img] [img][/img] [u][b]HOWEVER[/b][/u] i would definitely be charging more for these to recoup SOME cost, i'm thinking they'll start at 400/500g (treasure equivalent also.) if i keep them as they are, with trail/myrid, i was thinking 250g would be their start price. the only thing to fluctuate these prices is eye type (primal, namely) [b]would you be willing to spend this? is it worth it?[/b] vote here (flight rising PLEASE add a poll feature i beg of you.) [size=5][b][url=][/url][/b][/size] ETA: i forgot to add. please only vote if you're interested in this pair.
@Dazzling Dreams Hatchery ALL PINGS
@Mermaid Tears

sorry for the pings

i sold some skins finally and am now able to afford lode on both dragons for my newest pair, Mermaid Tears. the hatchlings would look like this:


HOWEVER i would definitely be charging more for these to recoup SOME cost, i'm thinking they'll start at 400/500g (treasure equivalent also.) if i keep them as they are, with trail/myrid, i was thinking 250g would be their start price. the only thing to fluctuate these prices is eye type (primal, namely)

would you be willing to spend this? is it worth it?

vote here (flight rising PLEASE add a poll feature i beg of you.)

ETA: i forgot to add. please only vote if you're interested in this pair.
@Vicquemare imo i think maybe a mix of myrid and lode would be nice! (unless other people want full lode) that way it saves a bit on cost. i think aiming for a starting price of 350g-450g isn't bad, but i'm always someone who waits until prices lower for new pairs/genes. i think they're super cute and i think i'm likely to grab one of the fathoms eventually :D
@Vicquemare imo i think maybe a mix of myrid and lode would be nice! (unless other people want full lode) that way it saves a bit on cost. i think aiming for a starting price of 350g-450g isn't bad, but i'm always someone who waits until prices lower for new pairs/genes. i think they're super cute and i think i'm likely to grab one of the fathoms eventually :D
Thunderback Slink holding a banner saying any pronouns, autism and adhd, and flight rising time + 3. Artist is dusthide #677935
@Vicquemare I’m just like romeow in that I usually wait for prices to drop on new pairs! Simply put, as it is right now, my wallet isn’t big enough for a 450g dragon! Barely is for a 250g dragon either but I’m considering an exception for these beebs, they’re stunning!

However I think I may actually like Trail secondary the most for them! It keeps that consistent light blue throughout the entire wing instead of darkening by the tips like Myrid and Lode both seem to do. I’m not sure if any others share my opinion there, but I’d definitely try a few breeds with Trail/Myrid before swapping the genes over to Lode, just to make sure people get their pick and see if some people are interested who didn’t reply to the google form :0
@Vicquemare I’m just like romeow in that I usually wait for prices to drop on new pairs! Simply put, as it is right now, my wallet isn’t big enough for a 450g dragon! Barely is for a 250g dragon either but I’m considering an exception for these beebs, they’re stunning!

However I think I may actually like Trail secondary the most for them! It keeps that consistent light blue throughout the entire wing instead of darkening by the tips like Myrid and Lode both seem to do. I’m not sure if any others share my opinion there, but I’d definitely try a few breeds with Trail/Myrid before swapping the genes over to Lode, just to make sure people get their pick and see if some people are interested who didn’t reply to the google form :0
@romeow @Seiran good points! thanks for the feedback, very helpful [emoji=special eyes size=1][emoji=special eyes size=1]
@romeow @Seiran good points! thanks for the feedback, very helpful

I also think having a mixed secondary would be nice, though I'm more partial to trail/lode over myrid. To help offset costs maybe you could charge more for the lode kids? I'm not sure if that will make the hatchlings with lode harder to sell though

Like everyone above, I'm also the type to wait for pair prices to drop, but I think these guys are just so gorgeous I'm really tempted to make an exception :,)

I also think having a mixed secondary would be nice, though I'm more partial to trail/lode over myrid. To help offset costs maybe you could charge more for the lode kids? I'm not sure if that will make the hatchlings with lode harder to sell though

Like everyone above, I'm also the type to wait for pair prices to drop, but I think these guys are just so gorgeous I'm really tempted to make an exception :,)