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TOPIC | Dragon Cave Hub
Hey, y'all, I just got a CB Forest Zyumorph offer in my 2 Hellhorse trade, is that worth it?
~ My trade--not sure if you can see it or not
Hey, y'all, I just got a CB Forest Zyumorph offer in my 2 Hellhorse trade, is that worth it?
~ My trade--not sure if you can see it or not
Do you want a Forest Zyumorph more than your hellhorses? That's really all that matters.
Do you want a Forest Zyumorph more than your hellhorses? That's really all that matters.
(Please don't ping me in the Suggestions Forum).

I wanted to trade rarer stuff for more rarer... stuff (Like Neglect, Dino, chicken, sALT, etc.), but I'm not sure if it is worth it, like how much is a Hellhorse worth?
I wanted to trade rarer stuff for more rarer... stuff (Like Neglect, Dino, chicken, sALT, etc.), but I'm not sure if it is worth it, like how much is a Hellhorse worth?
Hellhorses are fairly easy to breed, so they tend not to be worth a whole lot. I'd personally accept the CB Zyu for them.
Hellhorses are fairly easy to breed, so they tend not to be worth a whole lot. I'd personally accept the CB Zyu for them.
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Sure, thanks!~
Sure, thanks!~
hello !! im pretty new, but i got this pygmy as my first egg c: [url=][img][/img][/url] any tips on what’s rare/things i should or shouldn’t do? ^^
hello !! im pretty new, but i got this pygmy as my first egg c:
any tips on what’s rare/things i should or shouldn’t do? ^^
52f760900ecadb9434266b0b869192a8aa5122cd.png x call me lu ^^
x sea/her
x RBV4e.gif fkPyt.gif
x ^ click my eggs!

x aberration rescue »
@shrimpcoluurs I would recommend not grabbing up a whole lot of eggs at once unless you know that you can hatch them, because otherwise, they'll clog up your den and stop you from picking up eggs for a while. :)
@shrimpcoluurs I would recommend not grabbing up a whole lot of eggs at once unless you know that you can hatch them, because otherwise, they'll clog up your den and stop you from picking up eggs for a while. :)
@NyxTheFirst okay, thanks!
@NyxTheFirst okay, thanks!
52f760900ecadb9434266b0b869192a8aa5122cd.png x call me lu ^^
x sea/her
x RBV4e.gif fkPyt.gif
x ^ click my eggs!

x aberration rescue »
My advice would be to be cautious posting new eggs around to get clicks and views, as they can get sick and die if they get too many, too fast, while they still have a lot of time left. I'd wait 'til they have about 5-4 days left, then toss 'em into a click site, like Allure of neglected dragons.

You can find click sites under Forums > Site Discussion > Sites, Tools and Resources. Allure of neglected dragons is a popular one, so it's pretty much always on the first page, but you can also just browse around and see what catches your eye o/

And as a side note, if you have an egg/hatchling that does get sick, you can go into its actions and fog it, which will prevent it from getting more views.
My advice would be to be cautious posting new eggs around to get clicks and views, as they can get sick and die if they get too many, too fast, while they still have a lot of time left. I'd wait 'til they have about 5-4 days left, then toss 'em into a click site, like Allure of neglected dragons.

You can find click sites under Forums > Site Discussion > Sites, Tools and Resources. Allure of neglected dragons is a popular one, so it's pretty much always on the first page, but you can also just browse around and see what catches your eye o/

And as a side note, if you have an egg/hatchling that does get sick, you can go into its actions and fog it, which will prevent it from getting more views.
@Fluffmuffler okay i’ll keep it in mind, thank you!!
@Fluffmuffler okay i’ll keep it in mind, thank you!!
52f760900ecadb9434266b0b869192a8aa5122cd.png x call me lu ^^
x sea/her
x RBV4e.gif fkPyt.gif
x ^ click my eggs!

x aberration rescue »