
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [OPEN] Water Foddart - OCTOPUSH!
@BoatBud @ThistleProse Sorry about the wait I had a bit of an irl emergency to deal with. Gonna grab em now!
@BoatBud @ThistleProse Sorry about the wait I had a bit of an irl emergency to deal with. Gonna grab em now!
waterb1.png H9klr6C.png IMG-7708.png
No worries & I hope everything's okay now^^
No worries & I hope everything's okay now^^
Light Dom Shop
My Challenges
Dragons for Sale

er0mmVQ.png I am looking for:
Dragons/Breeding Pairs
Art of my ocs (frc only)

er0mmVQ.png I support:
LDFA (Light only)
Nest Network
@stormdrink i have another batch of dragons ready (9 total) but because of lair space i'll have to split up my delivery into two parts, sending 5 dragons over for now (PA) and once you accept those i'll send the last 4 ^^
@stormdrink i have another batch of dragons ready (9 total) but because of lair space i'll have to split up my delivery into two parts, sending 5 dragons over for now (PA) and once you accept those i'll send the last 4 ^^
@Birchcaim No worries, ready now!
@Birchcaim No worries, ready now!
@stormdrink about to send the last 4 now!
@stormdrink about to send the last 4 now!
@Birchcaim 9 Lv10s =90LVs recorded! I’ll get started on your sketch soon since you’ve cleared over half the levels haha
@Birchcaim 9 Lv10s =90LVs recorded! I’ll get started on your sketch soon since you’ve cleared over half the levels haha
[quote name="@stormdrink" date="2024-07-24 13:21:08" ] @/Birchcaim 9 Lv10s =90LVs recorded! I’ll get started on your sketch soon since you’ve cleared over half the levels haha [/quote] ah alright! i just wanted to get a head start on getting most of the levels over and done with so i dont procrastinate on it hehe, excited to see the sketch!
@stormdrink wrote on 2024-07-24 13:21:08:
@/Birchcaim 9 Lv10s =90LVs recorded! I’ll get started on your sketch soon since you’ve cleared over half the levels haha
ah alright! i just wanted to get a head start on getting most of the levels over and done with so i dont procrastinate on it hehe, excited to see the sketch!

hi! sending 12 lvl 7s for my order with Silence, and then a few more after those get picked up :D

hi! sending 12 lvl 7s for my order with Silence, and then a few more after those get picked up :D
wishlistg1 salesbadge collectionthe nest - perma sales threadblank canvas hatchery
Here are the sketches! Please let me know if they are good or not, if anything needs tweaking, etc. If you haven't sent all your levels, please do so. I will not ink until all levels are received for your piece.




I couldn't do your pose as a half body, only could do it as a full body...would you be able to pay for a full body?
Here are the sketches! Please let me know if they are good or not, if anything needs tweaking, etc. If you haven't sent all your levels, please do so. I will not ink until all levels are received for your piece.




I couldn't do your pose as a half body, only could do it as a full body...would you be able to pay for a full body?
yXHULpF.png Wishlist
FR+3 time
Dragons for Sale

Art Shop
@stormdrink [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=][img],3697,2316,29221,10390,5169,25216,4925,10734,10713,21857&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [b]Details:[/b] Offering the hibiscus; she's very friendly and a bit suave. Transparent background with a few simple feathers around the edge: I really like the sort of border effect the splatters give in your examples. Peach, Marigold, or Amber, basically just a lighter, duller, or softer orange/gold than in her accent/apparel. [b]Type of Commission:[/b] Type 1 [b]Payment method:[/b] levels
Dragon: dragon?did=71019754&skin=41102&apparel=754,3697,2316,29221,10390,5169,25216,4925,10734,10713,21857&xt=dressing.png
Details: Offering the hibiscus; she's very friendly and a bit suave. Transparent background with a few simple feathers around the edge: I really like the sort of border effect the splatters give in your examples. Peach, Marigold, or Amber, basically just a lighter, duller, or softer orange/gold than in her accent/apparel.
Type of Commission: Type 1
Payment method: levels
====== Wayword/Wander
Flight Rising +2
Status: Idle
iW7O9Ef.png YbKpooC.png