
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | show me emerald
hi, i'm the pear lady, but i don't wanna talk about pear today.

for a while, i've been low key trying to get at least one of every green on the colour wheel. after i gened some dragons the other day, i realised that once i'm done with this camo girl, emerald is the only one left

idk what to do about it i've always found it a weird colour to work with but i didn't expect it to be the LAST green i got lol

pls show me how you've used it! maybe that'll give me some inspiration
hi, i'm the pear lady, but i don't wanna talk about pear today.

for a while, i've been low key trying to get at least one of every green on the colour wheel. after i gened some dragons the other day, i realised that once i'm done with this camo girl, emerald is the only one left

idk what to do about it i've always found it a weird colour to work with but i didn't expect it to be the LAST green i got lol

pls show me how you've used it! maybe that'll give me some inspiration
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the reliquary
''it's not over yet''
wishlist • familiar collector
Emerald has always been one of my faves! In fact, for a long time it was a goal of mine to get a double and I ended up with two ;D [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Emerald also look really good in metallic/alloy imo, I used to have one but ended up letting it go.
Emerald has always been one of my faves! In fact, for a long time it was a goal of mine to get a double and I ended up with two ;D
Emerald also look really good in metallic/alloy imo, I used to have one but ended up letting it go.

I really like Emerald! But after checking my dragons, it appears to me that they are mostly old dragons (using the old color wheel). So, here are FOUR old xyy Emeralds! [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Shimmer was in,I guess. and one modern xxy [url=][img][/img][/url] and this gen1 xyy project I still have to gene (scry not final) [url=][img][/img][img][/img][/url]
I really like Emerald! But after checking my dragons, it appears to me that they are mostly old dragons (using the old color wheel).

So, here are FOUR old xyy Emeralds!


Shimmer was in,I guess.

and one modern xxy

and this gen1 xyy project I still have to gene (scry not final)
[font=cambria]@Gladewalker ohhh i love the bee on allegheny! and leaf carnivore pairs very nicely with it. so does zephyrus' azure diaphanous! you've found some fun yellowish accent colours i didn't know emerald had. when i think of emerald i picture that tan/beige colour from fade/blend that's always felt a bit clashy to me ^^; @Shakura see that makes sense! because i used to have an emerald dragon! i was THOROUGHLY convinced i had one and kept crossing it off my list but then no. i must've gotten rid of it at some point lmao. those first three are SUCH flashbacks wow i feel like it's 2014 again. they're stunning little time capsules! c: and oooooh my god the brick!! yeah that's it. brick goes so well with emerald alright taking notes [emoji=old parchment size=1]
@Gladewalker ohhh i love the bee on allegheny! and leaf carnivore pairs very nicely with it. so does zephyrus' azure diaphanous! you've found some fun yellowish accent colours i didn't know emerald had. when i think of emerald i picture that tan/beige colour from fade/blend that's always felt a bit clashy to me ^^;

@Shakura see that makes sense! because i used to have an emerald dragon! i was THOROUGHLY convinced i had one and kept crossing it off my list but then no. i must've gotten rid of it at some point lmao. those first three are SUCH flashbacks wow i feel like it's 2014 again. they're stunning little time capsules! c: and oooooh my god the brick!! yeah that's it. brick goes so well with emerald alright taking notes
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the reliquary
''it's not over yet''
wishlist • familiar collector
definitely agree it's one of the odder greens haha [url=][img][/img][/url] but i have my double emerald Gator i adore :D [url=][img][/img][/url] and the jewel-tone works great as the secondary for this christmas fae fdfgsdf
definitely agree it's one of the odder greens haha

but i have my double emerald Gator i adore :D

and the jewel-tone works great as the secondary for this christmas fae fdfgsdf
[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
OH HEY @pheelthemoment !! HI gator is beautiful, with those genes i was expecting him to be from like 2015 but he's fairly recent! bar/daub looks great. and omg mother christmas herself!

@Savoureux oh the butterfly is nice. i'm learning that emerald looks nice only when used carefully and in conjunction with likeminded colours because i looked at emerald butterfly on a random ah scry and thought 'eh its fine' but it works really well when done right. gotcha. also i see fiddlehead has a pear tert. good boy
OH HEY @pheelthemoment !! HI gator is beautiful, with those genes i was expecting him to be from like 2015 but he's fairly recent! bar/daub looks great. and omg mother christmas herself!

@Savoureux oh the butterfly is nice. i'm learning that emerald looks nice only when used carefully and in conjunction with likeminded colours because i looked at emerald butterfly on a random ah scry and thought 'eh its fine' but it works really well when done right. gotcha. also i see fiddlehead has a pear tert. good boy
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the reliquary
''it's not over yet''
wishlist • familiar collector
[quote name="reliquiaen" date="2024-07-24 12:09:51" ] OH HEY @pheelthemoment !! HI gator is beautiful, with those genes i was expecting him to be from like 2015 but he's fairly recent! bar/daub looks great. and omg mother christmas herself! [/quote] omg apparently Gator's parents are from 2014! they were bred a lot in 2015, but then when on hiatus for years until they had their last nest, which was Gator :D nearly everyone is exalted though fdgsd i used to use the IDs to figure guess the dates omg
reliquiaen wrote on 2024-07-24 12:09:51:
OH HEY @pheelthemoment !! HI gator is beautiful, with those genes i was expecting him to be from like 2015 but he's fairly recent! bar/daub looks great. and omg mother christmas herself!

omg apparently Gator's parents are from 2014! they were bred a lot in 2015, but then when on hiatus for years until they had their last nest, which was Gator :D nearly everyone is exalted though fdgsd i used to use the IDs to figure guess the dates omg
I wouldn't have expected Emerald to work so well in a colour combo like this, but Wavecrest's strange blue accent has actually come to the rescue [url=][img][/img][/url]
I wouldn't have expected Emerald to work so well in a colour combo like this, but Wavecrest's strange blue accent has actually come to the rescue
good green. very good [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
good green. very good

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