
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Y'all, Weep For Me...
...because my den tasks look like this XD
Unhatched Shadow Egg
Unhatched Earth Egg
Unhatched Fire Egg
Unhatched Wind Egg
Unhatched Water Egg
Unhatched Lightning Egg
Unhatched Ice Egg
Unhatched Light Egg
Unhatched Nature Egg
Unhatched Plague Egg
...because my den tasks look like this XD
Unhatched Shadow Egg
Unhatched Earth Egg
Unhatched Fire Egg
Unhatched Wind Egg
Unhatched Water Egg
Unhatched Lightning Egg
Unhatched Ice Egg
Unhatched Light Egg
Unhatched Nature Egg
Unhatched Plague Egg
That bites.
That bites.
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Big ouch.

I'm still in the process of scavenging a Shadow egg for the achievement, but that gets put on the backburner a lot because my children need food.
Big ouch.

I'm still in the process of scavenging a Shadow egg for the achievement, but that gets put on the backburner a lot because my children need food.
Owch, well no other way out now. Thats a painful line up to see though.

Mines at 4 now, I think I can let the earth egg go eventually but the others I have up are a bit harder for me. It's so hard to press that turn in considering you never know what's inside that egg. DX
Owch, well no other way out now. Thats a painful line up to see though.

Mines at 4 now, I think I can let the earth egg go eventually but the others I have up are a bit harder for me. It's so hard to press that turn in considering you never know what's inside that egg. DX
Banescale Accent Thread Link
I literally just scavenged for all of mine to save money... it was painful tossing the RNG eggs into the void though... :(
I literally just scavenged for all of mine to save money... it was painful tossing the RNG eggs into the void though... :(
N i c k
"Fear not the night."
→ he/him
I'm in the same boat. Out of all the hibden tasks to complete, the eggs are the most difficult for me. I'd even prefer the modern genes or breed scrolls lol
I'm in the same boat. Out of all the hibden tasks to complete, the eggs are the most difficult for me. I'd even prefer the modern genes or breed scrolls lol
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if I ever get to that point I will just stop. while having limited dragon space feels like a curse a lot of the time, it can also be a blessing. having many hundreds of dragons where a couple hundred of them would be better off sold sounds like a pain, and so chaotic. just getting 100 dragons I'm truly happy with sounds like a challenge. this is just my opinion tho, it must suck for people who actually want that much space
if I ever get to that point I will just stop. while having limited dragon space feels like a curse a lot of the time, it can also be a blessing. having many hundreds of dragons where a couple hundred of them would be better off sold sounds like a pain, and so chaotic. just getting 100 dragons I'm truly happy with sounds like a challenge. this is just my opinion tho, it must suck for people who actually want that much space
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Idk what I'm doing ~
I feel the pain when I gave up a bunch of eggs for den space [emoji=aether sad size=2]
I feel the pain when I gave up a bunch of eggs for den space
"He he he... Crazy? Cicero?
He he he he! That's... madness..." ot3gL.gif
I've got a gang-up of about 6 so far, and the rest are genes. It tells me there's over 100 possible tasks left...why ain't I getting those?? T_T
I've got a gang-up of about 6 so far, and the rest are genes. It tells me there's over 100 possible tasks left...why ain't I getting those?? T_T
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I just give up the eggs as they appear because having them all at one time like that would be too much.
I just give up the eggs as they appear because having them all at one time like that would be too much.