
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | DON'T Steal a Dragon!
@icystorm2 [url=][img][/img][/url] nameless is really pretty, but just isn't my style '^_^
nameless is really pretty, but just isn't my style '^_^
i'm bugs
forum pings make me go ":)"
@bugsinspace This was hard- but I've got an answer mainly because I'm not particularly fond of eyeburners in general. That being said she seems cool, even with that in mind! (also as a sidenote dang does Summerstorm look good :o) [url=][img][/img][/url] To whoever goes next- please do not pick from Mystery Pairs or my project tabs! Mystery Pairs aren't my pairs, and the Project tab are all incomplete so I don't think they'd be given a fair chance in this.

This was hard- but I've got an answer mainly because I'm not particularly fond of eyeburners in general. That being said she seems cool, even with that in mind! (also as a sidenote dang does Summerstorm look good :o)


To whoever goes next- please do not pick from Mystery Pairs or my project tabs! Mystery Pairs aren't my pairs, and the Project tab are all incomplete so I don't think they'd be given a fair chance in this.
@starday you have a lot of pretties so it was sort of hard to choose, but I’m sorry I had to go with Carina. Their wings are just too desaturated and dark and the blue accents don’t match. They throw me off :( [url=][img][/img][/url]
@starday you have a lot of pretties so it was sort of hard to choose, but I’m sorry I had to go with Carina.

Their wings are just too desaturated and dark and the blue accents don’t match. They throw me off :(

[center]@Talonmaster You have alot of beautiful dergs! :) I went with TREE here, as I'm not a fan of the willow. :( [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

You have alot of beautiful dergs! :)

I went with TREE here, as I'm not a fan of the willow. :(

@vmuwu I keep getting sniped on these threads [emoji=mirror confused size=1] Anyway, keep Kalaziel...I can't let a Fae with Eyespots in my lair. I get flashbacks to the dark ages :( [url=][img][/img][/url]
@vmuwu I keep getting sniped on these threads

Anyway, keep Kalaziel...I can't let a Fae with Eyespots in my lair. I get flashbacks to the dark ages :(

Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
@Istoki okay wait, oops, i had to delete mine because in the time my terrible internet sent my message another person already responded to talonmaster, so i'll just do yours :sob: [img][/img] this mirror is very nice, but woe! i am not the biggest mirror fan! the bee gene looks very nice on her though
@Istoki okay wait, oops, i had to delete mine because in the time my terrible internet sent my message another person already responded to talonmaster, so i'll just do yours :sob:


this mirror is very nice, but woe! i am not the biggest mirror fan! the bee gene looks very nice on her though

kCHWEjf.png He/It (Agender flag)
@vmuwu you had so many beautiful dragons that I actually struggled to pick one I wouldn't have in my lair, lol. CAHETHAL's colors are just a little too uniform for me, so I don't think I'd end up picking him out. The peacock on him looks good, though :) [url=][img][/img][/url]
@vmuwu you had so many beautiful dragons that I actually struggled to pick one I wouldn't have in my lair, lol.

CAHETHAL's colors are just a little too uniform for me, so I don't think I'd end up picking him out. The peacock on him looks good, though :)

@Ytterbium1064 [url=][img][/img][/url] Viserys is beautiful! Perfect combination of genes for a spooky black fellow. However, in my lair I need to cut down on dragons with only one colour... I definitely don't need any more, as pretty as Viserys may be.


Viserys is beautiful! Perfect combination of genes for a spooky black fellow. However, in my lair I need to cut down on dragons with only one colour... I definitely don't need any more, as pretty as Viserys may be.
Newmoon | She/her | FRT +17-19 (depending on daylight savings)

Fandergs | Wishlist

I made a cheap UMA! Click here to order it!
@NewmoonWasTaken [center][url=][img][/img][/url] I'm sorry Oppenheimer, I choose you. T_T Not a fan of the space tert, they remind me of huge bugs which just give me the heebie-jeebies. The concept of Oppenheimer is really cool. I dig everything about her EXCEPT for the tert gene. Hope that softens the blow... <3 ----- To the next player, please don't choose from my Future Projects or Sell/Exalt tabs, as those dragons are either not ready or on the AH to be sold. Thanks!

I'm sorry Oppenheimer, I choose you. T_T
Not a fan of the space tert, they remind me of huge bugs which just give me the heebie-jeebies.
The concept of Oppenheimer is really cool. I dig everything about her EXCEPT for the tert gene. Hope that softens the blow... <3

To the next player, please don't choose from my Future Projects or Sell/Exalt tabs, as those dragons are either not ready or on the AH to be sold. Thanks!
@chyannethewolf I don't like this pastel aesthetic at all and I'd say pearlcatcher are my second least favorite modern Too Be H, she's pretty well dressed, despite it not being fave, you do have the pastel aesthetic down pat but she would not be good in my lair [url=][img][/img][/url]
I don't like this pastel aesthetic at all and I'd say pearlcatcher are my second least favorite modern Too Be H,
she's pretty well dressed, despite it not being fave, you do have the pastel aesthetic down pat but she would not be good in my lair
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