nekkochan Do items eventually fall off the “new items” list, or will I get pings on them for years going forward? If it is the latter, then I suppose I don’t actually want to be on it and would rather just be on the new moth Swipp. Thank you for checking. it hadn’t occurred to me to ask that.
nekkochan Do items eventually fall off the “new items” list, or will I get pings on them for years going forward? If it is the latter, then I suppose I don’t actually want to be on it and would rather just be on the new moth Swipp. Thank you for checking. it hadn’t occurred to me to ask that.
Devrana You have to be on the New Items list before a new item gets added, so you'll be automatically added to that until you wanna be removed from that specific item later. I'll add you to the Moth Cape list!
Devrana You have to be on the New Items list before a new item gets added, so you'll be automatically added to that until you wanna be removed from that specific item later. I'll add you to the Moth Cape list!
There are no items on the auto-add new items list, so they can't "fall off." I copy the names from the auto-add list to create a new pinglist for each specific new item. For example, when the dewlap parchment came out, I copied the names from the all new items list and from the new genes list and created a pinglist specifically for dewlap parchment pings. The new items list and other auto-add lists are for being added to a new item's pinglist automatically without needing to ask; it does not get pinged directly. Getting added to the auto-add new items list
after I create the new item's pinglist will not add a name to the item's pinglist, only to the auto-add list. So since you weren't on the auto-add list on Monday morning when I created the pinglist for the moth cape, you would never be pinged for it, only for the new items going forward, unless you ask to be added to the moth cape pinglist specifically. And a name doesn't come off a list until requested specifically.
There are no items on the auto-add new items list, so they can't "fall off." I copy the names from the auto-add list to create a new pinglist for each specific new item. For example, when the dewlap parchment came out, I copied the names from the all new items list and from the new genes list and created a pinglist specifically for dewlap parchment pings. The new items list and other auto-add lists are for being added to a new item's pinglist automatically without needing to ask; it does not get pinged directly. Getting added to the auto-add new items list
after I create the new item's pinglist will not add a name to the item's pinglist, only to the auto-add list. So since you weren't on the auto-add list on Monday morning when I created the pinglist for the moth cape, you would never be pinged for it, only for the new items going forward, unless you ask to be added to the moth cape pinglist specifically. And a name doesn't come off a list until requested specifically.
Swipp Swap
guide and pinglist rules
Swipp Swap pinglist add/remove
discussion thread
Could I be removed from Barking Jester? Thank you!
Could I be removed from Barking Jester? Thank you!
Could I be added to Antique Rainbow Moth Cape please? thanks
Could I be added to Antique Rainbow Moth Cape please? thanks
Could I please be added to the Firefly ping list? Thank you!
Could I please be added to the Firefly ping list? Thank you!
May I be added to the following ping lists?
Tertiary gene: Firefly
Ancient gene parchment: branches
Chocolate ferret
Harvest Floracat
Patina pangolin
Rosy Peryton
Wispwillow Peryton
Thank you!
May I be added to the following ping lists?
Tertiary gene: Firefly
Ancient gene parchment: branches
Chocolate ferret
Harvest Floracat
Patina pangolin
Rosy Peryton
Wispwillow Peryton
Thank you!