Could we get a button to preview the flip in client?
Thank you so much staff! I have OCD and I've struggled with what breeds I can have in my lair for years and years since I was limited too having either entirely left/right facing breeds, or posing them out to be right/left right/left breeds OR right/right/left/left
I also depend on art weight too things like male skydancers fill a lot less space compared to SDF so I never used them, hopefully being able to flip poses gives me way more wiggle room on what breeds and combinations I can come up with in the future!
Thank you so much staff! I have OCD and I've struggled with what breeds I can have in my lair for years and years since I was limited too having either entirely left/right facing breeds, or posing them out to be right/left right/left breeds OR right/right/left/left
I also depend on art weight too things like male skydancers fill a lot less space compared to SDF so I never used them, hopefully being able to flip poses gives me way more wiggle room on what breeds and combinations I can come up with in the future!
Forum Vistas are cosmetic backgrounds that add flair to your forum posts. Applying this forum vista will consume the item and make it available in your Account Options.
Forum Vistas are cosmetic backgrounds that add flair to your forum posts. Applying this forum vista will consume the item and make it available in your Account Options.
Moth capes whoo!! Also reflection scroll is interesting.... It's nice to have pairs look at each other in the lair so that's nice
MOTH CAPES YESSS of course the luna cape is for gems but YESSS
also this reflection scroll thing is going to get weird hooo boy
S E C T O N I A oor secti//she/they-FR +3-wishlist
“In one of the stars I shall be living.
In one of them I shall be laughing.
And so it will be as if all the stars
were laughing, when you look
at the sky at night.”
What a great idea!! I love the moth capes as well and cant wait to collect them :>