
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Unfathomable Odyssey!
Caspian is helping the search however he can. Maybe he can find any traces of his previous ship's captain as well. [url=][img][/img][/url] Gordie is also here, as a protection measure. The drown is used to the depths, and is good at chasing away the horrors; and it keeps picking up new barnacles. [url=][img][/img][/url] Dayjar is on the supply decks, selling food and some other goods. Not sure what he's actually trying to profit off. Nobody is. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Caspian is helping the search however he can. Maybe he can find any traces of his previous ship's captain as well.


Gordie is also here, as a protection measure. The drown is used to the depths, and is good at chasing away the horrors; and it keeps picking up new barnacles.


Dayjar is on the supply decks, selling food and some other goods. Not sure what he's actually trying to profit off. Nobody is.


J4v6SGz.png _ - FR time +10
- feel free to choose pronouns
- on vacation;
_Arcane -> Lightning
- lore WIP
45c0Iib.png ftsPxVm.png Waystone2.gif
here is my Jolette (#60106377), i like to imagine he is some sort or sea whisperer... new apparel item was just what i was looking for tbh :) [url=][img][/img][/url]
here is my Jolette (#60106377), i like to imagine he is some sort or sea whisperer...
new apparel item was just what i was looking for tbh :)
Art Shops:
- Character/dragon art only at Pay Anything, Even Nothing!
Other Posts:
- Selling a Progentitor's child/Grandchild? Sell it to me at LF: Any generation progen children
[columns][url=][img],56759,44802,23290,13834,19638,13843,27118,44802,15311,15317,15306,15271,45163,318,28033&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [nextcol][img][/img][font=times][size=4][color=white]xx[/color][i]FIRST MATE[/i] [color=white]xxxx[/color] [b]LEVI WITHERALL .[/b] First mate? Of what ship? Under which captain? All questions that Levi will guarantee are never answered. The last remaining piece of his ship is the rusty, weathered anchor wrapped around his broad tail and dragged along the ocean's murky bottom. The fate of his crew is unknown to all but him. He busies himself with dredging old shipwreck loot to shore, and bringing fish to his guild's stores. Levi rarely, if ever, speaks. Instead, he'll dip his head beneath the silvery waters and disappear into the depths, a brooding leviathan amongst the waves.
71.pngxxFIRST MATE

First mate? Of what ship? Under which captain? All questions that Levi will guarantee are never answered. The last remaining piece of his ship is the rusty, weathered anchor wrapped around his broad tail and dragged along the ocean's murky bottom. The fate of his crew is unknown to all but him.

He busies himself with dredging old shipwreck loot to shore, and bringing fish to his guild's stores. Levi rarely, if ever, speaks. Instead, he'll dip his head beneath the silvery waters and disappear into the depths, a brooding leviathan amongst the waves.
leather boywife supreme.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Although perhaps not the most useful in actually gathering information, Toxic still wants to... [i]witness[/i] what is happening. She is the only dragon the clan is willing to send to "help", and she has so far only eaten a bunch of Sour Kelp.

Although perhaps not the most useful in actually gathering information, Toxic still wants to... witness what is happening. She is the only dragon the clan is willing to send to "help", and she has so far only eaten a bunch of Sour Kelp.
The rot consumes
[url=][img][/img][/url] The ocean is where Abyss knows she belongs, she just loves the feeling of salt water spraying on her face as she stands of a ship, watching it sail towards her beloved horizon.
The ocean is where Abyss knows she belongs, she just loves the feeling of salt water spraying on her face as she stands of a ship, watching it sail towards her beloved horizon.
The ones from my clan that are helping are Willow, the scholar, and Ysolte because she's an excellent tracker and gatherer. Mostly, Willow just keep trying to read the fathoms' books while Ysolte does the actual work. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Also, Aen from my secondary clan is helping because he's interested in this stuff and loves treasure. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
The ones from my clan that are helping are Willow, the scholar, and Ysolte because she's an excellent tracker and gatherer. Mostly, Willow just keep trying to read the fathoms' books while Ysolte does the actual work.

Also, Aen from my secondary clan is helping because he's interested in this stuff and loves treasure.
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Maybe not aid, but maybe the could find Gho in one of the mysterious shipwrecks [url=][img][/img][/url]
Maybe not aid, but maybe the could find Gho in one of the mysterious shipwrecks
HtcZwHn.png qe3qJDF.png BUY | SKIN SHOP
Zalva has organized volunteers from his clan to help gather supplies and materials, and is heading a group of volunteer divers. He uses wind magic to provide aid to those of his group who can't survive in the depths, wrapping them in a protective bubble.

Ryuun, The Feathered Hydra
While still upset about how much the donation of his airship materials will set back construction, Ryunoko is certainly not going to pass up the opportunity to study the creatures that reside in the briny depths... and those Fathoms, but shhhhh. They don't need to know he's studying them.

Kurui, the Lantern Maker
Kurui has been busy crafting diving lanterns for those who are assisting in the dives. Going down there won't do anyone any good if no-one can see anything!
Zalva has organized volunteers from his clan to help gather supplies and materials, and is heading a group of volunteer divers. He uses wind magic to provide aid to those of his group who can't survive in the depths, wrapping them in a protective bubble.

Ryuun, The Feathered Hydra
While still upset about how much the donation of his airship materials will set back construction, Ryunoko is certainly not going to pass up the opportunity to study the creatures that reside in the briny depths... and those Fathoms, but shhhhh. They don't need to know he's studying them.

Kurui, the Lantern Maker
Kurui has been busy crafting diving lanterns for those who are assisting in the dives. Going down there won't do anyone any good if no-one can see anything!

'" ^ "'
[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Created a[b] Merrigan [/b]look-a-like! Just waiting to breedchange them when the Fathoms drop, but this is how they look atm c: Looove the new NPC ;w; [/center]

Created a Merrigan look-a-like! Just waiting to breedchange them when the Fathoms drop, but this is how they look atm c: Looove the new NPC ;w;
+9 FR

Collection of FR NPC Look-a-likes
Thassus here used to be investigating the Tidelord's disappearance himself, but he's a bit pre-occupied with some strange shade dragons at the moment... I think he'd still try to send any help he can to Merrigan's cause. [url=][img][/img][/url] Nostradamus is a seer of sorts, and would definitely be pushing for the clan to help out. Scale scurvy is no joke! Besides, keeping up good relationships between Water and Arcane is imperative to him. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Thassus here used to be investigating the Tidelord's disappearance himself, but he's a bit pre-occupied with some strange shade dragons at the moment... I think he'd still try to send any help he can to Merrigan's cause.


Nostradamus is a seer of sorts, and would definitely be pushing for the clan to help out. Scale scurvy is no joke! Besides, keeping up good relationships between Water and Arcane is imperative to him.