
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Unfathomable Odyssey!
[center][b]Amuro[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Suo[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Phyllopteryx[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]





[img][/img] Mammatus, our clan's finest fisher, is more than delighted to help the endeavor after hearing news of the return of the Fathoms. His personality lights up a room and he's a worthwhile companion on any underseas adventure for the sake of morale. [img],940,6955,29232,6976,6987,7302,7877,33708,33709&xt=dressing.png[/img] Our (unfinished) Water flight ambassador, Jayle, was less than pleased at the possibility of getting his suit wet, but he's willing to do anything in his power to help his flight and the search for his missing deity. He just... does most of his helping on dry land.

Mammatus, our clan's finest fisher, is more than delighted to help the endeavor after hearing news of the return of the Fathoms. His personality lights up a room and he's a worthwhile companion on any underseas adventure for the sake of morale.


Our (unfinished) Water flight ambassador, Jayle, was less than pleased at the possibility of getting his suit wet, but he's willing to do anything in his power to help his flight and the search for his missing deity. He just... does most of his helping on dry land.
"The crimson deep calls out their names..."
• Any pronouns
• Lore clan
• Check out my wishlist!
[center] Helping with the scrounging, rather than the diving, really, are, [b]Sunrise[/b], who is a glittering trouble magnet, but that is okay when it is your job, [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Kit,[/b] excellent spotter, to whom finding useful flotsam is a fun game with tasty prizes at the bottom of the [s]box[/s] pile (mostly crabs), [b](Multi-Gaze)[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] and, [b]Silime[/b], decidedly Not An Aquatic Dragon by [i]nature[/i], in fact about as far from one as you can get, but rather fond of fish in a gastronomic sense. Being curious, fearless, and having no particular use anyway for the stray bits of seaweed and rope they have been picking out of their teeth, why not add them onto the growing pile and then hang about to see what unfolds? [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [i](A 'why did I have to hatch another one I want to keep', a nearly-finished project, and one of the dragons who has been doing the actual grinding for all of this scrap, respectively.)[/i]
Helping with the scrounging, rather than the diving, really, are,

Sunrise, who is a glittering trouble magnet, but that is okay when it is your job,

Kit, excellent spotter, to whom finding useful flotsam is a fun game with tasty prizes at the bottom of the box pile (mostly crabs),

and, Silime, decidedly Not An Aquatic Dragon by nature, in fact about as far from one as you can get, but rather fond of fish in a gastronomic sense. Being curious, fearless, and having no particular use anyway for the stray bits of seaweed and rope they have been picking out of their teeth, why not add them onto the growing pile and then hang about to see what unfolds?

(A 'why did I have to hatch another one I want to keep', a nearly-finished project, and one of the dragons who has been doing the actual grinding for all of this scrap, respectively.)
These two(Fox on the left, Tolgar on the right) are off to help in the exploration. They still have an adventurish shared bone in their bodies and fox is always up for a round of exploring. Tolgar would be with the clan merchants right now, but these fathoms and their search is just too exciting to pass up! They're even geared up for a seafaring adventure! Maybe they'll bring home some new friends? [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]
These two(Fox on the left, Tolgar on the right) are off to help in the exploration. They still have an adventurish shared bone in their bodies and fox is always up for a round of exploring. Tolgar would be with the clan merchants right now, but these fathoms and their search is just too exciting to pass up! They're even geared up for a seafaring adventure! Maybe they'll bring home some new friends?

[url=][img][/img][/url] Siva, the Sea Monster. Here's hoping we don't run into her! [url=][img][/img][/url] Alheran, another Sea Monster- though he's much more friendly. He hangs around reefs, and camouflages *rather* well. Look out for a slight blue glow! [url=][img][/img][/url] Kimita, the explorer, all suited up and ready to go for if we end up anywhere cold!

Siva, the Sea Monster. Here's hoping we don't run into her!


Alheran, another Sea Monster- though he's much more friendly. He hangs around reefs, and camouflages *rather* well. Look out for a slight blue glow!


Kimita, the explorer, all suited up and ready to go for if we end up anywhere cold!
[url=][img][/img][/url] Moritz my by small but they've been diving and exploring the waterways since they became an adult they're the clans fisher. [url=][img][/img][/url] MaryRead helps with rigging on boats to bring up the items found by the search teams. [url=][img][/img][/url] Minstrel is one of our clans historians. This has been a big week in history and needs to be documented for future generations!
66147687_350.png Moritz my by small but they've been diving and exploring the waterways since they became an adult they're the clans fisher.

63978860_350.png MaryRead helps with rigging on boats to bring up the items found by the search teams.

17013116_350.png Minstrel is one of our clans historians. This has been a big week in history and needs to be documented for future generations!
My girl Atomic :D [url=][img][/img][/url]
My girl Atomic :D
They might catch OceanDawn fishing at dawn for a quick chat and a snack! [center][[url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Or perhaps kick back with Calli at the docks. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
They might catch OceanDawn fishing at dawn for a quick chat and a snack!

Or perhaps kick back with Calli at the docks.
Deeptide is my custom progen and first dragon :) He’s the clans leader and a devout Tidelord follower who’s on the lookout for him [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Deeptide is my custom progen and first dragon :)

He’s the clans leader and a devout Tidelord follower who’s on the lookout for him
you’re telling me this shrimp fried this rice???
Kaeptn immediately went to help out. Going on a few dives makes him feel young again. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Kaeptn immediately went to help out. Going on a few dives makes him feel young again.