TOPIC | [CLOSED] Griffin Galore | RNG Adopt

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Hi @Sabyrin ! If you're still offering, I'm looking to buy these griffins at 20kt each!
@teddy2008 sure thing! ^^ 80kt for the 4 please and ty!
[code] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1071054759315902535/1074679016700788817/griffin-4161-55_57_17_2_4_6.png[/img][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1071054759315902535/1074364560988979210/griffin-702-47_30_42_1_3_3.png[/img][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1071054759315902535/1074761673619034182/griffin-5783-47_13_32_9_4_4.png[/img][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1071054759315902535/1074449163766468748/griffin-2361-46_59_6_10_0_5.png[/img][/code]
@teddy2008 sure thing! ^^ 80kt for the 4 please and ty!

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the wanderer |
@sonderspirit if you're still interested in trading tigers for griffins I have a few you could look at linked in my signature. Also your tiger holder has my birthday:)
... Also I apologize if you're double pinged.
Would you trade or could I buy this one
@sonderspirit if you're still interested in trading tigers for griffins I have a few you could look at linked in my signature. Also your tiger holder has my birthday:)
... Also I apologize if you're double pinged.
Would you trade or could I buy this one
... Also I apologize if you're double pinged.
Would you trade or could I buy this one

@lucklife I can sell for 20kt/g ^^ here ya go
@lucklife I can sell for 20kt/g ^^ here ya go

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the wanderer |
@2plover @502 @A5HE505 @Achoo @ActualAce @aeons @Aidan @AkaneChaan @Albert01 @Albtraum22 @Aloof @alphias @Amscray @Anduins @animeaves @Apolloinator @Archangelo @aredshroom @Arianethel @Askesis @Auraleaf @Azkhar @babyoaf @BeeWhisperer @BetaOrionis @BlackRayser @Blackswann @blighthollows @bonivich @BubbleBirb @BurittoKimasan @BxnnyAche @callerunknown @Cathat @Ceenbee @CelestialJem @cheer @chillwind @Chocobanyana @ClockworkEclipse @Cnidocyte @Colormancy @CountingCrows @cowboycalledmal @CrazyDragonLady1 @cre @crowvidae @Curoi @cxlier @cyanclay @darkblayd @Darkrait @DDDFirefox @Dovalore @DragonWolfAZ @eleventeen @eloquentspeeches @enddy @Eseren @FallenDreemurr @FallingUpstairs @Fioreth @FloralFawn @gao @Golden @grayscalekinsmen @Grendaline @HallowedKnight @Hemmalaya @HollowedRabbit @HurricaneWinds @IAmMothman @Ico @incant @Iralla @Jaena @Jeth @Jinoga @KaichouKai @KaitoWang @Kesslion @Khayria @Kierax @KimMyack @Kinomi @Kisu @Kitemaker @kiwipen @KleinFye @KoloKitten @kunacottontail @KymoLadyofStorms @kyruiz @Kzryail @LeafCipher @linnet @LuciDatum @lucklife @Lunakin @lunawolf23 @MagicMcStixx @Mako @Marceline @Matsui @meep5109 @MegaRose @MintyMaddi @Miuv @moomoopatt @mothmoth @Murrain @Musubi @nagoshi @Narikine @Narlord @Nebulady @nevvermore @NicolasBourbaki @Nixus @niyerahain @NovaSeagull22 @Nuthatch @OblongSushi @ORIXI @Paks @Parad0xxy @parasites @Perry321 @PhantomR @PhosphorFrog @Pinkraincloud @Pouchipouchi @Prey @Psi @Rabbit3 @Ravka @Reithya @Rifter @Rinkablu @roadkilled @RoseyStar @RosharanNoivern @rubeusbeaky @Sabyrin @saltmarsh @Samelf @Sanguinary @Scarecrows @scolopendra @ScreethTheMoth @Scrumptious @SeaGodling @seen @Seth @Severynn @Shadari @SharkOutofWater @shijiao @ShiLing @Sick @Silence @SilentWanderer @Silis @Skadiv @Skycloud @skystreamchan @smolfroglesbian @Somnovem @Soulsaurora @Spadefish @Sprinke @StarNinja @StarSpeckledInk @Stermwind @Stormdragon @SuddenShimmer @SunkissedDragon @SupersneakyLink @Swampman @Synthsational @tehstripe @Tiheril @Tivae @toche @Tythoot @Uroboro @UserOfShadows @Verasaii @Vergil @ViolentViolet77 @ViperidaeX @virtue @Vrtra @Watagachi @Watercolour @Wayword @WHOUR @whytekatt @WickedHeart @Wolfs @XCVN @Xemriss @XxWolfPackxX @YaMaMagic @Yore @Yukorusshi @Zonder @Ronnie1107 @rootbeer @Rulanir @Rutile @sabel @Sabyrin @Saffirre @Saintly @saltmarsh @Sandwich @Sassibirb @scarecrane @Scarecrows @Seaglauss @seamists @seen @ShadowWolf @shenhe @shijiao @ShiLing @sickreaps @Silvercats2 @sinha27 @Sitten1115 @Skadiv @skystreamchan @SlainCane @sleepvillainz @sm06sm @snailie @softbun @Solcie @Son @Sonoch @Spark @Spinosaur @Spirice @SpiritFeather @Stare82 @StarSpeckledInk @Stormdragon @Storrie @StrawberryAlex @sublimevoide @SuddenShimmer @SunkissedDragon @Suntouched @Susiluoto @takatsuki @theEndsinger @Tofubear @twinArmageddons @Ultrasuede @umbers @Uroboro @UserOfShadows @Venusian @Verosa @Vindicate @virtue @Viscere @Vivavolt @Vixodium @VoidLoop @vortexbreakdown @vvarious @W0lfBait @Waffler @WhisperingThief @WHOUR @Wizardry @Woodchip @WoollyBat @Worgen @Wrio @Xanadu @XarkkXdragonX @XCVN @Xemriss @Xolrit @YaMaMagic @Yanagi @Yukorusshi @ZIMAO @Zonkbonka
(Sorry you might get multiple pings shortly because I will also ping in the other adopt threads)
Discord images finally went away.
I made a site where you can enter the old links and get the new ones (images are now hosted by me). The site works for all of the adopt programs that I've set up.
I am currently setting up backup links on imgur but the downside is that the file names get lost there so it's really just a last resort backup.
I will probably move alternative sizes (e.g. bigger ones of griffins and the signature sized images) to imgur completely so I don't have to host as much stuff. The main size adopts will keep being hosted though.
Also if you use the orders website, that is already using the new urls.
(Sorry you might get multiple pings shortly because I will also ping in the other adopt threads)
Discord images finally went away.
I made a site where you can enter the old links and get the new ones (images are now hosted by me). The site works for all of the adopt programs that I've set up.
I am currently setting up backup links on imgur but the downside is that the file names get lost there so it's really just a last resort backup.
I will probably move alternative sizes (e.g. bigger ones of griffins and the signature sized images) to imgur completely so I don't have to host as much stuff. The main size adopts will keep being hosted though.
Also if you use the orders website, that is already using the new urls.
> Click here <
@2plover @502 @A5HE505 @Achoo @ActualAce @aeons @Aidan @AkaneChaan @Albert01 @Albtraum22 @Aloof @alphias @Amscray @Anduins @animeaves @Apolloinator @Archangelo @aredshroom @Arianethel @Askesis @Auraleaf @Azkhar @babyoaf @BeeWhisperer @BetaOrionis @BlackRayser @Blackswann @blighthollows @bonivich @BubbleBirb @BurittoKimasan @BxnnyAche @callerunknown @Cathat @Ceenbee @CelestialJem @cheer @chillwind @Chocobanyana @ClockworkEclipse @Cnidocyte @Colormancy @CountingCrows @cowboycalledmal @CrazyDragonLady1 @cre @crowvidae @Curoi @cxlier @cyanclay @darkblayd @Darkrait @DDDFirefox @Dovalore @DragonWolfAZ @eleventeen @eloquentspeeches @enddy @Eseren @FallenDreemurr @FallingUpstairs @Fioreth @FloralFawn @gao @Golden @grayscalekinsmen @Grendaline @HallowedKnight @Hemmalaya @HollowedRabbit @HurricaneWinds @IAmMothman @Ico @incant @Iralla @Jaena @Jeth @Jinoga @KaichouKai @KaitoWang @Kesslion @Khayria @Kierax @KimMyack @Kinomi @Kisu @Kitemaker @kiwipen @KleinFye @KoloKitten @kunacottontail @KymoLadyofStorms @kyruiz @Kzryail @LeafCipher @linnet @LuciDatum @lucklife @Lunakin @lunawolf23 @MagicMcStixx @Mako @Marceline @Matsui @meep5109 @MegaRose @MintyMaddi @Miuv @moomoopatt @mothmoth @Murrain @Musubi @nagoshi @Narikine @Narlord @Nebulady @nevvermore @NicolasBourbaki @Nixus @niyerahain @NovaSeagull22 @Nuthatch @OblongSushi @ORIXI @Paks @Parad0xxy @parasites @Perry321 @PhantomR @PhosphorFrog @Pinkraincloud @Pouchipouchi @Prey @Psi @Rabbit3 @Ravka @Reithya @Rifter @Rinkablu @roadkilled @RoseyStar @RosharanNoivern @rubeusbeaky @Sabyrin @saltmarsh @Samelf @Sanguinary @Scarecrows @scolopendra @ScreethTheMoth @Scrumptious @SeaGodling @seen @Seth @Severynn @Shadari @SharkOutofWater @shijiao @ShiLing @Sick @Silence @SilentWanderer @Silis @Skadiv @Skycloud @skystreamchan @smolfroglesbian @Somnovem @Soulsaurora @Spadefish @Sprinke @StarNinja @StarSpeckledInk @Stermwind @Stormdragon @SuddenShimmer @SunkissedDragon @SupersneakyLink @Swampman @Synthsational @tehstripe @Tiheril @Tivae @toche @Tythoot @Uroboro @UserOfShadows @Verasaii @Vergil @ViolentViolet77 @ViperidaeX @virtue @Vrtra @Watagachi @Watercolour @Wayword @WHOUR @whytekatt @WickedHeart @Wolfs @XCVN @Xemriss @XxWolfPackxX @YaMaMagic @Yore @Yukorusshi @Zonder @Ronnie1107 @rootbeer @Rulanir @Rutile @sabel @Sabyrin @Saffirre @Saintly @saltmarsh @Sandwich @Sassibirb @scarecrane @Scarecrows @Seaglauss @seamists @seen @ShadowWolf @shenhe @shijiao @ShiLing @sickreaps @Silvercats2 @sinha27 @Sitten1115 @Skadiv @skystreamchan @SlainCane @sleepvillainz @sm06sm @snailie @softbun @Solcie @Son @Sonoch @Spark @Spinosaur @Spirice @SpiritFeather @Stare82 @StarSpeckledInk @Stormdragon @Storrie @StrawberryAlex @sublimevoide @SuddenShimmer @SunkissedDragon @Suntouched @Susiluoto @takatsuki @theEndsinger @Tofubear @twinArmageddons @Ultrasuede @umbers @Uroboro @UserOfShadows @Venusian @Verosa @Vindicate @virtue @Viscere @Vivavolt @Vixodium @VoidLoop @vortexbreakdown @vvarious @W0lfBait @Waffler @WhisperingThief @WHOUR @Wizardry @Woodchip @WoollyBat @Worgen @Wrio @Xanadu @XarkkXdragonX @XCVN @Xemriss @Xolrit @YaMaMagic @Yanagi @Yukorusshi @ZIMAO @Zonkbonka
(Sorry you might get multiple pings shortly because I will also ping in the other adopt threads)
Discord images finally went away.
I made a site where you can enter the old links and get the new ones (images are now hosted by me). The site works for all of the adopt programs that I've set up.
I am currently setting up backup links on imgur but the downside is that the file names get lost there so it's really just a last resort backup.
I will probably move alternative sizes (e.g. bigger ones of griffins and the signature sized images) to imgur completely so I don't have to host as much stuff. The main size adopts will keep being hosted though.
Also if you use the orders website, that is already using the new urls.
(Sorry you might get multiple pings shortly because I will also ping in the other adopt threads)
Discord images finally went away.
I made a site where you can enter the old links and get the new ones (images are now hosted by me). The site works for all of the adopt programs that I've set up.
I am currently setting up backup links on imgur but the downside is that the file names get lost there so it's really just a last resort backup.
I will probably move alternative sizes (e.g. bigger ones of griffins and the signature sized images) to imgur completely so I don't have to host as much stuff. The main size adopts will keep being hosted though.
Also if you use the orders website, that is already using the new urls.
> Click here <
Thanks you sooooo much! I didn't manage to save the griffins because of rl issues and was already really sad x.x'
you saved my life! i just love these griffins and was worried that i lost them all '>.>
you saved my life! i just love these griffins and was worried that i lost them all '>.>
Thanks you sooooo much! I didn't manage to save the griffins because of rl issues and was already really sad x.x'
you saved my life! i just love these griffins and was worried that i lost them all '>.>
you saved my life! i just love these griffins and was worried that i lost them all '>.>
Thank you for rehosting the main sizes as well as making the converter. That was very kind of you to do!!
I also wanted let you know of file garden as an alternative free image hosting site as it retains image names unlike imgur ^^
(there are also other image hosting sites besides imgur and file garden, but I've only used these two so far so can't speak on the others sadly)
Thank you for rehosting the main sizes as well as making the converter. That was very kind of you to do!!
I also wanted let you know of file garden as an alternative free image hosting site as it retains image names unlike imgur ^^
(there are also other image hosting sites besides imgur and file garden, but I've only used these two so far so can't speak on the others sadly)
Thank you for rehosting the main sizes as well as making the converter. That was very kind of you to do!!
I also wanted let you know of file garden as an alternative free image hosting site as it retains image names unlike imgur ^^
(there are also other image hosting sites besides imgur and file garden, but I've only used these two so far so can't speak on the others sadly)
Thank you for rehosting the main sizes as well as making the converter. That was very kind of you to do!!
I also wanted let you know of file garden as an alternative free image hosting site as it retains image names unlike imgur ^^
(there are also other image hosting sites besides imgur and file garden, but I've only used these two so far so can't speak on the others sadly)

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