[size=5][b]Cat Carnival[/b][/size]
We're back with a little AvL battle special RNG adopt, art as always by the wonderful @gao
[b][color=hotpink]I am currently backlogged with dorming pickups, in case of level orders please send them via 2t PAs![/color][/b]
[s][b][size=4]We are currently open![/size]
Open during Nov, 26th - Dec 2nd 2023[/b][/s]
[img]https://i.imgur.com/bUPz7zB.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/z9KP4WE.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xt6Aqxe.png[/img]
Cat traits are randomly picked from:
[emoji=dna size=1] 177 primary/secondary/tertiary colors (FR palette)
[emoji=special eyes size=1] 11 flight eye colors
[emoji=cat 1 size=1] 6 paw/ear colors
[emoji=dna size=1] 9 tertiary genes
[emoji=dna size=1] 8 secondary genes!
Please feel free to discuss the adopts and share your favorites in this thread! If you need any help please ping me, as I'm not subscribed!
[url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ClXH9Y9OkzrnvTz8GK9Dgvh8TsikJmHplsFotyxSqvE/edit#gid=0][size=5]> Tracker Spreadsheet to organize your adopts! <[/size][/url]
Art by @gao
Adopt generation, spreadsheet by @frostmeri
Cat Carnival
We're back with a little AvL battle special RNG adopt, art as always by the wonderful @
I am currently backlogged with dorming pickups, in case of level orders please send them via 2t PAs!
We are currently open!
Open during Nov, 26th - Dec 2nd 2023
Cat traits are randomly picked from:

177 primary/secondary/tertiary colors (FR palette)

11 flight eye colors

6 paw/ear colors

9 tertiary genes

8 secondary genes!
Please feel free to discuss the adopts and share your favorites in this thread! If you need any help please ping me, as I'm not subscribed!
> Tracker Spreadsheet to organize your adopts! <
Art by @
Adopt generation, spreadsheet by @
[size=4][b]Paying with Levels[/b][/size][/center]
[*] 7 levels get you one cat
[*] Create an order by pinging me using this form:
@frostmeri Ordering cats for levels!
[b]Number of cats:[/b]
[*] Please send fodder dragons as [b]2t[/b] PAs to me. They might get exalted immediately (especially if I need space), make sure to only send me dragons that you're okay with exalting!
[*] When your payment is complete, your order will be posted in this thread
[*] Overpaid levels will not be refunded
Received levels and orders will be tracked here:
[size=5]> Level Orders Spreadsheet <[/size] (to be added)
[size=4][b]Paying with currency/eggs[/b][/size]
One cat costs [b]20[/b][emoji=gem size=1] or [b]20,000[/b][emoji=treasure size=1]
You can pay with eggs [emoji=eternal youth size=1], each egg will yield 10 cats!
Mixed payment (any combination) is ok!
There are no limits, you can buy one at a time or as many as you like!
[*] To order please send payment for however many cats you want using subject [b]Cat Carnival[/b] via [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=frostmeri&subject=Cat+Carnival]PM to frostmeri[/url]. Please don't send crossroads as I will be canceling them. [b]The subject is important so orders don't get mixed up with other pms! It will take longer if you're not using the correct subject due to the ongoing push.[/b]
[*] Please keep the payment PM in your "Sent Messages". You can use a PM url to retrieve your order(s) later!
[*] You will be pinged in this thread when your order is ready. Grabbing your adopts is done using [url=https://miso.ram.en.it/adopts/6]the orders website[/url] (also see info below).
[*] I am mostly online between 23:00-14:30 FR time to fill orders! Since it's just me, please be patient in case it get's really busy ;w;
[center][url=https://miso.ram.en.it/adopts/6][size=5]> View Your Orders (click here!) <[/size][/url]
If you have problems accessing the website please [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/main.php?p=pm&action=compose&to=frostmeri]PM frostmeri[/url] or post in this thread. Your order can also be sent to you in a PM but I want to avoid any PM lockouts. If you would also like to receive an order via PM response, please mention "[b]pm delivery[/b]" in your payment pm or let me know in this thread! PM replies may be slower/delayed though, sorry for that ><
Paying with Levels
- 7 levels get you one cat
- Create an order by pinging me using this form:
frostmeri Ordering cats for levels!
[b]Number of cats:[/b]
- Please send fodder dragons as 2t PAs to me. They might get exalted immediately (especially if I need space), make sure to only send me dragons that you're okay with exalting!
- When your payment is complete, your order will be posted in this thread
- Overpaid levels will not be refunded
Received levels and orders will be tracked here:
> Level Orders Spreadsheet < (to be added)
Paying with currency/eggs
One cat costs
You can pay with eggs

, each egg will yield 10 cats!
Mixed payment (any combination) is ok!
There are no limits, you can buy one at a time or as many as you like!
- To order please send payment for however many cats you want using subject Cat Carnival via PM to frostmeri. Please don't send crossroads as I will be canceling them. The subject is important so orders don't get mixed up with other pms! It will take longer if you're not using the correct subject due to the ongoing push.
- Please keep the payment PM in your "Sent Messages". You can use a PM url to retrieve your order(s) later!
- You will be pinged in this thread when your order is ready. Grabbing your adopts is done using the orders website (also see info below).
- I am mostly online between 23:00-14:30 FR time to fill orders! Since it's just me, please be patient in case it get's really busy ;w;
> View Your Orders (click here!) <
If you have problems accessing the website please
PM frostmeri or post in this thread. Your order can also be sent to you in a PM but I want to avoid any PM lockouts. If you would also like to receive an order via PM response, please mention "
pm delivery" in your payment pm or let me know in this thread! PM replies may be slower/delayed though, sorry for that ><
[s]Ping goes here when I've crawled out of my pile of prelevels[/s]
nvm we doing this
Ayy we back!
[size=0][size=0]@25Origami @ActualAce @aecasia @aeons @Aidan @Aloof @animeaves @aquaticFeline @aredshroom @Arianethel @artixii @arylcyclohexie @Auraleaf @BeeWhisperer @BeingOfSalt @BlackRayser @Blayne @blighthollows @Bonpri @caprisunpouch @CascadingCosmos @Cathat @CatOnTheSun @Cerisano @chaoticpeace @cheer @Chimecho @Chocobanyana @ClockworkEclipse @cloudfilledskies @Cnidocyte @Coinflip @Coolkid @CosmicHurricane @Craftycritter @CrazyBat @cre @Crim @crowfire @crowvidae @cvthedral @cxlier @Cynil @darkblayd @DemonHearts @Deviousdeparture @Dianounais @DobhranLiath @Doozie @dragonpals @dragonsmirk @Dragonsmyguy @DragonWolfAZ @dreamingfox @eleventeen @Eseren @Evet @Fawngi @fay @Fearlord @fidothehoarder @Fioreth @Garnen @GavinBunniBoi98 @Golden @Grendaline @Grungle @hemmalaya @Herbalist @hex @Hraesvelgrr @Huntess @Ico @iicaaruus @ikelu @imginate @InkCorvid @isobel @Jeevas @JellyNova @jellynova @Jelonek @Jengolin @JinxxYouOweMe @Joule @KaitoWang @kamgigari @karrion @KimMyack @Kisu @kiwipen @kniflor @kunacottontail @KymoLadyofStorms @Kyotosora @kyruiz @Kywren @Kzryail @lalafell @LArte @Lealeath @Liesmith @LilPotatoSheep @LiteUpSketcher @LokiTheDutchie @LuciDatum @Madhouse @Magicksial @Mako @MakotheShark @MangoTangoMagpie @Marceline @meep5109 @Midnightzone @mimirr @minutemilli @MissingKieran @moomoopatt @mossyaki @mothmoth @Necromi @needsmoreyellow @Nephelid @NicolasBourbaki @NightmareGiraffe @NightOrchiid @niliq @noctuid @notheretoperch @OblongSushi @OdiAibyouka @onotomatopea @Orgetzu @Otheos @Paks @Parad0xxy @parasites @pheaux @pinkraincloud @plante @Rabbit3 @RAVENt @Ravka @Reineke @Reithya @Rifter @Rinkablu @rubeusbeaky @Sabyrin @SagittariusAx @saltmarsh @Samelf @Sanguinary @Saru @Scarecrows @ScreethTheMoth @ScripturamRuby @Scrumptious @seamists @seen @Shadari @shenhe @ShiLing @Shrapnarl @Silence @SilentWanderer @silis @Silverbolt1159 @SkellieTheRedd @Skreee @skystreamchan @SleepyPyromancer @slyFOX22 @smolfroglesbian @Snowcat11 @SnowFawn666 @Solstices @Spadefish @Stanzascale @StarNinja @StarSpeckledInk @Stellori @Stermwind @SupersneakyLink @SweetTreatLion @Sylvexi @Synthsational @takatsuki @tala2121 @teddy2008 @TemmieFlakes19 @TheWinterBard @Tiheril @toothpickbanj0 @ToTheArk @Tserin @Tsunami102 @TuathaDe @TundraKitsune @Veelociraptor @veilmochi @Vershton @VigilantVirgo @Vinid @ViolentViolet77 @ViperidaeX @virtue @Vixodium @Wayword @WickedHeart @Wolfs @Wytche @XCVN @Xemriss @Yukorusshi @Zonder[/size][/size]
You are part of the gao/frostmeri RNG Adopts pinglist. Please migrate to the new onsite pinglist below. You might not be pinged again using the manual list depending on how fast mass pings are deprecated.
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3161364/1#post_51993059][b]RNGP Thread[/b][/url][br][i]Adopt Type: Fully-RNG (No customization after the fact), Dom-Related, Tradeable[br]Keywords: FR Colors, Mammals[/i][br][size=0][size=0][size=0]@umbers @crazygadget @FlightCrashing @Wizardry @KaichouKai @GimmeThemPrimals @SlainCane @furo @Dragakure @Anduins @almosteverything @NimStratus @Laoshu @dems @Eseren @TypeFull @kuta @Venusian @Dracowolf @Fidough @KCDragons @Falgardien @battleaxe @BingiYingi @SkellieTheRedd @Xemriss @Askesis @CherishUrSelf @BubbleBirb @AlexRobins @eloquentspeeches @shapelights @kunacottontail @Marceline @Hiii @Jaypaw @mercurialwings @Kreideprintz @HoliJay @Katalist @mossyaki @Suntouched @XarkkXdragonX @kyruiz @CountingCrows @BurittoKimasan @StarNinja @AzaRein @raccqn @Marceline @Mitchy @LArte @Starbuck @rockss @Scarecrows @Hiii @lanseax @parasites @KleinFye @AlphaSnowdust @ChrisGhoul @PlatinumDream @vHazen @Croissants @RosharanNoivern @ScripturamRuby @NightmareGiraffe @Scrumptious @Jeevas @CountingCrows @naranciag @treesapperson @Scrumptious @aredshroom @LadySpibe @Tofubear @Archangelo @reunion @isobel @ActualAce @cre @Radiations @Archangelo @Sekine @PastelThunder @StarNinja @virtue @tehstripe @LeggoMyEggos @snailmilk @Kreide @ClockworkEclipse @Doozie @mothmoth @Rifter @polychromatic @BeeWhisperer @RebelRai @WickedHeart @Grendaline @Silverbolt1159 @Otheos @Parad0xxy @Argante @L1br4 @BuildingBridges @Pumpcat @Heemi @JinxxYouOweMe @oneluckyduck @Valk @Calvair @needsmoreyellow @lyvenex[/size][/size][/size][/center]
Ping goes here when I've crawled out of my pile of prelevels
nvm we doing this