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TOPIC | Creepy things from non-horror games


you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
Nothing Fancy Hatchery Raffle!
the minecraft cave noises. they scared me bad in 2012, they scared me bad in 2016, they scared me bad in 2020 and now with the new cave update i have to turn off cave noises just to tolerate it and play for longer than 5 minutes
the minecraft cave noises. they scared me bad in 2012, they scared me bad in 2016, they scared me bad in 2020 and now with the new cave update i have to turn off cave noises just to tolerate it and play for longer than 5 minutes
[quote name="Viivie" date="2021-01-18 21:08:19" ] Some really eerie sounds play if you stay too long in one of the boss stages in Splatoon 1 & 2 In a game that's super colorful and bright and kid-friendly, it's just reaallly unsettling to hear,, I'll try to add a link later if I can remember- EDIT: Here's a video showcasing the spooky sounds! It has some spoilers for the first splatoon though [/quote] adding onto this, the Horrorbos salmonid sound effect. its sounds like the goddamn femur breaker scream. oh, and anyone remember that creepy screen in Sonic CD? Majin Sonic?
Viivie wrote on 2021-01-18 21:08:19:
Some really eerie sounds play if you stay too long in one of the boss stages in Splatoon 1 & 2
In a game that's super colorful and bright and kid-friendly, it's just reaallly unsettling to hear,, I'll try to add a link later if I can remember-
EDIT: Here's a video showcasing the spooky sounds! It has some spoilers for the first splatoon though
adding onto this, the Horrorbos salmonid sound effect. its sounds like the goddamn femur breaker scream.

oh, and anyone remember that creepy screen in Sonic CD? Majin Sonic?
beware of spelling errord, my keyboard is broken and my hands finemotor skills are too.
please click on my creatures, thanks
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[quote name="spaceyseth" date="2023-10-02 01:28:48" ] the minecraft cave noises. they scared me bad in 2012, they scared me bad in 2016, they scared me bad in 2020 and now with the new cave update i have to turn off cave noises just to tolerate it and play for longer than 5 minutes [/quote] I LITERALLY CAME HERE TO POST THIS LIKE MINECRAFT CAVE NOISES ARE TERRIFYING
spaceyseth wrote on 2023-10-02 01:28:48:
the minecraft cave noises. they scared me bad in 2012, they scared me bad in 2016, they scared me bad in 2020 and now with the new cave update i have to turn off cave noises just to tolerate it and play for longer than 5 minutes
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Ask and you shall receive!

Endless Ocean, Magical Realism, and- Wait, GODS?

Endless Ocean on the surface is a simple diving sim but in reality there's a whooooleee lotta weird stuff going on just beneath the shining blue waters. This isn't as apparent in the first game, where the two "bizarre" animals (the Ancient Mother and Magu Tapa) are implied to be some sort of- until-then- undiscovered new species or subspecies of baleen whale and mackerel shark respectively. However, once Endless Ocean: Blue World comes into being ohhhhh boy does the lore get unhinged.

The plot is simple enough, trying to rediscover the treasures of an ancient seafaring civilization called the Okeanides, and the truth of the "Song of Dragons," a mysterious Bloop-like sound heard across the world. In the end, the "Song of Dragons," is revealed to be a special type of cetacean song and it seems the mystery solved, no magic involved.

At least, that's what's on the surface.

Because the moment you go deeper you have to face- sometimes literally- Thanatos, an unusually large, hyper-aggressive mackerel shark initially assumed to be a massive great white shark, with one theory as to why he's so aggressive being that humans- by hunting sharks- are giving them evolutionary pressure to become more hostile... except it doesn't explain how there are ships confirmed to be wrecked by Thanatos for hundreds of years, going back to the Ancient Romans, the Ancient Greeks, the Ancient Egypts and, before them, the fictional Okeanides.

So, there's been one specific shark alive for thousands of years and it becomes more ominous when some other of the "legendary" creatures are taken into account. Specifically, King Gigide and Apollo.

Both King Gigide and Apollo are claimed to be gods incarnate in crocodilian and fishy form. Given the "demythologizing" of the main story, one might think it's just local folklore for two unusually sized and colored animals. Except... in the case of Apollo, sunfish are never golden. Nor are they exclusively found at night. And why is a tiger shark guarding him?

Could Apollo be the god Apollo?

If so, then it has a rather concerning implication for Thanatos, who is mentioned in one line of dialogue to not only inhabit the Aegean Sea but has been seen across the oceans, wrecking boats and attacking humans for centuries. He is certainly no ordinary shark.

Is Death Personified in the game? And why is he so hateful towards humanity?

So, the game that "demythologizes" its in-game legends might be a front for the disturbing confirmation of wrathful beings in animal flesh just below the surface.

Also multiple "extinct" animals are somehow still around- possibly lab created- and a man presumed dead in the main game due to his submarine failing in a trench might be alive and an amnesiac, a mysterious voice offers you gifts and legendary creatures in exchange for finding coins, and a dolphin talks to you.


Ask and you shall receive!

Endless Ocean, Magical Realism, and- Wait, GODS?

Endless Ocean on the surface is a simple diving sim but in reality there's a whooooleee lotta weird stuff going on just beneath the shining blue waters. This isn't as apparent in the first game, where the two "bizarre" animals (the Ancient Mother and Magu Tapa) are implied to be some sort of- until-then- undiscovered new species or subspecies of baleen whale and mackerel shark respectively. However, once Endless Ocean: Blue World comes into being ohhhhh boy does the lore get unhinged.

The plot is simple enough, trying to rediscover the treasures of an ancient seafaring civilization called the Okeanides, and the truth of the "Song of Dragons," a mysterious Bloop-like sound heard across the world. In the end, the "Song of Dragons," is revealed to be a special type of cetacean song and it seems the mystery solved, no magic involved.

At least, that's what's on the surface.

Because the moment you go deeper you have to face- sometimes literally- Thanatos, an unusually large, hyper-aggressive mackerel shark initially assumed to be a massive great white shark, with one theory as to why he's so aggressive being that humans- by hunting sharks- are giving them evolutionary pressure to become more hostile... except it doesn't explain how there are ships confirmed to be wrecked by Thanatos for hundreds of years, going back to the Ancient Romans, the Ancient Greeks, the Ancient Egypts and, before them, the fictional Okeanides.

So, there's been one specific shark alive for thousands of years and it becomes more ominous when some other of the "legendary" creatures are taken into account. Specifically, King Gigide and Apollo.

Both King Gigide and Apollo are claimed to be gods incarnate in crocodilian and fishy form. Given the "demythologizing" of the main story, one might think it's just local folklore for two unusually sized and colored animals. Except... in the case of Apollo, sunfish are never golden. Nor are they exclusively found at night. And why is a tiger shark guarding him?

Could Apollo be the god Apollo?

If so, then it has a rather concerning implication for Thanatos, who is mentioned in one line of dialogue to not only inhabit the Aegean Sea but has been seen across the oceans, wrecking boats and attacking humans for centuries. He is certainly no ordinary shark.

Is Death Personified in the game? And why is he so hateful towards humanity?

So, the game that "demythologizes" its in-game legends might be a front for the disturbing confirmation of wrathful beings in animal flesh just below the surface.

Also multiple "extinct" animals are somehow still around- possibly lab created- and a man presumed dead in the main game due to his submarine failing in a trench might be alive and an amnesiac, a mysterious voice offers you gifts and legendary creatures in exchange for finding coins, and a dolphin talks to you.

Call me Requacy (Pinging Allowed!)(Note to self: Make art for signature)
IDK if anyone's mentioned this yet but
all the haunted places in pokemon games
but especially
The Haunted House in Pokemon Platinum
yknow the one with the Antidote in the kitchen trash
and the rotom jumpscare
IDK if anyone's mentioned this yet but
all the haunted places in pokemon games
but especially
The Haunted House in Pokemon Platinum
yknow the one with the Antidote in the kitchen trash
and the rotom jumpscare
Runic Bat Spectral Duskflapper Cursed Bat Armored Duskflapper Spirit of Shadow
Blue World's ending made me wonder if the Egyptian Pantheon existed in the world of Endless Ocean, but I didn't think that the Greek Pantheon might exist as well. I wonder if there's any other Greek and Egyptian gods hiding in animal forms?
Blue World's ending made me wonder if the Egyptian Pantheon existed in the world of Endless Ocean, but I didn't think that the Greek Pantheon might exist as well. I wonder if there's any other Greek and Egyptian gods hiding in animal forms?
For me, every day is World Kindness Day. b59f9d9c-60d2-11eb-95e1-814ec59a413c.gifa663c882-026b-11eb-9626-db1f1f278684.gif
[quote name="TricksySixx" date="2023-10-02 18:41:03" ] IDK if anyone's mentioned this yet but all the haunted places in pokemon games but especially The Haunted House in Pokemon Platinum [/quote] Every single one scared or unsettled me to some degree as a kid but tiny me watched a girl walk into a wall and vanish while a painting was clearly watching me move to go look and decided to never touch the house again.
TricksySixx wrote on 2023-10-02 18:41:03:
IDK if anyone's mentioned this yet but
all the haunted places in pokemon games
but especially
The Haunted House in Pokemon Platinum
Every single one scared or unsettled me to some degree as a kid but tiny me watched a girl walk into a wall and vanish while a painting was clearly watching me move to go look and decided to never touch the house again.
  1. Obligatory Minecraft Cave sounds, but also minecraft in general. I've found myself jumpscared by mobs frequently and I think they fixed this issue but the sound of the pickaxe breaking used to make me jump during late night mining sessions back in like 2014. Also saw people mention the dimensional doors mod, that's a real creepy one.
  2. Obligatory Old Chateau in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
  3. Mario 64. I was scared of that one staircase that was endless if you hadn't progressed far enough in the game. The music was so anxiety provoking.
  4. This one's really dumb but in Lego Star Wars during the asteroid field level I was so scared of the worm cave because in the movie they got jumpscared by those little creatures in it and I was always scared that was gonna happen in the game.
  5. The final boss in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. The way its wing fingers slithered out of the rocks made me feel sick.
  6. I've never played Subnautica but diving in Ark Survival Evolved made me so scared, I was afraid the big prehistoric monsters would appear out of the murkiness and get me.
  7. The Alterna Space Station overworld theme in Splatoon 3. The one that plays in the very beginning and in the breaks between level segments. Especially how it has five versions and as you progress through the final levels it slowly gets more and more distorted until you get to the end. Version 5 honestly sounds like it has distorted screams baked into it which is even more messed up when you consider the lore of the location.
  8. Metal Gear Solid 2 literally isn't a horror game but the ending scared me so much. If you're wondering it best works played or watched blind so don't read this spoiler unless you don't care. Throughout the game you play as Raiden rather than Snake, and you're being guided over call by the coronel like the last game, only his motives are strange and you struggle with understanding them, something doesn't feel right at all. He tells you not to trust Snake when you meet him saying he's a bad guy but you end up going along with him anyway and he helps you upload a virus into some sort of dangerous supercomputer. And as soon as this happens, the coronel starts sprouting unintelligible cryptic gibberish (and during a part with really creepy music too). It turns out he was never the coronel from the first game and was actually a malicious AI using you to protect it. An AI that was training itself in human interaction and trying to gain more influence over the world. I just find the idea of an unfeeling inhuman program disguising itself as a person just so creepy and disturbing and I'm surprised I've never come across any other stuff that plays this up.
  1. Obligatory Minecraft Cave sounds, but also minecraft in general. I've found myself jumpscared by mobs frequently and I think they fixed this issue but the sound of the pickaxe breaking used to make me jump during late night mining sessions back in like 2014. Also saw people mention the dimensional doors mod, that's a real creepy one.
  2. Obligatory Old Chateau in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
  3. Mario 64. I was scared of that one staircase that was endless if you hadn't progressed far enough in the game. The music was so anxiety provoking.
  4. This one's really dumb but in Lego Star Wars during the asteroid field level I was so scared of the worm cave because in the movie they got jumpscared by those little creatures in it and I was always scared that was gonna happen in the game.
  5. The final boss in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. The way its wing fingers slithered out of the rocks made me feel sick.
  6. I've never played Subnautica but diving in Ark Survival Evolved made me so scared, I was afraid the big prehistoric monsters would appear out of the murkiness and get me.
  7. The Alterna Space Station overworld theme in Splatoon 3. The one that plays in the very beginning and in the breaks between level segments. Especially how it has five versions and as you progress through the final levels it slowly gets more and more distorted until you get to the end. Version 5 honestly sounds like it has distorted screams baked into it which is even more messed up when you consider the lore of the location.
  8. Metal Gear Solid 2 literally isn't a horror game but the ending scared me so much. If you're wondering it best works played or watched blind so don't read this spoiler unless you don't care. Throughout the game you play as Raiden rather than Snake, and you're being guided over call by the coronel like the last game, only his motives are strange and you struggle with understanding them, something doesn't feel right at all. He tells you not to trust Snake when you meet him saying he's a bad guy but you end up going along with him anyway and he helps you upload a virus into some sort of dangerous supercomputer. And as soon as this happens, the coronel starts sprouting unintelligible cryptic gibberish (and during a part with really creepy music too). It turns out he was never the coronel from the first game and was actually a malicious AI using you to protect it. An AI that was training itself in human interaction and trying to gain more influence over the world. I just find the idea of an unfeeling inhuman program disguising itself as a person just so creepy and disturbing and I'm surprised I've never come across any other stuff that plays this up.
She/Her 24
Big Dragon Nerd
I only ever get obsessed with media that's at least 10 years old for some reason.
Artist and Writer
this doesn't scare me anymore, but the junimos from stardew valley. they way they would appear and reappear was really scary for some reason.

as for now... probably being alone anywhere in skyrim. i can't play it for very long because i get so scared lol.
this doesn't scare me anymore, but the junimos from stardew valley. they way they would appear and reappear was really scary for some reason.

as for now... probably being alone anywhere in skyrim. i can't play it for very long because i get so scared lol.

FR +3

i like looking at my pretty dragons and naming them like xbox gamertags