
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Genes Chosen, thanks <3
1 2
[center]Going through a yeehaw phase. I've been on the hunt for copper g1s lately and finally landed on this guy. I need help with which scry I should go with! This guy: [img],654,326,27982,15271,15311,50503,32971&xt=dressing.png[/img] Votes: 3 or That guy: [img],42925,23032,50503&xt=dressing.png[/img] Votes: 7[/center]
Going through a yeehaw phase.
I've been on the hunt for copper g1s lately and finally landed on this guy.
I need help with which scry I should go with!

This guy:
Votes: 3


That guy:
Votes: 7
Ooohhh that guy, the skydancer!! I love the whole look.
Ooohhh that guy, the skydancer!! I love the whole look.
41.png 103.png She/Her pronouns, please. 65.png 32.png
I'd say the skydancer <3 WOOO he is gorgeous !!!
I'd say the skydancer <3 WOOO he is gorgeous !!!
thirding the vote for the Skydancer scry!!
thirding the vote for the Skydancer scry!!
I read every reply I get, but I may not respond due to anxiety or forgetfulness. please bear with me!
This guy. Reject skydancer, embrace noodle
This guy. Reject skydancer, embrace noodle
I'm normally huge on Skydancers but this guy rocks as a Spiral wow.
Really takes that underbelly and runs with it, I think. Feels so much more justified on the Spiral.
I'm normally huge on Skydancers but this guy rocks as a Spiral wow.
Really takes that underbelly and runs with it, I think. Feels so much more justified on the Spiral.
i really like the spiral. feels more yeehaw to me
i really like the spiral. feels more yeehaw to me
I vote skydancer!
I vote skydancer!
love how the skydancer looks!
love how the skydancer looks!

Female ~ She/They
FR+15 hrs
Vote to the Skydancer.
Vote to the Skydancer.
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