So I can’t decide on terts or really designs or genes… or lore really. But what I do have is this (except for genes).
Iota’s a bit of a mage and a warrior. They’re one of the dragons who help create the size and the communication runes used within the clan (so no one ends up as a pancake and for easier communication).
Iota used to be a guardian named Alpha, then Alpha Iota. Now they’re a Fae named Iota. I was originally going to use Glowtail but I’m holding out for a better tert, as I’ve already changed her secondary from Stripes to Flair and don’t really want to change more genes like that without being sure about it.
I’m not sold on her being a Fae anymore - the current genes and breed were chosen mainly due to cost, before I discovered exalting. Now that I exalt on a semi-casual basis (outside of major pushes) and do a few other things, I’m more open to other genes and stuff so we’ll see where it goes.
I do know that if they were a Pokémon they would have the moves: Calm Mind, Double Team, Hex, and some sort of move with a secondary effect such as paralysis, burn, or freeze.
Same with Iota, I’m not sold with the genes and all… but less so. Forest’s my random progen and I surprisingly got some colors that work together. He used to be a mirror but he’s kept the same name all these years.
Lorewise, he’s a master forager and surprisingly good with other dragons and creatures. He basically. Has no development outside of that and being very kind-hearted and a mediator.
Pokémon wise, he would run Leech Seed, Aromatherapy, Pollen Puff, and Grassy Glide or something. Idk.
Currently in lore they’re half-siblings (which was decided after my initial hiatus). Idk if I’m going to keep that but I think I will?