
Dragon Trading

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@Zaratyst Goth Boy Heading your Way [url=][img][/img][/url] I would like something Evil, Grotesque or purer than pure.
Goth Boy Heading your Way

I would like something Evil, Grotesque or purer than pure.

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@TheAlmightySei evil little guy coming your way! [url=][img][/img][/url] I'd like a kidcore looking dragon please!
evil little guy coming your way!
I'd like a kidcore looking dragon please!
>friendly/open to chat! I love pings and messages
>About me
@Strangeflesh I'm hoping this is what you mean by kidcore... [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Looking for Herman, the Planet Smasher...

I'm hoping this is what you mean by kidcore...

Looking for Herman, the Planet Smasher...

sorry, what does this mean XD? open to interpretation or a specific character?
sorry, what does this mean XD? open to interpretation or a specific character?

Based on this char, but feel free to offer a different interpretation:

Based on this char, but feel free to offer a different interpretation:

@mxlplyx Interesting theme, although it might be a bit too specific for this thread. That said, I think this floof might be close to what you're looking for: [url=][img][/img][/url] Next... I'd love a dragon that looks like a crow, magpie, or other corvid! :>

Interesting theme, although it might be a bit too specific for this thread. That said, I think this floof might be close to what you're looking for:


Next... I'd love a dragon that looks like a crow, magpie, or other corvid! :>
Temple of Time HatcheryLightning Flight banner
@Cynefin [url=][img][/img][/url] I thought the colors on her wings looked pretty magpie-like. I hope she is magpie enough for you <3 I would appreciate a very dark dragon, perhaps with a pop of color


I thought the colors on her wings looked pretty magpie-like. I hope she is magpie enough for you <3

I would appreciate a very dark dragon, perhaps with a pop of color
@LemonInOrbit how bout this dark n stormy guy with a pop of lightning? [url=][img][/img][/url] id love an evil/satanic aberration :3
how bout this dark n stormy guy with a pop of lightning?


id love an evil/satanic aberration :3
@deadclove [url=][img][/img][/url] Scourge has some necromancer lore in his bio as well as a very evil scry preview. I bred him to my progen Carnage but the babies all ended up looking like her unfortunately. I would like a completely monochromatic male or female Coatl. I would also be happy with a male Coatl that is mono/mono/red range (not pink) matchy genes preferred but not necessary
Scourge has some necromancer lore in his bio as well as a very evil scry preview. I bred him to my progen Carnage but the babies all ended up looking like her unfortunately.

I would like a completely monochromatic male or female Coatl. I would also be happy with a male Coatl that is mono/mono/red range (not pink) matchy genes preferred but not necessary
@ZoeyTheReckless [url=][img][/img][/url] I would like a rainbow!!!!! :DD


I would like a rainbow!!!!! :DD