

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Don't Retire the Sprites Just Yet
[quote name="SparkSparkBOOM" date="2014-07-09 19:12:20"]There are better ways to solve the problem, such as: 1) a separate bestiary for retired familiars 2) keeping awakened familiar unlocked (there are many people who don't even want to keep piles of familiars in their hoards) 3) hiding retired familiars unless you have them in your hoard[/quote] Absolutely no support for bringing back the sprites, though I do like these suggestions.
SparkSparkBOOM wrote on 2014-07-09 19:12:20:
There are better ways to solve the problem, such as:

1) a separate bestiary for retired familiars
2) keeping awakened familiar unlocked (there are many people who don't even want to keep piles of familiars in their hoards)
3) hiding retired familiars unless you have them in your hoard

Absolutely no support for bringing back the sprites, though I do like these suggestions.
So apparently very few people care about the sucker punch that would mean to those who actually worked for their sprites. The people who got them originally had to fight through coli lag and site failures to get them, and those who bought them after the fact put a lot of effort into saving up. In the end, the Sprites are a self-perceived status symbol. If it's so upsetting to have an empty slot in the beastiary, go save up treasure, go coli grind and get some familairs to sell, go train and exalt some dragons. I'm able to make 200k in a day if I put in a little effort, and the cheapest Light Sprite is 5.3mil. It'd take about four weeks to earn enough to buy one at that rate, not forever like everyone seems to think. I don't do much on the site except a few hours of coli grinding at night and playing on mobile sporadically throughout the day, plus a few adoptable commissions during the week. Selling foodpoints to other players alone can easily net a 100k if you save all the drops from Coli grinding (and I sold them at 1:15T) It's entirely possible to save enough for the sprites if you practice some self control and save your treasure. I've earned probably 10mil in the whole time I've been on FR, but I've spent it instead of saving. Just in the case of dragons, I've spent at least 2mil (300k for a lvl25 + 300k for a pretty Coatl + 200k for another lvl25 + 50k-60k dragons whenever they grab my fancy, which is often), for lair expansions another half million or more, a Plague Sprite for 200k, about 400k on skins just this festival, another 200k the previous one, 400k for miscellaneous skins from past festivals (110k of that today), 100k just a few weeks ago to buy everything I needed for an Autumnal Wreath, 50k yesterday for the Swipp materials for the Journeyman's Satchel. The list goes on. See what I'm getting at? You can earn enough to get those sprites if you don't buy other things that are less important to you. edit: for those skeptical of my skin estimates, there's more than 2mil worth of skins here, and that's only pricing each at 35k [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
So apparently very few people care about the sucker punch that would mean to those who actually worked for their sprites. The people who got them originally had to fight through coli lag and site failures to get them, and those who bought them after the fact put a lot of effort into saving up.

In the end, the Sprites are a self-perceived status symbol. If it's so upsetting to have an empty slot in the beastiary, go save up treasure, go coli grind and get some familairs to sell, go train and exalt some dragons. I'm able to make 200k in a day if I put in a little effort, and the cheapest Light Sprite is 5.3mil. It'd take about four weeks to earn enough to buy one at that rate, not forever like everyone seems to think. I don't do much on the site except a few hours of coli grinding at night and playing on mobile sporadically throughout the day, plus a few adoptable commissions during the week. Selling foodpoints to other players alone can easily net a 100k if you save all the drops from Coli grinding (and I sold them at 1:15T)

It's entirely possible to save enough for the sprites if you practice some self control and save your treasure. I've earned probably 10mil in the whole time I've been on FR, but I've spent it instead of saving. Just in the case of dragons, I've spent at least 2mil (300k for a lvl25 + 300k for a pretty Coatl + 200k for another lvl25 + 50k-60k dragons whenever they grab my fancy, which is often), for lair expansions another half million or more, a Plague Sprite for 200k, about 400k on skins just this festival, another 200k the previous one, 400k for miscellaneous skins from past festivals (110k of that today), 100k just a few weeks ago to buy everything I needed for an Autumnal Wreath, 50k yesterday for the Swipp materials for the Journeyman's Satchel. The list goes on.

See what I'm getting at? You can earn enough to get those sprites if you don't buy other things that are less important to you.

edit: for those skeptical of my skin estimates, there's more than 2mil worth of skins here, and that's only pricing each at 35k

Little late coming in and I don't usually post here but I've seen this all over the place and it just baffles me lol.

no support! if anyone here has played like, any other virtual game like this you will know that retired means retired.
Little late coming in and I don't usually post here but I've seen this all over the place and it just baffles me lol.

no support! if anyone here has played like, any other virtual game like this you will know that retired means retired.
Support. Nigh unobtainable items are the very best way to frustrate new players, and make a game less fun. [i]Moderately[/i] difficult to obtain items are a great way to motivate players to work hard for their goals, but nigh unobtainable items cross over from "motivating" to "extremely discouraging". Especially when these nigh unobtainable items are as stunningly beautiful as the sprites. People might be able to live with it if they weren't so pretty, but... [img][/img] ...come on. As to the admins going back on their word: yes, they would be. However, I personally would not hold that against them, nor do I think most players would. Every online game has growing pains. Not every decision made in the infancy of a game is a good decision. In this case, I believe that the decision to release retiring sprites to a very small number of players, and especially closing registration to players who wanted these sprites, was not a good decision. While it was a great effort to motivate early players to work hard at festivals, I don't think the admins fully realized how rare and hard to obtain the first few sprites would become. Re-releasing the sprites would sacrifice the profits and hard work of a small number of players, but it would benefit a much greater number. So, if the admins decided to break their promise, I would forgive them. If it's wrong that re-releasing the sprites would waste the hard work of people who paid hundreds of thousands for certain sprites, isn't it more wrong that we continue to force people to pay hundreds of thousands for these sprites? Isn't it wrong that we will force future players to pay even more exorbitant sums? Why not correct the problem before it gets worse? To clarify, I wish that no sprite would cost more than 1 million treasure at any point in the game. In my opinion, 1 million is about the point where a goal becomes discouraging rather than fun. Probably, re-releasing only the first four sprites would achieve this; there are enough of the others in circulation that their price would remain achievable.
Support. Nigh unobtainable items are the very best way to frustrate new players, and make a game less fun. Moderately difficult to obtain items are a great way to motivate players to work hard for their goals, but nigh unobtainable items cross over from "motivating" to "extremely discouraging". Especially when these nigh unobtainable items are as stunningly beautiful as the sprites. People might be able to live with it if they weren't so pretty, but...
...come on.

As to the admins going back on their word: yes, they would be. However, I personally would not hold that against them, nor do I think most players would. Every online game has growing pains. Not every decision made in the infancy of a game is a good decision. In this case, I believe that the decision to release retiring sprites to a very small number of players, and especially closing registration to players who wanted these sprites, was not a good decision. While it was a great effort to motivate early players to work hard at festivals, I don't think the admins fully realized how rare and hard to obtain the first few sprites would become. Re-releasing the sprites would sacrifice the profits and hard work of a small number of players, but it would benefit a much greater number. So, if the admins decided to break their promise, I would forgive them.

If it's wrong that re-releasing the sprites would waste the hard work of people who paid hundreds of thousands for certain sprites, isn't it more wrong that we continue to force people to pay hundreds of thousands for these sprites? Isn't it wrong that we will force future players to pay even more exorbitant sums? Why not correct the problem before it gets worse?

To clarify, I wish that no sprite would cost more than 1 million treasure at any point in the game. In my opinion, 1 million is about the point where a goal becomes discouraging rather than fun. Probably, re-releasing only the first four sprites would achieve this; there are enough of the others in circulation that their price would remain achievable.
Nope. It is an entirely obtainable goal. It's also totally fair to make players work for rare items, that's why they're rare. Every game those seemingly impossible to get items.

Had the staff not said that the Sprites were going to be retired, or if having the Sprites affected gameplay at all, I would have absolutely no problem with bringing them back, because everyone would have known it was a possibility and would have been spending their money to not have to wait.

As it is, everyone purchasing the Sprites did and does so with the knowledge that no more are going to be available. People paid real money for the gems necessary to purchase those Sprites from other players because of that, and the site made big profits from those exchanges. If they release the Sprites again now that circulation has lowered, they might as well be using the re-release as a money maker. So not only would it be extremely unfair to those who worked to get their Sprites prices in the millions, it would be manipulative of the staff to use that to make money.

I'm all for some commemorative sprite to celebrate the end of the sprite era if the FR team thinks they need an influx of money, but I will never support re-releasing those from the previous months for purchase, whether for treasure or gems.

For the December event, I have very tentative and minor support for a ridiculously difficult and time-consuming event to receive a sprite. And I'm talking a weeklong event, extensive participation necessary type of thing, with no way to sell or give away any of the sprites received from it. Because I know half the reason people want a re-release is to be able to sell them later for the same exuberant price they're at now.
Nope. It is an entirely obtainable goal. It's also totally fair to make players work for rare items, that's why they're rare. Every game those seemingly impossible to get items.

Had the staff not said that the Sprites were going to be retired, or if having the Sprites affected gameplay at all, I would have absolutely no problem with bringing them back, because everyone would have known it was a possibility and would have been spending their money to not have to wait.

As it is, everyone purchasing the Sprites did and does so with the knowledge that no more are going to be available. People paid real money for the gems necessary to purchase those Sprites from other players because of that, and the site made big profits from those exchanges. If they release the Sprites again now that circulation has lowered, they might as well be using the re-release as a money maker. So not only would it be extremely unfair to those who worked to get their Sprites prices in the millions, it would be manipulative of the staff to use that to make money.

I'm all for some commemorative sprite to celebrate the end of the sprite era if the FR team thinks they need an influx of money, but I will never support re-releasing those from the previous months for purchase, whether for treasure or gems.

For the December event, I have very tentative and minor support for a ridiculously difficult and time-consuming event to receive a sprite. And I'm talking a weeklong event, extensive participation necessary type of thing, with no way to sell or give away any of the sprites received from it. Because I know half the reason people want a re-release is to be able to sell them later for the same exuberant price they're at now.

Back in the closeing weeks of DragonAdopters I heard a bit about FR as the new dragon adoptables game on the forums. With DrA closing and all however I was caught up in more serious matters that required my attention, I also wanted to spend as much time as I could with my "pixel dragons" that I had known for the past few years. When DrA finally did close in September of 2013 I decided to look into Flight Rising, that's when I made the fateful discovery that the site did not accept registrations at the time because of server load issues.

October 10th came around and I finally signed up. After about a week I had my bearings, knew where things were, how things operated, even bought and sold my first items on the AH. Then came my first holiday, the Riot of Rot... I didn't get the sprite, I didn't know what they were, and didn't know what function they served, not to mention it looked ugly... (sorry plague flight).

At the time I joined it had been 4 months since FR opened it's doors in July, 4 sprites I missed out on because I wasn't around, and a fifth one that I buzzed over because of a lack of insight, which okay I'll admit that was my fault. I could also apply that rhetoric to my not having joined FR when it first came out in July but to be honest I had already thought the site was around for a bit longer, but that wasn't so. This just sounded like a place that people were moving to now that DrA had expired on the 31st of September (I would presume the celebration of the Arcane flight would be going on) ...

I however find this culling of sprites to be a bit, sudden (yes news came out earlier)... The sprites are being retired to make way for the gummibears, and the gummibears will be retired to make way for whatever comes next, that's really quite fine and dandy, what I'm still concerned about is FR still being in a closed state of registration, only relying on windows to let in new users.

How fair exactly was it to me on the 31st of September, I came to FR to sign up, only to find the doors closed. I could have signed up, I could have gathered, I could have gotten my arcane sprite, I'd be happy, end of story. Sadly however that wasn't how the story ended, the doors were closed and I didn't get my sprite. How fair do you think it would be to users that sign up when open registration comes around, they see all these first years with the afore mentioned spites. Either said sprites are no longer being circulated, being sold for silly prices, or are stuck in accounts that have been abandoned. If the sprites were all retired right now, and if no more were in circulation, what's done is done, too bad so sad.

How do you think a new member would see that? I question the maturity of FR's members sometimes because I've had friends tell me things that they've seen on the forums here that aren't exactly good. FR doesn't tolerate harassment for ones gender / sexuality, creed or color, but there's another version of harassment I'm seeing here, one could say it's invisible and is done by both users and staff (administrators, designers, all the way up to the creators) alike.

It's stupid, but let's go back to kindergarten. It's a kids birthday and they're handing out cookies and cupcakes. Kid passes the delicacies to each student, and when they come to you, they're out of cupcakes, so you get a cookie instead. Yeah it is still something, there's no denying it, but you wanted a cupcake, none of the kids are willing to trade, some have already been eaten, and the others are going fast, soon, they'll be all gone. One can easily envision one kid going to a kid who got a cookie, "nah nah I got something you didn't!". Now of course on FR this kind of thing wouldn't be blatantly obvious, but still a very open possibility.

Ignoring the confrontational probabilities, there's also the knowing that the item is there, just people aren't willing to part with them, which is understandable. It still boils down to the "I have something you don't".

I'm for the open market system, or in other words no retiring of items period. You an cycle them out, sure but as long as they come back I have no excuse to complain. I have just as much ability to get them as the next kid on the block, but when the water hole dries up and doesn't come back, then that to me would be a problem. I'd like to remind people that we're still on a case-by-case registration system.

You don't have to make the items available for holiday currency, or even treasure, but if you want to sell them for gems, again I have just as much a chance to get them as anyone else.

I shouldn't compare games, but I play a game called World of Tanks. They had an alpha, they had a beta, then open registration. In that alpha/beta period you could order exclusive stuff, much like our KS, and once the game came out those packages were pulled back and their contents would never be offered again. I've seen on those forums, there are people willing to pay 100 or more USD to get their hands on something that only costs a mere 40 USD. The company has repeatedly said that they wont double back on their promises to the pre-release folks, even though there is an untold sum of money waiting for them. I didn't have internet access back then, so I didn't even know about the game itself, therefore I don't have the exclusive items.

Those items could be sold for an immense profit, but one promise to a very small minority of entitled individuals prevents that, same as it will here in FR. I love both games very much, but I guess you could say that I find those premises, disgusting...

Having at least a chance to get a sprite you missed out upon is better than no chance at all, especially regarding the fact that we're still not in open registration.

As for those that put in "time and effort" and "real money" and got their sprites...
*stand up and applause*
Good for you, I could go on as to how that's a cheap shot at others, but...

... Lightning, I really should leave you, you make me ramble too much...

Now for the reason in this post and many others, I'll never be purchasing gems, let alone running ads on FR. Again I love the game dearly, but there is quite a fair amount of things that I don't agree with, and why should I support that with my own money.

Oh my god this is a long post!!!
*hides* ;_;

Back in the closeing weeks of DragonAdopters I heard a bit about FR as the new dragon adoptables game on the forums. With DrA closing and all however I was caught up in more serious matters that required my attention, I also wanted to spend as much time as I could with my "pixel dragons" that I had known for the past few years. When DrA finally did close in September of 2013 I decided to look into Flight Rising, that's when I made the fateful discovery that the site did not accept registrations at the time because of server load issues.

October 10th came around and I finally signed up. After about a week I had my bearings, knew where things were, how things operated, even bought and sold my first items on the AH. Then came my first holiday, the Riot of Rot... I didn't get the sprite, I didn't know what they were, and didn't know what function they served, not to mention it looked ugly... (sorry plague flight).

At the time I joined it had been 4 months since FR opened it's doors in July, 4 sprites I missed out on because I wasn't around, and a fifth one that I buzzed over because of a lack of insight, which okay I'll admit that was my fault. I could also apply that rhetoric to my not having joined FR when it first came out in July but to be honest I had already thought the site was around for a bit longer, but that wasn't so. This just sounded like a place that people were moving to now that DrA had expired on the 31st of September (I would presume the celebration of the Arcane flight would be going on) ...

I however find this culling of sprites to be a bit, sudden (yes news came out earlier)... The sprites are being retired to make way for the gummibears, and the gummibears will be retired to make way for whatever comes next, that's really quite fine and dandy, what I'm still concerned about is FR still being in a closed state of registration, only relying on windows to let in new users.

How fair exactly was it to me on the 31st of September, I came to FR to sign up, only to find the doors closed. I could have signed up, I could have gathered, I could have gotten my arcane sprite, I'd be happy, end of story. Sadly however that wasn't how the story ended, the doors were closed and I didn't get my sprite. How fair do you think it would be to users that sign up when open registration comes around, they see all these first years with the afore mentioned spites. Either said sprites are no longer being circulated, being sold for silly prices, or are stuck in accounts that have been abandoned. If the sprites were all retired right now, and if no more were in circulation, what's done is done, too bad so sad.

How do you think a new member would see that? I question the maturity of FR's members sometimes because I've had friends tell me things that they've seen on the forums here that aren't exactly good. FR doesn't tolerate harassment for ones gender / sexuality, creed or color, but there's another version of harassment I'm seeing here, one could say it's invisible and is done by both users and staff (administrators, designers, all the way up to the creators) alike.

It's stupid, but let's go back to kindergarten. It's a kids birthday and they're handing out cookies and cupcakes. Kid passes the delicacies to each student, and when they come to you, they're out of cupcakes, so you get a cookie instead. Yeah it is still something, there's no denying it, but you wanted a cupcake, none of the kids are willing to trade, some have already been eaten, and the others are going fast, soon, they'll be all gone. One can easily envision one kid going to a kid who got a cookie, "nah nah I got something you didn't!". Now of course on FR this kind of thing wouldn't be blatantly obvious, but still a very open possibility.

Ignoring the confrontational probabilities, there's also the knowing that the item is there, just people aren't willing to part with them, which is understandable. It still boils down to the "I have something you don't".

I'm for the open market system, or in other words no retiring of items period. You an cycle them out, sure but as long as they come back I have no excuse to complain. I have just as much ability to get them as the next kid on the block, but when the water hole dries up and doesn't come back, then that to me would be a problem. I'd like to remind people that we're still on a case-by-case registration system.

You don't have to make the items available for holiday currency, or even treasure, but if you want to sell them for gems, again I have just as much a chance to get them as anyone else.

I shouldn't compare games, but I play a game called World of Tanks. They had an alpha, they had a beta, then open registration. In that alpha/beta period you could order exclusive stuff, much like our KS, and once the game came out those packages were pulled back and their contents would never be offered again. I've seen on those forums, there are people willing to pay 100 or more USD to get their hands on something that only costs a mere 40 USD. The company has repeatedly said that they wont double back on their promises to the pre-release folks, even though there is an untold sum of money waiting for them. I didn't have internet access back then, so I didn't even know about the game itself, therefore I don't have the exclusive items.

Those items could be sold for an immense profit, but one promise to a very small minority of entitled individuals prevents that, same as it will here in FR. I love both games very much, but I guess you could say that I find those premises, disgusting...

Having at least a chance to get a sprite you missed out upon is better than no chance at all, especially regarding the fact that we're still not in open registration.

As for those that put in "time and effort" and "real money" and got their sprites...
*stand up and applause*
Good for you, I could go on as to how that's a cheap shot at others, but...

... Lightning, I really should leave you, you make me ramble too much...

Now for the reason in this post and many others, I'll never be purchasing gems, let alone running ads on FR. Again I love the game dearly, but there is quite a fair amount of things that I don't agree with, and why should I support that with my own money.

Oh my god this is a long post!!!
*hides* ;_;
Bring them back or don't.

My attention was directed to this thread after I voted that the new familiars should be re-released in a special event. I am appalled at many reactions here being entirely based on selfishness.

Reading through this thread, I'm fairly surprised by the amount of people who claim its wrong for admins to change their mind about re-releasing a retired item. First off, if the demand is high enough, any site can and will change their mind. I have in my time worked for two different sites similar to Flight Rising, and in both cases, retired items became temporarily available again when the demand became high enough for them. I've also seen this on other sites that I've played on. In EVERY case, the folks able to get the retired item were grateful and happy, while those who already had the item screamed and complained because their own profit margin for resale was down.. by very little. And with more happy players on the site, there's more to go around. Just pointing this out.

Second, the registration window is a very valid issue. For those of us who had to wait a year before they were able to join the site, no, it isn't our fault we weren't able to get them. Yes, some will be willing to spend a lot more time or money than others in order to get a collectible item. Does it mean everyone can spend that time or money? NO, it does not. And its not being unwilling to "work" for it (on a game site no less!). It is simply a lack of time or the very real need to conserve real money for more important things, like a child's college tuition, or even their own student loan repayments or fees.

Third, I don't intend on collecting any sprite other than what I've obtained already unless it is at a reasonable fee, or if it does return. So if the sprites come out of retirement, great! I'll snap up one or two. If not, I won't notice. This is a game, not a job. I already have more familiars than dragons. Filling my bestiary is not a huge priority for me since there will always be more familiars than I have dragons. There will always be gaps for one time event familiars in my bestiary, so a few more won't bother me. There's plenty of other stuff to hoard.

There would be no middle finger to those who "worked hard" if admins brought sprites back, it would simply be good business. Any who claim such a thing should realize that even in reality, collectible items are re-released for the welfare of the company, not the consumer.

Frankly, it's a game. Yes, I'd like to eventually see the items return so I can get them without putting in a ton of time or money. But I'm not going to worry about them if they don't get re-released because I don't buy from super-hoarders who rely on resale to get ahead. Its never good to get too serious about a game or virtual items in a game.

Edit: Why not rotate the items every few years? That way, everyone will get a chance to collect EVENTUALLY, new players and old players who sold theirs after bonding who regret it too.
Bring them back or don't.

My attention was directed to this thread after I voted that the new familiars should be re-released in a special event. I am appalled at many reactions here being entirely based on selfishness.

Reading through this thread, I'm fairly surprised by the amount of people who claim its wrong for admins to change their mind about re-releasing a retired item. First off, if the demand is high enough, any site can and will change their mind. I have in my time worked for two different sites similar to Flight Rising, and in both cases, retired items became temporarily available again when the demand became high enough for them. I've also seen this on other sites that I've played on. In EVERY case, the folks able to get the retired item were grateful and happy, while those who already had the item screamed and complained because their own profit margin for resale was down.. by very little. And with more happy players on the site, there's more to go around. Just pointing this out.

Second, the registration window is a very valid issue. For those of us who had to wait a year before they were able to join the site, no, it isn't our fault we weren't able to get them. Yes, some will be willing to spend a lot more time or money than others in order to get a collectible item. Does it mean everyone can spend that time or money? NO, it does not. And its not being unwilling to "work" for it (on a game site no less!). It is simply a lack of time or the very real need to conserve real money for more important things, like a child's college tuition, or even their own student loan repayments or fees.

Third, I don't intend on collecting any sprite other than what I've obtained already unless it is at a reasonable fee, or if it does return. So if the sprites come out of retirement, great! I'll snap up one or two. If not, I won't notice. This is a game, not a job. I already have more familiars than dragons. Filling my bestiary is not a huge priority for me since there will always be more familiars than I have dragons. There will always be gaps for one time event familiars in my bestiary, so a few more won't bother me. There's plenty of other stuff to hoard.

There would be no middle finger to those who "worked hard" if admins brought sprites back, it would simply be good business. Any who claim such a thing should realize that even in reality, collectible items are re-released for the welfare of the company, not the consumer.

Frankly, it's a game. Yes, I'd like to eventually see the items return so I can get them without putting in a ton of time or money. But I'm not going to worry about them if they don't get re-released because I don't buy from super-hoarders who rely on resale to get ahead. Its never good to get too serious about a game or virtual items in a game.

Edit: Why not rotate the items every few years? That way, everyone will get a chance to collect EVENTUALLY, new players and old players who sold theirs after bonding who regret it too.
No support
No support
I support this because I feel that all of the goings on that have occured without open registration being enabled are an imposition to everyone in the future who will join and can't ever have the chance to items those of us who were lucky enough to snag a registration window had. Also, the post above me has one little detail I think is so so so prominent for this site as a whole to take to heart: [quote name="Nightrose" date="2014-07-09 23:36:44"][b]This is a game, not a job.[/b][/quote] Sorry, but the selfish elitism on this site is kind of appaling to me with all those who say everything is /easy/ and can be worked for. I'm of quite the opposite opinion, I believe currently there's no reasonable means of making enough treasure to afford anything on this site within a reasonable time frame. If you can sit and grind for seven hours to make 100k a day congratulations and good for you, but not all of us are in that special minority so it's nice to consider the rest of the userbase.
I support this because I feel that all of the goings on that have occured without open registration being enabled are an imposition to everyone in the future who will join and can't ever have the chance to items those of us who were lucky enough to snag a registration window had.

Also, the post above me has one little detail I think is so so so prominent for this site as a whole to take to heart:
Nightrose wrote on 2014-07-09 23:36:44:
This is a game, not a job.

Sorry, but the selfish elitism on this site is kind of appaling to me with all those who say everything is /easy/ and can be worked for. I'm of quite the opposite opinion, I believe currently there's no reasonable means of making enough treasure to afford anything on this site within a reasonable time frame. If you can sit and grind for seven hours to make 100k a day congratulations and good for you, but not all of us are in that special minority so it's nice to consider the rest of the userbase.
i wasn't on the site when the light, fire, and lightning sprites were released, and I still don't want them to be re-released.

A lot of people have worked like crazy to get their hands on those retired sprites, because we all banked on them being retired. Sure, you can say it's their fault for trying hard to reach their goals, and it's their fault for spending their time on it, but that's even colder than the arguments saying no support.

Anyway, just because an item is cute, or is now super rare and you weren't around for it does not mean you are in any way, shape or form entitled to a chance at it. Yes, 5 mil is a lot of treasure, but is it impossible to attain? No.

I've been playing casually for the past three months. Hatching dragons, selling dragons, exalting dragons without training them because I don't have time. I even still had extra treasure to blow a total of 400k on hatchlings less than 4k in the AH and exalt them, with a loss of about 200k. I've made around 300k selling dragons since Tuesday, and have been buying genes and things over the course of the week. I usually have at least 2m sitting in my treasure count, and I've got 700 or so gems just from collecting them and selling things for bits and bobs (I had collected 2k gems over I'd say.... a month and a half, and spent 1.6k gems on those stupid minstrel items).

If I sold items and dragons for the sole purpose of buying a Light Sprite, even with my casual playing, I could get about a mil every two weeks. Sell gems along the way for treasure, could probably have 5 mil in just over a month. Supplement it with more recent holiday stuff for sale, just by listing things and making offhanded sales posts on tumblr.

And this is me throwing all this stuff around casually. I'm not on FR for more than 15 minutes at a time during breaks, and rarely for longer than an hour. Basically on to hatch, do my dailies, list dragons, exalt adult hatchlings, respond to correspondences, and leave. Or waste my time in the forums.

It is possible to make treasure without grinding for ages, but i can tell you, that's what the people who really, really wanted those things did, and i don't think it's okay to basically mop the ground with their effort.

As cute as fire and light sprites are, I don't have the time to do what is required to get one. And I'm fine with that, despite my completionist tendencies.

still no support

some items are cycled. some are retired. WC scrolls are an example of cycled items, as is the corsair apparel set.
i wasn't on the site when the light, fire, and lightning sprites were released, and I still don't want them to be re-released.

A lot of people have worked like crazy to get their hands on those retired sprites, because we all banked on them being retired. Sure, you can say it's their fault for trying hard to reach their goals, and it's their fault for spending their time on it, but that's even colder than the arguments saying no support.

Anyway, just because an item is cute, or is now super rare and you weren't around for it does not mean you are in any way, shape or form entitled to a chance at it. Yes, 5 mil is a lot of treasure, but is it impossible to attain? No.

I've been playing casually for the past three months. Hatching dragons, selling dragons, exalting dragons without training them because I don't have time. I even still had extra treasure to blow a total of 400k on hatchlings less than 4k in the AH and exalt them, with a loss of about 200k. I've made around 300k selling dragons since Tuesday, and have been buying genes and things over the course of the week. I usually have at least 2m sitting in my treasure count, and I've got 700 or so gems just from collecting them and selling things for bits and bobs (I had collected 2k gems over I'd say.... a month and a half, and spent 1.6k gems on those stupid minstrel items).

If I sold items and dragons for the sole purpose of buying a Light Sprite, even with my casual playing, I could get about a mil every two weeks. Sell gems along the way for treasure, could probably have 5 mil in just over a month. Supplement it with more recent holiday stuff for sale, just by listing things and making offhanded sales posts on tumblr.

And this is me throwing all this stuff around casually. I'm not on FR for more than 15 minutes at a time during breaks, and rarely for longer than an hour. Basically on to hatch, do my dailies, list dragons, exalt adult hatchlings, respond to correspondences, and leave. Or waste my time in the forums.

It is possible to make treasure without grinding for ages, but i can tell you, that's what the people who really, really wanted those things did, and i don't think it's okay to basically mop the ground with their effort.

As cute as fire and light sprites are, I don't have the time to do what is required to get one. And I'm fine with that, despite my completionist tendencies.

still no support

some items are cycled. some are retired. WC scrolls are an example of cycled items, as is the corsair apparel set.