TOPIC | My Favorite Dragons on Flight Rising

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@Kairo @Rauv @SeaShanty sorry for the ping but I’m just??? So in love with all three of these dragons? Kalahari’s apparel and skin go so hard?? And Raphtalia’s look is such a whole banger omg? AND HISTORIA hot dang I love that skin holy-
Wow!! <333 thank you so much for the kind words about Kalahari. :D D made my day.
Wow!! <333 thank you so much for the kind words about Kalahari. :D D made my day.
» Kairo / Ronan » any pronouns » about me! « |
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(Day 29) Since we've had a lot of desert-y neutral toned designs lately, here are some gorgeous neon-and-chromatic dragons! (Shorter comments for these next few posts, as I'm going to be very busy throughout this next week.)
[center][size=4][b]@Edaigoa's Malachite [/b][/size][/center]
[center][b]Malachite [/b][/center]
All those shades of green look so nice together! The dull olive of her primany, medium greens of her apparel, and bright radioactive of her wings form a fun bit of contrast. Amazing use of the Boneyard Bard and Pyrite Pauldrons apparel pieces as well, I think they're extremely underrated!
[center][size=4][b]@Skelestial's Euclid [/b][/size][/center]
[center][b]Euclid [/b][/center]
WOAH! I love that black and bold yellow contrast. His bright and detailed Crystal scales are complimented perfectly with the soft void-black of his Underbelly. The double halo, candles, and jewelry all look fantastic, and I especially love the central eye in his skin!
[center][size=4][b]@sickreaps's Trick [/b][/size][/center]
[center][b]Trick [/b][/center]
This is an [i]insanely[/i] unique design. The neon purple-green contrast looks fantastic, and I'm a huge fan of his Ghost genes peeking through all the bright colors. I especially love the combination of the Companion Comet and Feathery Fallout; their eye-like orbs match perfectly! Everything about this guy is chaotically fun to look at.
@awaicu @Saronai @smorphie @acervine @Luunai @cartographic @JadedSerpent62 @Xanadu @Hnai @Scaledowl @palarian @bogfriend @exp @Skarlette @Helixstorm @Shatapatrika @GladiatorofKaon @Luce @Kairo @Liquoricequeen @Zephyr735 @upmist @Skydust @Foretold @Aquadrops @FelixDW @CaptainVivi @LynxSideris @dinolesbo @Dianounais @IneffableAngel @Triforces @Panther202 @Entirety @ShadowRix @CLeim @Scarecrows @Sheta @Paleozoic @FieryWave @Artefact @BitterTea @BirbDude @Yaksha @Tuatara @Pestilential
(Day 29) Since we've had a lot of desert-y neutral toned designs lately, here are some gorgeous neon-and-chromatic dragons! (Shorter comments for these next few posts, as I'm going to be very busy throughout this next week.)
@awaicu @Saronai @smorphie @acervine @Luunai @cartographic @JadedSerpent62 @Xanadu @Hnai @Scaledowl @palarian @bogfriend @exp @Skarlette @Helixstorm @Shatapatrika @GladiatorofKaon @Luce @Kairo @Liquoricequeen @Zephyr735 @upmist @Skydust @Foretold @Aquadrops @FelixDW @CaptainVivi @LynxSideris @dinolesbo @Dianounais @IneffableAngel @Triforces @Panther202 @Entirety @ShadowRix @CLeim @Scarecrows @Sheta @Paleozoic @FieryWave @Artefact @BitterTea @BirbDude @Yaksha @Tuatara @Pestilential
@Edaigoa's Malachite
@Skelestial's Euclid
@sickreaps's Trick
@awaicu @Saronai @smorphie @acervine @Luunai @cartographic @JadedSerpent62 @Xanadu @Hnai @Scaledowl @palarian @bogfriend @exp @Skarlette @Helixstorm @Shatapatrika @GladiatorofKaon @Luce @Kairo @Liquoricequeen @Zephyr735 @upmist @Skydust @Foretold @Aquadrops @FelixDW @CaptainVivi @LynxSideris @dinolesbo @Dianounais @IneffableAngel @Triforces @Panther202 @Entirety @ShadowRix @CLeim @Scarecrows @Sheta @Paleozoic @FieryWave @Artefact @BitterTea @BirbDude @Yaksha @Tuatara @Pestilential
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AW thank you so much????? trick deserves all the love <33
AW thank you so much????? trick deserves all the love <33

(Day 30) Some more unique ones for today! (And wow! A month's worth of posts already.)
[center][size=4][b]@Iphegenia's Hera[/b][/size][/center]
Have you ever found a dragon that made you completely rethink your opinions on a certain gene or color? That's Hera. Since joining FR, I'll admit that Peacock has been on my "absolutely never use" list of gene colors ... until now. She looks AMAZING. I really enjoy how well the golden details of her skin compliment the deep saturation of her greens, and the subtle darker tones in her apparel look fantastic. Top it all off with some candles, a fitting scene, and Light Primal eyes? Gorgeous!
[i]Secondary shout-out to [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/66087663]Athena[/url]![/i]
[center][size=4][b]@Aaravos's Enigma [/b][/size][/center]
[center][b]Enigma [/b][/center]
A simpler design, but WOW is it striking. I absolutely love how his head is framed by the light and implied halo, as well as the third eye the accent adds! The added shininess to his scales is super pretty, too. He has a perfectly matching scene and familiar, as well as fantastic art!
[center][size=4][b]@AncientTempress's Hirit [/b][/size][/center]
[center][b]Hirit [/b][/center]
I love everything about this guy's design. First off, what an INCREDIBLE use of that skin! It's one of my favorite Bogsneak ones, and I love how well it supports and blends into his existing gene colors. Secondly, his apparel is fantastic; from color palette to theme to subtle detail, every piece of it compliments his design. (I especially love the Conflagrant Kilt with that skin.) He has such a cohesive and aesthetic design! [s]Also his broadcast message is hilariously perfect.[/s]
@awaicu @Saronai @smorphie @acervine @Luunai @cartographic @JadedSerpent62 @Xanadu @Hnai @Scaledowl @palarian @bogfriend @exp @Skarlette @Helixstorm @Shatapatrika @GladiatorofKaon @Luce @Kairo @Liquoricequeen @Zephyr735 @upmist @Skydust @Foretold @Aquadrops @FelixDW @CaptainVivi @LynxSideris @dinolesbo @Dianounais @IneffableAngel @Triforces @Panther202 @Entirety @ShadowRix @CLeim @Scarecrows @Sheta @Paleozoic @FieryWave @Artefact @BitterTea @BirbDude @Yaksha @Tuatara @Pestilential
(Day 30) Some more unique ones for today! (And wow! A month's worth of posts already.)
@awaicu @Saronai @smorphie @acervine @Luunai @cartographic @JadedSerpent62 @Xanadu @Hnai @Scaledowl @palarian @bogfriend @exp @Skarlette @Helixstorm @Shatapatrika @GladiatorofKaon @Luce @Kairo @Liquoricequeen @Zephyr735 @upmist @Skydust @Foretold @Aquadrops @FelixDW @CaptainVivi @LynxSideris @dinolesbo @Dianounais @IneffableAngel @Triforces @Panther202 @Entirety @ShadowRix @CLeim @Scarecrows @Sheta @Paleozoic @FieryWave @Artefact @BitterTea @BirbDude @Yaksha @Tuatara @Pestilential
@Iphegenia's Hera
Have you ever found a dragon that made you completely rethink your opinions on a certain gene or color? That's Hera. Since joining FR, I'll admit that Peacock has been on my "absolutely never use" list of gene colors ... until now. She looks AMAZING. I really enjoy how well the golden details of her skin compliment the deep saturation of her greens, and the subtle darker tones in her apparel look fantastic. Top it all off with some candles, a fitting scene, and Light Primal eyes? Gorgeous!Secondary shout-out to Athena! |
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@Aaravos's Enigma
@AncientTempress's Hirit
@awaicu @Saronai @smorphie @acervine @Luunai @cartographic @JadedSerpent62 @Xanadu @Hnai @Scaledowl @palarian @bogfriend @exp @Skarlette @Helixstorm @Shatapatrika @GladiatorofKaon @Luce @Kairo @Liquoricequeen @Zephyr735 @upmist @Skydust @Foretold @Aquadrops @FelixDW @CaptainVivi @LynxSideris @dinolesbo @Dianounais @IneffableAngel @Triforces @Panther202 @Entirety @ShadowRix @CLeim @Scarecrows @Sheta @Paleozoic @FieryWave @Artefact @BitterTea @BirbDude @Yaksha @Tuatara @Pestilential
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Omg,, thank you so much?? This is such a nice thread :O I've been having a really weird week and this made my day,,

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