

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | JOC (Private w/HarmonySong123)
Private RP between Aisheyru and HarmonySong123

A Strange Note

There is a tightly wrapped scroll at the entrance of your clan. Unfurling it reveals a mess of, thankfully legible, chicken-scratch writing. It reads as follows:

"Hello! My name is Mary! I hail from the clan of Plightning Hollow! Recently a good friend of mine has been diving into our clan's roots in order to document family trees! An interesting concept, yeah? I certainly think so! But I digress. My friend discovered several members of my family have traveled here in order to be part of your clan! Including my brother, Ozamaki! I was very excited to discover this! Most of the members of my particular branch have left to serve our beloved StormCatcher or PlagueBringer, so imagine my surprise to find one of my brothers is actually part of a current clan! In light of this information, I would like to propose an alliance of clans! Let us join talons and become friends to one another, and allies in time of need! Please respond at your earliest convenience! And have a wonderful day!
-Mary StormTalon"
You unfurl the cool ocean blue scroll, inside is excited scribbles from a clearly ecstatic dragon, the inside is filled with holographic shells and a green gradient matching against the blue, it reads as follows

We would be more than willing to join talons in an alliance with you!!!! After speaking with Ozzy, he told us many wonderful “tails” (Hee hee) of the times he shared on his original stomping grounds! He’s done a lot to help our clan, becoming one of the respected leaders! We would be delighted to celebrate with you if your wish, perhaps making it a holiday of our happy union of clans! Of course we would accommodate with food and such! I can’t wait to meet you! Your brother speaks very highly of you, saying how proud he is of you becoming a clan leader yourself! I cannot wait to shake talons with such a highly respected leader! Please let me know if you’d like to meet muzzle your muzzle :D you have a wonderful day as well!!!!
Sincerely,Oceanic Harmony ????????

Ps: toss the scroll in the air, trust me ????

The scroll evaporates, becoming beautiful most in the air and floating upward, making a small vapor rainbow form in front of you, fading slowly
Private RP between Aisheyru and HarmonySong123

A Strange Note

There is a tightly wrapped scroll at the entrance of your clan. Unfurling it reveals a mess of, thankfully legible, chicken-scratch writing. It reads as follows:

"Hello! My name is Mary! I hail from the clan of Plightning Hollow! Recently a good friend of mine has been diving into our clan's roots in order to document family trees! An interesting concept, yeah? I certainly think so! But I digress. My friend discovered several members of my family have traveled here in order to be part of your clan! Including my brother, Ozamaki! I was very excited to discover this! Most of the members of my particular branch have left to serve our beloved StormCatcher or PlagueBringer, so imagine my surprise to find one of my brothers is actually part of a current clan! In light of this information, I would like to propose an alliance of clans! Let us join talons and become friends to one another, and allies in time of need! Please respond at your earliest convenience! And have a wonderful day!
-Mary StormTalon"
You unfurl the cool ocean blue scroll, inside is excited scribbles from a clearly ecstatic dragon, the inside is filled with holographic shells and a green gradient matching against the blue, it reads as follows

We would be more than willing to join talons in an alliance with you!!!! After speaking with Ozzy, he told us many wonderful “tails” (Hee hee) of the times he shared on his original stomping grounds! He’s done a lot to help our clan, becoming one of the respected leaders! We would be delighted to celebrate with you if your wish, perhaps making it a holiday of our happy union of clans! Of course we would accommodate with food and such! I can’t wait to meet you! Your brother speaks very highly of you, saying how proud he is of you becoming a clan leader yourself! I cannot wait to shake talons with such a highly respected leader! Please let me know if you’d like to meet muzzle your muzzle :D you have a wonderful day as well!!!!
Sincerely,Oceanic Harmony ????????

Ps: toss the scroll in the air, trust me ????

The scroll evaporates, becoming beautiful most in the air and floating upward, making a small vapor rainbow form in front of you, fading slowly
Mary stared at the fading rainbow, heart fluttering in excitement. With a wide grin, she began to loop-de-loop in the air, eagerness nearly sending the Spiral into a fit of knot-tying. She managed to regain calm in the nick of time. How helpful would that be, trying to glide back to Rosetta as a bundle of wiggling, dragon shaped-bows?

Not at all. And the result would be a very annoyed Wildclaw, scolding her as she helped to unwind pinching, achy coils. No thank you.

Still, this was cause for celebrations! Thanks to Lineage's work, Mary was steadily finding more and more dragons from the original founders of her clan, and now she had located a brother that she had spent several years believing was in the service of StormCatcher. A noble task of course! But there was tiny-itsy-bitsy part of her that was exceedingly grateful not all of her branch had permanently joined her god's ranks.

But what was she doing?!?! She needed to respond right away!!!

With a jittery claw, Mary pulled out another scroll and hurriedly scribbled a new message. The Spiral occasionally reviewed the note she had received, muzzle scrunching with suppressed giggling at the clever pun. Tails. PFFFFT-HAHAHAHAHAHA! This Oceanic Harmony sounded like a funny dragon!

How exciting! I eagerly await our meeting, and would love to declare it a holiday! After all, what better reason to celebrate than by making new friends? As I understand it, you are located in Tsunami Flats. My clan normally inhabits the Tempest Spire, but we are currently at our Plague home in Hellwell Undercroft (we switch every six months, it is a lot of fun!). Considering that the distance is a little farther than normal, perhaps we can meet in the middle? Zephyr Steppes would be very close to your home and would be much easier to meet at if that is alright with you?

Mary paused for a moment, claw tapping light against her nose as she pondered her next words. She didn't want to sound like she was taking control of everything. Nothing worse than a controlling dragon. Ugh.


If this does not work, feel free to offer other suggestions! We could even meet at Tsunami Flats directly if you feel more comfortable. It would take us a bit longer to get there, but I can assure you that would be no trouble! I can also safely say that whomsoever will be joining me would love to make this a party as well. We will also bring food and drink to add to the table! I can already feel my stomach swelling, haha!

In reply to Ozamaki's kind words,

She paused. Bit at the end of the quill for a moment. Then began to write even faster than before.

please tell my brother that I truly appreciate his views! Though I must confess I cannot take all the credit. I have some wonderful dragons that have helped me along the way and who I can rely on for support, including the original founders of the clan, and my great-grandparents, Zephyr and Fiona! It has been a journey, but one I am proud to have taken, and I couldn't be more glad to have shared it with such loyal and wonderful friends and relatives!

I also look forward to meeting you as well Miss Harmony! Depending on where you would like to meet, we can decide a date!

I apologize that you were unable to meet our messenger last time. Inspiration has only recently begun his job as a delivery dragon, and I may have been a bit strict about him returning quickly. (As lovely as the Tidelord's region is, I am sure you understand the dangers of a dragon outside of their home!) In any case, this time my son will be waiting for you. I eagerly await your reply! May your wings keep flight!
-Mary StormTalon

Mary read, re-read, and re-re-read the letter, eyes scanning for any possible mistakes. After several minutes she was satisfied. After twirling into a figure 8, she speedily flapped back into her lair where her son, Inspiration, was busily doing a few twists in the air as he waited for her return.

"I've completed the letter....though...Spire are you sure you wouldn't like to take a rest? You only got back a week ago..." Mary observed her son worriedly, lifting the goggles off of her head to observe him with worried glowing orbs.

"I'm fine!" He laughed and did an intricate flip for emphasis. "Don't you worry mom. I really only needed a few hours before I was ready for travel again. It's an easy journey. Besides, I'm already packed. Can't let all that preparation go to waste, yeah?"

"I suppose so...just be careful. And if you need a break when you get there, be sure to ask if someone else can take your place when they come back. This Oceanic Harmony sounds like a very nice dragon. I'm sure she wouldn't mind." She could already see the argument on his lips, and raised a warning brown.

"Ok...ok. I promise." Inspiration let out a small huff. "If I get too tired I'll ask. Though I think you worry too much, mom."

Mary bopped the pouting Spiral playfully, secretly relieved. Her son could be a bit...zealous when it came to delivering mail.

After another round of goodbyes, she watched as he flew off into the air, waiting until he was a mere speck in the distance. A silent prayer was sent to StormCatcher and PlagueBringer to protect him. He was a resourceful dragon. And very brave. Surely the deities would see fit to keep him alive?

Hmmm...perhaps she did worry too much. He was fine the last time. Still...a mother couldn't help but fuss over her children. She...should probably go fuss with Rosetta. It was easier on her mind when she was with her mate.

Especially now that the old waiting game had begun...UGH!
Mary stared at the fading rainbow, heart fluttering in excitement. With a wide grin, she began to loop-de-loop in the air, eagerness nearly sending the Spiral into a fit of knot-tying. She managed to regain calm in the nick of time. How helpful would that be, trying to glide back to Rosetta as a bundle of wiggling, dragon shaped-bows?

Not at all. And the result would be a very annoyed Wildclaw, scolding her as she helped to unwind pinching, achy coils. No thank you.

Still, this was cause for celebrations! Thanks to Lineage's work, Mary was steadily finding more and more dragons from the original founders of her clan, and now she had located a brother that she had spent several years believing was in the service of StormCatcher. A noble task of course! But there was tiny-itsy-bitsy part of her that was exceedingly grateful not all of her branch had permanently joined her god's ranks.

But what was she doing?!?! She needed to respond right away!!!

With a jittery claw, Mary pulled out another scroll and hurriedly scribbled a new message. The Spiral occasionally reviewed the note she had received, muzzle scrunching with suppressed giggling at the clever pun. Tails. PFFFFT-HAHAHAHAHAHA! This Oceanic Harmony sounded like a funny dragon!

How exciting! I eagerly await our meeting, and would love to declare it a holiday! After all, what better reason to celebrate than by making new friends? As I understand it, you are located in Tsunami Flats. My clan normally inhabits the Tempest Spire, but we are currently at our Plague home in Hellwell Undercroft (we switch every six months, it is a lot of fun!). Considering that the distance is a little farther than normal, perhaps we can meet in the middle? Zephyr Steppes would be very close to your home and would be much easier to meet at if that is alright with you?

Mary paused for a moment, claw tapping light against her nose as she pondered her next words. She didn't want to sound like she was taking control of everything. Nothing worse than a controlling dragon. Ugh.


If this does not work, feel free to offer other suggestions! We could even meet at Tsunami Flats directly if you feel more comfortable. It would take us a bit longer to get there, but I can assure you that would be no trouble! I can also safely say that whomsoever will be joining me would love to make this a party as well. We will also bring food and drink to add to the table! I can already feel my stomach swelling, haha!

In reply to Ozamaki's kind words,

She paused. Bit at the end of the quill for a moment. Then began to write even faster than before.

please tell my brother that I truly appreciate his views! Though I must confess I cannot take all the credit. I have some wonderful dragons that have helped me along the way and who I can rely on for support, including the original founders of the clan, and my great-grandparents, Zephyr and Fiona! It has been a journey, but one I am proud to have taken, and I couldn't be more glad to have shared it with such loyal and wonderful friends and relatives!

I also look forward to meeting you as well Miss Harmony! Depending on where you would like to meet, we can decide a date!

I apologize that you were unable to meet our messenger last time. Inspiration has only recently begun his job as a delivery dragon, and I may have been a bit strict about him returning quickly. (As lovely as the Tidelord's region is, I am sure you understand the dangers of a dragon outside of their home!) In any case, this time my son will be waiting for you. I eagerly await your reply! May your wings keep flight!
-Mary StormTalon

Mary read, re-read, and re-re-read the letter, eyes scanning for any possible mistakes. After several minutes she was satisfied. After twirling into a figure 8, she speedily flapped back into her lair where her son, Inspiration, was busily doing a few twists in the air as he waited for her return.

"I've completed the letter....though...Spire are you sure you wouldn't like to take a rest? You only got back a week ago..." Mary observed her son worriedly, lifting the goggles off of her head to observe him with worried glowing orbs.

"I'm fine!" He laughed and did an intricate flip for emphasis. "Don't you worry mom. I really only needed a few hours before I was ready for travel again. It's an easy journey. Besides, I'm already packed. Can't let all that preparation go to waste, yeah?"

"I suppose so...just be careful. And if you need a break when you get there, be sure to ask if someone else can take your place when they come back. This Oceanic Harmony sounds like a very nice dragon. I'm sure she wouldn't mind." She could already see the argument on his lips, and raised a warning brown.

"Ok...ok. I promise." Inspiration let out a small huff. "If I get too tired I'll ask. Though I think you worry too much, mom."

Mary bopped the pouting Spiral playfully, secretly relieved. Her son could be a bit...zealous when it came to delivering mail.

After another round of goodbyes, she watched as he flew off into the air, waiting until he was a mere speck in the distance. A silent prayer was sent to StormCatcher and PlagueBringer to protect him. He was a resourceful dragon. And very brave. Surely the deities would see fit to keep him alive?

Hmmm...perhaps she did worry too much. He was fine the last time. Still...a mother couldn't help but fuss over her children. She...should probably go fuss with Rosetta. It was easier on her mind when she was with her mate.

Especially now that the old waiting game had begun...UGH!
(Well ESQUEEZE ME that I have to work ya butt XD I’m just kidding, this is really fun!)

Ocean was with Shadow when the messenger spiral, Spire? Yeah Spire, came flying towards her with the scroll, she smiled, wow, quick reply! though she had to make sure to respond quickly this time. She thanked Spire, offering him food and rest from his journey, then proceeded to read the scroll.

She giggled to herself as she read, this Mary StormTalon was a laugh and a half! Every word sounded bubbly and full of glee, oh she couldn’t wait to meet this girl! She showed the letter to Shadow and Ozzy, both getting a kick from the words written, Shadow smirking as he joked about how the leader “sounds exactly like you Oz” making the spiral blush and scratch the back of his head, though not embarrassed by his relative, he actually found her absolutely amazing, brave, and kind, all things of which Ocean liked.

Smiling she grabbed another scroll, and with a gigantic smile and a happy song in her heart, she proceeded to write:

Dear Mary “the Wild” StormTalon

She had decided nicknames were the fastest way of making friends, plus who could ever hate a wild child (;3)

I think a party in the Zephyr Steppes is absolutely fine! I’ll admit I have never been there myself, but I know where it is, me and my dragons would love to meet you half way! With the Tidelord missing, I can understand the danger in meeting in the tsunami flats. Bring as many dragons as you wish as well!

Her thoughts drifted about to the tidelord…. When she had heard the news from her beloved’s return she couldn’t believe her ears….. she wished it were a joke, but no such luck, she only wished for his safe return, he was a kind and gentle lord, he deserved the best.

Shaking her head, she looked at her scroll again, smiling, she began to get hopeful, this new clan is very interesting to her, she couldn’t wait to make friends with them! She then asked Ozzy if he’d like to say a few words, taking the scroll, Ozamaki wrote:

hey sis! Can’t wait to see you again! You sound like ya haven’t changed a bit, that makes me very happy! I’m very glad to be able to be reunited with you all again! I have so many stories I wanna tell you, so many experiences I wanna share! This clan is a gigantic family of misfits, I guess that’s kinda why I belong heh! Anyway, we’re kinda small, but everyone here is super excited to meet you, I’m really proud of ya sis! You’ve been my hero for sometime, I’ve heard of your clans work through other dragons you’ve helped, I really can’t wait to meet up with you!

Smiling, he reread what he had wrote, then handed the scroll back to Ocean, she smiled again and began to write once more:

hello again! Ocean here, Shadow wanted me to warn you, be very careful on your journey to Zephyr Steppe, I trust you can manage, but he believes it’s best to stay on guard. He’s the protector of our clan, you’d love him if you met him! Just…. Don’t ask him about the skull her wears on his head, it’s not a story for the weak of stomach….

She shivered and Shadow read the passage she wrote, then chuckled to himself, bemused by the comment

what day would be best for you to celebrate? The switching between clans can be difficult, or so I’ve heard, so any day you wish to celebrate, please let me know, that way we can be on the same “wavelength”

The groans she received from Ozamaki and the chuckle from Shadow were all she needed to know that joke would go perfectly

we hope to hear from you soon! Also, your messenger is amazing! He’s very good at his job! He seems like a very capable dragon to me! I can’t wait to meet you all! Have a wonderful day! And bless your travels from the ocean and sea! May your songs forever be free! May this blessing find you well, and may the darkness cease to dwell! Sincerely, Oceanic Harmony

She smiled again, handing the scroll to the dragon, she gave him a bit of food for the road, thanked him for his expedient delivery, and parted ways! Eager to receive the next letter!
(Well ESQUEEZE ME that I have to work ya butt XD I’m just kidding, this is really fun!)

Ocean was with Shadow when the messenger spiral, Spire? Yeah Spire, came flying towards her with the scroll, she smiled, wow, quick reply! though she had to make sure to respond quickly this time. She thanked Spire, offering him food and rest from his journey, then proceeded to read the scroll.

She giggled to herself as she read, this Mary StormTalon was a laugh and a half! Every word sounded bubbly and full of glee, oh she couldn’t wait to meet this girl! She showed the letter to Shadow and Ozzy, both getting a kick from the words written, Shadow smirking as he joked about how the leader “sounds exactly like you Oz” making the spiral blush and scratch the back of his head, though not embarrassed by his relative, he actually found her absolutely amazing, brave, and kind, all things of which Ocean liked.

Smiling she grabbed another scroll, and with a gigantic smile and a happy song in her heart, she proceeded to write:

Dear Mary “the Wild” StormTalon

She had decided nicknames were the fastest way of making friends, plus who could ever hate a wild child (;3)

I think a party in the Zephyr Steppes is absolutely fine! I’ll admit I have never been there myself, but I know where it is, me and my dragons would love to meet you half way! With the Tidelord missing, I can understand the danger in meeting in the tsunami flats. Bring as many dragons as you wish as well!

Her thoughts drifted about to the tidelord…. When she had heard the news from her beloved’s return she couldn’t believe her ears….. she wished it were a joke, but no such luck, she only wished for his safe return, he was a kind and gentle lord, he deserved the best.

Shaking her head, she looked at her scroll again, smiling, she began to get hopeful, this new clan is very interesting to her, she couldn’t wait to make friends with them! She then asked Ozzy if he’d like to say a few words, taking the scroll, Ozamaki wrote:

hey sis! Can’t wait to see you again! You sound like ya haven’t changed a bit, that makes me very happy! I’m very glad to be able to be reunited with you all again! I have so many stories I wanna tell you, so many experiences I wanna share! This clan is a gigantic family of misfits, I guess that’s kinda why I belong heh! Anyway, we’re kinda small, but everyone here is super excited to meet you, I’m really proud of ya sis! You’ve been my hero for sometime, I’ve heard of your clans work through other dragons you’ve helped, I really can’t wait to meet up with you!

Smiling, he reread what he had wrote, then handed the scroll back to Ocean, she smiled again and began to write once more:

hello again! Ocean here, Shadow wanted me to warn you, be very careful on your journey to Zephyr Steppe, I trust you can manage, but he believes it’s best to stay on guard. He’s the protector of our clan, you’d love him if you met him! Just…. Don’t ask him about the skull her wears on his head, it’s not a story for the weak of stomach….

She shivered and Shadow read the passage she wrote, then chuckled to himself, bemused by the comment

what day would be best for you to celebrate? The switching between clans can be difficult, or so I’ve heard, so any day you wish to celebrate, please let me know, that way we can be on the same “wavelength”

The groans she received from Ozamaki and the chuckle from Shadow were all she needed to know that joke would go perfectly

we hope to hear from you soon! Also, your messenger is amazing! He’s very good at his job! He seems like a very capable dragon to me! I can’t wait to meet you all! Have a wonderful day! And bless your travels from the ocean and sea! May your songs forever be free! May this blessing find you well, and may the darkness cease to dwell! Sincerely, Oceanic Harmony

She smiled again, handing the scroll to the dragon, she gave him a bit of food for the road, thanked him for his expedient delivery, and parted ways! Eager to receive the next letter!
[quote name="HarmonySong123" date="2021-10-27 15:10:09" ] (Well ESQUEEZE ME that I have to work ya butt XD I’m just kidding, this is really fun!) Ocean was with Shadow when the messenger spiral, Inspiration? Yeah Inspiration, came flying towards her with the scroll, she smiled, wow, quick reply! though she had to make sure to respond quickly this time. She thanked Spire, offering him food and rest from his journey, then proceeded to read the scroll. She giggled to herself as she read, this Mary StormTalon was a laugh and a half! Every word sounded bubbly and full of glee, oh she couldn’t wait to meet this girl! She showed the letter to Shadow and Ozzy, both getting a kick from the words written, Shadow smirking as he joked about how the leader “sounds exactly like you Oz” making the spiral blush and scratch the back of his head, though not embarrassed by his relative, he actually found her absolutely amazing, brave, and kind, all things of which Ocean liked. Smiling she grabbed another scroll, and with a gigantic smile and a happy song in her heart, she proceeded to write: Dear Mary “the Wild” StormTalon She had decided nicknames were the fastest way of making friends, plus who could ever hate a wild child (;3) I think a party in the Zephyr Steppes is absolutely fine! I’ll admit I have never been there myself, but I know where it is, me and my dragons would love to meet you half way! With the Tidelord missing, I can understand the danger in meeting in the tsunami flats. Bring as many dragons as you wish as well! Her thoughts drifted about to the tidelord…. When she had heard the news from her beloved’s return she couldn’t believe her ears….. she wished it were a joke, but no such luck, she only wished for his safe return, he was a kind and gentle lord, he deserved the best. Shaking her head, she looked at her scroll again, smiling, she began to get hopeful, this new clan is very interesting to her, she couldn’t wait to make friends with them! She then asked Ozzy if he’d like to say a few words, taking the scroll, Ozamaki wrote: hey sis! Can’t wait to see you again! You sound like ya haven’t changed a bit, that makes me very happy! I’m very glad to be able to be reunited with you all again! I have so many stories I wanna tell you, so many experiences I wanna share! This clan is a gigantic family of misfits, I guess that’s kinda why I belong heh! Anyway, we’re kinda small, but everyone here is super excited to meet you, I’m really proud of ya sis! You’ve been my hero for sometime, I’ve heard of your clans work through other dragons you’ve helped, I really can’t wait to meet up with you! Smiling, he reread what he had wrote, then handed the scroll back to Ocean, she smiled again and began to write once more: hello again! Ocean here, Shadow wanted me to warn you, be very careful on your journey to Zephyr Steppe, I trust you can manage, but he believes it’s best to stay on guard. He’s the protector of our clan, you’d love him if you met him! Just…. Don’t ask him about the skull her wears on his head, it’s not a story for the weak of stomach…. She shivered and Shadow read the passage she wrote, then chuckled to himself, bemused by the comment what day would be best for you to celebrate? The switching between clans can be difficult, or so I’ve heard, so any day you wish to celebrate, please let me know, that way we can be on the same “wavelength” The groans she received from Ozamaki and the chuckle from Shadow were all she needed to know that joke would go perfectly we hope to hear from you soon! Also, your messenger is amazing! He’s very good at his job! He seems like a very capable dragon to me! I can’t wait to meet you all! Have a wonderful day! And bless your travels from the ocean and sea! May your songs forever be free! May this blessing find you well, and may the darkness cease to dwell! Sincerely, Oceanic Harmony She smiled again, handing the scroll to the dragon, she gave him a bit of food for the road, thanked him for his expedient delivery, and parted ways! Eager to receive the next letter! [/quote]
HarmonySong123 wrote on 2021-10-27 15:10:09:
(Well ESQUEEZE ME that I have to work ya butt XD I’m just kidding, this is really fun!)

Ocean was with Shadow when the messenger spiral, Inspiration? Yeah Inspiration, came flying towards her with the scroll, she smiled, wow, quick reply! though she had to make sure to respond quickly this time. She thanked Spire, offering him food and rest from his journey, then proceeded to read the scroll.

She giggled to herself as she read, this Mary StormTalon was a laugh and a half! Every word sounded bubbly and full of glee, oh she couldn’t wait to meet this girl! She showed the letter to Shadow and Ozzy, both getting a kick from the words written, Shadow smirking as he joked about how the leader “sounds exactly like you Oz” making the spiral blush and scratch the back of his head, though not embarrassed by his relative, he actually found her absolutely amazing, brave, and kind, all things of which Ocean liked.

Smiling she grabbed another scroll, and with a gigantic smile and a happy song in her heart, she proceeded to write:

Dear Mary “the Wild” StormTalon

She had decided nicknames were the fastest way of making friends, plus who could ever hate a wild child (;3)

I think a party in the Zephyr Steppes is absolutely fine! I’ll admit I have never been there myself, but I know where it is, me and my dragons would love to meet you half way! With the Tidelord missing, I can understand the danger in meeting in the tsunami flats. Bring as many dragons as you wish as well!

Her thoughts drifted about to the tidelord…. When she had heard the news from her beloved’s return she couldn’t believe her ears….. she wished it were a joke, but no such luck, she only wished for his safe return, he was a kind and gentle lord, he deserved the best.

Shaking her head, she looked at her scroll again, smiling, she began to get hopeful, this new clan is very interesting to her, she couldn’t wait to make friends with them! She then asked Ozzy if he’d like to say a few words, taking the scroll, Ozamaki wrote:

hey sis! Can’t wait to see you again! You sound like ya haven’t changed a bit, that makes me very happy! I’m very glad to be able to be reunited with you all again! I have so many stories I wanna tell you, so many experiences I wanna share! This clan is a gigantic family of misfits, I guess that’s kinda why I belong heh! Anyway, we’re kinda small, but everyone here is super excited to meet you, I’m really proud of ya sis! You’ve been my hero for sometime, I’ve heard of your clans work through other dragons you’ve helped, I really can’t wait to meet up with you!

Smiling, he reread what he had wrote, then handed the scroll back to Ocean, she smiled again and began to write once more:

hello again! Ocean here, Shadow wanted me to warn you, be very careful on your journey to Zephyr Steppe, I trust you can manage, but he believes it’s best to stay on guard. He’s the protector of our clan, you’d love him if you met him! Just…. Don’t ask him about the skull her wears on his head, it’s not a story for the weak of stomach….

She shivered and Shadow read the passage she wrote, then chuckled to himself, bemused by the comment

what day would be best for you to celebrate? The switching between clans can be difficult, or so I’ve heard, so any day you wish to celebrate, please let me know, that way we can be on the same “wavelength”

The groans she received from Ozamaki and the chuckle from Shadow were all she needed to know that joke would go perfectly

we hope to hear from you soon! Also, your messenger is amazing! He’s very good at his job! He seems like a very capable dragon to me! I can’t wait to meet you all! Have a wonderful day! And bless your travels from the ocean and sea! May your songs forever be free! May this blessing find you well, and may the darkness cease to dwell! Sincerely, Oceanic Harmony

She smiled again, handing the scroll to the dragon, she gave him a bit of food for the road, thanked him for his expedient delivery, and parted ways! Eager to receive the next letter!
Several days had passed before Mary spotted her son's silhouette in the sky. She felt her coils relax for the first time since he had gone. What a relief.

A claw tapped softly against her head, and the Spiral twisted around for a second to grin. Ferox smiled back. For the past couple of hours she had been draped around best friend's neck like a living scarf. Thankfully he never seemed to mind. The Gaoler had a second sense when it came to Plightning Hollow's leader, and he had been spending a great deal of time with her.

His mate, Volantes, was also curled next to them, her golden swirling eyes trained on Inspiration as he made his way towards them. She didn't say anything, but Mary could have sworn just the tiniest of smiles tugged at the other dragon's lips as she finally slipped from Ferox's shoulders and began excitedly twisting in the air.

"INSPIRATION! YOU'RE HOME!" Her son did an equally happy loop and soon they were circling each other, doing figure eights and sixes and all manners of numbers. Only a soft tug from the two Gaolers prevented them from becoming a tangled up mess of limbs and coils.

"Welcome back." Volantes commented, clearing restraining from rolling her eyes as Inspiration playfully bopped her with his nose. "The trip went well I take it?"

"Sure did! You were right mom, Oceanic Harmony is very nice. As soon as I arrived she gave me some food and let me rest up. I don't even feel like I've been flying for that long."

"That doesn't mean you aren't resting up for a bit here." Mary was quick to pull a stern face. Not very effective from her unfortunately, but she was gratified to see him nod.

"Don't worry. I'll go find Virtue and relax with her for a bit. She'll want to know what happened too. But before I do that, here!" Reaching into his satchel, the Spiral pulled out a scroll and handed it over. "She replied!"

"Hooray! How exciting!" Mary immediately unrolled the scroll, pushing her goggles up so she could see better. "Did you want to listen to what she said?"

"Nah. I figure you're going to tell everyone later so I'll just listen then. I'm starting to feel a bit tired now. Maybe I was just too excited to realize it." Inspiration grinned sheepishly at his mom before turning and flying off. "Catch you later!"

Mary watched him leave in mingled exasperation and affection. Oh that son of hers...ah well. He was back and safe. One worry off of her mind. Hopefully this letter would get rid of the other ones.

"I should probably wait for Rosetta." She commented. "Could one of you go get her please?"

Volantes nodded before getting up and running off. The Gaoler was quick, so Mary was certain they wouldn't be waiting too long. Which was good, because her mate had been a bit anxious about their son and the possibility of a new alliance. Not that Rosie didn't WANT to ally with another clan. She was just a bit...paranoid at times. A bit overprotective. And maybe a little too eager to run into battle should the situation called for it. Heh. That was her Rosetta. Fight now and talk later. A true Wildclaw.

Speaking of which, there they were! That had been quick.

"Very fast." Ferox commented, earning a nudge and slight smirk from his mate. The two Gaolers sat down, watching with coupled amusement as Rosetta clomp-clomped over to the Spiral.

"Is he ok?" A nod. "No injuries?" Shake of the head. "Off to rest?" Another nod.

"Good..." The Wildclaw sighed with mild relief, blinking as Mary coiled around her.

"I was just about to read Miss Oceanic's response! Listen!" There was silence as the letter was read aloud, though Rosetta gave an irritated snort at the use of the nickname. Mary just laughed. Wild was pretty fitting.

After gushing over Ozamaki's part of the letter, falling into a fit of giggles at the pun, and nearly swelling with pride over the compliment of her son, the Spiral finally finished reading. She twisted herself so her chin was resting on top of her mate's head.

"I'm really glad she agreed to meet at Zephyr Steppes. That will make things much easier!" Ferox nodded his head in agreement.

"Much." Was the quiet reply.

"Though...I wonder what Shadow meant by being careful along the way...Just a typical warning or something else?"

"If by 'something else' , you mean a prophecy, then I seriously doubt it." Rosetta replied with mild scorn. Heh. Mary had nearly forgotten that her mate didn't believe in such things. Considering they were going to be meeting with a clan of WATER dragons....well...that would prove to be a little bit of a problem.

"This Shadow seems like a dragon experienced in battle." The Wildclaw continued in a more approving tone. Completely oblivious to her error. "It's one thing for Inspiration to deliver mail, but for a party to travel we would need to be prepared for an enemy attack."

Mary snorted and playfully smacked her mate's spines. "You and battle. Everything always has to be a fight."

"That's because this world is harsh! You have to be prepared for anything." Came the counter retort. "I wouldn't be surprised if there were even dragons within our own clan that might be spies."

"Oh hush." Nose scrunching, the Spiral's coils tightened a little. The thought that there may be disloyal dragons within the clan was distressing. Mary could not bring herself to believe that any of the friends and family under her leadership could possibly be traitors.

"It could happen know it could." Was the gentle rebuke. "I just want to make sure you're prepared for that eventuality."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. But I still don't believe our dragons would do such a thing. We're family."

"Always." Ferox agreed. Volantes nodded in agreement, though there was a slight edge in the gesture. The atmosphere was getting ugly.

"Aaaaannnyway, let's get back to deciding what we plan on doing. We need a date. Any ideas?"

"We'll need time to prepare." Rosetta mused. "Get supplies together and instruct our parties."

"How many dragons would be coming, do you think?" The Spiral chuckled. "We can't bring the entire clan."

"Agreed, but we need a large party. Again, just in case." Siiigh. Battle strategies. Very well. Two could play at that game.

"How about this? A typical foraging group is 3 right?"


"If we bring enough dragons to form several groups of threes, and instruct them on formation if we find a threat, would that suffice."


"Heh, ok. Then how about twelve dragons? That would form about four parties, not too big, but definitely not too small. Fiona is definitely coming, so there's our healer. And twelve wouldn't overwhelm her."

"Hmmm, sounds reasonable. Now the question is, who will be going with us?"

Mary pondered for a moment. The first six were already picked out the moment the conversation began. And there was little doubt they would want to go.

"Perhaps you can help me make a decision guys." She turned to look at the two Gaolers then back to Rosetta. "I know for sure that you three will be going with me." An approved hum from her mate made her smile. "So that's four. Plus Zephyr and Fiona, obviously. So there's six...I wanted to include Spire, but..."

"No. He'll need another couple of days to recover. I'm not sure it was a good idea to agree letting him deliver this next letter." The Wildclaw shook her head.

"I didn't want me. You know how stubborn he is. And how much he loves his job. But I agree, as much as it would disappoint him, it wouldn't be a good idea to bring him about Virtue?"

"Hmmmmm...perhaps. She is very strong, if a little bit...overbearing with that piety act."

"We could bring Amber instead." Volantes offered. "It would offer her an opportunity to put her talents to use for the clan. And I know she would be honored to come."

"Very honored." Ferox agreed.

The Spiral smiled approvingly. Amber had been one of at least four dragons who recently joined the clan thanks in part to Lineage's efforts of reaching out to family members in the RainBlossom line. While the other three were focused on protecting the ward, Amber had been very eager to spend as much time as she could with Ferox and Volantes. This really would be a good bonding experiencing for her and her great-great grandparents.

"I think that's a good idea. Amber can definitely come. Right Rosetta?" A slightly annoyed huff followed this question, but there was no argument. There was no question that the Gaolers of Plightning Hollow were very strong. Especially Ferox and Volantes. The duo had proven time and time again how valuable they were to the clan. There was little doubt any one of their family would do the same.

"So that would make seven. Now I have a couple of other suggestions."

"As do I." Rosetta suddenly perked up as if in thought. "I think we should include Smendrick."

A low, rumbling chuckle from Ferox earned a glare and raised brow.

"You have something to add?"


Mary felt Rosetta's crest lift in aggravation at this 'insult' to her mentor. Oops. Time for some intervention.

"We can bring Smendrick. He'd be a great addition to the team, and Molly has others that can help her run drills." She soothed. As Rosetta relaxed, she shot a wink at Ferox, who smiled widely in return, his own swirling red eyes glittering with mirth. He did so enjoy teasing Rosie. Heh.

"So that would be eight. I can already think of two more I feel should join. Lineage, because I know she would be interested in another clan's history and it would be good for her to get out of her library for awhile."

"I...supposed." Rosetta sounded a bit dubious, but considering Mary had insisted upon Smendrick joining on her behalf, it was doubtful she would argue.

"I also think Celsius should come. He may be really shy, but he's a good fighter when it comes to it, and he can predict the weather." There was a murmur of agreement. "So that's nine and ten. We just need two more."

"Erebus" The male Gaoler suddenly spoke up.

"Hmmmm, actually that's a good idea!" Rosetta agreed, to everyone's surprise. "He's stealthy, for an Imperial. And strong besides. If we need someone to get out in a hurry and get help, he'd be very capable."

"Having a shadow dragon would be beneficial I suppose..." Volantes's hackles stood on end for a moment, her natural tendencies causing her to dig heavy claws into the floor. "He is very stealthy, and has is a very talented pathfinder."

"So it's agreed! We'll bring Erebus. I'm sure he would be glad to go, he likes exploring." Mary smiled. "So that's eleven. Now normally I would think to ask Theia to go since that is his mate, but she's been very busy helping with drills as well. Besides, I know exactly who I want as our last team member."

"Who?" The Wildclaw lifted her head a bit, one green eye squinting suspiciously at the Spiral.


At this sudden proclamation, Ferox began laughing loudly. Volantes looks similarly amused.

"As much as I like Splash, is there any particular reason? After all he is a bit...pushy."

"Yes, but he's very friendly and easy to talk to. We are going to see another clan, remember? We don't need the entire team to consist of warriors."

"Lineage isn't a warrior." Was Rosetta's rather surly reply.

"Yes, but she isn't exactly the social type either. She's quiet...and very strict. With Splash there, he'll be able to ease any tension, and he's got a gift for keeping conversation going. Besides, he's both my and Ferox's dear friend. He'd be a bit hurt if we didn't invite him."

"Ooooh...alright." The Wildclaw consented. "I guess he'd make an ok candidate. Just so long as we aren't being forced to grin the entire way there." Another bark of laughter from Ferox caused Mary to giggle and playfully bop the top of her mate's head.

"I'm sure we won't have to. So long as no one is super grumpy on the way. But anyway, we have our team. Now we just have to decide a date."

It took a while, but eventually everyone agreed that one month's time would be suitable. After Inspiration brought back confirmation of course. They would use the time he was away to plan out a path, start stocking up supplies, and prepping the teams.

Now that they had a game plan, it was finally time to respond to the letter!

Dear Oceanic "the Song" Harmony,

Thank you so much for your prompt reply! We will start preparations to meet at Zephyr Steppes as soon as Inspiration returns with your next letter. Would one month's time be alright? I figure that would give everyone enough time to plan and organize! If not, we can accommodate to a better time!

It will be myself and eleven other dragons meeting up with you. We will bring extra food and drink to add to the table. Nothing says friendship like sharing a good meal! I also wanted to note one of the dragons joining us is a researcher of family lines. I am sure she would be quite interested in the origins of your clan if you would like someone to start a family tree for you! She is very good at it!

In response to my brother,

Thank you Ozamaki! I very much look forward to seeing you again as well! It has been a long time hasn't it? It seems like we were still only hatchlings when you ventured forth on your own. I'm very glad to know that you have found a wonderful clan to join! I look forward to hearing your stories and experiences! And there is nothing wrong with misfits, after all are we not all unique in our own ways? I also look eagerly forward to meeting the members of your clans!

She paused as she re-read her brother's words, a small tinge of pink edging the scales along her face. A hero. He was too kind. Heh.

I appreciate your kind words. It does my heart good to know that other dragons I have helped are still thriving in this world. I am sure they have gone on to do great things, and to know I am a small part of that process is both humbling and gratifying. I am also sure you have done some great things yourself! I look forward to talking with you face to face soon. I am so excited!

She ended that part of the note by dipping her claw in ink and doodling her family's crest: a Obelisk's talons reaching forward, bolts of electricity flowing from the claws and forming a shape much like the fur on an Obelisk's leg. A tribute she had made herself to honor her great-grandfather, Zephyr. Satisfied that it was accurate, Mary finished the response to Oceanic.

Returning to you Miss Oceanic, we will be very careful. My team consists of very experienced travelers, so we shouldn't have too much trouble on the way. I, and my mate Rosetta, look forward to meeting Shadow. Rosetta is a warrior through and through, and I am certain she would love to hear about the skull he wears, though I may have to keep several of the others away as they are not quite as interested in a warrior's tale. There should be no trouble of them "Skull-king" about though! Haha! They are quite friendly and I am certain they are as eager as I am to mingle with your dragons and make friends!

Thank you for your kinds words about my son! He'll be delighted to hear them. He takes his job very seriously after all!

I look forward to your response! May your wings keep flight!
-Mary StormTalon

A week later, Mary, this time wrapped tightly around Rosetta, watched once again as their son departed, glowing eyes trained on the disappearing silhouette in the sky. She let out a sigh, coils twitching, until she felt a claw gently tap her shoulder.

Turning, she smiled gratefully as Ferox and Volantes took a seat next to her. Splash had joined them, his smile as bright as his burning eyes.

"Perhaps you two would like some company?" He asked as he settled on the other side. Mary grinned at the three of them.

"Yeah thanks. It's silly, I know...but-"

"There's nothing wrong with being worried about our child" Rosetta softly bapped Mary's face with a wing.

"Nothing wrong at all my dear." Splash agreed. "But allow us to distract you both from your worries for a moment."

"Pep talk." Ferox chuckled.

"Exactly! Now how about we focus our thoughts on our upcoming journey? Oh I am so excited! To think that we-"

Mary cast one glance up at the sky, once again forming a silent prayer for her son's safety, before turning to the eager Tundra to discuss their journey.

Several days had passed before Mary spotted her son's silhouette in the sky. She felt her coils relax for the first time since he had gone. What a relief.

A claw tapped softly against her head, and the Spiral twisted around for a second to grin. Ferox smiled back. For the past couple of hours she had been draped around best friend's neck like a living scarf. Thankfully he never seemed to mind. The Gaoler had a second sense when it came to Plightning Hollow's leader, and he had been spending a great deal of time with her.

His mate, Volantes, was also curled next to them, her golden swirling eyes trained on Inspiration as he made his way towards them. She didn't say anything, but Mary could have sworn just the tiniest of smiles tugged at the other dragon's lips as she finally slipped from Ferox's shoulders and began excitedly twisting in the air.

"INSPIRATION! YOU'RE HOME!" Her son did an equally happy loop and soon they were circling each other, doing figure eights and sixes and all manners of numbers. Only a soft tug from the two Gaolers prevented them from becoming a tangled up mess of limbs and coils.

"Welcome back." Volantes commented, clearing restraining from rolling her eyes as Inspiration playfully bopped her with his nose. "The trip went well I take it?"

"Sure did! You were right mom, Oceanic Harmony is very nice. As soon as I arrived she gave me some food and let me rest up. I don't even feel like I've been flying for that long."

"That doesn't mean you aren't resting up for a bit here." Mary was quick to pull a stern face. Not very effective from her unfortunately, but she was gratified to see him nod.

"Don't worry. I'll go find Virtue and relax with her for a bit. She'll want to know what happened too. But before I do that, here!" Reaching into his satchel, the Spiral pulled out a scroll and handed it over. "She replied!"

"Hooray! How exciting!" Mary immediately unrolled the scroll, pushing her goggles up so she could see better. "Did you want to listen to what she said?"

"Nah. I figure you're going to tell everyone later so I'll just listen then. I'm starting to feel a bit tired now. Maybe I was just too excited to realize it." Inspiration grinned sheepishly at his mom before turning and flying off. "Catch you later!"

Mary watched him leave in mingled exasperation and affection. Oh that son of hers...ah well. He was back and safe. One worry off of her mind. Hopefully this letter would get rid of the other ones.

"I should probably wait for Rosetta." She commented. "Could one of you go get her please?"

Volantes nodded before getting up and running off. The Gaoler was quick, so Mary was certain they wouldn't be waiting too long. Which was good, because her mate had been a bit anxious about their son and the possibility of a new alliance. Not that Rosie didn't WANT to ally with another clan. She was just a bit...paranoid at times. A bit overprotective. And maybe a little too eager to run into battle should the situation called for it. Heh. That was her Rosetta. Fight now and talk later. A true Wildclaw.

Speaking of which, there they were! That had been quick.

"Very fast." Ferox commented, earning a nudge and slight smirk from his mate. The two Gaolers sat down, watching with coupled amusement as Rosetta clomp-clomped over to the Spiral.

"Is he ok?" A nod. "No injuries?" Shake of the head. "Off to rest?" Another nod.

"Good..." The Wildclaw sighed with mild relief, blinking as Mary coiled around her.

"I was just about to read Miss Oceanic's response! Listen!" There was silence as the letter was read aloud, though Rosetta gave an irritated snort at the use of the nickname. Mary just laughed. Wild was pretty fitting.

After gushing over Ozamaki's part of the letter, falling into a fit of giggles at the pun, and nearly swelling with pride over the compliment of her son, the Spiral finally finished reading. She twisted herself so her chin was resting on top of her mate's head.

"I'm really glad she agreed to meet at Zephyr Steppes. That will make things much easier!" Ferox nodded his head in agreement.

"Much." Was the quiet reply.

"Though...I wonder what Shadow meant by being careful along the way...Just a typical warning or something else?"

"If by 'something else' , you mean a prophecy, then I seriously doubt it." Rosetta replied with mild scorn. Heh. Mary had nearly forgotten that her mate didn't believe in such things. Considering they were going to be meeting with a clan of WATER dragons....well...that would prove to be a little bit of a problem.

"This Shadow seems like a dragon experienced in battle." The Wildclaw continued in a more approving tone. Completely oblivious to her error. "It's one thing for Inspiration to deliver mail, but for a party to travel we would need to be prepared for an enemy attack."

Mary snorted and playfully smacked her mate's spines. "You and battle. Everything always has to be a fight."

"That's because this world is harsh! You have to be prepared for anything." Came the counter retort. "I wouldn't be surprised if there were even dragons within our own clan that might be spies."

"Oh hush." Nose scrunching, the Spiral's coils tightened a little. The thought that there may be disloyal dragons within the clan was distressing. Mary could not bring herself to believe that any of the friends and family under her leadership could possibly be traitors.

"It could happen know it could." Was the gentle rebuke. "I just want to make sure you're prepared for that eventuality."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. But I still don't believe our dragons would do such a thing. We're family."

"Always." Ferox agreed. Volantes nodded in agreement, though there was a slight edge in the gesture. The atmosphere was getting ugly.

"Aaaaannnyway, let's get back to deciding what we plan on doing. We need a date. Any ideas?"

"We'll need time to prepare." Rosetta mused. "Get supplies together and instruct our parties."

"How many dragons would be coming, do you think?" The Spiral chuckled. "We can't bring the entire clan."

"Agreed, but we need a large party. Again, just in case." Siiigh. Battle strategies. Very well. Two could play at that game.

"How about this? A typical foraging group is 3 right?"


"If we bring enough dragons to form several groups of threes, and instruct them on formation if we find a threat, would that suffice."


"Heh, ok. Then how about twelve dragons? That would form about four parties, not too big, but definitely not too small. Fiona is definitely coming, so there's our healer. And twelve wouldn't overwhelm her."

"Hmmm, sounds reasonable. Now the question is, who will be going with us?"

Mary pondered for a moment. The first six were already picked out the moment the conversation began. And there was little doubt they would want to go.

"Perhaps you can help me make a decision guys." She turned to look at the two Gaolers then back to Rosetta. "I know for sure that you three will be going with me." An approved hum from her mate made her smile. "So that's four. Plus Zephyr and Fiona, obviously. So there's six...I wanted to include Spire, but..."

"No. He'll need another couple of days to recover. I'm not sure it was a good idea to agree letting him deliver this next letter." The Wildclaw shook her head.

"I didn't want me. You know how stubborn he is. And how much he loves his job. But I agree, as much as it would disappoint him, it wouldn't be a good idea to bring him about Virtue?"

"Hmmmmm...perhaps. She is very strong, if a little bit...overbearing with that piety act."

"We could bring Amber instead." Volantes offered. "It would offer her an opportunity to put her talents to use for the clan. And I know she would be honored to come."

"Very honored." Ferox agreed.

The Spiral smiled approvingly. Amber had been one of at least four dragons who recently joined the clan thanks in part to Lineage's efforts of reaching out to family members in the RainBlossom line. While the other three were focused on protecting the ward, Amber had been very eager to spend as much time as she could with Ferox and Volantes. This really would be a good bonding experiencing for her and her great-great grandparents.

"I think that's a good idea. Amber can definitely come. Right Rosetta?" A slightly annoyed huff followed this question, but there was no argument. There was no question that the Gaolers of Plightning Hollow were very strong. Especially Ferox and Volantes. The duo had proven time and time again how valuable they were to the clan. There was little doubt any one of their family would do the same.

"So that would make seven. Now I have a couple of other suggestions."

"As do I." Rosetta suddenly perked up as if in thought. "I think we should include Smendrick."

A low, rumbling chuckle from Ferox earned a glare and raised brow.

"You have something to add?"


Mary felt Rosetta's crest lift in aggravation at this 'insult' to her mentor. Oops. Time for some intervention.

"We can bring Smendrick. He'd be a great addition to the team, and Molly has others that can help her run drills." She soothed. As Rosetta relaxed, she shot a wink at Ferox, who smiled widely in return, his own swirling red eyes glittering with mirth. He did so enjoy teasing Rosie. Heh.

"So that would be eight. I can already think of two more I feel should join. Lineage, because I know she would be interested in another clan's history and it would be good for her to get out of her library for awhile."

"I...supposed." Rosetta sounded a bit dubious, but considering Mary had insisted upon Smendrick joining on her behalf, it was doubtful she would argue.

"I also think Celsius should come. He may be really shy, but he's a good fighter when it comes to it, and he can predict the weather." There was a murmur of agreement. "So that's nine and ten. We just need two more."

"Erebus" The male Gaoler suddenly spoke up.

"Hmmmm, actually that's a good idea!" Rosetta agreed, to everyone's surprise. "He's stealthy, for an Imperial. And strong besides. If we need someone to get out in a hurry and get help, he'd be very capable."

"Having a shadow dragon would be beneficial I suppose..." Volantes's hackles stood on end for a moment, her natural tendencies causing her to dig heavy claws into the floor. "He is very stealthy, and has is a very talented pathfinder."

"So it's agreed! We'll bring Erebus. I'm sure he would be glad to go, he likes exploring." Mary smiled. "So that's eleven. Now normally I would think to ask Theia to go since that is his mate, but she's been very busy helping with drills as well. Besides, I know exactly who I want as our last team member."

"Who?" The Wildclaw lifted her head a bit, one green eye squinting suspiciously at the Spiral.


At this sudden proclamation, Ferox began laughing loudly. Volantes looks similarly amused.

"As much as I like Splash, is there any particular reason? After all he is a bit...pushy."

"Yes, but he's very friendly and easy to talk to. We are going to see another clan, remember? We don't need the entire team to consist of warriors."

"Lineage isn't a warrior." Was Rosetta's rather surly reply.

"Yes, but she isn't exactly the social type either. She's quiet...and very strict. With Splash there, he'll be able to ease any tension, and he's got a gift for keeping conversation going. Besides, he's both my and Ferox's dear friend. He'd be a bit hurt if we didn't invite him."

"Ooooh...alright." The Wildclaw consented. "I guess he'd make an ok candidate. Just so long as we aren't being forced to grin the entire way there." Another bark of laughter from Ferox caused Mary to giggle and playfully bop the top of her mate's head.

"I'm sure we won't have to. So long as no one is super grumpy on the way. But anyway, we have our team. Now we just have to decide a date."

It took a while, but eventually everyone agreed that one month's time would be suitable. After Inspiration brought back confirmation of course. They would use the time he was away to plan out a path, start stocking up supplies, and prepping the teams.

Now that they had a game plan, it was finally time to respond to the letter!

Dear Oceanic "the Song" Harmony,

Thank you so much for your prompt reply! We will start preparations to meet at Zephyr Steppes as soon as Inspiration returns with your next letter. Would one month's time be alright? I figure that would give everyone enough time to plan and organize! If not, we can accommodate to a better time!

It will be myself and eleven other dragons meeting up with you. We will bring extra food and drink to add to the table. Nothing says friendship like sharing a good meal! I also wanted to note one of the dragons joining us is a researcher of family lines. I am sure she would be quite interested in the origins of your clan if you would like someone to start a family tree for you! She is very good at it!

In response to my brother,

Thank you Ozamaki! I very much look forward to seeing you again as well! It has been a long time hasn't it? It seems like we were still only hatchlings when you ventured forth on your own. I'm very glad to know that you have found a wonderful clan to join! I look forward to hearing your stories and experiences! And there is nothing wrong with misfits, after all are we not all unique in our own ways? I also look eagerly forward to meeting the members of your clans!

She paused as she re-read her brother's words, a small tinge of pink edging the scales along her face. A hero. He was too kind. Heh.

I appreciate your kind words. It does my heart good to know that other dragons I have helped are still thriving in this world. I am sure they have gone on to do great things, and to know I am a small part of that process is both humbling and gratifying. I am also sure you have done some great things yourself! I look forward to talking with you face to face soon. I am so excited!

She ended that part of the note by dipping her claw in ink and doodling her family's crest: a Obelisk's talons reaching forward, bolts of electricity flowing from the claws and forming a shape much like the fur on an Obelisk's leg. A tribute she had made herself to honor her great-grandfather, Zephyr. Satisfied that it was accurate, Mary finished the response to Oceanic.

Returning to you Miss Oceanic, we will be very careful. My team consists of very experienced travelers, so we shouldn't have too much trouble on the way. I, and my mate Rosetta, look forward to meeting Shadow. Rosetta is a warrior through and through, and I am certain she would love to hear about the skull he wears, though I may have to keep several of the others away as they are not quite as interested in a warrior's tale. There should be no trouble of them "Skull-king" about though! Haha! They are quite friendly and I am certain they are as eager as I am to mingle with your dragons and make friends!

Thank you for your kinds words about my son! He'll be delighted to hear them. He takes his job very seriously after all!

I look forward to your response! May your wings keep flight!
-Mary StormTalon

A week later, Mary, this time wrapped tightly around Rosetta, watched once again as their son departed, glowing eyes trained on the disappearing silhouette in the sky. She let out a sigh, coils twitching, until she felt a claw gently tap her shoulder.

Turning, she smiled gratefully as Ferox and Volantes took a seat next to her. Splash had joined them, his smile as bright as his burning eyes.

"Perhaps you two would like some company?" He asked as he settled on the other side. Mary grinned at the three of them.

"Yeah thanks. It's silly, I know...but-"

"There's nothing wrong with being worried about our child" Rosetta softly bapped Mary's face with a wing.

"Nothing wrong at all my dear." Splash agreed. "But allow us to distract you both from your worries for a moment."

"Pep talk." Ferox chuckled.

"Exactly! Now how about we focus our thoughts on our upcoming journey? Oh I am so excited! To think that we-"

Mary cast one glance up at the sky, once again forming a silent prayer for her son's safety, before turning to the eager Tundra to discuss their journey.

One week and a couple days, that’s how long it had been since Ocean had received the last scroll, she hadn’t realized she was even counting until Inspiration arrived again with another scroll, offering him the same hospitality as before, food and rest, whilst she, excitedly, took the scroll and flitted to her circle of friends.

Shadow, Seadancer, and Ozamaki were waiting for her on the training grounds, as she approached, they got up and walked with her into the “leaders circle”, a small, shell like room, the water, which pools in the middle of the shell, reflects off the walls, the lights dancing like they’re listening to their favorite songs.

Ocean loves this room, even now she can’t stop staring at it, reminds her of the good times. Either way, she and her crew circle around and sit in designated areas, Ocean in the front, Shadow on her left, Seadancer on her right, Ozzy in front of her.

She unfurled the scroll and began reading, laughing at the nickname, she absolutely loved it, and at the skull joke, Shadow also laughed at it, Ozzy, and Dancer however, rolled their eyes, but smiled in good humor, Shadow gave an interested nod when his part was read, Ocean could tell him and Rosetta seemed like the perfect friends, if they didn’t mistrust each other first, cut from the same cloth she supposed. Ozamaki smiled and laughed at his sisters words, enjoying the relaxed nature she seemed to have, then gained a distant look when his venturing was brought up.

Finishing the scroll, Ocean furled it back up and put it with the other Im a special storage they kept any letter of importance in, these were the first two, but it’s still worth noting!

“Wow! 12 whole new dragons! That’s gonna be fun!” Ocean replied, her markings lighting up a bit with excitement, “so that means we should bring 12 as well. I know I’m going, Ozzy and Shadow too”

Both nodded in agreement with this

“Dancey pants, you wanna come too? Or would you like to sty with the clan for now?”

Seadancer snorted at the nickname, his mate always seemed to make a new one up everytime she addressed him, “I’d love to go! This dragon is bringing her mate after all, I think it would be in good form to have both of us there representing the clan.” He stated thoughtfully.

“We’ll need more guards then.” Shadow suggested, “don’t get me wrong, these dragons seem fine, in fact” he chuckled, “their leader may as well have been in the same nest as ours considering they both act almost the exact same way” he smiled towards Ocean, who smiled back with a happy nod, “but I wanna be sure we’re ready for anything, enemy attacks, traitorous behavior, traps, pranks” he looked pointedly at Ozzy, who smirked and looked away

“Why I haven’t the faintest as to what you’re referring too” he stated sarcastically

Shadow simply raised an unapproving brow then shook his head, “either way”

“Well who do you suggest?” Ocean asked, tilting her head to the side questioningly

“Patronum, Swiftfang, and CottonCandy.” Shadow said, “Patronum may be new, but he’s got a lot of skill and strength, and has a friendly damenor, if a little shy, he’s also very loyal, and I believe he came from a similar, if not the same, clan. Swiftfang is, as his name suggests, a very fast fae, I honestly wonder if he may have some Wildclaw or Spiral in him, he flies and runs fast! Tat kind of speed we’ll need for a quick get away. Cotton, on the other hand, is both agile and smart, we’ll need her strategies just in case”

Ocean and Seadancer both nodded, “ok, so me, Ballerina butt, Shadad, Ozzy, Swifty, Patro, and Cotton are all coming, but that’s only 7, we need 5 more”

“How about Conch and Sage, they love to travel and experience new things, plus they haven’t gone out in a very long time, who knows, maybe the other clan would like to meet some mages?” Seadancer suggested

Ocean smiled, “oooh! They’d love that! Ok so Shelly and Sagey, thats 9, 3 more”

She then noticed that Ozamaki had been strangely quiet, looking over at him she saw him frowning with worry

“Hey Oz” Ocean called, getting his attention, “you okay? You’re quiet, which is strang for you”

He sighed, she could always tell, he never knew how either, he chuckled and looked at her, “sorry, I’m just…. Thinking”

“That’s a first” Shadow chuckled

Ozamaki gave him a grumpled look, understanding it was a joke, he then looked back at Ocean, “from the way my sister wrote, she never knew why I left in the first place, which I guess is a good thing, but I’m worried she may ask, what do I tell her?! Do I just lie and say “oh I saw something pretty and decided it was worth leaving for” or do I tell her the truth? I…. I don’t think I wanna talk about the truth….” He put his head in his claws, trying not to panic, “she’s my sister, I love her, but…. What do I say? “Why I left? Oh funny story, I saw a thing and ended up lost because of it, no biggie” sure… great conversation starter….” He stopped when he noticed the others staring at him, worried expressions clear on their faces

“….I’m sorry….” He laid his head on the ground, wanting very much to sink into it right now

“How about Tamarix?”

Ozamaki lifted his head and stared at Ocean, she was smiling, her eyes filled with worry but love, he smiled back, realizing she was doing that for him, “you don’t have to”

“I know.” She nodded, “but I think you need her to be there, she is your mate after all, and who knows, maybe having one more leader won’t be a bad thing” she smiled, “especially if it means you’re a little more at ease”

His smile grew bigger, “thank you Ocean”

She nodded, “so that’s 10, we need 2 more dragons”

Everyone started to think, wondering who would fit the roles, they had guards and mages, leaders too, they needed someone else, someone different, then Seadancer got an idea

“What about Plato!” He replied, “he’s our best record keeper, didn’t Miss Mary say something about a family tree, he’d be ALL FOR that”

The entire room was filled with agreements for each member, “that leaves one m-!”

“Berry.” Shadow said

“….ok, no more” Ocean chuckled

“Berry? Why Berry?” Ozzy asked, confusion etched onto his face “I mean no offense, but she’s a hunter, for food”

Shadow shrugged, “she’s skilled, friendly, and easy goin, if the conversation goes dry, she’s our secret, talkative, weapon” he replied, “….plus she’s funny” he smiled

“Pfft!” Ocean couldn’t stop herself in time before the laughter came out, “ok yeah, she’s hilarious, I have a feeling that’s the biggest reason she’s coming huh?”

Shadow shrugged, but his secret smile was all the confirmation Ocean needed

“Ok! 12 dragoons” she said, “I’ll write the letter and give Inspiration the go ahead, you all prepare our troops for a the journey”

They all walked out, all except Ozamaki, who was just about to leave when Ocean called him back

“What’s up sarg?” He asked tilting his head to the side

“Sarg pfft!” She giggled, before clearing her throat, “I just wanted to chat a minute, I know you’re worried about this, what your sister will think if you tell her the truth about why you left” she watched as he sighed and sat down, he was looking at the ground, a sure sign he had wished she didn’t notice, smiling she sat next to him

“Is it that obvious?”

She nodded, “ a bit, but listen” she sat down next to him, “you’ve grown so much since I found you that day, you were tiny, and scared, and you wouldn’t speak to anyone unless they were me or The dancin man, but now you’ve grown, you’re strong, intelligent, brave, and one of the coolest spirals I know!” She paused, letting her words sink in a moment, “…. I know your past still affects you. Trust me I’ve been there, but I don’t believe you have anything to fear”

He looked at her, much like a scared child looking at their mother would, “how do you know?” He asked, “you’ve never met her”

Ocean smiled, “it didn’t take me long to realize this dragon has a very big heart, she’s kind and sweet, but also a very good leader if her messenger is anyone to go by.” She smirked at his chuckle, then continued, “you’ve been through a lot, you’ve seen a lot, when I found you that day, I only wanted to protect you, but now” she lifted a wing and placed it around his shoulders, “I’ve seen you grow into such a strong, intelligent, brave, an strategic dragon, and I couldn’t be prouder!” Her smile widened as did his, “you’re an amazing dragon Oz, and I hope you remember that”

He snuggled her, sighing with relief, “you always know exactly what to say, thank you so much Ocean!”

She nodded in response, they held that pose for a moment or two, then let go, she waved goodbye to him as Ozamaki was about to part, when Sage popped in, out of breath

“So, Amp is joining” she exclaimed

“What?” Ocean questioned

“Amp is joining, he was a part of that clan and wants to join” Sage explained

Ocean ruffled her wings a little, a bit surprised by the news, but nodded and smiled once more, “alright, I guess one more dragon won’t do any harm, thank you for letting me know”

Sage nodded, and flew off, Oz following behind her, chuckling to himself.


Dear Mary “The Wild” StormTalon

Ocean wrote a couple hours later

12 is perfectly fine with us! We were gonna bring 12 as well, but I guess someone else from you clan joined our ranks, his name is Amp, he’s been with us for a while now and recognized your clans name, so he’s coming to, if that’s alright with you of course :)

She added the smile with a chuckle at the imperials desire to join the party

we can provide food as well, and drinks from the finest of cauldrons! We can’t wait to get this party underway, and a month is plenty of time for that to happen! We only hope that you have fun and enjoy your time with us!

She chuckled as she wrote this next part

Shadow is very interested in sharing his “bone crushing” review of his “skull-ka-pades”. He can’t wait to entice you all with the illuminating tale of all things bloody with that skull, trust me when I say it’s quite “bone chilling”

Laughing at her own jokes, she calmed herself again, this part needed to be said, for his sake

Mary, I wanted to be serious for a moment, I believe you are a kind and fair leader, and an honest one at that, so I must be the same.

She sighed a bit as she wrote more

Ozamaki is a bit nervous about this meet up, he’s seen some things that have scarred him for years, traumatized him even. He’s been haunted of those images for a long time, so I wanted to let you know, he’s an amazing dragon, and he’s gotten so much better then when I found him, but….

She sighed again, though she considered him a part of her family more than she ought to admit, she knew she wasn’t the one he needed acceptance from, he needed it from someone who was from the same place, he was a lighting dragon after all, and she knew that only another like him could really make him feel fully accepted, like he wasn’t…. An outcast

sometimes he still can’t get out of his own head. Like an ache from an old wound, it flares up at the worst of times, I have a feeling you may understand what I mean. You are a very amazing dragon yourself, and I hope that you enjoy your time with us here, I sincerely do! I can’t wait to meet your clan and you the most! Thank you for indulging at this time, and for allowing me to say this without fear of judgement. I will send a prayer your messengers way for his safe return, bless your travels from the ocean and sea! May your songs forever be free! May this blessing find you well, and may the darkness cease to dwell! Sincerely, Oceanic Harmony

She finished writing and handed the scroll over to Inspiration. Watching him depart she sent a quick prayer his way and went about getting things prepared, this was going to be a momentous occasion, and she wanted to make sure they had everything they needed to make it a success!
One week and a couple days, that’s how long it had been since Ocean had received the last scroll, she hadn’t realized she was even counting until Inspiration arrived again with another scroll, offering him the same hospitality as before, food and rest, whilst she, excitedly, took the scroll and flitted to her circle of friends.

Shadow, Seadancer, and Ozamaki were waiting for her on the training grounds, as she approached, they got up and walked with her into the “leaders circle”, a small, shell like room, the water, which pools in the middle of the shell, reflects off the walls, the lights dancing like they’re listening to their favorite songs.

Ocean loves this room, even now she can’t stop staring at it, reminds her of the good times. Either way, she and her crew circle around and sit in designated areas, Ocean in the front, Shadow on her left, Seadancer on her right, Ozzy in front of her.

She unfurled the scroll and began reading, laughing at the nickname, she absolutely loved it, and at the skull joke, Shadow also laughed at it, Ozzy, and Dancer however, rolled their eyes, but smiled in good humor, Shadow gave an interested nod when his part was read, Ocean could tell him and Rosetta seemed like the perfect friends, if they didn’t mistrust each other first, cut from the same cloth she supposed. Ozamaki smiled and laughed at his sisters words, enjoying the relaxed nature she seemed to have, then gained a distant look when his venturing was brought up.

Finishing the scroll, Ocean furled it back up and put it with the other Im a special storage they kept any letter of importance in, these were the first two, but it’s still worth noting!

“Wow! 12 whole new dragons! That’s gonna be fun!” Ocean replied, her markings lighting up a bit with excitement, “so that means we should bring 12 as well. I know I’m going, Ozzy and Shadow too”

Both nodded in agreement with this

“Dancey pants, you wanna come too? Or would you like to sty with the clan for now?”

Seadancer snorted at the nickname, his mate always seemed to make a new one up everytime she addressed him, “I’d love to go! This dragon is bringing her mate after all, I think it would be in good form to have both of us there representing the clan.” He stated thoughtfully.

“We’ll need more guards then.” Shadow suggested, “don’t get me wrong, these dragons seem fine, in fact” he chuckled, “their leader may as well have been in the same nest as ours considering they both act almost the exact same way” he smiled towards Ocean, who smiled back with a happy nod, “but I wanna be sure we’re ready for anything, enemy attacks, traitorous behavior, traps, pranks” he looked pointedly at Ozzy, who smirked and looked away

“Why I haven’t the faintest as to what you’re referring too” he stated sarcastically

Shadow simply raised an unapproving brow then shook his head, “either way”

“Well who do you suggest?” Ocean asked, tilting her head to the side questioningly

“Patronum, Swiftfang, and CottonCandy.” Shadow said, “Patronum may be new, but he’s got a lot of skill and strength, and has a friendly damenor, if a little shy, he’s also very loyal, and I believe he came from a similar, if not the same, clan. Swiftfang is, as his name suggests, a very fast fae, I honestly wonder if he may have some Wildclaw or Spiral in him, he flies and runs fast! Tat kind of speed we’ll need for a quick get away. Cotton, on the other hand, is both agile and smart, we’ll need her strategies just in case”

Ocean and Seadancer both nodded, “ok, so me, Ballerina butt, Shadad, Ozzy, Swifty, Patro, and Cotton are all coming, but that’s only 7, we need 5 more”

“How about Conch and Sage, they love to travel and experience new things, plus they haven’t gone out in a very long time, who knows, maybe the other clan would like to meet some mages?” Seadancer suggested

Ocean smiled, “oooh! They’d love that! Ok so Shelly and Sagey, thats 9, 3 more”

She then noticed that Ozamaki had been strangely quiet, looking over at him she saw him frowning with worry

“Hey Oz” Ocean called, getting his attention, “you okay? You’re quiet, which is strang for you”

He sighed, she could always tell, he never knew how either, he chuckled and looked at her, “sorry, I’m just…. Thinking”

“That’s a first” Shadow chuckled

Ozamaki gave him a grumpled look, understanding it was a joke, he then looked back at Ocean, “from the way my sister wrote, she never knew why I left in the first place, which I guess is a good thing, but I’m worried she may ask, what do I tell her?! Do I just lie and say “oh I saw something pretty and decided it was worth leaving for” or do I tell her the truth? I…. I don’t think I wanna talk about the truth….” He put his head in his claws, trying not to panic, “she’s my sister, I love her, but…. What do I say? “Why I left? Oh funny story, I saw a thing and ended up lost because of it, no biggie” sure… great conversation starter….” He stopped when he noticed the others staring at him, worried expressions clear on their faces

“….I’m sorry….” He laid his head on the ground, wanting very much to sink into it right now

“How about Tamarix?”

Ozamaki lifted his head and stared at Ocean, she was smiling, her eyes filled with worry but love, he smiled back, realizing she was doing that for him, “you don’t have to”

“I know.” She nodded, “but I think you need her to be there, she is your mate after all, and who knows, maybe having one more leader won’t be a bad thing” she smiled, “especially if it means you’re a little more at ease”

His smile grew bigger, “thank you Ocean”

She nodded, “so that’s 10, we need 2 more dragons”

Everyone started to think, wondering who would fit the roles, they had guards and mages, leaders too, they needed someone else, someone different, then Seadancer got an idea

“What about Plato!” He replied, “he’s our best record keeper, didn’t Miss Mary say something about a family tree, he’d be ALL FOR that”

The entire room was filled with agreements for each member, “that leaves one m-!”

“Berry.” Shadow said

“….ok, no more” Ocean chuckled

“Berry? Why Berry?” Ozzy asked, confusion etched onto his face “I mean no offense, but she’s a hunter, for food”

Shadow shrugged, “she’s skilled, friendly, and easy goin, if the conversation goes dry, she’s our secret, talkative, weapon” he replied, “….plus she’s funny” he smiled

“Pfft!” Ocean couldn’t stop herself in time before the laughter came out, “ok yeah, she’s hilarious, I have a feeling that’s the biggest reason she’s coming huh?”

Shadow shrugged, but his secret smile was all the confirmation Ocean needed

“Ok! 12 dragoons” she said, “I’ll write the letter and give Inspiration the go ahead, you all prepare our troops for a the journey”

They all walked out, all except Ozamaki, who was just about to leave when Ocean called him back

“What’s up sarg?” He asked tilting his head to the side

“Sarg pfft!” She giggled, before clearing her throat, “I just wanted to chat a minute, I know you’re worried about this, what your sister will think if you tell her the truth about why you left” she watched as he sighed and sat down, he was looking at the ground, a sure sign he had wished she didn’t notice, smiling she sat next to him

“Is it that obvious?”

She nodded, “ a bit, but listen” she sat down next to him, “you’ve grown so much since I found you that day, you were tiny, and scared, and you wouldn’t speak to anyone unless they were me or The dancin man, but now you’ve grown, you’re strong, intelligent, brave, and one of the coolest spirals I know!” She paused, letting her words sink in a moment, “…. I know your past still affects you. Trust me I’ve been there, but I don’t believe you have anything to fear”

He looked at her, much like a scared child looking at their mother would, “how do you know?” He asked, “you’ve never met her”

Ocean smiled, “it didn’t take me long to realize this dragon has a very big heart, she’s kind and sweet, but also a very good leader if her messenger is anyone to go by.” She smirked at his chuckle, then continued, “you’ve been through a lot, you’ve seen a lot, when I found you that day, I only wanted to protect you, but now” she lifted a wing and placed it around his shoulders, “I’ve seen you grow into such a strong, intelligent, brave, an strategic dragon, and I couldn’t be prouder!” Her smile widened as did his, “you’re an amazing dragon Oz, and I hope you remember that”

He snuggled her, sighing with relief, “you always know exactly what to say, thank you so much Ocean!”

She nodded in response, they held that pose for a moment or two, then let go, she waved goodbye to him as Ozamaki was about to part, when Sage popped in, out of breath

“So, Amp is joining” she exclaimed

“What?” Ocean questioned

“Amp is joining, he was a part of that clan and wants to join” Sage explained

Ocean ruffled her wings a little, a bit surprised by the news, but nodded and smiled once more, “alright, I guess one more dragon won’t do any harm, thank you for letting me know”

Sage nodded, and flew off, Oz following behind her, chuckling to himself.


Dear Mary “The Wild” StormTalon

Ocean wrote a couple hours later

12 is perfectly fine with us! We were gonna bring 12 as well, but I guess someone else from you clan joined our ranks, his name is Amp, he’s been with us for a while now and recognized your clans name, so he’s coming to, if that’s alright with you of course :)

She added the smile with a chuckle at the imperials desire to join the party

we can provide food as well, and drinks from the finest of cauldrons! We can’t wait to get this party underway, and a month is plenty of time for that to happen! We only hope that you have fun and enjoy your time with us!

She chuckled as she wrote this next part

Shadow is very interested in sharing his “bone crushing” review of his “skull-ka-pades”. He can’t wait to entice you all with the illuminating tale of all things bloody with that skull, trust me when I say it’s quite “bone chilling”

Laughing at her own jokes, she calmed herself again, this part needed to be said, for his sake

Mary, I wanted to be serious for a moment, I believe you are a kind and fair leader, and an honest one at that, so I must be the same.

She sighed a bit as she wrote more

Ozamaki is a bit nervous about this meet up, he’s seen some things that have scarred him for years, traumatized him even. He’s been haunted of those images for a long time, so I wanted to let you know, he’s an amazing dragon, and he’s gotten so much better then when I found him, but….

She sighed again, though she considered him a part of her family more than she ought to admit, she knew she wasn’t the one he needed acceptance from, he needed it from someone who was from the same place, he was a lighting dragon after all, and she knew that only another like him could really make him feel fully accepted, like he wasn’t…. An outcast

sometimes he still can’t get out of his own head. Like an ache from an old wound, it flares up at the worst of times, I have a feeling you may understand what I mean. You are a very amazing dragon yourself, and I hope that you enjoy your time with us here, I sincerely do! I can’t wait to meet your clan and you the most! Thank you for indulging at this time, and for allowing me to say this without fear of judgement. I will send a prayer your messengers way for his safe return, bless your travels from the ocean and sea! May your songs forever be free! May this blessing find you well, and may the darkness cease to dwell! Sincerely, Oceanic Harmony

She finished writing and handed the scroll over to Inspiration. Watching him depart she sent a quick prayer his way and went about getting things prepared, this was going to be a momentous occasion, and she wanted to make sure they had everything they needed to make it a success!